(2011/05) May 2011

starfruit - I'm tall and my girl follows me..phew..but when she borned, she was rather short. So I always ask PD whether she is short or will eventually become tall :p haha..and I always tell my hb our children must like me, tall tall, if like him, super disappointed especially boy.

Now my #2, most likely boy..so fingers cross that he will be tall.

Actually I'm tall, but my bro is not that tall in terms of ratio coz I follow my dad and he follows mum.


blurlemon: thats what everyone console me, say ger can be shorter, no need to be too tall. i always feel like such a giant next to my ger cos she is so petite!..hahaha.

apple: i wanted my ger to follow me too but no lor.. my side got tall gene, in my family, my mum is the shortest, tallest should be my 2 brothers and dad, then me followed by my mum at 1.65. maybe my #2 will follow my side?

i have a fren, her ger got the tall gene and her boy got the shorter gene and she complains about it all the time. she also say boys cannot be too short. but then these are beyond our control lor.

So how tall are u har?

apple: i wanted my ger to follow me too but no lor.. my side got tall gene, in my family, my mum is the shortest, tallest should be my 2 brothers and dad, then me followed by my mum at 1.65. maybe my #2 will follow my side?

i have a fren, her ger got the tall gene and her boy got the shorter gene and she complains about it all the time. she also say boys cannot be too short. but then these are beyond our control lor.

So how tall are u har?

Just saw this.. think its happening this weekend.

Mums and Babes is having Year end Warehouse Sale from 10th-12th Dec 2010!

URL: www.mumsandbabes.com.sg

Address: No 81 Toh Guan Road East #03-01 Secom Centre S608606 (Not sure if its near your house)

Last time should marry a tall guy then my children will be tall. My cousin only 1.5m+, but her hubby is 1.8m+, her boy same age as mine but very tall.

But then I think marriage is fated one lah..bo bian change..keke..

sometimes, my MIL will say my boy like never grow..I was like..hello, your son also not very tall and pass the short gene to my boy lor.

hehehe, talk abt height, my family all short short one, even hubby side also short ... so my bb maybe also short .. must push baby to do more jumping when at teen age ....keke

i agreed with wayne's mummy, all marriage are fated ... even our children ... jus leave them to god's hand ...

are we allow to eat starbucks cheese cakes! I din know that pregnant women need to avoid cheese! N i ate 1 slice, i'm worried now

i still dun dare to start buying anything for baby now. feel tt its still early. and also not sure gynae's 80% prediction is correct. looking forward to next checkup on 18th for more confirmation.

tt day #1 wants to buy a toy for bb n i still tell him not so soon :p

star: wats to buy at mums&babes?

mei: the cheese tt preggies shldnt eat are the exp ones tt they sell over the counter. the kraft singles type are ok de

Starfruit: I think u r talking abt me. Hehe. I'm the one who gained alot. Now abt 12kg Liao. Sian.. But doc told me it's fine.. For my #1 I gained 25kg n took 1yr plus to shred them off. Think it'll be the same for this time round.

Oh I went to c my gynae n confirm 99% boy liao. So happy.

Re height : I'm 160cm n my hubby 187cm so I hope my son will be like my hubby. Lol..

Lin: yeah yeah.. hahaha.. congrats on your boy.

ash: i also dunno, they sell medela stuff though, i ever bought stuff from them at their Usq outlet.

I am having my tabao Ikea hotdog + bun now.. yummy

Apple, he never nag lei.. Haha maybe be cos I lost 1 kg last mth.

Starfruit, I think 99% confirm boy. I won't do detailed scan cos the scanning that my gynae does is gd enough.

Wayne, I am also scare loh wat if #2 more active than #1 how?

Lin, congrats. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Starfruit, I'm 1.7m [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hopefully both kids follow my gene la.

Mei, cheesecake shd be ok. Only blue cheese must avoid.

Melody, oh hopefully he won't nag too much coz I din put on for past visits.

i also had weight gain of 3kg or more. aldy 16 weeks 4 days. sigh... i feel so conscious and sad to see the butt and stomach getting bigger and bigger.

anyone felt kicks yet? i hv not.. =(

dolly, me too. I also want to go slimming center after this time. closing shop after this time.

dear al, let's lose weights successfully after we hv delivered. =)

cheerful, both Auroa and I felt bb's first kick at week 10. Though it's my 2nd pregnancy, the feeling is still amazing.


We should avoid soft cheese like blue cheese, Gorgonzola, Cambert, Brie, Feta etc. Cream cheese and those kraft type is okay.


I do feel very mild kick at times. Not much maybe due to too much fats liao...LOl

hi,im a FTM , my detail scan on 16/12 ..a bit scare , hope my baby boy is healthy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i do feel my baby kick but not so often , how about urs ?

Morning mummies,

apple, u r very tall.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

one thing good about my daughter being small build, her clothes last her a long long time, she is still wearing some 1 yr or 2 yr old clothes.. hehehe

morning dolly, i am also counting down.. hahah, 1 more day to the weekend!!!! yippeee

cheerful, yeah i also felt minor kick quite early, cos #2 so more sensitive lah.

Meldoy: i didn;t know the 20th detailed week scan is optional, i tot this is the scan where they check that all organs are ok. anyway i didn;t do the oscar so i guess this scan should be quite crucial to me.

