(2010/06) June 2010 MTB

bizzymum, try not to read up on the miscarriage threads.. before i had my first M/C, sometimes i go into the miscarriage thread to read, the more i read the more i feel scared.. tis continue for the 2nd & 3rd M/C. nw i dun go into this thread liao.



dun read this kind of article. no good no good. must have faith in urself n ur bb somemore u oredy mother of 4 leh. must think abt what u hv gone through to give birth to 3 litlle one n 1 more coming. all this m/c happen but there r a lot more of happy story happened. we must look for the happy thing. u must share ur happy experience with us so u will remember the blessing. ok?

Now i also try not to read those sad story n new like the earthquake or wat.... i dun care. i dun wan my baby feel that the world so scary. i wan her to see the happiest thing in the world n she will be happy when she arrive.

jolene, be brave.. i believe all things will be fine eventually.. most impt, u n ur hb must be together as one heart n go thru it..


being quite sometime since i wrote here.. but still on/off reading..

Jalgal, can help me update? thanks

EDD: 21 June 2010

Gynae: TBC on April

Hosp: TBC on April

Gender: TBC

Expecting: #2

Status: SAHM

Btw how come no mummies choose east shore hospital?

Jolene, Hang in there.. At least now everyone know that yr PIL are terrible.. Dun be too stressed up by them.. Jia you!

jalgal.. i think it's petty hard for jolene to do that, cos imagine her MIL is not doing housework while jolene being a preggy is.. is like in their world no "tian li".. anyway, i believe being the "house owner", the PIL have the key to their room, so lock oso no use.. anyway they got the cheek to steal, i dun think they feel they need their "face" nor they need jolene and hubby to be respect them.. so best way still move out of the shit house..

hi mummies,

anyone got recommendations for light-weight stroller/pram? we will be going for short holidays next week, i m still worrying how to settle my girl meals.. pls help to advise for those who had such experiences.. tis is our first time taking her on plane. thought its only to penang.. haha..

jalgal, my scan scheduled on 1st day of wk 21.. initially it was another 4-5 days later but i requested to bring it forward.. how come the nurse tell u so specific range de.. when i ask them they say anytime from wk 20 - 22..

irma, i also duno lei.. i count until blur also le.. now i just rely on the spreadsheet i did.. no need to recount to keep track all the time.. hehe..

Carebb my detailed scan package with the 1st tri DS scan and blood test.. together cost ard 400 or 500 i cant rmb exactly..

my tummy in the morning only bulge a little.. but at nite bulge ALOT more.. macham double morning's size.. haha with all the food i ate during the day it grow alot more.. but next day in the morning will be smaller than the nite before again.. u gals also lidat?

Jolene, as long as hubby is treating u nice... hack care abt your inlaws... some inlaws really ridiculous.. hope in future we wont be like them... take good care of yourself & be happy ok...

sberry122, lucky baby used to have a travelling stroller when can be folded up, not sure if they still have it anot though. my sis bought one when she brought my nephew to Hkg when he was 3yrs old. the stroller was quite compact, comes with a small carrying case and u can easily stow it on board the plane like a hand carry item.

Jojo, sometimes i also find that tummy seems bigger at nite.. but my dinner portion normally i dun take much compared to my lunch. nowadays dinner dun really appeal to mi anymore. i tink my dinner is oni 50% of my lunch portion.


juz vent yr frustration here, not good to bottle all up, also think yr hubby needs some time to think abt his next move. Talk to him again when he can talk, but will advise dun bring in those complains abt what FIL give to yr son, i think u really hv to keep an eye on him more yrself.


dun think i will join in the hospital tour, since i had done that the previous time. But do look out for each other, think it will be nice to hv a face to the nick [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


u r right, the risk of MC is still there, albeit much lesser compared to first tri. If its destined to happen, it will, so try not to think abt it more.

