(2010/10) October 2010 MTB

Starry & Groovy,

I heard that childcare no aircon is better.

Starry, when do u intend to put Jadelyn in childcare?


starry, i see i see. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i didnt realize that need to make booking so early.

i did browse thru the threads that you all were discussing about some enrichments course right.. was asking my hubby yday.. he didnt seem to reject LOL but of coz hopefully dun be too expensive. =P


i used to have a friend who looked specifically for childcare centres w/o aircon. cos i understand from her that if in the aircon, the child might get sick easily. she prefers open-space environment.

Just looking at some of those photos w/o finishing that article on the baby alrd leave me with tears welling up in the eyes :'(

No parents should undergo the anguish and agony..sad! sad! sad!


i also didn't know need to book so early, but apparently slots fill up very fast! iris was sharing with us the other time that the childcare centres ard her estate needs very very advanced registration and booking. so i think better be kiasu kiasi now. i wouldn't be so "siao on" if i weren't pregnant, but really gotta make plans early. otherwise, will regret when #2 comes then start panicking like headless chicken. my mum definitely can't cope with a 1.5yr old active toddler plus a 6mth old infant by herself lor.


intend to put her in childcare next year april when she turns 18mths old. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] sounds like a long time away hor? haha! }

yup2 I also heard no aircon is better. hehe..

That's why I really want to put Josie in the childcare next door.

The childcare I'm aiming is Sheffield Kids world.

I actually don't really care about the quality of the childcare.. The fact that it's just next door is the one I want most. hehe.. Easier to fetch or bring her..

hi mummies and ian

i am here to share an article i have blogged abt long ago... i found it quite interesting.. its abt preschool in japan....pls bear with me cos its kinda long

(cut and paste from my blog... lol)

I've decided to blog about this article which my ex-supervisor from NIE emailed me. I think it's pretty interesting ;) It's taken from AsiaOne, Sunday, April 11 2010.

Too bad I cannot show any pictures, thus it will all be in text.

Those in Black is the article itself. Those comments in Pink are by me ;)


Japanese Pre-school : 12 things that stun Chinese mum

An expatriate Chinese mother in Kyoto , Japan , expressed her shock over the pre-school education system as well as the schooling habits of young children there. She shared her experience and observations on the Internet.

She wrote: "Before coming to Japan , Tiantian (her daughter) had already gone through a year of kindergarten in Beijing , so you could say that we are no strangers to kindergarten. But there are some things in Japanese kindergartens that have stunned me."

The following are 12 of her observations:

1. The ridiculous number of bags.

"On the first day, they explained to us that we needed to prepare a certain number of bags of various sizes: "A schoolbag, a blanket bag, a bag for eating utensils, a box for eating utensils, a bag for clothes, a bag for changing clothes, a bag for clothes after they have been changed out of, and a bag for shoes. Then that bag A had to be of such-and-such a length, bag B had to be of such-and-such a width, bag C had to fit in bag D, and E in bag F. I just couldn't believe it. Some kindergartens even ask mothers to make their own bags!

After two years, we're used to it, and the kids have become very good at putting things in their right place. I often think that the reason that the people of Kyoto don't mind sorting their rubbish might be because they've been taught this kind of thing from a young age."

Our children only has 1 bag - schoolbag. When told to bring art bag, music bag etc... they complain. Parents complain.... "Very heavy lah.. why cannot leave it in school?? etccc..." Therefore, lockers were introduced and soon, students start stuffing everything into the locker. It gets irritating when everytime the bell rings for another lesson, everyone starts requesting to go to the locker to take something or keep something. Am I right?

2. All these bags carried by children, while adults carry nothing.

"This is a sight that really shocked me: when dropping kids off or picking them up, I noticed that the other Japanese adults, be it their mother, father, or grandparents, were carrying absolutely nothing, while all those bags of different sizes (at the very least two or three) mentioned above were carried by those little cuties. What's more, they were running really fast!

