Good morning mummies! I am such a light sleeper. Got woke up by some noise and can’t return to sleep.. arrgh…
Have to watch out for signs: Mild Fever, loss of appetite, sore throat, blisters (tiny red spots) on palms and soles. It is common for kids under 5 thought adults can catch it too if immunity is weak. I am quite scared of it actually. My #1 had it twice from his childcare and I had it before. Super lousy feeling! I wish they could have the vaccine now!
Novi: welcome back! Aiyo, poor boy and mummy xin gu le! Really not easy on you if your kids age are very close!
Mummyzen: my bb 1st bday , I will most probably just celebrate with own family only. Keep your hopes up! Maybe you get your phone back?
I picked up others wallet a few times and got it returned (my eyes are $$$ sensitive). Once, one owner even managed to glimpse the police records on my contact and called me back to thank me personally. He said he couldn’t believe all the $$$/IDs are still intact. [IMG=]
Jen: Haha, can feel your happiness today!
Nothing wrong to insist on hygiene especially our babies when their immune system is building up. If a grandmother cannot think properly and places her own face (ego) above a child’s interest, then really speechless. Btw: I think BB J hair is growing very nicely! my bb still a lil botak! the hair is not much of difference since his newborn days.