(2011/02) Feb 2011

Wishchild, I am pretty sure your baby will give you signs soon. I am also 38weeks++ along now. Getting a bit cranky and tired from the baby being so active at night. With my firstborn, I was dilated for 2cm for two weeks and finally induced on due date. However, I really don't recommend getting induced unless the doctor encourages it due to medical reasons.


Fang Fang, Thank u. =) Hmm yap i also will feel super tired. Maybe because my tummy getting more n more heavy. Lol.

I decide not to induce will let the natural take it course.. =)

@neongoby: Maybe cos I don't pump my breasts very frequent. I only pumped like 3 times a day. And each time while pumping I'll massage my breasts & press on the milk ducts for the flow to be faster..

Confinement food is supposed to be heaty. That's why my gynae asked me to take stool softener so as not to tear my stitches & create piles. So maybe it's not due to confinement food?

@Ah Ching: Ya have lumps, so I think it's milk ducts. Anyway I've decided to get a LC to teach me how to latch on properly and ask her to massage for me if possible..

@Grace: Your girl has G6PD? But from what I know only boys will have it & girls will only be the carrier. My hubby & my boy has G6PD too & the PD said I'm the carrier which I didn't know till he told me. He said usually it's passed down from the mum. But then again it's very common, so nothing to worry about. Just that the tendency of having jaundice is higher. Don't worry, everything will be fine. =)

Dear all,

I popped on sat (12/02) at 7:34am, TMC.

Baby girl's weight is 3.255kg @wk38.7

2am contraction

3:15am reach TMC, 6cm dilation, admin epidural

5:30am water bag burst

7:34am baby has arrived

Tks so much Wishchild for adding me on fb. Will catch up with FB posts when I start maternity leave on thurs and continue with the waiting game...39 weeks as of today!

I get asked daily when am I popping too, haha. But we are still not that ready for her arrival as playpen has not been set up etc. Perhaps she sensed that her disorganised parents are still not ready to receive her, hence she is not going to make her appearance yet.

@pinkyval, I have always thought my daughter will be a carrier only for G6PD till gynae explained to us that she can be G6PD deficient if the X chromosome from father who is G6PD deficient is more dominant.

@wish child : the thing is i dun even experience regular contractions. so far i remeber only abt 3 or 4 times since im pregnant...the last one was a brief sharp pain n gone in a few sec(dun even know if its contraction). it was weeks ago...

hmmmm....i am feeling very terrible backache and sometimes terrible pelvis ache... couldnt sleep at all in the night nowsadays for nearly 3 weeks already... dunno is due to anixious n worried or bcos of the ache n big stomach... =( really hope bb can come out soon, and end my sleepless nights.... =(

do u think i can call the hospital or Doc Tee aand ask if i can induce? before my next appt on Mon (21/2) , cos really cant take it... im so tired with those sleepless night...

btw, how do u mummies know if u dilated and bb engaged? will u be able to feel it or only when checkup doctor tells you???

Paiseh, i totally a first time mummy n dunno anything ...

Mummies who nt active in fb let me know if u wanna order more boots milkbags as i did w the mummies last round. A pack of 40 bags costs $9- after much bargaining.. Very cheap n good buy.stocks will arrive 2 weeks latest after we order. Currently have abt 30 boxes of orders. Didnt order for myself this time round as stikk havent use up my bottles- only for our fellow mummies.. Lemme know ok..

Hi mummies

I gave birth to a 3.6kg boy on 6 Feb thru emergency c-section. He's a very big eater, already consuming abt 90ml of formula each feed. I tried to breastfeed him but I don't have enough milk for him.

Can someone tell me how you handle this? I am using medala supplementary nursing system to feed formula duribg the feed. But now my nipples are very sore and my baby cannot get full. He cries like 30 min after the latching. I really dunno what to do. I only got like a few hours of sleep coz he keeps wanting to feed.

Pinkyval: yes, gal can be G6PD also, although is not so common compare to boy. If father is G6PD deficiency n mother is carrier, then bb gal have the possibility for G6PD deficiency. Yup, I know is common, just a bit worry on her jaundice level. How's ur boy jaundice level?

@Ally: My son also didn't latch well and i ended up with sore and bleeding nipples also. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] i also had engorgement, no matter how hard i massaged, the lumps were still there. Until i got desperate i called this Chinese lady to help me massage and clear blocked ducts. She said the lumps cannot go away because my nipple too little 'outlet'. (i.e. for the milk to come out. she says should have at least 5-6 outlets. You'd be able to see that when u pump, the milk comes out from a few outlets). So she used tissue pp and helped open more outlets. After tt, no more problem with clearing the lumps.