But for us? Maybe it is out of habit, or maybe it is because it is a cultural thing, but I carried the bags, and Tiantian carried nothing.

A couple of days later the teacher came and had a chat with me: "Tiantian's mother, Tina does everything herself at school ..." Japanese people have a habit of saying only the beginning of a sentence, and letting you work out the rest yourself. I immediately realized that she was asking about the situation at home, but seeing me thinking it over, the teacher continued, "... carrying her schoolbag for example ..." After this tactful reminder, I let Tiantian carry her own schoolbag.

When the time came for a parents' meeting, I told everyone that in China, the custom was for parents to carry everything. It was the Japanese mothers' turn to be dumbfounded. One of them asked: "Why?"

Why? Is it because we Chinese love our children a little more?"

Needless to comment about this. Majority of our students do carry their own bags (when they are in school or when they travel to and fro school on their own). Other than that, the bags are carried by their Daddy, Mummy, Ah Ma, Ah Gong or even their maids. Some students even demand that their adults carry it for them because they are supposed to. And look at the bags they have. Some seemed to be boarding a plane rather than going to a school. Others have bags that cost over a hundred dollars as it's supposed to keep the posture right etc.... Just observe the next time round, how many kids will refuse an offer from an adult.. Imagine them saying "It's ok, I will carry it myself."

3. Changing clothes over and over again

Tiantian's kindergarten has its own uniform; when she arrives she has to take it off, and change into overalls for playtime. She has to take off her shoes and put on white ballet shoes, when she goes into the exercise yard she has to change her shoes again. After their afternoon nap the kids have to change clothes again. A real pain.

When Tiantian was in Chrysanthemum Class she used to be so slow changing clothes, and I couldn't help but give her a hand. But I soon noticed that all of the Japanese mothers were standing to one side, not helping at all. I slowly saw that this business of changing clothes educated the children in living independently. Through things like their experiences at school, changing, sticking their daily sticker, and hanging their handkerchiefs, these kids start from when they are two or three years old to learn the habit of keeping things orderly.

Forget about changing into different attires. Just changing into PE attire alone is a pain in the ass. They take so long and dilly dally and best of all, they DON'T even have their PE attire. Sometimes when schools have policy that requires students to change back into their uniforms after PE lesson, complaints stream in again. WHY WHY WHY? "Why can't they just remain in their school PE attire? Must bring so many attire to school. Very troublesome leh." Then, school starts coming up with more smart combinations like Polo-Ts or PE attires with collars so that they can remain in their PE attires if they have PE/ CCA for the day.

4. Wearing shorts in winter

"Children in Japanese schools wear shorts in winter, no matter how cold it is. My daughter's grandparents in Beijing were very worried, and said that I had to talk to the teacher about it, because Chinese children can't stand the cold.

Wouldn't you know it, when we had just started kindergarten, practically every day she got sick. But when I talked to the Japanese mothers about it, their answer amazed me. "Of course! The reason we send our kids to kindergarten is to get sick."

Seeing the healthy energy of the children charging about like little rockets, greeting me, it occurred to me that we shouldn't spoil our kids too much."

Ok, I cannot comment about this because we don't have Winter in Singapore.

But when kids fall sick..... "Ok Ok, daddy/mummy come and bring you home k?" Otherwise, the maid comes to bring the child home or... "Hush Hush, ok ok you go to the sickbay and rest k?"

5. 0-Year-Old infants competing in athletic events

All classes are named after flowers. Tiantian was a chrysanthemum, then a lily, now she's one of the 'older sisters', a violet. But the little babies who haven't reached their first birthdays are all in the 'Peach Blossom' class.

These mo-mo (peaches), who haven't even reached their first birthday, have not only already started going to kindergarten, but take part in all of their major activities, like sports competitions and performances. Seeing these little mo-mo crying while crawling forward, I usually feel bad for them.

