Rev island, I have maid to do chores. My mil cooks and delivers my confinement food and my boy attends full day childcare at Pat's schoolhouse. So I take care of my own little ger. [IMG=] it's quite simple lah. I spend my time feeding, watching drama, surf facebook n Internet, planning the full
Month party, doing up the 2010 family coffee table book.
Pumping keeps milk supply UP. It's a method used to fake ur baby demand so breasts work hard to produce more. Nowadays, my Emma sucks one breast and feels full already. One breast produce about 120ml of milk every cycle. So that explains it. At first, I still wondered if she got enough to drink so I forced her to take my other breast. She puked out all the milk and I got a shock that she drank so much already. I store all the excess milk in freezer. I use ice cube tray and store into ziplock bags. Label the bags by dates. Eg 4-9 Feb.
Each cube is 30ml. By following the GF method , my milk supply is abundant and I can further increase it anytime by following Pg 213.
The GF method - we need to get up by 7am and feed baby. If u want to pump before feeding (plan to increase milk supply) then wake at 6:45am. The good thing is u only woke once a night (max twice). Planning to wake up at a certain time beats jumping outta bed whenever Bb starts crying. At least u know whether u are up for joining Hubby to watch a late night tv drama not. [IMG=]
Naps - the 4pm nap is the only nap not done in a dark room. Other than that, GF recommends a dark room. Hence my move to chase my son outta my bed haha.. And yes, we actually also love sleeping with him in the middle and cuddle him. But no more.. [IMG=]
Ah Ching, I m not sure how to reverse other than trying cold turkey. But make sure Bb not hungry, diaper changed and is purely clamoring for carrying and rocking before u do cold turkey. Swaddle tight, off all lights, leave the room.