(2011/05) May 2011


We were not friends on FB that's why you didn't see the event. I have added you now. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


viman: now fren fren liao.. heee... but i can't join if it's in the evening cos bb starts to be very cranky in the evening. consider daytime? i can bring mats along. =D

wonder how's mimosa's kids now.

west side gathering: cfm nxt sun?

Hi mummies,Monday blues..

Thank you all mummies for your concern.kids are better now.though #1 still having loose stools now and then.plus #2 still very cranky most prob due to teething...

Eve: I think u mistaken la.is my kids who are unwell. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mimosa: my girl is same like baby A.especially this few nights she is unwell.keep waking up.but it sort of increase my milk supply.it has been long since I felt the need to pump..

Anyway mummies,are u all interested to go for GUG trial?I'm calling them.do register your interest.and Do you all prefer only English class or bilingual class?

Hi mummies,

I just called GUG.there are 2 slots for trial this sunday from 4pm to 5.30pm.can go straight after yishun gathering.any mummy interested?

Mummies, where do u let ur bbs sit in now? I just converted the walker into a rocker but he doesn't like it. High chair he will cry after a while, any other places u put ur bbs in?

jmummy: Glad ur kids are getting better =)

Mimosa, not all bb can follow gina ford routine. I have both her books, baby and toddler. GF routine didn;t work for my no.1 but for no.2, she was a natural GF baby and could fall within her schedule very very easily. i only had to do min adjustment and she could drop the 2-3am feed and sleep through. For my no.1, she wakes up at least 2 times each nite for comfort latching till i finally wean her off my breast at 26mths. That was when she finally slept through. Do u latch A when he wakes up at night? It could be a case where he does not know how to fall back asleep, thus wakes up crying and need u to help him. BUt then again, i really do not like the crying it out method. its heart wretching for moms and if u do start, pls cont and do not stop cos if u try again the next time, it will be harder to correct.

Hope this helps

jmummy, mimosa: oops.. sorry, mixed up liao.. tis is very "normal" of me... when u get to know me, u'll know i'm a very "big headed prawn"! hahahahah....

jen: my bb sits on the floor cos nowhere else is gd enuf for him by his own measures.. hahhaa.. except for the chair during meal time.

Eve: LOL. My bb still cun sit on his own, very unstable and I must be around to be ready to hold him, so dare not let him sit on the floor.

good morning mummies... today is tuesday, 3 more days to go...

#1 was having fever ytd, so i didnt come to work, oso had no time to login forum. forum was rather quiet ytd huh. mummies who were working ytd having monday blues huh? hopefully everyone's mood will be better today, though i have abit of tuesday blues, sianz... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

lets actively chat in forum to make our working life better, wahahaha...

good morning, mummies!

jen: thot u got the lg mat? so can let bb J sit there, learn to balance himself and also use his back muscle?

Eve: I've two parklon mats. Must sit together with him leh, think I must sacriface more of my computer time to sit with him. Haha.

bad news to share...

my mum has problem with the back spine pressing onto her nerves. may need to operate and will need at least 2-4weeks to recuperate and won't be able to take care of my bb. what should i do? talked to my boss yesterday and co cannot allow me to go on 1 mth block leave. hubby thinking of bringing bb to mil in jb but i'm super very reluctant. thinking if getting a maid is feasible. any advise?

eve... y dun let your mil take care? u hire maid.. u oso need time to train her up.. and maid sometimes oso cannot be trust....

worst come to worst.. u need to put her in infant care as wat starfruit suggested..

Eve: agree on IFC too. Hiring nanny or maid takes time? Or what about those confinement aunties who doubles ad live-in nannies? I think some takes ad hoc assignments like this.

Mickey: I don't see many regulars in FB today either...

Few reasons y I wan to get a maid instead:

1. My mil is a very pretentious and nasty person. Dun wan bb anywhere near n pick up all the bad habits or give her chance to badmouth me or claim credit.

2. I'm currently paying near $300 per mth for once a week part time cleaner. Tink would b more economical sense for full time helper.

3. If send bb to infant care also need my mum, who will be recuperating.

4. Maid can help look after my mum and also relief her when she gets better.

Of cos the maid issue remains. =(

Tats y hope cAn get gd recommendation and best of dog luck loh.

eve: where do you stay? I can help you take care for a few weeks if you really really have no choice. After all, one more baby won't kill me and bb H might like the company.

I'm actually a little addicted to online shopping nowadays, the thrill of opening letterbox and find something in there..heh

Eve: I suggest u dun bring ur bb to ur mil since u dislike her so much. Even if I'm dying I also wun ask my mil to take care of my bb.

