(2010/06) June 2010 MTB

wow ladies the thread is moving so fast..

Me not working today and just had the time to login.. My #1 is has been super cranky since last nite. Her front right tooth is coming out an I think it really must be hurting her man !! She had slight fever (37.5) and when I tried to give her panaodol she cough cough and vomitted out both the med and milk we fed her..

So poor thing... Has been super cranky and clingy .. Only want carry.. Did ot even eat her lunch properly.. I hope the damn tooth come out fast and reduce my gal's agony.. And I really hope her appetite returns man.. Sighz.. I am so woried for her...

Sorry for ranting away ya.. Just dun want to keep it all bottled up !!


OMG !! It is always not easy to stay with in laws.. Staying together with them (i feel) just complicates things lor.. U must be a very patient person .. If it is me I dun think I can tahan man !!


Indeed it is god's blessing... I am so happy for you... ;)


Me too ladies.. At night my tummy like looks bigger.. hehe

Hi Lilysnow....Welcome


Hey if I am not wrong we share the same gynae hor??

Any mummies stay a Jurong West??


jojo, thanks, i'll surf for info tonite. mayb my bb thinking why mummy don't talk to me everyday? but dont know what to say to bb leh....

Hi Dianajs, im near jurong west... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Lilysnow > just talk anything lo, how much u care and hope bb joining ur world etc lo.. haha..

Diana > aiyo.. hope ur girl will be fine soon.. =) jiayou!


Thanks gal... Me praying too..


Great u r near Jurong West .. I stay in Jurong West Extension... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Maybe one day we all can meet up for chit chat session ??

finished dinner, showered and applied body oil already....feel refreshed.

anyone applying anything to prevent stretch marks?

during my last checkup, doc ask me if i applying anything, coz my skin very tight. i got so scared, went down to chinatown to get the clarins body treatment oil, have been applying religiously. they say stretch marks are hereditiary, both mom and sis also have alot, cham!!! hope i can reducing the number of lines if cannot prevent.


cannot eat too much spicy food huh. jialat, during 1st tri, i can only finish and keep food down with chilli. no chilli, don't even want to eat. now in bkk, i everyday eat spicy noodle, spicy soup, all my favorite.

ok, it that case, must really try to cut down and drink more water.

Hi Lilysnow

Yah loh... Me too, first tri kept drinking Tom Yum soup, ate curry... All my noodle must eat with chili padi somemore... Yah drink lots of water now to cool your body... I miss Bangkok!!! Went there last Oct, luv the Tom Yam soup and fried chicken wings from road side stall!

FRIENDS- Thanks I will gt get more amulet to ward off tis evil spirits ard. Make mi angry I paste on their head. LOL!

U cannot meet them coz far bt u can meet mi, Im oso at SK.

Lilysnow- I feel its hereditary 1. My mum dun haf, I oso dun haf. My fren mum haf, she n all her sis oso haf. Mi so scared tat for my #1 I used up 9 bottles of stretch mark cream bt tis time round lazy le use as n when i lyk.

Rainelle- Now can start le.

Re- Spicy Food

It seems lyk ecezma is hereditary 1 oso. I oso ate lots of spicy food leh.

sharky _siak

Wat a coincindence.. I stay at JW st 61 too!! Very near Pioneer MRT sation.. U r expecting #1 or #2??


I have been applying elancyl.. Applied that for my irst one too.. But from what I gathered from March 2009 thread one of the hot favourites is clarins stretchmark cream (cant remeber the exactname). From what i read so far the earlier u start applying the cream the better it is lor.. At least not so jia lat la the stretchmarks..

Spicy food...

My my.. It is my fav too.. Tink better cut down on it ba...


Saw someone talking abt it (pai sei dunno who).. Just to share, I used it for my #1.. And found her very attentive when she was born and even now.. Can try la no harm..

Okie gals.. Me gonna tuck in.. Hope I dun wake up in the middle of the night ...

Gud Nite [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I am also taking the DHA NeurogainS ..think my gynae charge me $60..can't rem if it incl other supplements.

I bought the NeurogainPB at Guardian for $35. The DHA content is lower and the capsule also smaller. I queried Guardian if they carry NeurogainS and they told me I can only get it at the hosp pharmacy. Anyone knows if I can it at the usual Guardian/watson pharmacy store?