As for the sore/bleeding nipples, i went to the TMC pharmacy to buy Avent Nipple shields. The lady on duty there was vhelpful..when i told her my bb doesn't latch well, she says its because when bb latches, i tense up because it is very painful and bb can sense it and unlatches. This becomes a vicious cycle coz he gets angrier when hecan't get milk and then i tense even more.

Now i just express my milk exclusively and feed him EBM. will pumpevery 3 hours or so, and eat fenugreek and drink papaya soup to boost supply. Sometimes supplement with FM. Now, my nipples are no longer bleeding or sore and baby gets to drink breast milk. The only thing is the closeness that comes with direct latching..but i try to make it up by cuddling him after feeds.

Hope it helps. Don't get stressed up, if not milk supply will go down even more!

Btw, i'm glad there are many mummies here following the Gina Ford method... can i just ask the GF 'gurus'--when she says 'unswaddle your baby and let him have a good kick while u prepare bath etc"---what do u mean by having a 'good kick"? Do u all just unswaddle and let him move ard? or do u pick baby up and basically carry him without swaddle?

my baby is only 2 weeks old, but sometimes he demands a full feed after only 2 hours from the last feed! Sometimes he can go 4 hoursor more after a feed. Does tt mean that he needs more milk? he's taking about 100ml now. Is that normal?

For my 2 elder girls, i dun remember them drinking so much! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Clio, thanks very very much for ur advice. I'll try to express my breast milk every 3 hours. My nipples are already blistering and I also tense up at the thought of him suckling again.

I tried using Avent nipple shields today. My baby started screaming. Think he hates the hardness of the shields

En Xuan: My doc did a VE on me and told me that I am 1cm dilated. The ultrasound will also reveal whether or not your baby is engaged in your pelvis.

On G6PD: My husband is G6PD-deficient. So too is my brother. So I thought I might be a carrier... but I asked my gynae at the very beginning of my pregnancy if my girl is going have the same problem she told me G6PD-deficiency only happens in alternate generation. Meaning, since her father (and prob me) are G6PD-deficient, she won't get it. But her off-spring might get it in the future. I don't know how true this is. Will let you all know when my girl comes out. =)

@Ally : OMG !!! it must be painful for u... y dun u try nipple cream? heard from magazines it help... brand is recommend to be medela... (dunno spelling correct or wrong) lolx... =)

and also how abt pumping ??? im not a mummy yet but jus my thoughts... =)

@ KhoHuang : hmmm.... Dr Tee didnt tell me engage or not but scan and show me the head and baby backbone. He also never say anything abt me wanting natural or induce or anything... tell me baby facing right side..

Think baby knows im talking abt him... cos can feel my stomach streching inside... lolx... it feels uncomfy when the stomach feels so tight... hmmm...

@ Choc : Thanks for updating me in ur table... =) im having a baby boy... my no. 1 precious =)hee~

It's really painful. Didn't know it was going to be this bad.

Thanks Choc for updating the table. My EDD was 10 Feb. Baby's name is Kyler. I delivered at TMC and my Gynae is Adrian Woodworth. This is my first child.

@choc: please add me. Baby girl edd is 26th Feb, dr wee at kkh, no. 3

@en xuan: it does get uncomfortable during the last month. Have you tried prenatal massage? I heard it will help relax the body. I am using a pregnancy pillow which help alleviate the back pain a bit but it is really expensive.

My nipples are sore and bleeding too. Really feel like giving up. Breast is always heavy and bit painful. Tried to pump but only 20ml together. Tried to latch but each suck makes me wanna cry. Can't really establish a 3hr pumping schedule cuz too busy!! Sobs..

Really wish to continue bf-ing...

@Huang fangfang : nah... I didn't go for any of this masssage as I'm trying to save as much as I can... Now only Hubby working plus our commitments currently still plus one more mouth to feed, hard to find the extra cash to pamper myself... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] wad to do? Life in SG so ex!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

anyway, now last mth le... Hope everything will come to an end... Bcos of the uncomfy feeling , I'm still wide awake... Can't slp! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] bb moving alot too!!!

So damn tired!! The night before my Leonard is cranky and noisy. Last night he's sleeping well but no1 gets cranky and refuse to sleep! Dunno can tolerate till when...

Hi En Xuan, I have Avent nipple cream. It helps but not good enough. Guess this is the downside of a big baby.

I realized that your baby is also on the big side. You can asking your Gynae abt your chances of a natural delivery? Mine had been preparing me for weeks before he was due. He always told me that my baby was big and that i could try for natural and if I couldn't deliver, it would be c-section.

The night before I delivered my baby, my mucus plug came. The next morning, my water bag burst when I went to toilet. I didn't really feel contractions until they put me on a drip to induce labour. After abt 6 plus hours, I was dilated enough but my baby's head couldn't come down enough. So it doesn't mean that dilation will give birth. After another hour, I went for c-section.