Can't comment on this because I think we do have enrichment lessons for infants. Parents scurry to send their infants/ child to enrichment lessons, learn this and learn that... but I don't think any of it has infants competing in athletic events. This is totally new to me.

6. Girls playing soccer

When children reach their middle year of kindergarten in Japan , they start taking weekly 'jumping' lessons, similar to our Physical Exercise lessons back home; when they get to their senior year, there is a soccer competition. When they're not practicing their drumming all day, they're practicing soccer. And they really play too, they even have competitions with other kindergartens. Tiantian has bruises from playing but her strength and bravery have been brought out.

To tell the truth, when we first came to Japan , Tiantian's performance was really shameful. Japanese kids usually start shooting up at about three or four years old, before that they are a lot shorter than Chinese kids. In Tiantian's class she was a giant, but was in actual fact quite weak.

The Japanese kids would run about outside, but Tiantian? She'd get a grain of sand in her shoe and would have to tiptoe to walk. Once there was an excursion where they went up a mountain, and she could only come down with two short Japanese kids supporting her. These uncomplaining three-year-olds, who didn't have the experience of allowing her to travel on foot up a mountain for an hour. She's better now, last year at Shangrila, in that low oxygen environment she walked for four hours without any problems.

Don't talk about playing soccer. Just talk about PE lessons alone. How many of us have problems getting the kids into action. I am not talking about lower primary pupils. I am refering to those P5, P6 and those older. I am sure one of us have had problems getting them to even move (especially girls who dislikes sports). Everything is lame to them and uncool if they sweat too much.

7. Mixed education

When we were in China I saw Tiantian's kindergarten a few times. Each class would have its classes separately, but in Japan this isn't the case.

Before 9.30am, and after 3.30pm, the entire school plays together. And in the yard big kids hold little kids, little kids chase big kids, they carry on like crazy. They get to really experience having 'siblings'.

For example, in Tiantian's and the other senior year's last assembly a few days ago, after performing their piece, they said something that made all the parents cry.

"In today's assembly we're very happy, because the children from lower years performed so successfully. This is our last assembly, and when we start junior school we'll be sure to remember our friends and our kindergarten."

Having the entire school play together is almost impossible. By this I do not mean Carnival or Sports day. Logistics or Security wise is a headache.

Having lower years to perform? It will be good if the senior years do not make fun or ridicule them. "Aiyoh, so childish? So boring... so... etc...."

8. Education: All "Smiles" and "Thank you"

In this kindergarten, it seems like they don't care at all about the children's intellectual education. They don't have textbooks, just a new sketchbook every month. In the school's education plan, there aren't any subjects like mathematics, kana, art, or music. Don't even ask about English or the International Math Olympiad. They don't learn roller skating or swimming.

When you ask what they teach, you'd never guess what the answer is: "We teach the children to be all smiles!"

In Japan , no matter where you are, or to who you're talking to, "being all smiles" is most important. A girl who is "all smiles" is most beautiful. What else do they teach? - They teach children to "say thank you".

In everything there are things that they stress here that they don't in China . But after three years I can see that Tiantian has improved in things like music, art and reading, and these improvements are from a comprehensive education.

Smiles and thank yous. Difficult. Very difficult.

It will be a peaceful day if there were no complaints about who's hitting who or who's taking who's items or who's scolding who etc... You know what I mean. Saying thank you? Maybe majority of the students does that... Just observe how they 'thank' a teacher when he or she leaves the class. Some cannot even be bothered to stand up or stand properly.

9. The number of activities

Looking at my calendar I can see the days when I need to make lunch for Tiantian to take to school. These are the days when she has excursions. I can't count how many times she climbs mountains, how many lakes she's seen, or how many animals or plants she's gone and looked at.

Apart from that, she's also gathered acorns, made cakes, been to sports carnivals, performed for community events, had sleepovers, celebrated festivals, been at assemblies, attended temples, exhibitions ... let's just say that there have been a lot.

