(2010/10) October 2010 MTB


There's no need to grant her holiday for hari raya. When they decided to come out to work, it's for themselves to manage their emotions n stuff.

I have come to a point where I dun really bother too much abt their emotions as long as they are not too 'off' their work n if they din ask for anything extra, do not be so nice as to make any offer- like give off etc. They won't appreciate it n aft a while take u for granted even.

I may sound mean but no choice. See n hear too much


Hihi ..


Hari raya still long time.. august or early sept i think..


I want to watch but dont think hubby will allow to ditch bby with him... he is a bigger fan of musical compared to me! (Although usually i understand more deeply lol)

N not sure whether the ticket still available??

Coz my friends booked like long time ago..

I hvnt even got a chance to watch movie.. huhu..


We will talking about the "jin yin hua" [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


U foudn the date! Hehe..

Anyway i agree w seabreeze. No need to offer anything first or think abt it.

Not that i hv a helper or hv something against them, but i heard many terrible stories abt them taking advantage because the employer is too nice to them.

What some of my friends do is to go back with them dueing lebaran. N come back to spore with them.

u hv till aug to judge ur maid whether she is that trustworthy or not..

Anyway i hv seen many of them stay in spore during lebaran wo any problem. They will gather n celebrate together..

ann> her hometown is not the same as mine. So I can't go back with her.. If I go back with her, that means she'll celebrate hari raya with my Jakarta's maid instead of her family.

Did your friend who goes back with them has the same hometown as her? Or is it just to make them happy to have the festive mood, so they go back?


Not sure how they do it. Maybe they give one day to go bck to their hometown? At least the children can visit her if she is in jakarta, for short meet up etc.

Later if got time to ask i will ask abt it...


I won't grant her, seabreeze explained all.. They should handle their own emotions n family matters..

To bring them back to indon must apply visa or else they can't leave indon...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] just FYI


Hmmm..... I oso wanna watch but my HB rather watch drama series .. Bleah!!!!

Hi princess_d> I've just heard about the apply for visa from you.. Just wondering, is it to be able to avoid the fiscal payment?

Where do we need to apply? In Indonesian embassy?

Thanks for your & Seabreeze info.. Now I know it's not a common practice to grant them leave during Hari Raya..

Mummies with sensitive skin bb,

can try Elomet cream. I got mine from pd, but was told available fr guardian... It's works wonder for my elder son ezema rash.. N my bb rash on fce fr the allergy to 1 of the cereals...


rest well.. Dun forget we had c section so the wound n uterus still weak. Dun be too garang!


mine came for 1 day n only brown stains... Feel so lousy like choke long-kang... N my weight keeps going up when I trying so hard to diet!!


i getting new maid, first maid. indon with little experience. errrrrrrrrr, any advise before something big happens??


gonna buy one soon, any recommendations what to buy or dont buy? =)


I agree abt not being overly nice. otherwise, I think u will feel worse when she quits. Even u go all out for her, it doesn't guarantee tat she wun quit on u. I also dread e maid changing phase. Full of headache to get another suitable one.


Elomet... Hmmm.. I go n try to find.


Best if u hv somebody to supervise e maid. Wrt stroller, I always prefer light. My combo n mclaren vole r both abt 5kg.


i dun think it is bcos of the fiscal payment...its between the immigrations here n there...apparently they can go out of s'pore with the current work permit but out of indon the immigration there don't recognized or something else.....sorry i can't remember the reasons...

TO apply you must bring her to embassay n the surrender th passport for 3 working days.!Only apply or indon maids going for holidays/visiting Indon...other countries need not visa unless requirement from the countries..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Re: maids

Must really close eyes at time.

My maid considered not bad Liao. Bcos Isaac slps with her, she will wake up n pass him to me to latch bcos I totally cannot hear him whine now. Haha. Then sometimes, he wakes up after I latched him n put him back. While expressing, my maid will constantly look at me, hoping that I take over asap. E moment I do, she will jump back to bed.


What do u let ur bby play with during the day?what activitues?

I realised now my bby very bored at home. Will want to move ard n once saw everything will shout

Once i bring out he become quiet but i cant do this everyday

He gey bored with his toys also.

Though i always alternate.

ZuEn> That's considered very good! My maid seems to pretend not hearing anything if Josie make any noise at night, because she knows we'll be taking care of her at night..

