(2011/08) Aug 2011

good morning mtbs [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

juz saw gynae yesterday -- bb is 2.8kg @ 37wk (growth slow down), bb still head down, placenta has moved up -- all clear for natural birth *yeah* gynae said anytime from now -- maybe a national day baby. i said i prefer aug 13 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] will see him in 2 weeks time -- if haven't pop by then, will discuss the next step... so the waiting game begins now!

carol, yup, getting lesser sleep nowadays... guess body is preparing us for nite bfg... last nite, woke up twice with sharp pain at left/right side of lower tummy... maybe i pressed on a nerve...

sungrapes, i still have some minor stuff to buy but too lazy to chiong taka... will juz ask hubby to get from nearby mall... did u make a trip down?

jia you, all mtbs [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] the waiting game may be over sooner than u think!

Thanks Sungrapes and Cutie and Adv_Sports. Hope i can skip the post natal blue, but I think quite tough, coz didn't have strong family support after my mum left say 3wk in my confinement. Will se...

Ken (sad_hubby), no plan to induce. Many said this year 7th months is good for giving birth, coz bb is smarter. Many live cases that induce will result in c-sect coz the condition of the uterus, cervix, bb etc are not yet ready. Like durian not yet ripe, so, if you "force", may not end in good result. Consult your gynae bah. Even if he/she didn't want to say much, you can ask since you paid the consultation charges mah.

Pipi, ya, i got soft stool, so i think is normal. Oredi like weeks like this.

Welcome Elaine. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I'm doing my job handover in the next 2 wks, can' wait for the weekend and national day break. Plan to make some shifting of the furniture in the master bedroom during national holiday. So, many things seems undone, though sometime feel i over prepared liaw... really wonder when my gal will be out. I'm in wk 36+1D now. 28 more days to go to my EDD. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Have day ahead gals...

sungrapes: The taka bb fair seems not bad. Did you see our FB post, got goodie bag with nice stuff..but dun think I can go there anymore cos 10 days more to my due date. (I forgot and it was my mum's maid who reminded me...omg!!! So near yet so far)

Ken: Hahah you are a GUY in this forum. Very few guys would be as "gan cheong" as you. Mostly are mtbs who are more "gan cheong". If you wanna avoid the 7th month (which is starting this Sun), you should tell your gynae, and yes gynae can induced and break your wife's waterbag but I wouldn't do that b/c it's artificial. But if you/your family super "pantang", then this is the option for you. What sungrapes mentioned is the other option of making bb come out faster too! Good luck.

BDQ: I like your description to Ken about 'unripe durian' . hohoho I am laughing while reading it.

I am seeing my gynae this Fri, will probably bug him and ask him the same old qn, is the bb ready to be out. I am tired with the heavy tummy. 10 more days seems near but yet far. Actually I hope bb come out on 7th month cos bb who come out on 7th mth are really more 'jing'. (ie: I realised tt my mum's maid(7th mth bday) is more 'jing' than my maid (10th mth bday). I have 2 uncles born on 7th mth, both are v filial and one of them is doing well in own biz.

anyone can share how u all are planning out your BB room / nursery?

intend to let new maid sleep in BB room but heard that must position in such a way that BB cannot see maid else will think she is the mother.

intially wanted cot in our master bedroom but if put in, must dismantle if need to shift out.cannot walk and will affect HB sleep.also might as well park it int h room with the changing table and all of BB stuff. always need bring small bowl of water with cotton balls to wipe after poo poo?

anyway- its just a few steps to next room. no big deal. it will also reinstate that its my BB room, not maid room.

how are u mommies planning to bathe the BB? everyday or after how many days then can bathe BB. bathe in master bedroom toilet with the BB tub on floor? like very low ont he floor - then we also cannot squat down... can just have the water tub on our bed.. BB still small just wipe wipe good enough?

just imagining how things to be done now....

if all so pantang about 7 month BBs then must pre plan ahead when conceiving liao....

its ok one la - just that all the burning and smoke is quite annoying during this period and worry for air quality for BB.

hi mummies,

gd morning....i had an fault alarm this early morning again....i had once 1 July, so everyone tot i will deliver soon...but till now still waiting...i got contraction from 430am till 7plus...den gone again...now am back to normal again...Duno isit healthy for bb anot??

my edd next Thurs....

gilera: My bb's room is also maid's room. Hahahah..My bb's bed is in b/w the maid and confinement lady's bed. The bb's cot which can be pulled down is facing my confinement lady currently. After confinement lady leaves, I will see if my maid can handle, if yes, I will combined the 2 single beds and move bb's bed nearer to wardrobe area. Hahaha dunno if you understand what I am saying.

