Mummies, pls allow me to rant.
After my bb is born, my hb got 'promoted' and his workload is crazy, he can work OT and come home at 11pm, take a quick shower and dinner then continue to work from home till 2am. My hb promised that its just the beginning, things will get better. But now its already 9 mths since the promotion and workload is getting more and more. For his last position, he is very busy at end of the month only and other than that, he doesn't have to work OT daily but now, he works OT daily and come back to continue his work!
He is totally possessed now! Refused to play with bb, heck care bb, dun help in housework and in his eyes, he can only see work work work work work. He can even get phone calls in the middle of the nite and when he's on leave or mc. On mon, he took leave and stay at work and do work THE WHOLE DAY! And his phone nv stop ringing at all!
I am so very tired of this, I just asked him to ask for his old position back and he says his boss wun allow without even attempting to ask, then I told him to look for a new job. I say dun think the longer u work in this co, the higher the pay they will give u. The real fact is the longer u stay in this co, the more work they will give u.
I know I am a SAHM and my hb works to support the family but shouldn't be work till dun care abt our family rite? One day if I really bth and leave the house with bb I see if he still got mood to work anot. Rem these few days I join the spree for oshkosh? He threaten me and say if he dun work, how to have money to buy oshkosh and to shop at gmarket.
If u all read the story above, I bet u wun believe that his salary is way less than $2500 and his promotion increment is barely $100! The $100 is not even enough to cover our electricity bill to use his stupid co laptop to work from home and he gets $0 OT pay to work from home too.