(2011/03) Mar 2011

hey mummies

for those buying Gain IQ, now got twin pack promotion. 2x1.8kg selling st S$122.10 ..tll 30 June.. so is only $61.05 per tin. super cheap cos original price is S$71.80per tin. kiasu me, stocked up 8 tins via NTUC online and free delivery to house. Cos i think outlet out-of-stock liao.

lately, my ger went on food strike. milk only drink 80ml per feed, porridge / noodles, at most give her 10 small mouthfuls. water also dont want. brought her to doc, cos she kept complaining abt tummy pain. in the end, doc said constipation.

hope she recover fast cos family drive-up trip to malacca this weekend.


Hi mummies... I m back.

Did 1 day night duty only I feel my body breaking lol...

My maid action faster than me lor... I hear bb cry about to get up only, she already warm up the milk and fed her...

Bb eh eh eh...I walk over to room she already there looking at bb... at one time I m thinking she mother or I mother??? Lol...

Yday lagi funny 5pm only she keep asking can wipe down bb already???

I told her to take a nap in tge afternoon she didnt leh... hmmmm

Yday I took medicine cos I feeling feverish due to the lump in the boobs and I concussed... hub said she handled bb all by herself... she woke up 3x...

Dunno to feel happy or not??? I do feel abit unbalance lol...feel like my bb is not my own??? Haha...

I will feel happy if my maid have so much initiative...

Share with me ur maid whole day routine lei,...

Fel: but now I m at hm plus the bb around very hard to follow my schedule but she tried to follow la.

But we r still settling down without cl thus its still not very in schedule. But I c she is very bz everyday. But I do allow her to nap n rest but she said she cant sleep n prefer to do work. So let her own time own target.

I m now teaching her how to prepare the ingredients for cooking and boiling soups.

Cleaning and packing food that I bought from market, cleaning fish, marinating pork etc.

Now she already know how to cook double boiled chix essence for me every alternate day

Wow... Every alternate day cook double boiled chicken essence for u ah?

I tried once hor... quite oily lei... Even though removed all the skin liao... =(

Fel: not oily leh... I hv a special boiler that I used. I never used inverted bowl style. And I think she filter away some oil

2ks, it's good that you have a good helper, but you have been superwoman for so long, you need to give yourself time to adjust to someone who gonna share your load. Good helper better than one that give you problem right? Jiayou!

Mimimo: yup..finally I dont hv to do laundry ironing mopping clearing dog poo washing dishes lor... more me time for myself n kids.

But she only 1 month la... must c longer pattern got come out or not...

How is everyone..

Lately Eden have been showing interest in doing pee pee in the potty. Not all the time. But about 1-2x a day. Esp before and after shower and sometimes after he wakes up...

He will say " I want to pee pee in the potty"

HE will sit and tell me "Mummy, pee pee coming out" and when all's done.

Mummy, " I'm good boy, i pee pee in potty"!

He get so amazed when he sees pee in the potty... lol... I find it so funny.

wow, 2Ks, think your maid is 'on the ball' at least she got initiative to help to take care baby leh! Good lah! Good to have a good helper at least you can spend quality time with your 3 kids.

Eh, 2Ks, your maid from where ah? First time in SG?

Fel, that's good! C1 has alr been trained to not wear pampers in the day alr. Am to lazy to keep up with the potty training at night!

Fel: good la...can save diaper money liao...

Kiefer dont wear diapers in school but he wears at hm... maybe I should try to let him go diaperless also...

Tres: she is from Philippines. First time to sg... ya great to hv her as a help. I hv more time n also I can nap lol...

Sometimes when I feed bb in the night n bb cries she wake up also leh..

But cannot say too early...maybe pattern will come out later.

So far she is ok...

Wow.. All your toddles diaperless during day time liao...

Mine still not so ready lei... But we already very happy liao... haha... got interest rather than no interest... hee hee..

Fel, his CC will train him too right? Ask CC to help lah!

2Ks, oic, as said good lah she got inititiative, give her pat on her back.. reward her accordingly but not too much lor. I believe if you treat them well, they will do the same to you!

Tres: ya lor... cannot treat them too good also la... so just walk one step c one step lor... but I do appreciate the help. One person really cannot handle 3... 2 still ok.

The haze is really bad mummies... take care...

My eyes are so teary today...boo

Good morning...

Wanna ask what brand of shoes do ur get for your toddler?

I always buy See Kai Run shoe... Now looking at other alternatives... Any recommendation.?

Fel, Girls got more choice.. i buy crocs, melissa, adidas, pepiped, havaianas.. those reputable brands oh carters too!!!

thin they are still growing better not 'spoil' the posture ba!

tres.. 30 weeks now.. still long lei.. another 10 weeks... neck very long liao...

More or less prepared liao... only few small items haven buy..

Dear Mummies,

Brand New Crocs only @ $23 per pair!! (Size 6-7 for Toddler 1.5 - 2 years old)
(Include normal postage BUT please opt for Registered Mail - additional $3.00)

Interested please email to:
[email protected]


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My helper have to wake him up few times to pee lei. He down 230ml of milk before sleeping.

More than half the time he wet his bed... =(
oh i don let him drink so much, only 150ml and must pee before sleep...
slowly shift the wake up timing to later once you realise the pee gets lesser