My maid's room is just beside my room, for bathing bb, I think it will be done in the master bed room bah. Just dring the diapers+ towel+clothes and cream only. No ma fan.

Gilera: The burning not everyday right? Anyway when they start burning, just close windows and on air con. I think only 2 days of burning if I rem correctly. I usually close my windows cos sometimes the joss papers fly upwards and land up in my living room. I am not pantang lah but prev I am lazy w household chores. Now got maid, hahaha, maid can clean.

karen: If anything, just go hospital cos now is our critical period. All very near EDD. I oso v scared bb move lesser...if lesser, I will chiong to hospital liaoz.

hubby and I have agreed to wake up once per night by each person to check tt the maid sterilised the bottles + make the milk for bb to drink correctly. Must see tt bb finish before we hit the bed again.

Not sure if any of you are hiring maids/have maids but you might want to do this.

LOl - i guess i can imagine ur description...

so both sides your BB can see someone.

coz my master toilet have wet/dry area : shower glass screen abit squashy if need to bring in the tub and then BB into the shower area. maybe will try just put tub on master bed...

think there are 2 major burning days but everyday might have ppl burn lei... infront the burn bins, behind sure have those big big ceremony + i am 360 surrounded with BTO buildings and construction. very frustrating... TV have to on very loud even ard 7-8 pm the machines still clong-clang-gong!

pipi - is this your BB #1?

i am trying to squirm by not having CL, though HB wants to have one.

new maid coming is mother of 2 and she is relative of grandma's maid & brother maid. so like they one family work for our family.

my mom will come take care of me, maybe nv stay overnight but at least she knows me and my food preference. HB was looking forward to vinegar pork leg which i dun really fancy.

mother is worried to offend MIL by taking care of me. i was like ???? hello???? u are my mother lei.

coz it seems MIL wants to participate and i guess the other side all the 3 gu 6 po all incite her that its her job to look after me... geez

Gilera: Your toilet concept same as mine lah. wet/dry toilet. I think prob CL will put bathtub on the toilet bowl and then bathe bb, wrap bb up and put on my bed to dress her. during this time, all windows will be closed, including my MBR door else wind will come in.

If your maid is relative/friends of the current maids in your family oso good, so that she wont be home sick. But be careful of your luxury items (watches, $, etc) cos they might pass to other families and try to get it out to sell for some $.

My maid is from the same Indon agency as my mum's maid. At least can talk and not feel bored. Soon, my grans's maid will be arrviing in Aug, then my mum's pl will be like an Indon hostel...3 maids. Hahahaha...anyway good too cos if they want to eat sambal, can prep for 3 person. Hahahaha.

Gilera: Rest more during confinement period. Not sure about you but I really need to build up my body if I want to have #2. I already on 9 mths leave...if I need to go another 9 mths for #2, I think my boss will ask me to go fly kite.

I dun think your MIL is so petty bah. Actually MIL will be more happy tt you are taken care by your own mum so that she dun have to care. Dunno if your MIL has a daughter, if yes, she will not be offended one. Trust me! (My own mum also preferred my SIL's mum to take care of her. And my own MIL, although ask me how is my prep for my confinement stuff, I could feel she cares but not to the extend whr she will take care of me during confinement period.

Haha..PiPi..nowadays Father also play an important role in family and preparation..haha..But Govt only legislated maternity leave and not paternity leave..FTB usually will take 3-5 days of AL to acompany wife and baby after birth..Need to settle alot of things..but sad, no paternity leave..

wow - u on leave since preggy? *envy*

MIL have 2 daughters, elder one suffered m/c and did mini confinement in MIL house. (we conceived nearly the same time)

MIL OFFERED to do my confinement then recently INSTRUCTED me to move over to her house to do confinement. *irritating & angry*

My mom told me to let HB answer her, rather than hearing it from me. Like must go through the correct channel so wont offend.

she has all good intentions and treats me well , birds nest, concerned but is very religious and everything linked to religion which is annoying. if things go well its becuz of her prayers. if things go bad, its becuz we didnt pray hard enough. geez....

one morning when i just reached work, she called to start nagging and preaching and ruined my mood the whole day. i cant complain to HB how irritating i find her , but only voice out that she called to start nagging. just state the facts. he told me to ignore her. but its just gets to my nerves and angers my angry bones to activiate….