Sometimes she even doesn't care if Josie pees when hubby & I are having dinner, becoz hubby and I used to change her too. Until my MIL came and asked us how come we don't ask our maid to change her while we're having dinner..

Mummies with sensitive skin bb,

can try Elomet cream. I got mine from pd, but was told available fr guardian... It's works wonder for my elder son ezema rash.. N my bb rash on fce fr the allergy to 1 of the cereals...


rest well.. Dun forget we had c section so the wound n uterus still weak. Dun be too garang!


mine came for 1 day n only brown stains... Feel so lousy like choke long-kang... N my weight keeps going up when I trying so hard to diet!!

Princess, Zuen, Groovy

She is reliable to a certain extend but not for all things. Can't really trust what she says because half the time she doesn't mean it. Quite a hypocrite actually. But she is good in handling Shanessa and she likes the helper and was actually sad that she is leaving. Childcaring is priority so we put up with her nonsense. First 2 weeks here, we already caught her lying and doing things behind our back.

Groovy, you don't need to give her home leave if she didn't complete the 2 years contract. If contract, states no off day no need to give as well. if you give is good will. If she terminates before contracts ends. She nothing to lose only need to pay for her own air ticket home. If she doesn't intend to work for you, giving her home leave before contract ends will not make any differences. You as employer need to incur additional cost for getting a replacement. Since you have overheard her conversation and need her to look after Josie, i think best to make your own plans in case she really want to go back before contract ends. You need to judge yourself if she is honest and reliable for you to go thru the trouble.

Ann, me also lost donno how to entertain them sometimes. I will rotate him on the play gym, excersaucer, rocker, singing, reading. All does work I will carry him walk around the house a little. Once settle down I will rotate again.

just woke up from nap time jadelyn. didn't i can get so tired. maybe always in office and weekend hardly had time to rest. now really feeling it. probably a good thing to be on mc too.

re: drowsy medication

thanks for the replies. thought of doing away with the afternoon dosage tomorrow if her condition improves. don't quite like seeing her drowsy on medication all the time. and she's really quiet and demure today! just smile and look at ppl. not even a tiny noise from her most of the day. lol!


it's the chlormine syrup. heard of it before? it's orange colour liquid. smells sickeningly sweet.


thanks for sharing about your ordeal! i'm sorry you had to go thru it, but very thankful that you are willing share about it. you were warded in which hospital? just now i checked again and saw very dark reddish brown stains. hope it's just the old blood from yesterday. if tmr got fresh blood, i have to go hospital liao.

re: porridge

whole day at my mum's place today and watched her prepare food for my girl. she's still having rice cereal occasionally and my mum also 'upgraded' her menu to porridge! thought too fast but jadelyn seems to be digesting things well so far. it's just white rice porridge cooked in pork broth plus mashed up pumpkin. really very yummy!

oh yah... abt the ikan bilis, for those without oven at home can also use the frying wok to dry fry the ikan bilis. meaning don't put oil. just make sure wok is hot when putting the ikan bilis in and fry till golden brown.


you mean you managed to survive without stroller till now?? peifu peifu... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] how did you bring baby out? maclaren and combi are good choices. lightweight also. and some models can use from birth till toddlerhood so if you are planning for #2 in later months, can let new baby use too.

actually I also never brought Josie using stroller.. Only go to the park outside my house. Huhu my stoller is 2nd hand lucky baby brand. Still in good condition but a bit troublesome to pack..

So far I Always carry Josie, take turn with hubby. Super exhausted by the time we reached home..

I'm considering to buy a new stroller but hubby seems doesn't really like the idea. huhu..

I also rarely use stroller. Huhu.. coz last time he doesnt like to lie on his back (even till now) so its really difficult for him to accept the stroller. Now im using it to move him in the house n a place for hom to eat. Hehehe


I find my boy is really hard to be pleased these days.

If he doesnt like he can shout till he get what he wants.

Haih. Tmr i try again n maybe i should buy new toys.


She no choice bcos Isaac slps with her lah. I really cannot hear now bcos too tired. She dun wake up then issac will just Kip fussing lor. Lol.


Sigh,im also having problem with my maid actually!ARRghhhhh!!Endless!!!!

Can't live without them but with them there are another problem..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


WOW!!How do you ladies survived without Strollers?


Ann,you must take care of your back moreover you have back problem....

