Daddy Story.
10.30am - Visit Dr Ang, he wants to insert the pill and ask my wife to admit at 10.30pm but i asked him if we can do tomorrow cos we got exam paper at 8pm. He say won't be that fast we can go in after the exam paper.
11.30am - 30mins after he insert the pill, contractions come for my wife every 2 mins.
2pm - Talk to Dr Ang on the phone, because her contractions still every 2 mins for the last 3 hours! Dr Ang say if mild is okay, my wife say is mild, not too pain but we decided to go in earlier.
4pm - Just as about to go down to take cab, her contractions intensified very quickly. She was in a lot of pain in the cab.
4.45pm - Reach hospital. She could not walk liao, i have to get the wheelchair and carry her out of the cab. Still hopeful that i can leave at 6.30pm for my exam and return 9+pm.
5.15pm - Nurse say half dilated, tell me to skip my exam. I give in, called my lecturer and told him about that.
5.30pm - Epidural given at observation room, my wife cannot take it and ask for it. All the time i didn't know because the nurse ask me to wait outside, i would appreciate they could had told me epidural was given.
6pm - I saw a nurse push in a bedwheel into the observation room, and after 5 mins transfer my wife onto it. They didn't call me all these while and i've been waiting outside for 30 mins. It's only when they start to move her out of the observation room and i stop them at the corridor and asked what is going on. The nurse say she's fully dilated and moving to delivery ward. Kind of upset am i invisible? I was outside the observation ward all the time. How come they do everything without updating me. Nurse say Dr Ang had been called.
6.15pm - Ready in delivery, just waiting for Dr Ang. My wife say got pressure to push but Dr Ang still haven't come. Peak hour and i knew the road are packed!
6.50pm - Nurse outside say Dr Ang reaching in 5 mins. Nurse ask my wife to try push a little but now my wife say cannot feel any pressure and the lower part is numb from the epidural.
7pm - Dr Ang arrived. He say he was surprised my wife is so fast. Dr Ang asked for a doctor, but he is not in. He asked for another doctor, not in also. I realised later he is asking for a PD but apparently no one in TMC is available. I think they call 2 or 3 doctor and finally got one who just left TMC, and she is making u-turn back. Dr Ang says he needs the PD to be around, but then i guess he can't wait so he asked my wife if lower part had feeling but i think the epidural effect still there so my wife still quite numb there. He straight away took the vacuum and ready. The first push and the baby is out. So fast that i wasn't even aware the baby is out. He say it was an almost perfect delivery, contraction is fast and good and everything is smooth. Well, i thought if he had arrived earlier, we could had avoided the vacuum because my wife had pressure to push earlier but wait until the feeling gone. I was kind of holding grudges that because he thought it won't be that fast and insert that pill today instead of the next day which i requested, both of us had to skip the exam paper and repeat the term ...
7.30pm - I thought our baby wanted to smell mommy but the nurse didn't give them much bonding time, they just place baby on her chest for a couple of mins and off the baby goes for check up etc. Finally the PD arrived and check the baby, think about 10-15 mins after baby is delivered. She was quite friendly and nice but i can tell she was upset to make a u-turn back because she told me she was actually on her way for dinner.
7.30pm - My wife left the delivery to her room and the baby was left at the nursery.
10.15pm - I asked if the baby is ready as my wife still haven't really had spent much time with her baby yet, but the nurse from the nurse told me that her shift had just started only and the baby not showered yet. 3 hrs !!! What have they been doing? She was pretty fast answering me, after i told her which mom. I guess it doesn't matter who i say her answer will be the same. I wanted to see the baby before i leave but no chance, i left at 10.45pm.
TMC is really full that day. No more 1 bedded room so they give me 2 bedroom after free upgrade which i share with another lady who was also just delivered by our same Dr Ang, like 2 hours after us. Can see Dr Ang really popular. Haha. The registration counter downstair told me only Dr Ang patient had this privilege of free upgrade, dunno true or not. Haha
One thing for sure, Dr Ang is very profession and you can see he really an expert. He can probably close one eye and can still deliver baby. [IMG=]
Although there was some disappointment with the service, generally i find them friendly and nice. I guess because it was valentine day and they must be really tired as the hospital is extremely packed and that's why there were some fall in standard. But utimately what we only wish for is that both the baby and mommy are sound and healthy so i am happy with how everything turns out. Basically everywhere i go i can hear the nurse saying how busy it was, and one of the nurse told me all delivery ward are used.. all 25 of them are full! she said. I guess a lot mommies wants valentine baby. Hee
Even the lady who was in the delivery with my wife say she was supposed to finish at 2pm but had to do second shift until 9pm. And she was coughing ... gosh ... but what can i say?
Ok, tomorrow morning going back. They had put us on 1 bedded room waiting list. Hopefully can get it because tomorrow both my wife and her neighbour will have a lot of visitors coming so it's better to have a private room for better rest.