If you're worried abt cost, maybe shld discuss with your Gynae abt c-section?

Jeanie: Jia you.. it'll take awhile for No. 1 to get use to the younger sibling..

trust me that things will be eventually better... from experience.


I feel like giving up my confinement and start to take care bb on my own. Is it okay for us not to do confinement?

My CL is quite Jia lat sometimes. Tell her something she always has reason to talk back (from her experience) Change diaper like change napkin clothes. My bb feeding time also mess-up now. From e beginning of 60ml 4-hourly to 60ml hourly on top of my EBM (20-40ml every 4 hour). My bb is about 2 weeks old now. Is it too much to let her drink on hourly based?

She also like to put bb sleep on e floor (sleep together with her). My room floor is parquet and she will out a thin quilt. But e problem is she hardly mop e floor and we always step in and out e from. Bb now develops rashes very near to her eyes. Even her eyes seems swollen. It pains my heart to see that. Arghhhh e more I complain e more I feel like to vomit blood.

hihi just to update..i have been following this thread closely but did not update.

my edd is 8th feb but i have given birth on the 26th jan via elective C sec.

congrats to mummies who have popped..for those waiting, get as much rest as possible. once baby is out, 24 hrs a day is really not enuff. All the best!

@ Ally: u can try Medela nipple cream for ur sore nipples. Like you, my son has prob latching on and then i had sore nipples so i was getting phobia of him latching on.. now i pump and let him drink ebm..no choice..he used to bottle now..i tried back latching, he will cry and scream.

I have a qns to ask too... really getting stressed by this.

my baby boy is 3 weeks old. he is drinking ard 100ml EBM per feed. then he wakes up every 2 hrs to feed again.. i feel so tired and stressed cause not enough time to pump..then still have to wash and sterilize bottles.

I tried to increase it to 120ml but he is still waking up every 2 hrs...and will cry and scream for milk.

for experienced mummies, how much are u feeding your 3 week old baby?

when he was 1-2 weeks old, he can sleep for 3-4 hrly streches and it was much easier looking after him..i will wake him up to drink and there's not much crying. but now at 3 weeks, he is waking up 2 hrly interval and scream and cry for milk..

because of his high demand, i am so stressed and lack of rest that my supply is down and i feel like giving up BF..its really very tough to BF..if he can latch on, will save me a lot of time in the washing part...

also, i am using a 3rd hand Medela PISA pump and i pump every 3-4 hrly..i pump for 1 hour to get ard 110-120ml per session for both sides . is it consider too long? my milk supply doesnt seem to be going up despite all the measures taken..maybe its stress too..cause everytime i pump, i will stare hard at my breasts..

any advice? really appreciate.. i have been calling and looking up the web but cant find any solution.


Did you try fenugreek pill? It is recommended by my bb PD and after taking I do notice e increase in my bm, but not much though, maybe I didn't take it regularly

can any mummies share on their schedule too? after the CL leaves? i am not staying with parents and is quite worried after the CL leaves this sunday, how do i cope with Baby, housework, cooking etc etc?

@ Jolin: me too.. i dun really like my CL.. ever since she came, my baby feeding cranked up.. she came on the 3rd week. my 1st 2 weeks was without her...my mum cooked for me, but i take care of baby and do all the washing myself too...it was tiring but at least i can bond with baby...now i seldom carry baby..everytime i carry, my CL take him back! i cant wait for her to go this sunday. but really hope i can cope well alone


Then increase your intake of fish. My friend all tell me that it will help to increase our bm. And most importantly, don't be stressed up and rest more. Everytime I feel stress and down, my ms will down too. But I know it's easier said than done. I also feel like giving up breast feeding.

Ya. My CL also does e same. Every time my bb cry, she will quickly carry her. And when I try to calm bb down, she will take over from me. It gave me a feeling that she think she is e only person who can manage bb. So sian...

@gregda: with my firstborn, I took fenugreek regularly and it increases my milk supply a bit. But it is not dramatic. I can produce only 200ml-300ml per day, with a mandela breast pump. With my second born, I latch her on literally every 2 hours to get enough milk supply, inspite of sore nipples. I also try to drink more soup and fish. By the end of the first month, I can produce more than 200ml per session. But not using breast pumps. I massage my breasts and have more luck expressing that way.

Don't worry about doing without your CL, your baby should settle into a schedule soon and will be easier to handle. the stress is probably affecting your milk supply as well.

@jolin: I started taking care of my children right from the 3rd day, from bathing to feeding them. If you cannot tolerate your CL, why don't you just get confinement food from other sources and take care of your baby? Less stress from my angle.