Yah, we have a lot of activities too.

Remedials, supplementary classes, enrichment classes.

Learning Journeys and other activities = extra work and chore for both teachers and pupils. Besides, you wonder how much they actually learn from such journeys because you have to get them interested first before they actually learn anything. How many of them treat such journeys as picnics? Just observe what they bring in their bags. Snacks, snacks and more snacks.

10. All the holidays Chinese people don't celebrate - Japanese kindergartens celebrate

This really floored me too. Like I mentioned above, Japanese kindergartens celebrate their own traditional holidays, Girls' Day, Boys' Day, Hungry Ghost Festival ... Not only this, they also celebrate Renri (held on the 7th night of the lunar new year), and Qixi.

Today she came back, and said "Today, teacher asked how we celebrated these holidays in China , I said I didn't know". What a disgrace! Mommy doesn't know either."

Ok, I don't think we have that many holidays. But when we do commemorate or celebrate holidays, how many actually appreciates the meaning behind it? Total Defence Day? National Day? etc... It's just a day for them to skip lessons and ..... the rest is up to your imagination.

11. Teachers' abilities

In one Japanese class there are ten to thirty students, but only one teacher. In the beginning I had my doubts, if she was able to keep her eye on all of them she'd be pretty good. Then I found out that I had underestimated these Japanese kindergarten teachers. With just this one teacher, thirty children's artworks, the lead for their drumming pieces (so professional), thirty children's art, music, reading, thirty children's birthdays, their major assemblies and sports carnivals are all organised methodically and thoroughly.

Look at the teacher, she's always cool and relaxed. And she's about 50-years-old! I salute her!"

I am clueless as to how I should comment on this. 1 teacher to 30- (sometimes) 45 pupils.

Just think about it. I don't think our teachers are not capable. But just look at how much they need to cope inside a class and after school. I don't think I need to go any further regarding these. Which teacher doesn't wanna remain cool and relaxed everyday. However, is it possible?

12. Buddhist Influences

Kyoto has probably more temples than any other city in Japan , it has a kind of monastic ambiance. Tiantian has to go to temple every week for instruction. In the most important festivals she has to bow to Buddha, and there are activities on every Buddha's Birthday and Nirvana day.

Tiantian is graduating soon, yesterday she went to Nishi Honganji temple to make a wish. Tiantian was the class representative and gave Buddha some flowers. I asked her what she wished, and she said "To always trust in Buddha, to always treat others with a thankful heart, and to always heed others' words."

Shan't comment on this because Singapore is a multi-racial society and Religion is a sensitive topic. We have different races with different religions. At the end of the day, it's all teaching us to have a good heart and to learn good ways ;)

How? Did you find the article meaningful? Personally, I did. It's amazing how much we can learn from other cultures. In fact, if we could just adopt a little of the positive ones, isn't it wonderful?

Some of my comments are based on my little experience and does not represent everyone. You may or may not agree with me ;) Then again, there are always exceptions to everything mentioned. I have definitely come across students who are a positive role model and are angels to teach and be with. It will be wonderful if the younger generation is filled with more of such angels =)

Now that I am a mum... I wonder if any of my perspectives has changed... hahahahaha


It's like relieving those good old days again, seeing the heartbeat, feeling those little kicks and etc real soon!


It's about the article of the baby girl that a mommy was mentioning, think u dun read it now.

actually i also dunno if i wanna put my gal in childcare when she turns 18mths.. on one hand i wan her to expose more things but these can be done if i send her to weekend enrichment classes right? got such classes ma?


Yes, you have to be Kiasu. I put my #1 on waiting list for childcare 1 year ago but still no space. So after i gave birth to #2, i desperately go around my estate hunting for childcare. I learned my lesson, so i will be more Kiasu for my #2 and will start to queue soon.


Me too, I am not too fussy about childcare as long as it is convenient and clean.


