(2010/09) September 2010 MTB


my gal also have not been eating well.but she still takes her milk and there are times where i replace the food with milk.

so maybe u can increase the freq. of the milk.


no leh,my gynae just put in record that i refused to do...maybe cos my 1st one i don have the problem and also i don have any family history.

seening all the cute little bb out ,i cant wait for my little boy to be out.

sayang all mummies that didnt sleep well at night,left only 2-3 weeks ,jia you


Hi Mummies,

I have a

1. Brand New Rocia Baby Cot (unopened) + Fiberlux Mattress+free new bedding sheet for sale at $300, because i received 2 same present and i dont need 2 cots for my son.

If anyone is interested, pls PM me.

2. I also have a used Medela Freestyle Pump to let go at $500. Only use for 1 month as i didnt breastfeed.

If anyone is interested, pls PM me



Thanks for your suggestion, i think i will let him drink more milk and eat cereal bah, since he refused to eat any proper meal liao.


Envy you lor, my constipation as bad as ever, few days once only, and very difficult to poo too, need alot of effort, sigh

Finally settled my ML thingy. Juz nw tok to my boss abt it. Starting my leave on 13-Sept than coming back in Jan. But will confirm the date again. Anyway, my boss was like saying they super busy during yr end lo but its still ok for me to go for the full ML la. Say until like so bo bian. Than i simply ignore~~ :p


I ate alot of fruits wo. like dragonfruit, plum, grapes etc. Maybe this will help u.


Is like that one lo. I one person cover 3 ppl job. Now do handover to a colleague and she make noise say she cannot take up all the duties then my boss bo bian than start to seek for alternative now.

I very upset lo. cos few weeks back I one person cover everyone's job and she didnt evenask if I can tahan jus bcos I didnt complain. So sian working here.


Ya lo. Bosses are like tat. If u nv make noise they will juz add on duties to u de. Nw than start looking for alternative ah, abit late liao le.

Lizzie - Same here. One of my boss is leaving and now she's on 2 weeks leave. When she comes back, I only have 4 days left to help her with her handover before going on ML. Then now my Boss No. 2 can ask me to cover other people. It's like, hello, I'm drowning liao, still ask me to help cover...can die lor!

hi ladies,

BIG BIG Congratulations to clueless, Winnie, letty & bb!!! Did I miss out anyone?

Finally have some time to login here. Seems like many of u here are going thru the final lap, jia you, enjoy & indulge while u can b4 going thru confinement. Confinement is soooo sian. I'm like a milking machine, then this cannot do, that cannot do. Haiz...


U are going to dr fong tmr ah? Me too. My appt is at 11+, wat abt urs?


Dun bother abt ur boss lar, jus do wat u can and jus go on your ML when labour kicks in lor. Anyway it will be them who suffer since handover is not done properly.


Din follow past posts, y u need to be prick daily?

My Gynae fixed 9th Sep for my C-section, which is 38 weeks. I told hubby this morning dunno how to tahan til then manz. My ribs like kena kicked by baby til damaged, the backache and pelvic soreness. Even going to toilet is painful. Lucky I started my ML early. Less time wif baby, but dunno how I can survive working in this condition manz.


Well done! You give birth maciam lay egg! So chop-chop one! Bravo! No epidural some more!


No 3rd degree tear. I was snipped up, and gynae snipped twice! I can still hear the snip sip ringing in my ears!


When is your next gynae appt? Sat 28/8? My CTG is 9am again.

You contacted the Stemcord person already? Do sign up fast cos 38wk is anytime already! I got her to meet me at my office, but I fill up the forms beforehand.

I've emailed you my details already! Thanks for the referral. We'll each get $50 off the storage fee for the next round!

now 37th week liao, still waiting patiently for babies to come out. don't know when they will chose a perfect day and time for them to see the world. nowsaday don't really feel their movement, really scare me.

Lizzie, Yvonne,

Heard before old wives' tales that if you keep wanting to LS, means you gonna give birth soon!!!

But I stress again ah, it's old wives' tales.

Morning ladies..

A few more minutes to afternoon. Was washing more bb clothes this morning.. the sun is playing with me.. one min sunny, one min want to rain and then sunny again.


