Woah!!! I have away for so long... Didn't expect being a new mom can change my life so drastically! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]
Thanks for all ur advise n suggestion, though I didn't reply due to my drastic busy life now... I do still read n make changes towards ur advise n suggestion
Baby Javier has gone for his jaundice level checkup. Thank God it went down to 120 and his eyes r not yellow already. Nurses ask me if wan to check again next week as ideal level is below 100. I tell her nvm la, since dropping den we jus sunshine him daily... Haix, I see them poke his feet daily my heart bleeds... When he crys , I cried too... Didn't dare carry him, scare my hands tremble... So Hubby carried him n I stand beside..
Now, with this baby in my life, I barely sleep 5 hrs a day, I manage to catch some sleep ard 4am to 8am only when Hubby takes over the night shift feeding... Super exhausted!
Now my stiches still hurt though it's like almost 10 days!!!! But, not as bad as initial.. But my tailbone is still aching badly. I wonder if the epidural have done some damage? Cos I jerked slightly when they insert in. Which I have been warned nt to move or tense. But, I'm in pain badly before epidural n shivering already... So I can't really help not jerking. Haix...
Now having bad cough... Dare not really talk to baby or kiss him. Seems like no end of trouble n problems for me... Manage to curb my itch as I gotten cream from polyclinic already. But doc says might no be epidural as it shd be more generalize in the areas of itch if it's the case. But mine only at legs n thigh area... She dun know what it is but jus give anti itch cream. It's seems effective.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]
Now, my milk supply seems to be stay put at 150ml / 6 hrs..: jus manage to pump that amt n no more... My nipples r so sore n painful... Btw, my boy poos very yellowish, watery and frequently. Almost ten times a day... Is it something wrong w my BM? After each pump I place in fridge n warm it up. But remainder I keep back in fridge n mix with new ones to feed him again. Is it ok? Cos I dun have enough BM and dun wan to waste it...
Haix... I'm so busy that even bb birth Cert haven make... Think next week den have time... Now, I need to wait for all my ailments to go off first... Cough, painful stiches, aching tailbone... These r bad enough to mAke going out a suffer n burden!
How r u mommies getting along? Fang fang, terrylyn, wishchild, moo moo, joanne, eleckos...etc