Other than that, she has been calling HB to find out abt me. He will just entertain her ‘hmmm, hmmmm’ for 10 mins on the phone, or he will purposely tell her that I ate a pineapple to freak her out.

Latest call, HB never tell me what she said. He say “u wont wanna hear one la” seems he knows that I irritated by her nagging.

gilera: Just one ear in and one ear out bah. I think what your mum said is correct, let your hubby tell her that your confinement will be done by your own mum. This is a tactical move!

My MIL dun allow me to drink tea - no lemon tea, lipton tea, etc etc..the only tea I can drink is ginseng tea but gynae says no ginseng tea for me. In MIL's hse, I dun drink tea. But in my own hse, my fridge is stocked with Ice Lemon Tea (packet type). Hahahah... I think they are trying to give us the best advice but sometimes hard to follow cos bb wanna drink. Kekekeke.

I am sooo bored at home (own) today cos I can't nap. Bb woke up so early today (5+am) to drink choc milk. My mum brought lunch to my pl cos her pl is HOT DENGUE area now. I have 4 neighbours who are down w dengue. And one neighbour told her not to ask me to go over, in case I kenna bitten then chia latt.

Jess: I tried to look for "tuan yuan" but cannot find it on internet yet so cannot watch. I think I heard of "tuan yuan" from FB.

Seems like some of you had your maids already... I'm waiting for mine cos there were some delays... Now, confirm she will reach sg tmrw. Now what worries me is I do not have the time to train her. After her 1 week training, it's my due date already. And I'm feeling I will pop anytime...

Oh yes, anyone experience this pain at groin area? Think it's baby head at my pelvic? Cos I dun feel breathless anymore...

last night i complained to my HB i very tired and want the BB fast come out. he scold me that BB not ready yet - cannot say such things.

i didnt mean it that way la....

been having groin pain since wk 28, mentioend this b4 its some pubic dysfuntion thing.

seems nothing can do about it.

u dun feel breathless anymore means BB head down already? heard that once head down, legs will kick and poke into ribs???

Ya, me too... as long as bb move and kicks, don't mind where she kicks. Only by this i know she is ok and cosy inside. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Great tat Ken knows daddy plays an important role, but not every man willing to contribute or care actually. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] keep it up, your wife is so blessed!

hey did ur have rashes on your thighs n what what did u do to stop the itch? have problems sleeping...was prescribed a medicine called piriton... but i always scared of taking medicine although gynae say its safe...but the itch is reli irritating me...


will u let the maid attend to ur bb during the nite?

wat abt putting a small size playpen in ur room instead of those large bb cot? im gg to do that cos my bb cot oso very big and unable to fit thru door way. im using the Graco pack n play playpen. itz very compact.

u can oso consider putting a jug of boiled cool water in the bb rm to use when u need to clean her backside after poo instead of getting water frm bathrm/kitchen..mre convenient for u.

bathing of bb..will leave to the CL. But i do have the metal bathstand cos i dun wanna squat down. i plan to bath bb in the master rm bathrm. or if ur kitchen is draft free, can bath there on the countertop beside the sink.

any mummies gg to let maid take care of newborn??

hmm...any worries that they cant handle or cant wake themselves up to attend to bb during the nite??


no wonder u so gan cheong wor! i suppose ur wife can try walking as much as she can to hurry up the process.

sungrapes - i will attend to BB at night, concerned that BB will disrupt HB and maid sleep. will also ensure maid prepares everything for me for night shift.

ya... also thinking if BB should bunk with us in room or sleep with me on bed then HB on floor. but thats not very good for having a sound rest and BB might have tough time getting used to his own room. couples must have a pact if not getting caught up with all these then our relationship turn downwards.

is there any maternity shop selling dresses in taka? i find most comfortable in dress, nothing at waist to squash me.... sometimes undies also annoying , then roll them down to under tummy also feel as if dropping....

feel like rackee taka BB fair and Sephora!!!

Hi mummies

Good morning (,")

I would need some advices from you.

1) Do you shave BB's entire hair before her 1st month birthday? If yes, where do you bring BB for her hair shave?

2) For BB Gal's 1st month birthday, is it advisable to postpone 1 week from her actual date? Or it can only be earlier than actual date?

Thanks a lot. I am so loss.

Just came back from my wk 38th check up. 1cm dilated only, and gynae decided to assist me to speed up by doing membrane sweep. He assured me it is the right thing to do even when I asked him if the cervix will be ruptured with this process.