Like your birthing story .. esp the part where your HB held your hand thruout. I wonder what will my HB do during my birth?


YOu are so wonderful wife and mother to be willing to let your career sit while your HB fly his. I guess i will do the same too. My HB wants me to quit but i would rather do part-time.. hopefully i could get it to spend more time with gideon.

No enuff sleep

Me too man.. no position is good for zzzzz.. keep flipping around. I think the pelvic pain is that the pelvic joint are loosening, preparing for child birth.


Yah... we don't get our act together anytime soon. So woe to the rest of Singapore... except for some enlighten firms.

Mummies, try to hold on till after 38 weeks if you wish to induce... They have a term call pre term babies or something.. for those born betw 36 to 37 weeks... Our babies will be healthier and lungs more ready by 38 weeks.


Glad you are a milking machine.. shows that your milk supply is good. So any tips to build milk supply. How's your Denise?


Glad your is false alarm...

Christian mummies,

I was flipping thru my church's pre-natal seminar notes and i would like to share the following tips. Our HB's words has got power and authority de.

1. When in the 1st stage of labour, ask your HB to speak to the cervix to soften and dilate quickly and easily

2. Believe in God for good timing... you will not be caught with ur water bag burst or show coming during work.

3. Remember Psalms 139: 13-16

"For you formed my inwards parts; You covered me in my mother's womb. I will praise You, for i am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvellous are Your works and that my soul knows very well. My frame was not hidden from You, when i was made in secret, and skilfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed. And in Your book all were written, the days fashioned for me, when there were none of them."

Trust in God that our babies will not suffer from jaundice, G6PD, etc and they are healthy for God form their inward parts and they are marvellous.


I so love your church's pre-natal seminar notes which you have posted and I so want to believe. But I always know my God to be a God of SURPRISES! :D

That said, I'm in office and still did not pack an extra pair of undies/pads into my bag in case of show/water bag leak/burst. I live dangerously! :D

And I always love Ps139! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I din pack any extra pants nor undies too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Telling God i am not up to such challenges at work.

AHHH!!! think i spotted some of my mucus plug on my panty liner!! pray my eyes saw wrongly. hubby only back from macau 11 sept.

jessica: actually, my email to him worked. hehe. so yday we had a good talk. my hubby's not tt MCP. he really does try to help with cooking, feeding and washing up. but sometimes when he is into his work, it can be v extreme.

pomme: thanks for the sharing! hey, you shd really check out the book at the church bookstore - God's plan for pregnancy...got one long list of prayer points and lots of more indepth look at the bible. really encouraged to read what u typed!

kate: just wanted to share and encourage u tt my 'tactic' of writing him an email to just share how i was feeling abt him not calling us frequently since we got back worked. we had good chat after his work, and he even wrote me a reply to tel me how sorry he is etc. basically, i wrote how him not calling me regularly made me feel. and why - the whys being what i missed about him, being with him. the sort of things tt basicallyy told him why i love him. perhaps, you could trying writing him a short note too? to tell him what you miss about him, about the two of you together, and how things have been lately? i find letters are easier to express my thots and feeligns to him w.o. him taking the offensive cos i have more time to reread and edit myself. of cos every man is different. ever read the bk '5 love languages'? think it's a useful one to help us understand how our partners are wired,and some ideas how best to get thru to them.

OP: all God's promises are Yes and Amen in Christ Jesus! u are v funny......love ur line 'live dangerously!' heheh..

pinkyluv: guess what junk i ate at 1+am? i entire tin of canned corn kernels with ranch dressing with 4 slices of bread?!

LSB: yikes. hope my 37 w check trow also doesn't show me as piling on more weight tn bb. cos last check i lost weight but bb gained a lot so i thot can indulge these last two wks. hmmm wonder where benjamin is.

jynnsan: pardon my bad memory. how old is ur son? my son doesnt want to eat all the time. today he only ate quarter a papaya. now napping. hope he eats a lot later.

xiaopang: aches and pains...me too! i want to go massage my neck and shoulders leh.

No worries Jessica, me also in my 35th going 36th week. Our delivery date prob quite close? My initial date was 23rd Sep, then pushed forward til 9th Sep due to complications. Initial date was 30th Aug, so I happy happy thinking can deliver next week but Gynae says try for 38th week.

