Hey carole, thks for updating the list with gender.. appreciate it..
Thks bbpotato, i will jus eat as much as i can and let nature takes it course.. hehe.. i will try nt to worry abt the size. I like durian too, infact i have been craving for durian too but hasn’t got the time to go to the stall to eat.. im a durian lover.. yum yum
Pipi, my phlegm is those that u eat too much sweet stuff or when u develop cough that kind of phlegm, but whatever i eat i have it.. haiz.. like nw, jus finish a packin of beehoon, phlegm came liao.. anyway, i am sick of it, jus let it be there, don’t feel like eating medication, cos every morning got to eat folic acid, multivitamin and fish oil liaos.. yucks... haha.. the size of the BB is see from the scan the doc printed for me, ur print copy shld have state? Me also not sure hw much weight i gain, cos doc didn’t measure for me. U are not weak cos I do get giddy too if i walk too much or weather hot..
Joyjoy, ur doc provide u with scan copy then u can see size from there.. since u have twins, is ur ms getting better?