aiyoh which hospital did she go to? That's not very nice to be shaved, I hate the feeling and so itchy afterwards! It's not standard procedure to be shaved though. You can tell the nurse you prefer not to be shaved. Actually sometimes the nurses and midwives do strange and unnecessary things. My friend who delivered in US had a mid wife insert her hand into her vigorously massaging the inside to try to stretch her open! She was sore and swollen for weeks. Her doctor told her she should have told the midwife to stop. Guess as a first time mom she trusted that the midwife knew what she was doing and did not question the lady.
aiyoh which hospital did she go to? That's not very nice to be shaved, I hate the feeling and so itchy afterwards! It's not standard procedure to be shaved though. You can tell the nurse you prefer not to be shaved. Actually sometimes the nurses and midwives do strange and unnecessary things. My friend who delivered in US had a mid wife insert her hand into her vigorously massaging the inside to try to stretch her open! She was sore and swollen for weeks. Her doctor told her she should have told the midwife to stop. Guess as a first time mom she trusted that the midwife knew what she was doing and did not question the lady.