RE: Work till delivery
I worked till I popped for #1.
I'm working from home now, so intend to so the same for this #2 [IMG=]
Actually whether you can work till you pop also depends on a few factors.
1. Some may pop 1-3 weeks earlier than EDD. So if you intend to stop work 1 week before EDD to rest and you pop before that, er... not within our control
2. If you leave suddenly (though they know roughly when you'll be on leave), your company can find replacement to report to work so quickly? Cos with my #1, I was a teacher in school. During those weeks leading to EDD, my boss already re-distributed a lot of my work and they've already gotten the replacement teacher to step in to assist me in class (so she knows what's going on and get to know the students first also). So when I popped suddenly (2 weeks early), they were all prepared.
3. Medical conditions - sometimes other conditions may cause gynae to ask us to go for induce/c section at last minute if baby or mummy is in danger (high blood pressure, low amniotic fluid, etc)
So, just keep an open mind about the leave [IMG=][IMG=][IMG=]
RE: Insurance
As mentioned before, check with your agent on your existing policies first. Some policies do cover pregnancy related complications IF you bought the policy more than 1 yr before getting preggie [IMG=]
However, if you don't have any, you can check out Prudential. So far they are the only ones who have the policy for preggies & newborns (cover from the moment they are born instead of after 1 mth like other companies).
For Prudential, you can purchase the policy anytime between 18 - 32 weeks. Best to talk to agent to understand the whole policy. I've already spoken to the agent and I'm just waiting for 18 weeks to arrive (1more mth) before I make my purchase [IMG=]