But I think for a maid u need to give her training, cun pick things up so quickly. And u mentioned ur mum needs 2-4 weeks, its not forever so what happens to the maid after ur maid recovers? Maybe u can work up a plan with ur hb like each alternate one week leave to take care since ur boss dun allow u to take 1 whole mth?

Anyway hope everything works out fine for u. I'm also having mil issue, really felt like packing up and bring bb away from this place, away from my hb and his mum.

Mickey: At first I got one smaller mat, 1.3*1.2 like that to go with my 4 panels but I realised the space is sooooo small that in one flip, bb goes to the other end and when he cries, we cun go in coz its so squeezy in there. So I got a bigger one 2.1*1.4 and convert into a 6 panel playyard. And yes u're rite, I cun leave my boy alone coz he will crawl and crawl and pull wires, pull fan. I only let him crawl at my mum's floor coz my mum's house is very clean, she sweep and mop daily while my house is very dirty, I dun even dare to step on the floor, have to wear bedroom slippers. So bb can only crawl in the playmat.

Mummyzen: u r sooo kind!! And brave!! U dare to take on my notti bb ah... Hahahahaha... Really thks for the offer. I'll keep tat in mind when I may need it. =D

I also hooked to online shopping n looking forward to receiving packages!! I thot I was alone n sick!!

Jen: ya, I won't give to mil cos she may not return bb to me!!! Wahahaaaa...

Quite unlikely my hubby will agree to alternate weeks off since he wans to bring over to Jb.

How long do we need to train the maid? Is it so if I get experienced maid?

Eve: I saw there's a post on transfer maid in FB, can consider? A maid makes more sense in your situation.

Viman: oh dear. It's v worrying if lil ones don't have much if an appetite. Hope this phase pass v quickly.

Vicki: I didn't receive any Robinson voucher [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] was planning to get some shirts for my hb birthday. Anyway, I pass him an hong Bao coz no time to shop present for him this year. My lil one is having fever now so no mood to celebrate for him.

Jen: definitely can't leave bb alone. U are right about the pulling part. Bb also loves to put everything in their mouths so have to keep a watchful eye on them....

Mummyzen, eve: I like online shopping too. The thrill is 2x: when buying n when receiving [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

littlefly: receiving the parcel is shiok! but I usually shop around for clothes, only weekends can here since I'm a full time slave to my boy now.

jenny: my bb also like to pull wire, but i think he has fetish for papers, damn happy when i put a stack of magazine in front of him.

oh littlefly, saw ur fb post, hope ur boy is getting better after seeing PD. so u r not working today huh, taking child mc? it seems like the fever season is coming again huh... many kids keep falling sick [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

eve, i guess if ur mum will be around to help to supervise maid, then it cld be a good idea. or else, i will say, its kinda worried that u dunno what will happen to bb if leave them alone w maid. our bbs are still too young, they dunno how to speak yet, so u wont know what happen if no one is at home w the maid.... and, so ur hb is ok to get a maid? bcoz the cost is defintiely much more than $300...

mummyzen, i m oso waiting for a parcel to arrive. every evening, i'll ask hb "is there any parcel for me huh?" until he abit pek chek and say, "if u dun see me holding any big parcel, that means no rite? or u wanna take the key to open again and check huh?"... oops, lol...

littlefly is soooo right, the thrill is 2x: when buying & when receiving.. tts y women enjoy online shopping soooo much huh, so shiok! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mummyzen: my bb also hv fetish for papers, also in plastics a lot! i'll post a video later on fb, see how excited he is in plastics company.

mickeyboy: ya, it'll cost more.. hubby not so agreeable cos he doesn't trust maid at all. spoke to him again tis morning, he's quite insistent on sending bb to mil, which of cos, is strongly resisted by me.

lil fly: LOL over 'guard duty'... hope your boy gets well soon.

on transfer maid.. i'm worried that they are transferred cos the owner have some unpleasant experience with them... any idea?

Halo ladies...

This thread is so long...

busy with kids..my #1 school close for 10 days due to hfmd [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]. So i need to entertain him at home.


your boy is not feeling well?


If you want to find fresh maid, you need to wait until 1 month. But it's depend on luck also.


I wouldn't recommend maid too.because your mum would be unable to help for 1 or 2 months,but a maid is for 2 years,and brings with her additional problems. Another thing for sure is the expenses can go as high as $1000 per month. What about asking your mil to come Singapore and help for the time being?like that you can monitor too?


re transfer maid, it got +/- about transfer maid. If you want to get transfer maid, you better check why she got transfer. My maid is transfered maid, but she transfered because her previous employer went back to their country. And so far, she's ok.


I wouldn't recommend maid too.because your mum will not be able to help for 1 or 2 months,but maid is for 2 years,and brings additional problems.also expenses for maid can reach $1000 a month.what about asking your mil to Singapore during the period of time,that way you can monitor her too.