If not, I will prob go and check out the pharmacy at TMC during my detailed scan.

ya Friends, i tink i gg to Great World City to buy a new set tonight.. 1st day of week 18 today, buy le tml i start using.. oh no, spicy food no good for baby ar.. i have been craving and eating ALOT and VERY spicy de.. >.< oh no..

lilysnow, i also applyig clarins body treatment oil.. but instead of morning and nite i only apply once at night, coz morning timing too rush..

going for gynae visit later.. so excited.. hopefully bb cooperative, can see gender.. pls pls, else gotta wait till 5 feb le.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Thread is moving too fast...can enlighten what is the use of the babyplus other than bb will be more attentive etc??

How to use uh??

Re Babyplus

Hubby read the pdt reviews and he was skeptical. He said though there are many rave reviews on this pdt, there are also equal number of -ve review avail. And the worst review he came across was that the baby was born partially deaf. He asked me not to go and buy, prefer me to spend the $$ on other useful stuff. I think I will listen to him..dunwan to take unnecessary risk.

Good mOrning everyone,

i forgot to measure my waistline last nite. haiz now a day very forgetfull. hope i can remember to9 n measure it.

Hi Bebe75,

Huh serious ar? the bb born partially deaf??? that is very bad lei.


teething period huh? poor girl. hope her teeth grows out fast. keep giving her water. hope her fever gone liao. my son was also very cranky, kept biting me when i tried to clean his teeth then. give her teething toys?


actually you can start applying stretch marks once you know you are preggie. for my #1, i only started applying palmers when i was 5mths, hubby refused to allow me to apply. -.-" he was so afraid it would affect son. got waterbag to protect leh. in the end, i had stretch marks, but they faded after months. now i only using normal vaseline moisteriser with vit E, don't even bother to buy stretch marks cream. i also heard these are inheritary.


ya ya, its mommylouis! now then i remember. looks like she really busy.

re: ecezma

huh? spicy food really will trigger it ah? cuz i had quite alot of spicy food when i had my #1, son so far so good leh. now i stopped myself from eating chilli padi. =p i still had to go with chilli but should be lesser bah.

re: SK

my future house @ compassvale beacon. anyone there also?

Jojo, i haven discussed with my hubby on the bbplus yet. thanks for the info anyway. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bebe75, i dun tink NeurogainS can be bought at Guardian or Unity Pharmacy. I have to go all the way to KKH Pharmacy to get when i finished mine last week. It's $38/bottle of 30capsule over the cashier counter. I've compared the price with the NeurogainS prescribed by gynea, apparently oni 20cent difference. *chay*

update on my gynea visit last evening... bb was super active during the scan. gynea measured bb's head and leg and gave mi the scan copies.. but nv scan bb whole body for mi. but glad dat bb is growing well inside. EDD remains the same on 29Jun. gynea tried to scan for bb's gender, but bb not cooperative or maybe shy la.. busy moving here hands n dun open legs wide wide (for the paranoid mummy). but gynea guessed it might be a gal but doesn't want to commit till the detail scan is done. btw, my weight like nv increase more than 500g compared to 5wks ago, wondering why..

am scheduled for detail scan 4wks later (the week of CNY) but KKH ADC appt was full for the whole week. so now i have to wait for the nurse to call mi for the appt date n time. gynea appt will be aft the detail scan.

Hi Bluberi,

Then why not u ask ur gynae to let u do the detail scan a week b4 CNY? u should be in week 17 now rite. can do at weeks 20 mah then not need to wait so long. ur gynae always let u wait so long. i think better book the appt with gynae for the appt after detail scan if not later he ask u to wait another 4 week to go. Anyway congrat on the check up yerterday. now u dun so paranoid le make always remember ur baby inside is healthy n active.

Hi Missbluey,

ya lo i think mommyloius busy with baby loius heehee. when will u moving to SK? I am not stay there. i m staying in the west.

jalgal - He showed me a review written by a mother. She said that her baby was breeched..and due to the fetal position..the Babyplus was played mainly on the left ear..and so the baby was borne with hearing damage. Though the doc cannot determine the exact cause for the hearing loss, but they also cannot isolate if Babyplus is a contributing factor.

Bluberi - thanks for the info..in that case, I will stock up NeurogainS when I go to TMC next time. I paid my gynae $60 for the DHA and folic acid the other time..really ex.

Morning mummies,

Re Supplements:

Not having any at the moment except for the folic acid and TUMS (for heartburn). Doc is a firm believer of taking nutrients in via healthy food and said that they would review at the detailed blood scan to see if any nutrients are lacking before prescribing. Glad in a way since I have tablet phobia now. Guess will just have to eat more consciously.