My HB n i definitely not gonna carry them...Really back breaking le...and tired too!!!SALUTE!!!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


actually you can fry them la,i see no diff in baking n frying them anyway..try n see??

Wow,the porridge your mom made already sounds yummy!!lil Jadelyn likes it??


Haha i also the same prob as u.. now at night if he fuss i dont hear anything?!?

last time hubby bought me handphone n one of his consideration is the alrm sound can b changed. Else i will get used to it.. :p

Princess d.

Actually i want to use stroller but the majesty doesnt like it. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

huhu. Now still using carrier whenever i go out but now rrying to minimise. Will bring both n put in stroller first. Till he fuss like mad then we carry. So far the time he is sitti g inside is longer n he can even sleep inside but he still doesnt like stroller that much.

My back ... eversince the masage at indo i dont feel a thing?!? Was telling hubby issit because the nerve is cut by the massage?? Or im having perfect posture so far? Wehehe.. But if carry him craddle hold will havr back pain,but at diff spots


Wow! Sounds like a miracle healing ! My back is aching so much lately n it has affected my mood somehow ..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Haa.. Niko likes to b close to his dad n mom la.. But if you guts are okay, then maybe no need a stroller ? Cos during their walking phase , strollers are dummies n then till such age where they know wats tired after running n walking too much then they ll ask for the strollers again ... Age wise it depends in each individual ...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

princess d,

Jadelyn loves the porridge! She gets very excited when she sees her plate and feeding spoon. Somemore it's naturally sweet from the pumpkin and pork broth. Nutrition wise I guess it's better than rice cereal bah. Since it's made fresh. What's on Meghan's menu this week? The beef broth u mentioned that day sounds very yummy! Too bad my parents dont take beef.


I really don't know how u manage with just the carrier! Oh man... Really salute u too. Maybe ur back very seasoned already until u don't feel the pain so easily. Or the massage u had in indonesia must be really good! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I'm feeling so tired today! One day nv go work bones also get lazy.. Think I'll turn in soon. Yawns....


Finally back at home aft course, nursing Lucas now. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Kudos to u guys for no strollers!!

I can die every wk just by that 1hr church carrying Lucas.


Rest well! Tk this opportunity to reenergized.

The 2nd tri u be even more happening. ^^

Jac, that medicine usually prescribe by KK. Shd be fine for bb. For PD and GP, usually Zyrtec. I think porridge is homemade and have both vege and meat should be have more nutrients. Meat has high iron.

Princess, yalor. Can't do without yet they give us problem and we have to pay them somemore. Sometime still have to see their black face.

Zuen, I'm not sure if reduction in milk means bb ready for solid. But my PD did say to intro solid if milk intake drop.


WOW!!yeah!That's why i rather my the porridge myself than to feed them off the shelves products..They enjoy more and well it's all natural ..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Meghan is still having her avocado+cereal in the morning, noon snacks will be either sweet potatoes or pumpkin[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] just one tablespoon....

then her dinner will be beef soup and steamed barley[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] sounds alot?LOL the soup is only approx 25-30ml only and her barley,after mashed is about 2tablespoon...

The b'fast is the heavy one....half avocado+2tablespoon of cereal[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Actually pork is good too!I will try pork on Thurs...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]bought some lean pork for soup!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


DId you managed to get some FOOd besides that bread you had this afternoon?Must tiring for you...go n have agood rest after this[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


no choice la,must rest lor...soemtimes ling down is really more tiring than working[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

The girls are sleeping w/o aircon too!I usually will cool down the room temp by turning on the aircon before bedtime and then off it when they turn in[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]My girls very sensitive n jade skin is dry type,so gotta take care of them carefully[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Exactly!BTH the black face type...my maid likes to lie...i dunno why she wanna lie about her family..i just dun get it sometimes..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Was warded in kkh.if fresh red blood has to hospital immediately. Pls refrain fr carrying jadelyn for now n bed rest till ur next review. take care n gd nite.my lil boy has finally sleep n I go latch him now


In church usually i got rest for a while. Lots of ppl carrying n playing with him. Wahaha.. but at homr i will suffer coz he usuaply doesnt sleep his morning nap. :p

Princess d

Mu hubby loves to carry him. I think he ill quite spoil market one. I think the reason he wants to be carried is becoz of hubby. Every monday i will suffer but usually after tue he will b ok with no carrying rule from mama. :p

will carry him if necessary only n i wont carry him to sleep unlrss he really cry bullets.