I can really feel my little one's movement more today. Literally like a "kick" this morning, so i say, ok, u must be hungry, and immed slurp down my milk.. all is peaceful again.. ha

Hi qqq,

did u use a diff nickname b4? I dun seem to have ur deatils b4. but i can remember u. have been so long nvr see u leh. how r u doing? that mean now u are see any gynae u like no permenant one ar? ya seem no 1 is choosing east shore.

sberry, u can try maclaren volo.. very lightweight, i brought it along when i went US for 3 months.

As for meals.. ur ger is coming 2 yrs right? i am giving her outside food now but ma fan lor.. cause if she doesnt like she will spit out leh. If u still cooking porridge for her i suggest u bring slow cooker along but it depends on many days u will be there, if gonna be there for 3-4 days and still have to but stuffs and cook porridge for her.. super troublesome..unless u dun mind.

I think just get cereal and milk and biscuits with u. U may want to bring those pureed fruit in bottle like gerber or heinz.. than when u got outside just buy porridge for her.. sometimes when u are travelling, a bit bo pian, have to feed her outside food.

In US, she was abt 14-15 months, when we go on short holis to NY, Las v.. i also brought along just cereal, pureed fruits( US have a lot and very nice!!), milk and give her fries plus whatever rice we can find occasionally..cannot be too particular liao... I think this time go tokyo.. i also headache.. just bring cereal and milk lor.. she already 23 months..if she dun want to eat their rice and food.. give milk lor.. better than she go hungry.

missheng: hi.. initially wanted to take EH..but since i changed gynae,didnt take there.. you planning to delivery over at EH?

jojo: yeah. think just stick to whatever our initial table. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

rainelle.. u are SAHM? So u stop working after u got preggie? or? Hope u dun mind me asking cause very rare for 1st time mum to be sahm while expecting. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

MissBluey- We r juz too scared to buy our own house, scared tat they r so thick skin take their things n juz shift in lyk tat. They will do so de. Hubby was sayin y ny I move back to my mum place wif my boy den he stay here bt who wan to get seperated from her hubby. Hubby might haf tis type of concept whereby no matter wat they r still his parents ba.

Rainelle- Take my jewellery i still find it ok bt take my son's jewellery tats when I find it damn disgusting. They dun give him anything bt yet steal his things. If rent house, at e end hubby pay oso nt enuff to pay for everything since he's e oni 1 workin.

JalGal- Nt easy to let them nt go near my boy. They juz grab him n go de. They dun inform mi de. E more if i dun let them go near him, e more evil things they will do. Lucky I gt wonderful parents who support us morally n financially. They muz b so evil tat they went to damage my son's bedrail. E top part whole thing dented, juz saw it ytd nite. My boy tot it was firm bt didn't realised it was dented n nearly fall over it. Before I go out was still ok bt when I come back its damaged.

Sberry- Thanks. We will b brave to fight wif all tis ghost.

Rainelle- They even purposely make spoil our lock tat time bt I ask people to do le. Aft tat she keep complainin y we locked e door. I say her wat, in case mi n hubby ML n she dashed in, i dun wan her to c us naked. So lame rite.

Elaine- I definately wun wan to b lyk tat in future.

I still can't feel my baby leh... So envy with those who can feel it. Btw, my belly button now very small, can't even put one little finger in it. I suppose it's normal, rite? Thanks.

HI Jolene,

Not sure what to advise, but if it is an option to move out (not necessary to buy, renting is a medium term option) so that it isolates you and your hubby from the problems somewhat, that may be an idea. Meanwhile you are in our prayers, everything will work out in the end.


For toddlers, strollers we have come across for being light are Quinny Zapp, Aprica (they were having sale for this one at Takashimaya, can check out Robinsons too).

Re detailed scan:

Mine is at the end of the month, seems quite late too. Will be 22w3d on the day of the scan.

