wow ladies the thread is moving so fast..
Me not working today and just had the time to login.. My #1 is has been super cranky since last nite. Her front right tooth is coming out an I think it really must be hurting her man !! She had slight fever (37.5) and when I tried to give her panaodol she cough cough and vomitted out both the med and milk we fed her..
So poor thing... Has been super cranky and clingy .. Only want carry.. Did ot even eat her lunch properly.. I hope the damn tooth come out fast and reduce my gal's agony.. And I really hope her appetite returns man.. Sighz.. I am so woried for her...
Sorry for ranting away ya.. Just dun want to keep it all bottled up !!
OMG !! It is always not easy to stay with in laws.. Staying together with them (i feel) just complicates things lor.. U must be a very patient person .. If it is me I dun think I can tahan man !!
Indeed it is god's blessing... I am so happy for you...
Me too ladies.. At night my tummy like looks bigger.. hehe
Hi Lilysnow....Welcome
Hey if I am not wrong we share the same gynae hor??
Any mummies stay a Jurong West??
Me not working today and just had the time to login.. My #1 is has been super cranky since last nite. Her front right tooth is coming out an I think it really must be hurting her man !! She had slight fever (37.5) and when I tried to give her panaodol she cough cough and vomitted out both the med and milk we fed her..
So poor thing... Has been super cranky and clingy .. Only want carry.. Did ot even eat her lunch properly.. I hope the damn tooth come out fast and reduce my gal's agony.. And I really hope her appetite returns man.. Sighz.. I am so woried for her...
Sorry for ranting away ya.. Just dun want to keep it all bottled up !!
OMG !! It is always not easy to stay with in laws.. Staying together with them (i feel) just complicates things lor.. U must be a very patient person .. If it is me I dun think I can tahan man !!
Indeed it is god's blessing... I am so happy for you...
Me too ladies.. At night my tummy like looks bigger.. hehe
Hi Lilysnow....Welcome
Hey if I am not wrong we share the same gynae hor??
Any mummies stay a Jurong West??