Over the whole wkend, all the news are about the calamity that befalls on Japan, heart feels so heavy upon watching the news and reading the papers.

Am glad I'm able to help to raise some funds (be it big/small) for them in a charity event coming up!


very interesting article! thanks for sharing!

actually all along, i've been very skeptical about parents, maid, ah gong, ah mah carrying bag for the child. and before i read this article, i already want jadelyn to carry her own school bags in future and i'm not gonna carry for her unless it is very heavy. reason being, i have seen so many kids upon getting picked up from schools or childcare, just threw the bag to the person who's supposed to carry for them and expect the bag to be picked up and carried! scared she will grow up like that, so no carrying of bags for her in future. just my personal opinion.

but any mummies here doing same thing or will carry bags for your kids??


yeah, just like the good ol' days. haha! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] looking forward to the kicks soon so that i know it's doing fine. now no movement, no nothing so sometimes will think too much. hee!!

just wanna share, since we are on the topic of "natural disaster"... one of my colleagues' friend's baby died in the womb ard a week before due date. think the mummy also a bit blur, nv feel baby kicking for a couple of days and didn't check. end up the baby was strangled by the umbilical cord. really very very sad... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] wanna cry when i heard it.


seabreeze and princess d shared about enrichment classes at JG etc schools which you can enrol your babe in for weekends. there are activities like playgyms also. i think seabreeze mentioned can start sending them to classes once they learn to crawl.

re: sitting,

just realized that jadelyn was able to sit up (assisted) during the weekend!! was very surprised! she was able to prop herself up using her hands quite steadily on the mattress for a couple of minutes. but will go sideways and forward if she tries too long.


Very nice feeling, sometimes I do miss those gd old days too! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

A colleague was also telling me tis morning that her MIL's niece baby supposed to be due nxt wk but then baby's heartbeat suddenly stop...end up the doc says will still deliver the baby on the scheduled date...she was anticipating waiting for the bb's arrival as she had a m/c before and yet it had to happen..very heartbreaking! haiz..:'(


oh no.... how come heartbeat will suddenly stop?? really very unfortunate. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] so sad for the mummy! waited 9mths for the baby and this happened. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

starry, thx! i shall check out JG.

pls refrain yrself from hearing this kind of sad news.

when i was preg with my gal, there were always talkshow on baby & parents from those taiwan channels. so there were topics about baby's umbilical cord being tangle ard the baby's neck & etc.. this kept me horrified thruout the whole pregnancy. every little things i will start to get paranoid. so i tried hard not to listen too much & in this case, its really an ignorance is a bliss.

tigger, then i think i gonna start thinking also & register early if i really wan to send her to childcare centre.


Also not too sure, too many unknown & unexplainable reasons sadz!

Not good & healthy for you to read too much into such unfortunate events now, most impt for you now is be a happy mommy!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

my gynae ever told me about one of his patient story; he advise e patient to delivery her bb at 37 weeks as the growth seems quite stagnant.. but mummy insisted to wait till 39 weeks. who knows, bb was too congested inside e womb n eventually die of suffocation.

Yes, many sad news recently..

My friend's baby's heartbeat also stop suddenly at 7mth. So sad..

This year not a good year, so many natural disasters. Sad Sad Sad...

Starry n lilbluey: that's so very sad! I hope the mothers can get over it... I read the whole article n cried for an hr! Now think if it also wana cry. I really cannot imagine gg through that n the poor baby girl...

Morning ladies and Ian

Hows the weekend? Spent the weekend reading the sad news on japan... Sigh...

Starry, I always try to get my boy to carry his own bag. But his grandfather, ie my FIL always insist on carrying it for him. Say he so poor thing got to carry heavy bag. End up, my boy will always attempt to get me to carry for him or carry a short while, will complain abt the 'heaviness'

MIL tactlessness

Another episode yest. She asked if I have started babe on cereals who have yet to reach 6 mths. When I said yes (cos my paed advised me to do so), she said good...bm not filling at all. Does she mean I have been starving my baby these past 5.5 mths? Sometimes not that I dun want to chat with them, but their tactless remarks can be seriously hard to swallow.

