Morning ladies,
Never logged in for a long time. How's ur babes now?? My boy seems like a toddler now in some of his photos. But he is STILL not sleeping thru. Sigh... when will my day come?
Hope to join u for the bb bash though i think my hubby wun be so keen. He would rather nua at home with my boy on weekends nowsadays.
Ebelle and mummies
Miss the thurs gathering. Let's have another one again soon. This time we go back to Heerens basement ok. [IMG=]
Baby food
Can mummies share what have you tried to give ur babies? I ran out of ideas again. Here's what i have tried.
Vege: Corn, spinach, chinese spinach, cauliflower, broccoli, peas, old yellow cumcumber
Fruits: pear, apple, peach, mango, dragonfruit, payaya, banana, blueberries, apricot, prunes, plum, wolf berries
Root: pumpkin, carrot, butternut squash, sweet potato, parnips
Others: Tofu, yoghurt, cheese, bread, chicken, fish, pork, baby puffs, biscuits, ikan bilis, white bait fish
Grains: Rice, porridge, brown rice, barley, oats
Talking about yoghurt
I think i would want to try out the other brand's bb yoghurt.. Can be found at The Market place. Saw that Jasmine found a different brand at taka supermarket.. The "6 ingredients only" marked on it sounds good. DOn't know what the brand name though.