I prefer.stroller actually.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Now still alternating bw sleepy wrap n ergo. Both r good investment for me. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

If any of u r in jakarta n want the massage lady contact can let me knoW.

But she is very fussy n will suggest lots of things. If u dont speak the lnguage i guess its ok. For me i hv my mum beside me to entertain her hahaha..


That is lots of food!! Nikolas cant even finish quarter of avocado.. he doesnt like it.

im still lazy to intro more food. He still cant poo well. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] alaways fuss.. i dunno whether should ocntinue or he is not ready?

Few days ago try apple/pear n he cant poo too..


Which prt of pork does ur mum use ?

Princess d

Which part of beef u use? N how to mk steam barley?

Btw.. hahha.. what steamer u all use at home? I hv one buy i think too big to makr small portion of food. Wnt to buy from neighbourhood shop but all not too long, cant steam fot very long time coz the water part is very short.


Hahah..bcos your Hb is not always at home...spoil market is their duty...my HB too!!

but if he knows mama rules....then its okay..LOl[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

will contact you if i happen to b in Jakarta...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]Do we need to contact her in advance??

Ermm...i started her with just the breakfast...then she asked for more...but after her noon snacks...she pooed ..in fact eveyrday,same time after snacks she will poo!Im happy about it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]then around 5pm ..she will go ..mumm mumm mummm mummm..so i decided to feed her "dinner"!

I still latch her as per usual,from 7am to 7pm approx 4-5x.....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

May be last week she was ill n now her appetite is back?

The moment she saw me walking towards the kitchen,she will goe mum mumm mumm mumm.....thinking i'll prepare food for her...i tried gvg her the noon sancks..n she finished!...so i just stick to it la..if she is rejecting milk bcos of having too much solids,i will cut back the solids ..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


im using this steamer come slow cooker


i used beef shank....

Steamed barley

using the cooker,i just put in a lil water and the barley n cooked it..cos if i steamed it dried...the barley gets harden...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

once cooked just strain it with a sieve[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Don't think I will be as happening as last time, go KTV, go pub etc. Guai guai stay home more like it. Haha! Scared scared liao. :p


Thanks for the feedback on the syrup. She seems better this afternoon. If maintain like that tmr, I will cut one dose.


Ok will monitor and be careful these few days. Good night to u! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

princess d,

Fwah! Your little Meghan can really eat, especially the breakfast. Half avocado is a lot even for me. Cannot stomach it! And so cute, will go mum mumm.. Haha! Smart lah, that girl. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] First time heard of steamed barley for babies. Hard to digest mah? Cos got the dark brown hard thing don't know what it's called.


I will ask my mum abt the pork. Think it is lean meat. I let u know. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Think I'll go wake up the little girl and give her milk + her meds. Then it's time I sleep too.. Goodnight, ladies!

Princess d

thanks.. i saw that kind of boiler before near my place. Dont know it can steam too.

I think quite nice n the size is just fine. Will look gain for it in the neighbour shop..

Thank for the recipe hehe.

Meghan has a really good appetite! Surely if she is sick will recover faster coz hv lots of healthy food for her. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

N good that she can poo well. Got time to poo somemore. For me it will be surprise at anytime. Usually he will cry or fuaa. N then poo or just fart. I think he really has weak stomach?!?!

I only latch max 5 times a day + one time cereal, usually 1 tbspoon. If he is in good mood usually i give more. Hee hee..


Thanks.. have a good night rest.

I think i will tidy up n sleep too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] good nighg


Yeah, I know wat u meant ! Tats y I strained it with a sieve n watever u get is a paste like!... Very very smooth! Smoother than porridge n rice cereal [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

If u see some commercial cereal for infants , they do have barley n mixed grain n etc....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I dun give alot cos got soup .. It's usually after strained , only 2tablespoon ....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I only started few days back .. So far she pooed quite frequent [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hug n kisses to jadelyn ! Hope she recover soon! Good night[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Btw orget to reply. Th msaage lady can be contacted anytime.

Usually she has "region" per day. N her schedule is quite tight but she will squeeze in if u r in her region of the day.

N if u talk a lot to her the msaage will b long.. wahah.