Starry, good to hear that u had a good gynae visit for little beanie. So did u bring jadelyn for her jabs? How many dose of pneumoccocal are you giving her?

These talks abt registering early for childcare is a little unnerving. I must count my lucky stars then that I could find a cc for my elder boy within two weeks of returning home and some more its midway through the year.

Speech devt

My elder boy was slow in talking properly. He could say words but blabbered for the longest time til abt 2.5 years old. Needless to say it caused us alotof worry cos first child mah. Everyone ard us kept telling us not to worry which was hard not to being the parents. But now he cant stop talking too... So conclusion, kids develop at different pace...they will reach those milestone at their own pace...

Enrichment classes

I like kindermusik as well as the gym class at gymboree...so will start those when baby can sit properly and more mobile first


I think I read that the mom is expecting again and it's going to be another baby girl, hope she's blessed with a healthy child tis round.

It's really tragic to hear of such loss, that's why a healthy child is more impt than anything else in the world!


Just one ear in and the other out..keke..

Stella, cos too long liao, they only hold for those away for 6mths and below.

Fifi, I haven see the actual thing yet, wan to see first before I consider buying. Thanks for the help.

Abt childcare without air con, I realise it us difficult to find one without air con and without air con it is really really v hot.

Jac, k thanks thanks. Which childcare would you be putting jadelyn? The one I asked, got 30 kids on waiting list.

hais so many sad news.. On japan, abt babies dying... I think we shouldn't read so much abt such saddening things... Really needa appreciate what we have now and treasure them instead of lamenting at our so much more lucky lives than others.... Sighs


Yah I've seen a lot of kids demanding parents or maids or grandparents to carry their bags... It's like taken granted for... But of cos nowadays their bags are like filled with books and it's so heavy!!!!!! I pity the students and also the parents..... Luckily now they have lockers at schools BUT pupils abuse them... So it's really.... Hais

lilbluey, stella,

you both got me curious about what's going on.


older folks tend to think they "know more" so just ignore those scathing remarks lah. if bm not filling, not filling lor! tell her your babe loves it, what can she say right? :p


i can't remember the name of the childcare. actually chose it because it's not bad and very near my parents' place. easy for my mum to pick up jadelyn in future.. wah, the childcare is it ard our estate?? so 'hot'!

I also heard my colleague's baby didn't make it when she's in her 36 week already. So sad.

She actually didn't feel any movement, asked gynea, but the gynea asked her to come in the morning instead. By that time, it's too late already..

Just heard the gynea is actually the same as mine. I think he's too busy :S

At first I couldn't believe it's the same gynea as mine. Because he always said if no movement need call him. The case happens 2 years before my pregnancy.

Actually it's my colleague's colleague that told me. Words of mouth.. She also said the gynea never come when the mother need to push the baby out. So sad. :S.

Now I was wondering, for example, if we don't feel any movement, and it's late at night, gynea said come in the morning, what should we do? Go to the hospital immediately??


there were a few times when i didn't feel jadelyn move and i got very worried 'cos also heard about those horror stories. so i tried ways and means to make her move - poke her, lie on my sides, drank cold water etc etc. luckily worked lor. actually i think all these are sometimes 'fated', maybe? if baby doesn't move, by the time we realize it also may be too late le... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

starry> I think you are right.. I'm just getting paranoid now. Huhu.. I've only been to my gynea only, and knows he's the chop chop type.. I never been to another gynea clinic..