Re tummy measurement:

I just started keeping log this weekend, measuring butt, waist (what's left of it since it seems to be disappearing), stomach with side and front profile pictures too. The size... quite paiseh to share.. it's about as big as Shen's but I am 15 days behind re doc's calculated EDD. My weight gain since pre-pregger days is about 8kg too! So you are not alone Jalgal.

jolene: yeah i think i understand how your hubby feels too..coz he have a feeling of responsibility towards his parents who brought him up.. maybe you can try to bring him out and talk to him,slow talk..n tell him what u feel and your suggestions.. tell him that you're not trying to separate him n his parents, but just for lil while. while you guys sort things out.. i dunno..just my tots..

Friends, soon will be big like balloon hehe.. u have same EDD as me isnt it....

Hi Jojo,

Ya lor i tot that so. but the nurse keep saying best result best result then hv to go on that day lo. may be diff gynae diff rules. ok then how u look like are? me quite plumb my tummy big big de. i hv shouder length hair my fringe very short. i m going with my hubby. eye quite big fair skin without glasses. haha dunno u can figure out or not?

Jolene.. ur pils are really one of a kind!!!

Irma.. erm.. actually 17th wk and 18th wk very close .. so i think doesnt matter.. Ur edd only a few days away from mine, i normally just based on my gynae check and roughly form my LMP caus ei cant remember my LMP so i just based on size of baby.

Friends.. i also cant feel much.. somemore this is my #2 lor .. thoughtful boy like what rainelle said.. My bellybutton can put in my index finger leh.. u mean ur tummy also stretched till cant see? Normally that will be abt 7-8 mnths when ur tummy fully stretched... than my belly button will totally be flat ( heng, it doesnt protrude.)


think its normal for us to start expanding.. after 1 nite sleep, most food shld hv been well digested bah i guess.. hee


how old is yr gal now? As we choose club med during our 1st holiday (my gal was around 18mths then but still on a no salt diet mainly) so food is no prob as we eat in the hotel most of the time. In yr case, u might want to bring more cereal, her fav snacks, junior milo satchets, extra milk powder, etc.. rem to bring her fav toy/blankie on the plane, and some small entertainment toy (I played stickers with my gal throughout the plane flight to phuket) and snacks + milk + water (helps to alleviate air pressure when landing/taking off.. alternatively u teach her to pretend to swallow)

Jalgal, oh really, quite famous? Didn't know about that, actually i didn't choose that, was my gynae who referred me to that.

straw81, haha seriously I have no idea what other tests are included, hope it's a lot more than just detailed scan and I dun kena cheated.

Re Exercise: I should be going for pre-natal yoga classes in a few weeks time, whereby all are preggies in there i believe.

Jojo, thanks for the info, I did my 1st tri Oscar at another scanning clinic, that alone cost me $300+ then!

Hi Shen, i still cant find the baby... not sure izzit my fat too thick..lol... i am in my starting wk18 now.

Sandylee, my detail scan also on 4Feb... very excited to see my baby again....

My detail scan charges at RH is $260.....

jalgal, u gain so much now... i gain about 2-3kg... stomach still small... not sure izzit normal?

How much weight so far have you gals gain?

jojo, my tummy also bigger in the nite and smaller in the morning... night time normally have alot of wind and tummy feel very tight.

Hi Jolene,

I really speachless le. now i know y ur hubby dun wan to talk. i think he also dunno wat to say liao. having this kind of parent. n he is still nice to think their are the parent. their are just so evil...... yes should cal them ghost...

Hi Suelynn,

i think u must be also need to keep eating to bring down the ms feeling right. i remember u said u hving bad ms. i m like that lo hv to keep eating n eating if not wil feel puking during the 1st tri.

Okie okie, I better not read anymore, in case bring any bad luck too.

You gals out there are so lucky, still have nice betty button, mine is already stretched and protruding, mayb b'cos is my 4th one, so very lax liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

qqq, I heard the price difference for 1 bedded and 2 bedded in East Shore is quite small, 3 of my friends who stayed there all chose 1 bedded, you can consider it. How come u have not confirm yr gynae leh?

my belly button still looks the same wor... dun see any difference leh. nv pop out. checked with my mum n sis, both their belly buttons remains the same thru out their pregnancy.

