(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

Washing hair:

I intend to wash hair and bathe the moment I can at the hospital..of cos it depends on mode of delivery too. So when I went for the Mt A tour last weekend, when they asked if we had any questions, I asked....is there a hairdryer??? They said yes, can request.

Any idea when deliver at Mt A, will they let me take home to remaining diapers and pads from the packet that they open up?


cos nb skin r dry n sensitive i personally find it necessary to apply lotions for them. until they r older den can stop. but im still applying for my #1 til now, 3 yrs old liao...

allo ladies..

yup in MtA, those given to u u r free to bring them back.. the nurses are v nice there [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i think u will hv good experience there hpc [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

for the dry shampoo...my gf was telling me if u don intend to wash ya hair for days, juz use baby johnson powder.. it will do the same job as the dry shampoo no nid to waste $ on tat la [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yup..rembr infant's skin will peel off in 1 week + i think, it's normal.. my son did... so to me baby lotion v important to protect their delicate skin, i will be gettg Calendula cream for #2.. aledy on my shelf..hehehe

my #1 still using it.... i std by it.. nice smell..hee...

the scissor sound interesting.. WHIM.. i keen oso if u r gettg it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jus seen gynae, bb too close to womb to take measurements but womb growin. So gynae said next visit then c. She will be away on 23 sep to 1 oct & has arranged for another lady to standby.

Got to do urine coulture test as told her recently feel tummy tightness n hardenin. Got to monitor to c whether contraction & to be put on pill if so.

Worse is my blood count dropped further, got to increase dosage of iron & take more leafy veg. Argh scare constipation...

Now got to wait 1more hr for glucose test & urine test. Am yawnin away in clinic now...

whitecookies: yes i experienced it once last friday nite. it was pretty painful and unbearable. Need some relaxation breathing for me to get through the pain for a while.

@ vallous...yah...really quite painful...I could only lie down and hope for the pain to go away. I fell asleep eventually...my mum told me it may come again. Perhaps some massage around the chest area on our own will help to ease the pain.

hi naf, woah so serious. What is urine coulture test? I also every night and sometimes in the day got the tummy tightness and hardening leh. Its like a basketball filled to the brim with gas. But it happens even though I havent eat. I tot its normal. I think i better tell my gynae on 3rd sept liao.

Tks Shan and Trismom. I am planning to take the single bedder at Mt A cos its so huge and I would like to have my husband stay with me. But hopefully it is available at the time I deliver.

I also asked my gynae whether I need to do anymore blood test or any other test. Cos hor, I am not eating my multivits. Only thing I still eating at current 26 weeks is folic acid and calcium pill. Folic I know not necessary but I just eat since I have somemore. I wouldn't know if I am low on iron right? GYnae says no more test unless urine test or blood pressure test shows up something.....else its ok.

I am more concerned if I have enough iron.... Are there any visible signs to low iron?

hmm whim, i can't seems to be able to download/see the full list of the "things to buy" from the website. is it possible for u to attach as excel format (if its in this format)? tks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hpc: I am also taking Mount A single bedder. Its really huge and nice to have hubby staying over.

I think if low on iron, you be anemic, feel tired and fatique and weak all the time. Can eat red meats to boost iron stores.

I also didnt take much tests, only the routine urine test and blood pressure. my doc also never tell me to do additional tests. But I am taking Calcium, folic, vit c, iron and DHA. I am taking calcium as I am lactose intolerant so cant take fresh milk.

Good morning ladies,

Sian, my sensitive nose, eyes, skin is back after few months....and worst is tat i got cough too....wake up 2.30 last nite and cant get back to zzz due to the non stop coughing....on mC today.....gng to nap soon....

HPC... lack of iron will be like Nana, anemic. Pale, tired, dizzy spells..... Preggie need to generate more red blood cells, cos they bring oxygen to you & bb. Iron is for this purpose. You look at ur plams & see if they are reddish or pale. if reddish, then ur iron level is ok.

yup lack of Iron , u will easily hv fainting/dizzy spells which can be dangerous.. to me, Iron supplements is much more impt then calcium & the rest.. Actually now, folic acid is nt so critical liao..