Membrane sweeping experience: My gynae was holding my right hand, just to assure me. The process takes about 2 mins, maybe. Ok, the feeling is as if something pushing your inside (V) and then it goes deeper and deeper. Breathing helps ease tension. Its not painful but just uncomfy.

Buffy, my mum said it can be done early for 1st month shower but not later. (tt's what the folks says but if your folks dun mind, you can do it anytime.

As for hair cutting, we can DIY, my mum says just snip from the sides and back, then put into ang bao tog. with umbilical cord, and keep.

Elaine: I have been having groin aches for the longest time and everytime I asked gynae, he says normal.

Membrane sweep to help spped up dilation?

what went in? his hand / equipment to poke or scrap?

where do we keep the ang pao with hair and cord?

must keep how long?

i hv 27days to go, yippie..

a lot of ppl said i will give birth ealier like 2weeks before my EDD, based on their experience haha.. If 2 weeks before EDD will be somewhere close to nation day le..

Lately got rain, at least not that bad.

Maybe we will hv more heavy pouring during our confinement [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi mummies, i would like to join the thread, expecting my second baby girl and edd end Aug. my no.1 is born jan 2008. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i saw some of u getting a maid and my maid juz arrived too, still trying to adapt and teach her wat to do. do u gals allow ur maid to use hp?

heard that after delivery will bleed for 6 weeks.

natural and C sec also will bleed for 6 weeks?

heavy flow menses pad good enough ???

or need to get maternity pads (also called maternity towels)

can someone describe KOTEX maternity loop pads?

it doesnt stick on undies , must still wear undies?

gilera, no need buy maternity pads, juz get those longer or heavy flow pads for nite use. lochia will last 3-6 weeks depends on individual.

gilera: Not sure if the gynae actually sweep the cervix or do what lah but I only felt something go deeper n deeper type of feeling in your V. He uses his fingers, how many, I dun know and dun want to know.

The ang bao with hair + cord, they usually put it on those "yao lan" but I guess if you dun use yao lan, can keep till as long as you like. Once you feel disgusted (or when bb is old enuff), probably can throw away.

aqua: My maid is around 5 days old only. She is not allowed to use HP. The agency already told her she is not allowed to have hp, and for me, I reiterated why I didn't want her to have hp. I told her I want her to bring back as much $ back to her home country as possible, so I dun want her to waste $ on hp.

pipi, when is ur edd? i prob going csection mid aug coz firs one also csection, gynae nt v supportive of nat birth tis time.

my agent and i also told my maid first day she cant use hp, but i tink she still wan to 'test'. housework wise, she is ok, can still close eyes. juz v stubborn, gav her medicine n she refuse to eat. her firs day, she was coughing whole nite, nex day i complain and ask agent send her to doc

mrs_elaine_loh, i have rashes all over my body. Itchy like "siaw", applying steroid cream and take anti itchy mecidine, bo pian, else can't sleep and affect my whole being.

Sungrapes, I will attend bb myself also, coz want to let her latch. Easier I think.

Buffy, for my gal, I planned to do it exact 30 days or earlier if the 30th day fall on weekday, coz in laws believe to be earlier than late. (they believe do late, means earn no money next time, means hard life for her.) Do it earlier does not means your confinement ends earlier, is just tat day itself you will go out or routinely all disturb. Actually I'm not very keen to do, it's my in laws who want to invites their relatives. So, since doing it at home, I think i will sneak to my room to lie down and breastfeed. Coz my friends told me, before 30 days, the backache is there and you will ache like hell. Once over the 30 days, the ache will be gone mysteriously. So, I really scared that i have to entertain guests whole day, which my ideal plan is to do it after 40 days.

Pipi, so means anytime these few days you will pop lo?

Gilera, my mum keep my cord till now ler. So, I think will do the same bah. At the end of the day, i tink basically it left with nothing, dry up, and left only the clip on the cord.

Cutie, high 5. Same, 27 days to go. I tell my gal gal, anytime after 20 Aug then you can come out. But not before. Coz i applied my ML start on 20 Aug, Sat, and 19 Aug is my last day training. Hope i can make it.

Gilera, the maternity loop is to use with string. In NTUC, you will see the string at the side, I think selling for 50 cents or something. The purpose of maternity loop is tat you no nid to take up your leg to wear panty or take it off. Means basically, not wearing undies, just wear tat pads for the 1st few days when it's still pain and can't lift up the legs. This is wat my friend told me. I bought both types - the one stick on panty and the maternity loop/towels, in case i nid it, then ask hb buy, a bit weird and i tink have to describe half full day, he may get the wrong one oso. So,just buy for standby lo.

