bb getting off bed
Sad to say, I think the only way for our babies to really learn to get off the bed safely is to fall off at least once. Everytimg my boy goes to the edge, I will tell him to be careful and to turn around. Sometimes he listened, sometimes he didn't. Usually someone is there to correct him if he did not do it himself. Until one day,can't remember why, but my mum was distracted, I think, and by the time she caught him, he 'kok' his head a little. Not serious, just a red patch, but enough to give him a scare. Now, he will always turn around when he gets to the edge.
sparkle, high-five! My boy also! The first time it happened, I was in the kitchen getting another spoon for his water while feeding him lunch. I heard him complain, so I turned around, and he was halfway across the table! Now I must remember to harness him in at all times, if I forget, halfway through the meal, he will stand up and want to crawl on the table. If ur highchair does not come with a harness, go buy a cheap one.