Tonite I'm going for my knitting class again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Currently knitting a pair of booties for baby. Anyone also doing knitting?

Hi Babyrain,

i think 2-3kgs is ok. dun worry.just now i see my tummy so big then i ask my colleague she said she only gain 10kg during her pregnancy but her baby was 3.3kgs. it mean all the weight go to baby. so i think wil be very easy for u to get back e weight b4 preggy.


today went fot my gynse visit and bb was active. he even kicks me when gyane was doing the scan...lolx...and my detail scan in on the 9th feb.

jalgal, can update me on the list that mine is a Boy. im a PTWM.

thanks a million.

genice > i quitted my job, then found out i'm pregnant, so did not go and look out for new job lo.. cos 1st trimster tend to be very tired.. can slp thru a whole day.. lols..

Jolene > if ur mum place have a spare room, maybe u can consider to move over tgt with ur hushand lo.. tell him tat will help him cool down and sort things out better.. ur PIL is evil.. prehaps if u are able to leave ur boy with ur mum for this period of tide will be better.. keep the kid safe is most impt.. maybe u can consider to rent a house with fwens..

jojo > i think my tummy seem to be bigger at nite too.. den i still tell myself i look like giving birth soon liao.. =X look so fat..

wah bizzymum,

i think u really super woman le. need to work take care of kid stil got time to do kniting.

i wanna learn knitting but i try b4 n totally unsuccessful. where u learn? if not so far from my house may b i will give it the last try. cos is very warm feeling seeing ur baby wearing something u knit for her. n it so special the 1 n only in the world

i've been feeling kinda uncomfortable these few hours, i mean on my tummy, on left side.. like something is "sitting" there.. isit too early for bb to make us uncomfortable?

Irma, not sure if it's bb "sitting" there.. but nowadays i tink bb seems to be near the bladder.. coz after i went toilet for small biz, within 5mins i wan to go toilet for small biz again. best part, when i went toilet, oni a few pathetic drops lor..

Hi Juliiana,

congrat on ur baby boy. wah... there are many tiger boi boi in June 10. may be easier to spot. haha... i will make a calculation on how many bb boy n bb gal in June 10 when every body know the bb gender.

hehe looks like im nt the onli one tummy grow alot bigger at nite... im quite amazed at the difference lo.. i stare at the size at nite it looks like 6 mths preg lidat... haha.. if i can find measuring tape tonite i go measure.. :p

wa carebb ur detailed scan alone very exp lei..

bluberi: yes2.. same.. aft go toilet..then shortly aft, go again.. sigh.. tired la.. but seriously,i feel like tight2 on my left abdomen/tummy.

so many pp know bb gender le.. envy envy.. hopefully can find out when i go for gynae visit tml..

bluberi, someone quoted the babyplus (bought in aug09) for $190.. but i still considering whether to get new unit.. tot of letting u know then u can consider if u wan it at $190 not..

Jojo, thanks for ur info.. sometimes i tink if we are going for another child later, we may as well get a new set instead of 2nd hand. shall ask for hubby on his opinion first.

hi mommies, i'm new here, although have been a silent reader for the past 2months. hope its not too late to join.

Nick : Lilysnow

EDD : 20Jun2010

Gynae : Dr SF Loh

Hosp : KKH

Gender : TBC

Expecting# : 1

Status : SAHM

i'm currently in bkk, coz husband works here. normally here for 3wks in a mth and back in spore for a wk. will b back in spore for ds on 2feb.

Hi ladies, I'm new here too.

Nick: bliss bb

EDD: 7 Jun 2010

Gynae: Dr AL Lim

Hospital: TMC

Gender: TBC

Expecting#: 1

Status: FTWM

Welcome Lilysnow! Bkk got alot of cheap buys hor.. tink u can get alot of bb clothes there. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

suddenly feel like gg bkk shopping liao.