BDQ: You are right, I can pop anytime now, if the membrane sweeping is working. If bb is overdue (which is max 40 wks + 3 days only), bb will oso get her out thru I dunno what means yet. Anyway I am seeing gynae next Tues (which is 4 days from now)...Think gynae trying to help me speed up the process cos this wkend will be wk 39. I am sooo scared of labour now!!!!

Elaine: To ease my groin aches, I heard its good to swim. But for me, I sit on the couch alot cos I am too near my EDD to swim (what if waterbag burst while swimming and I didn't detect it) and also too tired. But for achy back, my gynae gave me a cream to apply which is pretty good.


me edd oso end of aug and opting for csect either 16th/19th aug.

watz ur reason for csect? my doc oso not supportive of vbac. im with TMC.


actually, my hb prefer to zz on the flr cos less movement (frm me) to disturb him. once i switch with him and let him sleep with my boy and he complain he didnt sleep well.

this time, all 4 of us will squeeze in 1 rm. still deciding if shd let ds1 bunk with maid. like abit cruel, got bb dun wan ds1.?? but i am 1 person who will insist on bb sleep in cot, not on the bed with me. cos im afraid he will roll to dun noe where. i feel better when he is confine to the safety of the cot/playpen.

so at nite u will walk to bb rm to attend to bb?

maternity pads, i bot both but not the loop type. i prefer wing type cos side will leak oso.

Maids with hp, no no no!

i witness maid yakking on her hp at the playgrd and her charge fell frm the slide, she oso dun noe. another 1 listening to music on her hp and dancing away in the middle of the playgrd like bartop dancing AND teaching her charge (a little girl) how to shake her bum to dance. *shake head*

have a great wkend mummies!

sungrapes, realli? i was also considering 18 or 19aug so that my hb can accompany and take minimum leave. my doc also nt supportive vbac, my first one also csection coz my waterbag leak 4 days n cerviz nt dilated. my gynae advise csection lor, second one, i change gynae, he also prf me to csection. sighs, bt disappointed but bb health more impt


for me, when maid comes, so long as end of day she can use when she retires to the room. its her own expense and her own personal life. of course if she screws related to hp then must have a talk with her. since she have 2 daughters back home, i guess its for her own sanity if she wants to keep in touch and for my safety.... lol


gynae also asked me swin to relieve groin pain, but not that effective as i though it would be.. its teh worst when changin sides in bed and when getting out of bed. like after a whole night its stiffened or something, then need to take a few steps for it to get back in track. still hurts then though...


yea i will walk to BB room, but i can imagine now that i would prob hover over BB 24/7. think need to park a chair next to his cot.

Breatfeeding venue

wondering where to BF and the items to prepare for it... when mais comes need to wear bra at home... hai...no more privacy!


bought huggies NB at taka fair, $7 for 24 pcs pack. lady said 24pcs will be gone in 3 days.

how long will BB outgrow NB size. on the packet it states NB till 4kg. lady said after 2 weeks, some BB grow so fast need use S size liao.

Thanks babydreamyqueen... Guess I reli have to take the anti itch medicine.

Pipi, same here. I'm so near my edd 7aug... Cannot swim and partly cos I'm suffering fr rashes too... The pool water may make it worse? I dun noe...

Pipi, wishing you smooth labor and delivery... keep us posted yah.

For me, I still pycho my gal to be out only after 20++ days, and best is Thu or Fri, coz then, the full month will be on Sat or Sun, no nid to pre-pone it. So, can enjoy some buffet food, instead of confinement food still [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

NB diapers - I only buy 1 pack mamy poko, 52 pcs, coz will out grow quite fast. But if your bb from the scanning is small, i think can last till full month. For me, my bb estimated abt 2.5kgs and most 2.8kgs as per gynae, so, i think, mine can last till 1.5 months old bah.

i still swim, it does help with groin and backache for me. I swim like 30-45 mins on alternate day.


Jess: Thank you thank you. Luff you!!!! I can enjoy some drama marathon while waiting for cervix to OPEN up.

Elaine: Jia you too...

BDQ: Thank you thank you...will keep you guys posted.

Alot of threads on FB about cervix dilation, I oso contributed abit. Read there if you wanna find out more.