Ya Single Bed in Mt A.. good good...

hmm, time for me to book my TMC hosp tour too ..

tk care Diana.. alot of pple startg to fall sick again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Trismom, I was surfing online for bb stuff and I saw this scissors while trying to find bb bottle brush. Did u manage to hear how much the scissors cost? The site I was on is not Singaporean, and the scissors will sell abt USD$20! (I'm a FTMTB, so have no experience in buying bb stuff but isn't USD20 a bit exp for a pair of children's food scissors??)

mummywong, u still win me. U got 9 out of 33. Actually if I could, I would wait until mar to get my bb stroller coz supposedly the taka fair is coming again in mar. But I think I cannot wait, must buy the bb stroller and car seat before the taka fair coz I've heard that if u dun 'train' the bb to take to the stroller/car seat from v young (e.g. 1 mth), they will cry and scream and refuse to get in. So better make sure I have all the tools by the time I finish confinement.

shan, u want to buy e scissors? Even if it's USD$20? I'm still thinking of ordering bb bottle brushes from the site, so we can combine & ship to Singapore if u want.

Irene, I took the list from hard copy of the KK antenatal class notes, dun have soft copy or excel format.

Btw, anyone can give me advice on bottle brushes? How come even for a bottle cleaner/brush, there are so many diff types? Am super confused! I've downloaded some of the ones I've seen (and these are not including the breastpump tubing cleaners!).


take care diana!

shan/vallous: can chk if Mt A single bedder the best already? is there a premium single bedder type of room there? if so, can know the price diff with premium n without premium? tks

Seems lik many mummies taking MT A single bedder...

If my gynae has clinic in Paragon n Tiong Bahru, shld I choose Mt E or Mt A? Some ppl tell mi to choose MT E so gynae cn get to mi faster. But the cost of staying in Mt E...shld b vry vry expensive bah? Anyone has any experience delivering in Mt E?

Bb lotion:

Which brand/type is highly recommended? It is applied after bathing, rt? Apply all over bb? Any area to avoid? Sorry for asking silly questions. :p

vallous, she wants to chk whether I hav UTI as she mentioned tat tis & vaginal infection will cause premature delivery. I am also cleared of strep b as did a test earlier in T1 when I had lots of discharge & itch. Talkin abt tis, forgotten to ask whether I will be doin the strep b test ltr stage. She also said if contraction is regular, got to admit hosp in case labour.

Think I got to be more relax n rest more. Scary.

Whim, I jus use pigeon brush even though I was usin avent bottles. I also have got or prepare on bb items now tat my dad only allows me to get things aft 7th mth. Dun stress ya.

Oh yaya, there is a deluxe single bedder. Cant remember the price , i think not much of a difference only 100-200. you can check the rates at the MAH website. I cant even remember if i took the single bedder or the deluxe single bedder.

chris: since paragon and mt e is side by side, it really does makes sense its faster for doc to reach you if he is nearby bah. But I do noe the rates for mt e is very high.

naf, i got UTI in T1 before and was given pills to clear off. I got blood in my pee tat time. Its terrible. Guess I better tell my doc abt the tightening next visit.

Whim> i feel the bottle brush should not be too hard else it'll leave scratch marks on the bottles if you know what i mean and i also feel should not be too soft else maybe difficult to scratch off milk powder next time. i bought avent steriliser and saw the avent brush very expensive then i saw pigeon brush seems not bad and cheaper so i might buy pigeon brush.

MAH 1 bedded pricing,

The differencebetween single bedded and deluxe single bedded is about $140.. But the room actually quite the same.. Jus the deluxe is newer, just renovated..

Food cutting scissors,

Saw Clover use it during the lunch, seems useful but is it too early for FTM to get it now?

Baby lotion,

I would liketo know is it apply to the whole body or what? Any lotion to recommend?

Naf, take care and don't stress yourself!