@Jeanie: stay strong! It is really hard when you are taking care of two by yourself. Try asking ur hubby to take over for couple of nights with your firstborn to get a little more rest.

@ Ally: woah!!! That means I also high chance c section already... Cos baby puts on at least 300grams every week see gynae. If so, estimate mon see doctor will be abt 4kg?!?! Opps!!! Aren't tat too big?

Btw, wad r ur charges for TMC and how many bedder u choose? Cos I wanna compare which is cheaper ... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

how's ur baby?

@pinkyval - do you also latch your baby on? now if i don't feed or pump my breasts regularly, i will feel engorged like a stone.

@ Jolin and Gregda - Is Fenugreek effective? Currently i still only manage to pump out 60 - 70ml. If it is good, I also want to try.

I also got problem latching, then i let my nipples rest, pumped out the milk, then i went to see the lactation consultation for help. it is really very useful! Now, i 'dare' to latch my baby but not every feed cos the latch is still not correct and I don't think i can take the pain if i latch her on every single feed. I suppose practice make perfect but we must endure the pain lor.

I also look forward to take care of my baby once my CL leaves, scary but excited!

@Ally: Don't get too stressed about it. If it is too tiring, supplementing with FM is fine. The stress from being so tired is probably lowering your milk supply. I went through the same problem with my first born. I decided that it is better that I give him some BM than nothing at all. Jia you!

Hi En Xuan, I stayed at TMC single bedded ward. Paid 4.4k in cash after medisave. Very ex.

To the mummies with CL, I dun listen to all that my CL says. When the baby cried, she said time to feed. But he hasn't even slept since last feed. This means I have to waste FM. one can not cheap leh. So I said I'll coax him. And he just fell asleep. She nags a lot. Just listen to whatever u feel like hearing. U're the employer, why must u suffer?

Fang fang,

I don't know, quite confused also. Part of me I want to take care of bb by my own, but another part I am scared cos I don't know how to bath bb. I am also scared of their crying sound, especially when they cry so hard, I am totally lost.


Before I took e pill, I pump out total of 5-10ml from both breast. E best result I ever get is 20ml. But after taking, I pump out at least 20ml from both breast. Sometimes 40ml. But I didnt follow e instruction closely. I was asked to take 3 caps once or twice a day, but I only took 1 cap daily.

Hello mummies:

my milk kept spraying onto my gal's face and she cough and choke when I latch her..

nowadays she only latch for few minutes then refuse the breast.

Does any one know how I can remedy the situation?

I have tried expressing milk before latching, but feel that wasting my BM.

I have also let the spray wither down then re-latch my gal, but she will also refuse the breast after few minutes.

my gal is 3 weeks now and she has become very naughty.

cant sleep unless I carry her, altho dont require rocking or patting..

my son is protesting cos mei mei is eating into his 1-1 time with mummy..

my son needs me to hug him before he can fall asleep..

my son has fallen sick cos of lack of sleep and interrupted sleep liao

anyway, is it normal that BB is constantly grunting as in like trying to poo?

my gal can grunt for 10 mins every hour and the grunts are so loud, kept my son and hubby awake.

she like constipated, but her stools are still soft and musturd yellow.

En Xuan, Did Dr John do for u VE? If u have dilate u should have no problem being induce. Better ask Dr John tee for advise. If u see him on mon ask him for advise see what he said. If u want to induce also can do it on monday then tuesday admit to delivery. =)

KhoHuang, Added u in facebook.

Mommies, Do u girls have pain on the stretch marks? On my right side of my tummy have a very bad stretchmarks n it hurt. Feeling very tight pulling n stretching feeling on my skin. Super painful. Got anyway to lighten the pain?

Thanks ah Ching and fang fang.. Still trying to juggle..

My elder boy is sick too!! 2 younger sis also sick and hubby seems to be falling sick too. Argh....

My nipples are cracked swollen and bleeding! Can't latch on cuz too painful, can only pump. Prob is, even pumping for half hr, my yield is only 30ml and breast can't be emptied. Now it's So heavy and painful. My last pump, the milk is orange colour cuz I bled. I dunno wad to do. Continue to pump? Last session is only 2hrs ago.. I did apply purelan cream diligently. Feel like giving up. So sad.. Didn't had such issue with no1..

@jeanie: I had the same problem as u in the beginning--(refer to earlier post to Ally). The lady who helped me explained it was because we need to clear the nipple of any blockage if not the milk cannot come out. Gotta use tissue paper to clear away the dead skin blocking the nipple, preventing the milk from coming out.

It's like clearing blocked pores. Oops.


Clio, how to use tissue to clear? I tried pumping for one hr to relieve but only relieve half of it. Now, An hour n half later, it's painful again.. Wad should I do now?