My hubby is a smooth talker so she spent like 2 hrs on him. Whhaha.. i was listening throughout n they even talked about fuels and how to build highway?!?!?! Hah..

thanks Ann! Will c if HB interested cos he ll b in Jakarta nx mth ![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hmmm.. I ve got a girl who pretend to sleep walk n climb on my bed, tucked in nicely under my duvet n pretend not to hear me calling ....

Good night [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Princess D,

Meghan's meal sounds delicious. got beef, got pork. I only intro porridge with pumpkin. i probably will try carrot and potato this weekend. I have not introduce meat.


must wait for blood test result to see if he is allergic to anything. i hope its not the milk or rice...else i will go broke man...the milk the doc asked us to give him is super ex...and imagine if allergy to rice...chinese allergy to rice...chiam la.

All the skin specialist i saw for eczema for myself n my boy told me that the most impt thing for eczema is to make sure you moisturise all the time. And try to wear cotton.

I also have lots of cream at home, tried the california baby, also tried some cream in grey container they sell at mothercare. All dont work. If you are interested i can give you the name of the cream my boy is using now..but not sure if you want to use for ur boy because i think they are quite strong and i was only willing to use them cos my boy was really jialat. Plus he also taking anti-histamine so also dunno what's the thing that is helping him improve.

morning mommies & ian! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


meghan really can eat!! wahaha!! ^^

the meals u prepared must be really delicious! lucky baby! ^^

got a question.

my PD told me, for now, bb weight should incr abt 0.5kg per mth.

although its not a strict guideline, i just cnt help being concern abt lucas' weight gain!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

he has gained less than 1kg, probably only 700g since 2 mths ago.

his appetite is normal, just started to take semi solids.

drinks 200ml per feed, totalling 900-1litre per day...

5m3wks old weight at 7.1kg. isnt tt too thin? is it normal??

ytd i just realised.. my mil din even tell me if lucas din finish his milk.

i was like? WTH!! how long has this been gog on??!!

i ask her but her only reply is "very hard to gauge & tell u??!!"


loca: Has your boy done the blood test ? my boy has eczema, was thinking of letting him go for blood test but thought he would be too young to do it.


I just watched my mum prepare the pork broth. She uses lean meat. If u go wet market and tells the pork seller u want lean meat for making soups, the seller shld know. Just slice the 250g meat into thin chunks and use back of the knife to sort of pound/bruise the meat. Throw them into ard 400ml boiling water and boil for a while till u see white scum floating on top. Scoop out scum and continue simmering in low heat for ard 30-45mins. It's okay if the water volume seems little. What u prepare is stock. Can split into 3 portions for making 3 days' worth (lunch+dinner per day) of porridge. Just let the stock cool and store in little Tupperware containers in freezer. If it's not enough when making porridge, just top up with a bit of water. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Morning mummies & Ian!


Dun worry too much abt his weight. My boy at 5 months plus also at ard 7 kgs doc said it's fine as long as still putting on weight. Some bb dun drink much but still put on weight. My boy only drinks 150 per feed n no solids. As long as he's active, peeing n pooing well n weight increases shd fine.Lucas will b fine. as they grow more active they use up more energy so weight shd increase but at a slower rate.


Ur boy also ah?

For a while, I tot only Isaac so suay and kena baby eczema. How is his condition?


Tat is also one reason why I prefer to give bm and also havenn start weaning. I am worried that Isaac is allegric too.

E cream tat you r talking abt can b bought over the counter? U mentioned strong, so I m wondering if prescription is needed. Can share? I am also trying different kind of cream. Now using vitamin E on top of baby california. Appears to help a little. If vit E doesnt help, I will be trying EPO like wat some mummy recommend. Like you, sometimes I oso cannot tell wat is working n wat's not bcos we might use over one kind of prodt on him. Lol.


good morning mommies n Ian


Lol, i ve got a consent from pd so just went ahead .... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

She enjoys it n so do I !![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] watching them eating n finishing foods is a bliss...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


5mths = 7kg is not that bad wat? Some babies are Like dat! There'll b time that their weight gain will be really slow n infact sometimes no changes at all !

Meghan hasn't put on much from. cNY till now too ! I'm

A lil bit concern at one time then that pd kept saying is okay... Cos there are more movements involved n they are adjusting their meal time where they deciding whether to have more milk or solids ???

Hmmm..., so I guess maybe at one point their weight will increase again ...I'm waiting for her next growth spurt !! Lol

Wat did your pd said about Lucas ?

