Some pregnancy or confinement practices do not have scientific proofs..Just take it with a pitch of salt. Don't be too affected by it. Your relatives may have good intention giving all their opinions n views, but it is us who will be doing confinement, we just need to do what we think is reasonable and best for ourselves and our babies.
For example: bathing during confinement..my view point is, if we don't bathe, when we feed our babies, wouldn't we expose them to the bacteria and germs from our bodies? we Sterilize all the bottles and stuff, but we dun "Sterilize" ourselves..don't make sense isn't it?
I ever asked people about the "bathing" myth and was told that this practice is referring to the really olden days where during winter, water is really cold and with no heater. In Humid Spore, it does not apply. If we are really concern, bathe with rice wine or "da feng cao" herbs. as for washing of hair, washed liao..Just need to blow dry with dryer.
As for not touching water, if so, does it mean to say, we cannot brush our teeth and wash our face when we wakes up in the morning too? We'll be touching water during these time too right?
As for aircon or fans.it's really up to individual, my belief is that Fan is acceptable as it provides ventilation and as long as we dun blow them directly towards us for long period of time.. In hosp when we stay, we either stay in aircon room or in wards with fans, right?
During confinement it is ok to take fruits, like apples and papaya..

Afterall, papaya soup is 1 dish that helps us to increase BM right?
In all things, just remember..take everything in moderation. ;-)
Have a happy confinement is the most important thing. baby will feel our moods..