Dunno whether if I ever get pregnant again, I want to go to his clinic or not. After hearing my colleague's story. Luckily she only told me after I deliver Josie. Otherwise I'll be super paranoid. They are the colleagues that keeps telling me to go and see my gynea in my 36 weeks instead of 37 weeks (as scheduled! He scheduled me to still go for monthly check after my 32 weeks checkup!!). Luckily I do so, imagine, Josie is born just the day after the scheduled checkup.. In my 36 weeks my gynea did VE and already predicted Josie'll be born around my next scheduled checkup. Which is true, only missed a few hours, Josie is born at 6.51 AM the next day..

It's a good thing to have such gynea that can predict.. But I feel he's not very caring. hehhe.. But next pregnancy, already experienced, and know his style already.. Maybe I'll still go to him..


haha! it's ok lah. i'm also quite blur sometimes. still got alot of things to learn!


don't think so much, wait till you have your #2 then decide again. for me is no choice, have to change because i don't like the way my previous gynae handled things. hubby and i are very very comfy with our gynae now. he's definitely very caring! but whether very pro-active or not have to wait and see later. just hope for this pregnancy to be smooth sailing like with jadelyn last time. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Groovy,

So sad to hear your colleague's incident. Yes, if no movement, should hit tummy for reaction. no movement, yes go straight to hospital. By week 36, at least must feel 10 movement daily.

shin> local parents really spoil their children real bad la..for me..i'd like to train up my son to be independent as soon as he learns to walk..

during my pri sch days..i had this classmate who was super duper pampered until this particular incident whereby i can vividly remember,even until today..

This happened when i was in Primary 4.It was raining heavily one morning, and the staircase/corridors were all wet from the downpour..our classroom was located on the 5th floor, just happened that i was about to head up for class..this classmate of mine refused to climb up the stairs..and when his mum asked him the reason..he said " floor is wet. i dont like!"

Then his mum replied "what you want me to do then?" he said "carry me up."

And just nice the sch bell went off, signalling the start of class..and this poor mother had no choice but to carry him up 5 floors..and everyone was staring at him lar! But he not paiseh at all lor..i pity his mum le, she was like panting away after struggling to carry him on her back..cause he's neither skinny nor small sized..

this is the result of parents over-pampering their children.Sad.

As for myself, my mum trained me to be independent since young..and i find it very beneficial as i can handle any chores a full-time housewife does..except BF bb la~ :p

Hi Ian,

Is your classmate the only child? hmm...You cant BF bb but can always bottle feed bb (get your wife to pump it out).

cham le.. my hairs have been dropping like nobody business.. when i washed my hairs, easily strands of it drop off [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

i dont know if i m being too paranoid, but seems like can see the thinning of it lo. OH NO!!!!!


You are not alone.. me too.. I m very worry and have been using Regaine Minoxidil 5% as advised by doctor and hair tonic but still didnt see much improvement.

tigger> yeah..he's the only child. i know of other classmates who are the only child too..but they dont behave like him lor..zzz..

bottle feed..is quite challenging..but takes alot of patience~ :p


i feel that such behaviours are sometimes caused by parents giving in to their child too much so the child sees it as the norm. but your friend's case really very atrocious leh! poor mummy..

tigger, bblibran,

i am also still dropping hair 5 mths postpartum. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] but not as much as a month ago liao. actually no amt of shampoos etc will help since these are 'old hairs' and should have dropped months ago. just that our pregnancy hormones kept them around for a longer time. also hoping that after my first tri, i will regain back my hair!! i don't have a lot to lose. i know tiffy is very happy abt the hair loss though. hahaha!

tigger, i wonder if this condition will worsen or after a while it will stop lei. very 'stress' when washing hair now. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Lilbluey/starry, always try to let it go one ear in, the other out... Just that it irks me that she doesn't say the same thing to her own daughter who was extremely pro-bf! Anyway....

Ian, the Japs are really amazing in their manners. I sae another article abt how they actually q up and wait patiently for their turn at public phones.

re: japan disaster

i think the whole world should learn from them lor. right now even without any disasters going on, some of the people are so rude! cut queue, cut lanes, hog seats, hog road, hog toilets. tsk!!

