hihi just to update..i have been following this thread closely but did not update.
my edd is 8th feb but i have given birth on the 26th jan via elective C sec.
congrats to mummies who have popped..for those waiting, get as much rest as possible. once baby is out, 24 hrs a day is really not enuff. All the best!
@ Ally: u can try Medela nipple cream for ur sore nipples. Like you, my son has prob latching on and then i had sore nipples so i was getting phobia of him latching on.. now i pump and let him drink ebm..no choice..he used to bottle now..i tried back latching, he will cry and scream.
I have a qns to ask too... really getting stressed by this.
my baby boy is 3 weeks old. he is drinking ard 100ml EBM per feed. then he wakes up every 2 hrs to feed again.. i feel so tired and stressed cause not enough time to pump..then still have to wash and sterilize bottles.
I tried to increase it to 120ml but he is still waking up every 2 hrs...and will cry and scream for milk.
for experienced mummies, how much are u feeding your 3 week old baby?
when he was 1-2 weeks old, he can sleep for 3-4 hrly streches and it was much easier looking after him..i will wake him up to drink and there's not much crying. but now at 3 weeks, he is waking up 2 hrly interval and scream and cry for milk..
because of his high demand, i am so stressed and lack of rest that my supply is down and i feel like giving up BF..its really very tough to BF..if he can latch on, will save me a lot of time in the washing part...
also, i am using a 3rd hand Medela PISA pump and i pump every 3-4 hrly..i pump for 1 hour to get ard 110-120ml per session for both sides . is it consider too long? my milk supply doesnt seem to be going up despite all the measures taken..maybe its stress too..cause everytime i pump, i will stare hard at my breasts..
any advice? really appreciate.. i have been calling and looking up the web but cant find any solution.