juz vent yr frustration here, not good to bottle all up, also think yr hubby needs some time to think abt his next move. Talk to him again when he can talk, but will advise dun bring in those complains abt what FIL give to yr son, i think u really hv to keep an eye on him more yrself.
dun think i will join in the hospital tour, since i had done that the previous time. But do look out for each other, think it will be nice to hv a face to the nick [IMG=]
u r right, the risk of MC is still there, albeit much lesser compared to first tri. If its destined to happen, it will, so try not to think abt it more.
I can really feel my little one's movement more today. Literally like a "kick" this morning, so i say, ok, u must be hungry, and immed slurp down my milk.. all is peaceful again.. ha