Arghhh...can we go for pre-natal massage at this stage? I dying for a back rub.


My appt is 12.30pm. But I normally will turn up early. wahaha. Cos Dr Fong's appt very rubber time one. Think will be there ard 10.30am ba.


serious arh? Oop... let's see tmr if Dr Fong will comment on my dilation. hai.


I haven finish my handover le. I told my boss better finish it today cos you wouldnt know what will happen tmr at my doc appt... haha. Got to stress her.

sobzzzzz...I called the compassvale massage for pre-natal, she suggest to "ren" for another two weeks until I deliver.

The worst ache is just under my left breast, dunno is the rib cage or watever, super painful. Two more weeks....ob boy, how to survive manz.

xiao pang

try toking to ur bb to move his legs... hope that will help.

Mine will kick me there too. But I will push him and ask him to move... wahaha. evil mummy.

Jessica, the last I heard is 9th Sep. Seeing Gynae again this Friday, hopping to persuade her to push forward for next week.

I'm going 39th weeks... and baby is still comfortably inside me while, I am having SO MUCH discomfort!

Next Friday is my 40th weeks le....

me too frequently go toilet to poop... And also have hard time telling apart if it's tummyache, menses cramp, or BH. Gave up trying to figure out....

Today's the last day of having a LEO baby. Tmr onwards, it's a new horoscope.. Virgo!

Just curious, does any mummy still drive??

AHHH!!! think i spotted some of my mucus plug on my panty liner!! pray my eyes saw wrongly. hubby only back from macau 11 sept.

jessica: actually, my email to him worked. hehe. so yday we had a good talk. my hubby's not tt MCP. he really does try to help with cooking, feeding and washing up. but sometimes when he is into his work, it can be v extreme.

pomme: thanks for the sharing! hey, you shd really check out the book at the church bookstore - God's plan for pregnancy...got one long list of prayer points and lots of more indepth look at the bible. really encouraged to read what u typed!

kate: just wanted to share and encourage u tt my 'tactic' of writing him an email to just share how i was feeling abt him not calling us frequently since we got back worked. we had good chat after his work, and he even wrote me a reply to tel me how sorry he is etc. basically, i wrote how him not calling me regularly made me feel. and why - the whys being what i missed about him, being with him. the sort of things tt basicallyy told him why i love him. perhaps, you could trying writing him a short note too? to tell him what you miss about him, about the two of you together, and how things have been lately? i find letters are easier to express my thots and feeligns to him w.o. him taking the offensive cos i have more time to reread and edit myself. of cos every man is different. ever read the bk '5 love languages'? think it's a useful one to help us understand how our partners are wired,and some ideas how best to get thru to them.

OP: all God's promises are Yes and Amen in Christ Jesus! u are v funny......love ur line 'live dangerously!' heheh..

pinkyluv: guess what junk i ate at 1+am? i entire tin of canned corn kernels with ranch dressing with 4 slices of bread?!

LSB: yikes. hope my 37 w check trow also doesn't show me as piling on more weight tn bb. cos last check i lost weight but bb gained a lot so i thot can indulge these last two wks. hmmm wonder where benjamin is.

jynnsan: pardon my bad memory. how old is ur son? my son doesnt want to eat all the time. today he only ate quarter a papaya. now napping. hope he eats a lot later.

xiaopang: aches and pains...me too! i want to go massage my neck and shoulders leh.


My supply is ok nia, think barely enuf to meet denise's needs. Me no expert, jus following wat others preached - i.e. jus get baby to suckle or pump to stimulate supply. Denise takes quite long to drink, so a usual feed is 1hr or more. Then I usually have to feed in the next 1 to 2 hrs time, thus leaving very little time for myself. This is why I'm a milking machine lor. :p

OP & Pomme,

U gals are sure u dun wanna pack any pads with u? It is quite messy when waterbag burst leh. Mine leaked like urine with every contraction.. eeks...


Howz ur right hand now? Better? Btw, ur prenatal shots are very nice. Think i may oso consider if I have my No.2. I think prenatal shots are very nice with kids ard, have a very warm feeling.

