yeah accidents can happen anytime!! i usually make sure that i have one hand on bb and another hand to reach out for diaper. or if the diaper is not within reach i will actually carry bb, pick up the diaper and then put it on. never, ever leave bb unattended. they're very, very active at this point now. when bb poos, i will straightaway carry him to the toilet and wash him there. since he can sit it's very convenient for me, just sit him on the toilet bowl while i use the jet spray to clean off his poo then wash. hope Josie is ok. I'm sure she is [IMG=]
you can also go back to your gynae or just see a GP. they'll prescribe you with antibiotics. don't leave it unattended. or you can try Ange's hubby.. lol.. actually i've had 2 episodes of lumps in my breasts, latching alone doesn't help, you have to keep pressing and massaging yourself till the milk squirt out. the milk come out will be foremilk b'cos it's trapped there for so long, then you know you're massaging the right way.
sad lei when u say condom not so effective [IMG=] my friend just put on IUD and she keeps bleeding every two weeks to the point that she don't know if she's having her period or not. she's really fed up lor.
my period amoutn is the same but the cycle days seems irregular. i have no idea what my cycle days are. just must remember to be careful to prevent accidents.
cherry neo,
eh what's that sticky on the bum bum (_|_) i loike!! tell me more!! hahaha..
breastfeeding and weight,
sorry to be a party pooper but i believe it works only within the first 6 months of post-pregnancy kekeke. that's b'cos babies haven't take in any solids yet so fully depends on milk. if your babies take in more solid and decrease milk, then u need to decrease your food intake as well. it's all in proportion. i try to control my food intake also, no more excuses of pigging out!
babies biting,
my boiboi will bite when he's had enough and i still force him to suck. then i will scream and tap his lips with a very stern look and voice and he will cry so hard my heart breaks!! lol. but he learned his lesson! he no longer bite me and i no longer force him when he doesn't want to! hahaa..