Good morning mummies..

tml is friday.. yeah...

cheerful.. i can feel the kick at ard 14wks.. as wad star fruit mention #2 so more sensitive.. know it a baby movement not tummy grumbling.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

not to worry.. maybe your "swimming pool" is big baby can swim freely without knocking the "wall" so u can't feel it yet.. wait another week [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i went to slimming center b4 my wedding.. i think no use at all.. all they do is make you dehydrate and will ask u go wee wee at the end of the session, so u will weigh abit lesser only.. i went twice a week.. for like 2 to 3 mth but like no effect at all.. only pain pain pain.. haha..

height.. not important.. healthy can liao..

good morning ladies! Yeah...weekend coming soon!

talking about height... do you know that if our child is above 90cm, need to pay MRT fare? A friend of mine's 3 year old child is asked to pay the fare by the MRT staff... i really find it ridiculous.

Morning everyone!!!!

So happy, today is my last day of the work week!! Yay!

Eh, talking about paying MRT fare. I thought only when the child has the Ezlink card issued by the school; example K1 or K2 then need to pay?

My boy also above 90cm liao loh. I also act blur. I thought its obvious they still toddler ma. So why pay?


Wow, wat show u be watching with hubby?

My hubby left for biz trip this morning & will only be back by tomorrow late in the night. Sobs..

apple, u r tall.. haha. I dun think Dr Chan will nag at u if your weight is at the healthy range. So dun worry. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Starfruit, I didn't do detailed scan for my #1 too.

I also can feel it when my bb moves at ard 16 weeks, amazing feeling.. hehe

vv..going to watch Narnia, normal, no 3D cause we have a pair of free tickets..so long never watch movie liao..so ask hubby to take leave then can go shop shop also...keke

Soon your hubby will be back, 1 day is very fast one..dun be sad..

so what are you going to do tomorrow??

Btw, mrt and bus fare is applicable to children ht above 90cm. School only issue Ezlink when P1.


BB movement

Yeah for this #2, I have also felt movements around 10 weeks. Probably more sensitive.

I’m going for my detailed scan at NUH on 22nd Dec. So excited to see more detailed pics of bb.


I also want to watch Narnia eh. The 1st one was good hoh? This one, I heard 3D not as good as the 1st one (non-3D). Hey, since its free, just go for it then can go jalan jalan and have a nice dinner later.

Tomorrow Im going for gynae appt lo. If Im able to know the gender by tomorrow, then I will sweep some stuffs at JL Expo sale.


Oh that means all this while, we had not been paying when we supposed to?

hahaha.. my son is less than 2 year old but above 90cm.. dun think they will wan a toddler to pay rite.. till now haven't get caught.. haha.. wait till got warnin or wad then say lah.. so funnie need to get tix for one that not even 3 year one..

Ello mummies!

i've been staying at home since yesterday coz of spained ankle. Been hopping to move ard... Hope i recover before next week to go shopping in HK... my girl is now abt 80+cm! Think we may need to pay for her transport soon.... *faintz*


Yeah lo. I also agree with you. So young only. Actually quite unfair lo if our babies belong to the tall type...


Hey, recover soon! Try not to drink too much cold water ya. Wow, HK trip next week hoh. Must wear more clothing ok, weather very cold now le.

morning ladies =)


v fast ur hb will be back le =) at least he will be hm for weekend, if nt lagi sian =P

ya. i went for the narnia show le...this episode nt so nice...even tho i watched 3D but i feel the 3D effect oso nthing much...


u take care of urself ho. hope ur ankle will recover in time for ur hk trip =)

Hannah take care.. how u spained your ankle.. muz be more careful in the future..


Yah I thk I heard the same from somewhere. But of cos, Narnia is still a good worthwhile show to watch! Heeheeee...

Haz yah la. Arbo, I will be so bored @ home. These 2 nites will be lonely nights lor, watch HK series and read magazines...in the night. Hee

vv, Va|: Thanks! I will!

blurlemon: Ahhhhh.... i chased after bus... Hahaha... I siao lah... I will be more careful after this time. =)


ya. its still a nt bad show la..but i find it abit violent. while watching, #2 keep kicking me. hahaha!

nvm la. 2nites just take it as some "me" time for urself. relax abit =)

my hb will be away the entire of next week. will take this time to bond more with my boy =)


there is an old wives tale. Kid's height at the age of 2 * 2 will be the adult height...altho i am nt sure hw true this is. hahaha.


u chased aft bus?! as in run aft?! oh dear, u preg lo, pls dun chase aft bus in future ok. got to be more careful ah. lucky u just sprained ho and nthing more serious that that.

mummies, morning ...

hannah, take great care ... these few days raining n hkg cold also... wear socks to keep ankle warm ...

me going for detail scan later afternoon, hope baby good good ... so excited ...

Hannah..hope you recover soon so can shop shop in Hkg..a lot of shopping to do.

Val..luckily never book 3D ticket..$14 so ex..so i wait for non 3D one so I can use my free tickets.

I read all the 7 stories of Narnia when I am sec 1 and I love the series.

burlemon, vv..yeah..is unfair..but i think my boy has baby face so have not get caught yet.

Even for Universal Studio, I never buy annual pass for him...everytime manage to go in..keke

vv..I also watch HK series every night untill 11-12am. Watch until no new show, go find some old show that i miss and watch.


i have seen my gynae yest for routine visit n scan but he scheduled my detailed scan in 3 weeks time =P cant wait to see baby again. haaha.


ya. the 3D show is $14 nt worth as didnt get to see much 3d effects. think yogi bear's 3d effect may be better as aft all its animated oso. I saw the trailer for Meet the Fockers. I am waiting for tat =)


Good morning..I pop by before heading for my 10am meeting. Today is last day of the work week for me too! hi-5 vv [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

starfruit/melody110 - My hb always always said I'm tall not he is short :p haha

Hannah - my gosh..u take care. How u injurred? can go TCM?