Eve: I'm not sure how long the training is but to me I think even if the maid got experience also need some time to bond with ur bb, coz every bb is diff.

Online shopping: I love online shopping too. But the bad thing is I haven't receive one of the items. =( So scare its lost.

Baby pulling stuff: My bb so kpo there's once he was playing with the drawers in my mum's house, pulling in and out and he put his hands in the hole then close the drawer and kiap his hand. In the end keep crying. After I sayang and carry him I say ob, who ask u to play. Haha, bad mummy.

jmummy: how did the maid expense go up to $1k? tat's a lot!!

i jus wan to be away fr mil, be it in jb or in spore. >={ when u get to know her at my level, u'll understand. imagine she can even still curse me while i'm pregnant. also no kind words towards bb. (got any mil want a "傻傻" grandchild, pls raise your hands?)

maid: aiyoh.. headache... any idea hv "trial maid" for few mths instead of 2 yrs committment? hee...

jen: my bb nowadays also pull everything out of drawers and boxes and empty the powder container (he super like), making a mess of the house. wat to do? jus let them be rather than have a screaming kid, ya? hahahaha....

Salary for a fresh maid can be between $420 -$450 for fresh maid.for those with experience, $450 - $500. Levy $170. Still have to add insurance,daily expenses like food,accommodation,and medical check ups..not worth ley..

Or maybe can get confinement lady to help out?

Eve: My mil also cursed me! She sound like warning me that bb die in my womb and even my fil also think she's cursing me and tell her not to curse me. In the end my bb really almost died!

OMG, u mean he pour the powder out???

Anyway I've sent u a pm through fb regarding the yishun gathering.

Yishun gathering: So confirmed rite? Most of u bringing hb anot? And wearing cny clothes for bb rite? Scare later my bb outstanding. LOL

jmummy: alamak... my fren told me an exp maid is somewhere ard $350+/-. $1k is a lot!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/uhoh.gif] must reconsider liao..

wat does a confinement lady do? also need at least $1200, ya?

jen: replied your pm.

LOL.. y not u also dress the part so your bb not alone? Wahahahahaa.....

ya, my bb super loves to pour the powder out.. each and every time whenever he can lay hands on.

Eve: I think with a maid u have a lot of added exp, like food/electricity all these. And are u able to fang xin and put ur bb with the maid all alone? Unless u bring her to ur mum's house. At least confinement nanny knows how to take care of bbs but not sure if they will do for ur 9 mth.

Are u going to let ur bb wear cny clothes?

Yishun gathering: I wonder if mimosa has time to make the reservations, and quite a lot of mummies is 'maybe'.

eve, yes, my assumption of getting a maid = $1k /mth too. the salary and levy are just fixed costs, there are many hidden costs. eg, whenever u go out, u will need to bring her out too, so if u gg for expensive dining, she will have to eat too rite? and i oso see ppl bringing maid to travel tog, which means... that is more than $1k per mth le... so all these, will really cost u a bomb ar!

ya i rem seeing a mummy (i think its Isabella) checking on trf maid, u see u wanna find out more details fr her onot. did a search for u, here is the post at fb: http://www.facebook.com/groups/147745688604835/permalink/319959421383460/

pouring powder out... haha my bb wont do this, he prefers eating the powder... =.=

jen: if i get a maid, it'll b registered for my mum so the maid follows wherever my mum is, be it my house or her house.

any advise on confinement lady? now come to think maybe a good alternative too... hmmm....

yishun gathering: if the theme is cny clothes, will do so too. bb has 4 sets so a bit wasted jus wear once a yr. hee... lucky i bought bigger size so can wear for few more yrs! wahahahaa...

is it fix at 12 noon, yishun swensen?

seems like a lot of mommies missing here recently?

OMG, time pass so quickly when bb is slping. Went to have a quick shower then hand wash some bb's clothes and before I finished, he woke up already from his 30min nap.

Eve: If ur mum needs a maid and the cost is ok for u all then no harm getting one. I'm not sure abt confinement lady, I din have any when I'm doing my confinement.

Yishun Gathering: Last time we all say the theme is cny clothes, if u see the event the theme is trad clothes. So confirm hor? U let ur bb wear coz I'll also let my bb wear. I nv buy very big size coz cny supposed to wear new clothes rite? Haha.

Swensens has high chair rite? Intend to feed him cereal there coz dun wana go my mil house liao. LOL.

jen: it puzzles me... why can only feed cereal when go to mil hse?

i also din hv confinement lady... my mum did my confinement for me... also almost disown each other at that time! hahahhaa... must be the hormones...

my bb no need wait for cny for new clothes cos i crazy over bb clothes tat i keep buying whenever there's sales!! =P heee... sshhh.. dun tell my hubby...