Re: Letter Writing

I had ever attended a marriage enrichment course conducted by the catholic community (although me ish no catholic) and they also advocate the power of writing to our partners. They called it as writing of love letters. Contents may not jus be complains but can be of every sorts, such as praises, feelings, etc. We truly benefitted lots from this course.

Jessica, me going for C-section.

Betw, Mummies gg for C-Section, dun be in a rush to buy the binder. Check if your gynae provides first. I almost kam chiong and buy first, but later when I checked with Gynae, she says better to use the one the hospital provides, cos most accurate gauge of size by then.

hello gals,

I delivered my boy last 2 weeks. And would like to share some info on getting back the figure for those budget constraint mummy

I asked Mdm Ida for post natal massage, but due to budget, I did not request for more session. so instead she suggest to use the corset & i purchase from her @ $30. At first I was quite skeptical.. but the corset proved to be good. it helps to "push in" the tummy and provide back support for my back during BF. And not like those off the rack from the malls ( I have been looking ard b4 birth).. The corset is long enuff to cover the whole Torso of the body. And I have been using it everyday faithfully... (one hr after food)

No gimmicks here.. but sharing of good info..

you can contact her @ 94249829 (mdm Ida) usually she dun pick up calls during massage but u can either leave her a message or call her hubby @ 92474124

if you gals think is good, just pass this msg ard to those on shoe string budget..

jessica - huh!!! rambutan... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] then i shall ask for permission to wax tomorrow le... if i shave, i doubt i can tahan the regrowth for more than 3 days... plus cannot bathe... ewwww.... wanna ask hor... after episiotomy, does doc give us any cream or anti inflammatory lotion or wash to clean the wound ar??

lizzie - that's the thing lor... i lun until now to get it done.. 38 weeks liao, safe for her to come out.. so ask doc whether ok or not lor... eh i saw ur fb pics, ur ah boy also botak liao hor... both my qian jings also botak liao... 1 look like mouse, the other look like pug.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] both got identity crisis...

pomme/OP : Me too! I was comtemplating whether to bring extra pad/panty but decided otherwise. :p

OP, 'live dangerously'.. I like that! lol

Re : Conveying ur feelings through Letter Writing

I think it's a very powerful tool. I personally like to use it to get my point across (when I really just want my hubby to 'listen' to how I really feel) cos @ times, we tend to cut each other off when we communicate. With writing, u can convey ur feelings w/o the other party interrupting or taking offence since u can reread/amend the letter as many times to bring ur point across in a more tactful manner. Unlike words, once spoken, cannot be reversed n when emotions run high, we will bound to say the wrong things, causing the other party to just close up even more.

Having said that, it's also not good to use this often as u dun want to rely on writing as the main form of communication for husband/wife. Let this be a starting platform for the opening up of the other party. After all, poor communication is a result of either party not 'listening attentively' to each other. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sarahmay : think there was an article published in Straits Times just yesterday talking about the '5 love languages' which u mentioned. It's so so true. shall cut it out n post here to share with the rest of the mummies. hopefully it's still ard n not used as waste paper already. :p

OP, my next appt same as u, 28 aug but time has been shifted up from 12.30pm to 11.30am cos someone popped. Hopefully, can get an earlier slot (pray hard for patients of earlier slot to pop so that slot can be released) :p

Got ur email reply. Thanks for ur help! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

chrissy: but mine very little nia. like a bit of clear glue machiam tapioca starch? no blood. trow my 37w check so shall tell doc. but she's going away 3- 9sept. hubby not back till 11th!

babyT: thanks for reminding me abt brazillian waxing. i did last time. think around 38w. at strip. v good. i hate to be like rambutan there. grosss!!!!!

xiaopang: i also need a back rub. gonna check out kenko.


okie my nesting instinct has been to go online shopping! muahaha.

just today, i ordered a mineral make-up kit and brush set for MYSELF ---- cos i want to feel pretty. dun ask me why but this going to be my second, and i'm sahm...so got this paranoid fear tt i will become 'yellow' prematurely. heheh.


yeah helpful but cannot be only form of communication.


