Hi mummies!
I think my boy must be eating the most! He just turned 7 months yesterday. Having 3.5 solid meals a day. But he's only 7.8 kg, difficult to gain much weight cos' he's super active.
Breakfast - Oat cereal + fruit puree. Lunch - Mashed Potato / Porridge (Fish/Chicken + Vege Puree). Afternoon Tea - Baby yogurt + fruit puree. Dinner - Porridge same as lunch.
My boy had a lot of constipation probs when he first started on solids too. Like the others advise, give more foods starting with p - pear, peach, plum, prune, papaya, pea etc. More water too. For cereal, oat is better than rice cos' it has more laxative effect.
Banana and Apple
Hm, these 2 are double-edged sword. Overall, they are very good but when baby is having constipation, banana and apple may worsen, contrary to popular belief. For constipation, you must avoid the BRAT diet - Banana, Rice, Applesauce, Toast. See the following info at the wholesomebabyfood page.
Baby yogurt
For my boy, what really worked for him ultimately is baby yogurt. Yoplait brand, the 6m onwards one. But when introducing yogurt, must monitor closely for cow's milk allergy.
Hope this helps!