I got myself Pigeon bottle brush.. Come to think of it now I hav 3 bottle brushes, 1 I buy the pigeon one cos the sponge in front looks very interesting, 1 from Pigeon new born kit and 1 from Avent new born kit.. Haha.. Can place 1 at my MIL house.. Btw, if u go to normal shops to buy hor, I think it cost only like 2,3bucks..

Thank you Hammiebao.

I passd glucose test but failed on bloodcount. Thought I can say bye to iron pills. Chey...

Food scissors

I jus buy small scissor to cut food for kids.

whim..so ex?!!! of coz don wan if lidat.. haaa i rather stick to my own mthd of "tearin" it apart w chopsitcks/spoons/fork.. of coz w scissors nw conv lo ..

i get the sponge type for bottle washing. .initially i got the "branded" one like pigeon etc..eventually i got them from those $2.99 shop.. it work the same, anyway we will sterilise the bottle mah, so no nid to waste ex $ on those branded brush la.. i got a teat brush but i seldom use oso.. i will change the teat every 3mths lidat..

so many mummies w low blood issue eh... stay good fren w Iron pills.. cannot skip!... i know they are quite yucky.. for your health 's sake eh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i din c the deluxe at MtA ..during my time, don hv yet i think.. 1 bedder is good engf i tot.. u check out the price diff eh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

overall the environment is good at Mt A, i quite like it.

Hi Mummies,

I have a brand new Rocio Cot (unopened) + Fibrelux Mattress + Blue Bedding set for sale at $300.

Pls PM me if you are interested.

Also a Medela Freestyle Breastpump used only less than a month as i didnt breastfeed letting go at $480.

Let me know if you are interested. Tks

Yah, i also dunno. I think e website sells stuff from japan, so maybe e quality is better or sonething.

I m bit more lazy, if i can buy online and have the items delivered to my place, that s e best. Futhermore, i wun have to.explain to the SO where to buy. Just tell him u go to this website, click click click and get this.


I agree w yr friend on not using dry shampoo due to the same reasons. For my 1st pregnancy i didn't wash my hair for 1 whole mth, mine is long hair. It was totally bearable, just clip it up n comb it twice a day.if u use dry shampoo it will combine w the oil n white flakes will formn become itchy. Worse it might damage yr scalp.


those scissors r mine. It's made in japan n v useful. Got from bp for $18 i think. U can cut meat n noodles Into small pcs n it doesn't rust. Maybe u can wait for the next spree? I tried to find the link to the bp but its no longer available.


hey. i think bp got sell this, i bought 2.

#1 now using. 2nd pcs keeping on standby for #2.

i bought it at S$18 per pair

but i have kantao to get it much cheaper.... lemmie know if u all interested. i can check check with the supplier..


May i noe what can i get the Calendula cream which you mentioned? Does it works the same as baby lotion?


Thanks for the info. Will start taking coconut drink 1mth b4 EDD.

Ueno, hmm.... it could be the same one coz the site I saw weren't in USD, I just converted it into USD so that I can benchmark against things from Amazon (which I'm ordering soon).

The thing I think will be good abt this pair of scissors is that u can bring it along in your travels (even on board an airplane) coz the edges don't have metal, so it'll pass the air safety check.

dollipollie, u go start a BP in the motherhood thread and we'll go see....

hey whim! thanks for the list! dont worry for not getting all the things yet. go kiddyplace and swipe all the things at once. hehehe...

vallous, am like you. im now 26wks and already cannot sleep at night. not only tummy, but the moment i lie down, i hav lots of air and i need to sit up and burp. i hav to do it so many times before i can finally sleep. i will be awake when my legs ache and there's when i need to change position then i'll stay awake. yawnz!!

take care, Diana. im having sensitive nose now too. hav to on air purifier to sleep yesterday. was quite bad [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

whim: how to start BP?

do i have to pay?

paiseh ar. i only know to come in and buy things.. nv tot of selling things in forum. find it hard to handle.

i can post it in my facebook.

u all add me la. im more active there.