Re BabyPlus:

Family not convinced about the benefits too, so not getting it. Got to save money where possible.

Re Baby Items:

Getting hand-me-downs where possible like clothes, yao lan, bouncer, mosquito net. The only things we have bought so far is Medela BP (since this is number 1), some baby bottles, Safe N Sound infant to toddler carseat (during Robinson sale) and diaper bag. Will be getting near the fair season the infant to toddler stroller, infant to toddler cot, changing table then we should be about done I think. Stuff like diapers and things I guess we can get in the 3rd trim.

Re Gas Bubbles, Heartburn and Spicy/Oily Foods:

I still have quite a lot of this even only after drinking water in the morning. Think this is what partly makes me pukey. Trying to figure out what the triggers are as I have hints of heartburn not only after eating but even before eating. Somehow my system is quite sensitive so avoiding gas producing foods like tofu, soya bean, onions, cabbage. Been going easy on the chilli and oily too as it increases risk of heartburn and bubbling in the chest. I do miss my food as I was a big time foodie before being preggers, and I especially like my chilli [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]. Now it is mostly clear stuff for me.

Re Mummies Meetup:

Would be really nice to meet up indeed. Agree with Jalgal, late Feb-Mar would be better since CNY is fast approaching. We should all be big mummies by then heheh... If the meeting is going to be on weekdays, lunch time would be good for the FTWMs.

Bebe: Earrings in the fridge, very funny indeed!

Carebb: Where did you sign up for your yoga? Could you please let us know how much the lessons are? Would like to sign up but looking not to pay too much.

morning mommies

jojo- for the clarins body oil, do you rinse off after applying(after the oil has been absorbed)? i read fr other threads that salesgirl recommend to rinse off with cool water.

been applying at night only too, now i apply everywhere, belly, butt, thighs, hands & legs, coz i saw a lady with stretch marks lines at the back of her thigh+calves. scared i will have too.

which shop in GW selling the babyplus? same $288?

can only buy when i get back, by then, will be 20wks le. last nite, crack brain to think who's coming fr US, mayb can buy...but no one. want to buy fr Aust, but like not selling there...hmmm

bebe75 - i think i saw NeurogainS at Guardian Parkway, selling abt S$42, more ex then kkh. mayb you try and call first. if Parkway has it, means it is in their orderable list, then you can request the Guardian nearer your plc to place order for you if going to kkh is inconvenient. u can also check with unity, they may b cheaper.

Hi Bebe75,

That is scary. now i hv to consider again whether to get it or not. i was thinking asking my brother to get for me from malaysia heard is selling at RM400+ for a new set. he stil checking for me. i will try to make some research later whather to buy or not,.


I didn't know BN Babyplus are sold in Singapore. Which shop in Great World City?


From where can we find the review your hubby read about? Now also hestiating...


I'm taking the course at CC. You can check up their website www.pa.gov.sg for a CC near u.

Tummy measurement

Mine is aledi 36 inches [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

My place is near People's Park (Chinatown), anyone near my area?


If your baby is growing well, dun worry about your weight , since u only ard 15 weeks.


Sahshimi cannot eat leh, must control, ok? Jus for a few more months...

bebe, they say the babyplus volume is pre-set to be same or lower than mummy's heartbeat.. so the volumn wont harm baby's ear's lei.. and so far only hear of this one case, versus many good reviews.. nt sure if this one case has other contributing factors and not caused by babyplus de.. tink i'll still get it but mayb put something between the device and my tummy so the sound not too loud..

lilysnow, Mothers Work at GW and Tanglin Mall selling at $288..

jalgal, count by LMP, i'm 17wks+ but the scan oni 16wks+ so earliest for detail scan is the week of CNY. the nurse in TPS dun wan to take down my gynea for 11Feb coz my detail scan date not confirmed. she told mi to wait for their call.

bebe75, u r welcome. for folic acid.. u can get fm Unity, it's oni abt $3.00 for 100tabs. guarding selling $3+ for 50tabs which i find it exp. i tink get fm gynea is even more exp.

jalgal, i have been using the same nick.. erm.. i put tbc on april for hospital n gynae is because now we are in the state. so will only be coming back on end april then will decide..

Now a bit mixed.. cos i actually intend to use back my previous gynae dr loke kl n esh.. but the nurse told me by the time i come back is already 32weeks.. so no more pkt.. my hubby n me also like tmc.. cos the place is new compare to esh but, the traffic n carpark is always full.. somemore have erp..