How we show and receive love

1. Words of affirmation: person feels loved when you say encouraging things etc

2. Physical touch: hugs kisses...not just sex

3. Quality Time

4. Gifts

5. Acts of service: doing things for people

Do free online quiz! read more at http://www.5lovelanguages.com/

for me i cannot really figure out my hubby's primary love lang. so i do a mixture lor. but i know gifts don't work for him.


I see, yeah mine was also like 50 cent coin size, wiped 4 times and unmistakably it was there on the tissue. No blood too.. but till now nothing happen...

Oh wells, I think different bodies react differently.

Waxing... I wonder how they gonna wax the back part. cuz u have to lie tummy down... LOL

chrissy: hmmm think ur's more than mine. i just spotted a little smear. then i went to use my fingers to touch (sorry to sound gross) but i had to make sure nto the usual discharge. and never had it before. so think it's mucus.

waxing bum;

LOL...didn't think of tt but i dun have issue w that area...so i only laid on my back. strip is super efficient and fast so i really like them. but think their prices have soared.

5 Love langauges free online assessment:

Ok..i just went to road test it! It's VERY VERY useful!

Kate: i really suggest u go do it cos it will also help u understand why u are reacting to his behaviour better. no right or wrong one...just better understanding. hope it helps!


I'm still driving now and then. Mostly short distances. Figured can't give birth so fast (like in short span of 1/2hr from onset of contractions). Imagine! Dunno how to drive and give birth at the same time! Sure accident one! :D

Abt shaving when go natural, 4 yrs ago when I deliver at Mt A, they don't do that. 30+ yrs ago when my mom deliver at KK, they will shave.


I was thinking, when that happens, I'll find a plastic bag and put in my undies to collect the water. Ok, it's a stupid stupid idea! :p I was also thinking, if I'm in the car when that happens, I'll tear up one of my boy's pull-up diaper and put inside my undies.

Ok ok... I know I damned bo liao. I'll go home and pack some pads. :p


You have strong faith! Not to say I don't have...any... but God's plans are just so unpredictable, so I'm mostly in the "come what may" mode. I just pray for the "serenity to accept the things I cannot change". :D


Yes indeed! All God's promises are Yes and Amen in Christ Jesus - but only if He did make those promises! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Believe in God for good timing - does not explain how some people can give birth in taxi, at home and almost into the toilet bowl (my friend), or under a block of HDB flat. They always say "in His time". From my past exp, God's time is generally not always my time. So let's see if I'll still get to eat my buffet lunch this Sunday. Kekekeke! :D


my gynae "force" us to buy the feminine intimate wash from her and later on after delivery the hospital will give a bottle of spray to aid in healing

sarah - ya lor... wax at least lasts longer... won't grow into rambutan so fast... like now... shave by feeling.. hate the pokey feeling... i dunno how to tahan the confinement part lor...

lizzie - same... especially crystal... come back emo like hell.. then keep shivering.. haha...

phyphy - spray?? as in cooling/ numbing spray ar?? feminine wash?? lactacyd?? cannot use our own de??

bubu > i'm so excited for u cos u're having twins ;p i think yours should be soon... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] all the best.

chrissy> me too,next fri week 40. everything just went downhill from wk 38.. even sitting/ lying down is uncomfortable. which is why i'm starting leave on Wednesday!! *woohoo*

shinchan > looks like you're enjoying motherhood [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] did you say pack padSSS? i only brought 1 with me.

bubu > i'm so excited for u cos u're having twins ;p i think yours should be soon... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] all the best.

chrissy> me too,next fri week 40. everything just went downhill from wk 38.. even sitting/ lying down is uncomfortable. which is why i'm starting leave on Wednesday!! *woohoo*

shinchan > looks like you're enjoying motherhood [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] did you say pack padSSS? i only brought 1 with me.



Thanks for sharing! At least I know MP doesnt really mean with blood..

Optimus Prime,

Yep, same here, S'pore so small.. the most 30 mins to drive to hosp and I dont think we'll give birth tt fast!

diamantz ,

Ur EDD is 3rd Sept too?? Yes, super uncomfy... Im tempted to start my leaves too.. but I tell myself tahan till this Friday. Laster I take means the more time I can spend with my baby....