[email protected]

hello dollie!! heee u mia for so long..

sure sure if u got lobang on the scissor.. i think it b v conv [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ueno, u really din wash hair for 1 mth?! u r good!! i 4 days never wash hair i cant std it liao..

hey BlueSoda, I got mine from Drugstore [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



read on [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i use this as normal moisturer not really as nappy cream, for the baby's bum i will use Desitin.. it's much thicker, more protection [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

FYI i was doing the horoscope check.. hee


any mummies experiencing numbness and tingling feeling in the hands? Mine has been so for the 3rd day, like not much feeling like that, though still do things normally...how? Should i see gynea or GP? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

i do cheerios... numbness.. it's on & off...ever since i gv brith to #1, my "machine" seems like breaking down. i think v impt to nurse health back during confinement, my last confinement, i was too qincai :p

so my health wasnt as good as b4 n nt v good


i hardly got the time.. plus #1 learning to walk. he even climb out of the play yard. now going up and down of the stairs. very soon his hand can reach the door knob liao. mean chances of him opening the door himself is higher. -.-"

got the price for the scissors le. S$16 include shipping. lemmei knoe if u all keen. i dunno if i post more details here will kenna ban or not.

cherrios, shan, my colleague jus shared with me abt numbness on her fingers and she went to see doctor, they referring her to specialist and was told tat it could be due to the fluid (retention? or something) during her pregnancy. its affecting now her quite badly tat she cant feel hot water too. better check with GP?

Jewel> LOL!!! i didn't realize all these are iron deficiency symptons until you pointed out here. yaya, i do look pale, no wonder i alw feel tired and dizzy easily lar...

i read abt it online..that it can be some carpal tunnel syndrome...due to veins being pressed against when there is water retention for pregnant ladies...i m in US leh...here the GP CMI one... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] mine started last week or so and only affected me in the nights, when i wake up and pee then realized it...but now it doesnt go away! Haikz...this pregnancy has so more pains and aches then my #1...no idea isit because both pregnancy too close or i didnt do my confinement properly...

shan, drugstore sell that so ex! I bought it at babiesrus less than 15usd and already think its so ex liao! I always feel drugstore things are way overpriced, thats why they always have coupon codes, cos even after the discount is still the same price as other places...but i guess the good thing is they do ship overseas ba...


the Calendula cream 1 tub u can use for how long?

its quite exp compare to normal lotion right?

any mummy can recommend baby lotion??

Food cutting scissors,

is it too early for FTM to get it now?

Hi mummies-to-be,

I have a Medela Pump In Style Advance in good condition. My gal now is 1yr old and I have used this pump for 9months. Willing to let go at $380.

(Good working condition) local set. Items include are:

Medela Backpack

Medela Cooling element (use but still in gd condition)

Medlea cooler bag(use but still in gd condition)

1x manual piston (new)

2x bottle stand (new)

2x Membranes (new)

1x motor

1x DC adaptor

1x battery adaptor

(Accessories like shields/tubings/bottle is not include)

Interested, do PM me. thanks

vallous/hammiebao: tks for the Mt A room info [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] will check out on this in more details when im gg for the Mt A tour nxt mth [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ueno: ya u really can tahan!...1 mth no wash hair...i not sure if i can tahan more than 3 days to most 1 week?? cun we wash even with the herbal water? hmm but then if wash with herbal water maybe hair smell even worse hor..

ya, cherrios, something like tat the water retention thing and there's a name to this. hmmm... then hw abt asking ur gynae?


oh cherrio .. hmmm my numbness wasnt tat bad n on & off.. but of coz if too serious, shd see doc, else affect overall health, sometimes it's aledy an indication ..

on the cream, i compared acouple of places.. like in local BP, with Amazon, i tot Drugstore is the cheapest lioa eh..

i recently got mine, 4Oz at US$15.99 (S$22) i think ok la , my gf got it locally thru BP is paying S$30+ for her 4oz leh.

yup hammiebiao, can apply on face..it's v mild.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

thanks for checking the model# for my gf [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