Irma, ya.. intend to give birth there.. cos my #1 when i give birth there.. i am in so much pain n the nurse seems nice as they nv scold me haha.. n there's not much ppl too..

bizzymum, last time for my #1 the room we stay is the 1 bedded.. then hubby n bb can room in.. i was quite disappointed when i saw the interior.. n there's no bed for my hubby as it was v small.. so the nurse told my hubby that the sofa is sofa bed.. then when i saw my fren who gave birth at tmc.. wow.. looks much more better..

Just back from my gynae visit too, gynae say most probably a girl.. i think oso girl la.. lols.. jalgal might wan to update the chart for my bb gender.. anyway kind of dissappointed cos dh wan a boy.. but nvm la.. i long time ago dream is a girl =X so quite accurate.. haha.. next gynae visit is 10 feb but detail scan will be on 26 jan..

BluBeri > See, told u liao ur baby tired to move only.. lols.. great news anyway..

Hi Bizzymum,

My brother said cosway got sell. i check online nvr see. but i remember i saw it once in a small cosway shop in singapore i think its selling at $200+ also if i m not remember wrongly. so now waiting for my brother to check for me. will call him later abt lunch time. let u know later after i find out.

jojo, how come u get Babyplus at $200+ whereas I bought mine online via Babyplus website at $288, I just purchased on Wed 13/01, I haven't gotten it. Seem like everyone getting it at cheaper price?

Rainelle, my gynea also said it's normal coz i can't expect bb to move whole day. hahaha.. told mi not to be so paranoid.

bizzymum, i'm 17wk+ leh (though scan is 16wk+). funny the weight for 1st tri increase abt 2k fm pre-preggie weight.. den now compare to 5wks ago less than 500g increase. but like u said, as long bb is growing well can liao.

sharky> so cheap? which ebay? i saw sg ebay selling A$130, but its the yellow box. the babyplus official website picture is blus box. do you know the difference? was hoping to get it soon since i'm in bkk, no need to wait till 20wk when back in spore.


I read that the blue box is the latest edition, whereas yellow box is previous.

I bought is from ebay website, oso Aussie seller.... Cant seem to find that seller liao.... I remember saving like S$15-20 bucks if i buy from this Aussie seller instead from the states...

Im not willing to pay 288 for this product, 200 still acceptable for me...

Btw, i met the ang moh distributor for Baby Plus at Takashimaya during the Xmas period... Coz my hubby say : EH BABY PLUS when he walk pass their promo counter... So this guy tote we are interested, but i have bote from Ebay already... He oso have a range of baby-related products which is quite costly.......

Sharky [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Aiya.. should ask you all 1st before online purchase. I was too impluse! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hiyo Sorry to interrupt, im an oct mum, trying to sell off some unused items as my bb had outgrown[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

1)Huggies S-size diaper

2)BRAND NEW PHILIP AVENT Newborn Starter Set (which contains 2 feeding bottles (260ml/9oz) with newborn teats(No2) ; 2 feeding bottles (125ml/4oz) with newborn teats(No1); 2 newborn teats(No1); 1 Newborn soother and 1 Bottle brush (altogether 8 pcs) to let go @ $30 (original price @ $45.90).

Collection can be arranged once confirmed.PM me if interested.Thank you


no wonder i couldnt find the DHA in pharmacy cos i am expecting box packaging like the ones my gynae prescribe. It's Nature's Care DHAxtra softgel - 30 capsules for $40 - DHA content being 350mg

RE : Sashimi

Glutton me also hv been eating, but of course must ensure eat fr "reputable restaurants" and only a few slices each time. Somehow i prefer the "raw" taste then the cooked version this time.. as my gynae always say, "Eat all in moderation and you'll be fine"


quite a few of us are also @ SK.. me being one of them :p

RE : babyplus

also not a fan of this - even w/o much prenatal education, i think my gal reaches her milestones early enuf liao.. i believe nurturing them during their first 3 yrs are more critical, just my opinion.

sandy, i'll be buying from GW shop at $288, same as urs.. think the babyplus website and GW shop same pp.. buy from ebay also brand new set? but must wait longer rite?


ebay aussie seller : yellow box, 180days warranty, + shipping abt S$208

ebay US seller : blue box (3rd gen), 180days warranty, free Baby Einstein Dvd, + shipping abt S$224

Singapore babyplus : blue box, 180days warranty, BUT do not need to wait for shipping, can start immediately, S$288



yr DHA from gynea is cheap le... i pay like 60+ gst for the same brand....

been sourcing around if i can get from other places... but don have leh...

