(2010/06) June 2010 MTB

thanks mummies.. ytd bb R was ok, hopefully it was a once-off and he'll recover fully soon soon!! bliss, fever is common ar? good to knw that.. coz initially i tot if got fever means have problem, then need to treat the problem..

bluey, hope ur bb gets well soon..

scratch? what happen to genice? nt been following up all the posts.. just scanning thru so abit blur..

xiao xiin, what happen to ur bb? take care ya..

went to expo fair.. nth much lei.. but i signed up with sean lau.. been wanting to sign up and since i saw them there, decided to just go ahead.. $198 for the same package bizzymum mentioned previously.. but daddy and mummy can also take for free, as in dun need to pay for additional pax for dad and mum. then got 1 more tabletop family portrait..


Re: toys for xmas party

I can bring some, got quite a bit of toys for my #1, actually if u all intend to have #2, its actually very worth to invest in a few "good" toys.. more mileage.

Just to share, one of my fav. one is the Leapfrog activity Table. My ger played with it when she was abt 10 mths old when she was trying to stand on her own and she played for very long , all the way till abt 18-20 mths.. right now my #2 startedplayring with it, he will stand and press all the buttons and roll the rattles.. gd investment, bought it at abt 79.90 at toysrus when there is sale.... i think this is one of my most expensive toy already.. but have used for 2 yrs do quite worth..i think shape sorters ischeap n good too... but saying that.. sometimes kids can have a lot of fun without toys or rather anything can be toys for them.. sometimes when i buy toys for my kids, find that they are more interested in the box instead.. *roll eyes*..they also like to rummage thru the kitchen playing with pots and pans..in the end i find that its me wanting to buy toys for them not because she wants.. :p

Jojo.. i am down with chicken pox.. haha.. i am so glad its gonna be all over... an old auntie having chicken pox is torturous..

Xiao xiin, little J got fever, 80% confirmed? Hmm.. weird hor.. ur boy develop faster than my kids.. my kids are still ok at the moment *touchwood*.. paiseh k.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] But I am quite surprised by ur mil and hubby reaction, i was quite afraid all of you will get an earful from ur hubbies after they noe abt it.

Hopecg.. thank goodness ur boy is still ok.. continue to observe k..

oh no genice.. must b super uncomfortable.. take care ya.. will b over soon.. then u have to stay away from ur kids ma? bfing how? i never have chicken pox before.. but b4 i got preg i went to take the vacc jab coz a fren say if get when preggy dangerous for bb so i went to take jab..

bluey, ur bb fever also out of the blue de? then after awhile recover on its own? i so scared bb fever.. kiasi 1st time mum, everything also worry.. >.<


Fever is common but not persistent fever like after seeing doc, med and still running a high fever for a few days.

That means there is a infection or something going on which have to be treated asap..

sparkle, haha.. same here.. i still thinking whether to get bumper mat or not.. i rather rent toys.. i rent the excersaucer... actually quite bulky. a small 4 room flat placing a excersaucer in the living room, taking up quite amt of space. if get a bumper mat.. dunno got space to walk or not.

elise, hahaha you dog wants a share of bb toys!

xiaoxin, my doggie now knows that the squeaky rubber toy dun belong to him, i think he hates ducky a lot becos e previous time when i bought a ducky for him, within 5 mins he bite off the mouth~! that's why he now keep on wanting to jump at the ducky, hahaha.

rabbit: yeah anything that has bells, pipi sound then my dog will think that it belongs to him. luckily now he knows that toy belongs to bb and not him.

Sheryl: how did you lost your phone? managed to find it back? if not, can demand a new pressie from hubby liao.

Bluey, hows your baby now? fake measles meaning? i don't get it. brought to PD oredi?

Genice: i thou i'm e only one that is stingy on toys! haha. but its true that if u intend to have 2 kids, then must buy those toys that have more mileage use. but then if buy oredi, also headache. i got no space to keep all those toys leh! oh no, chicken pox very xinku one. take more rest, avoid taking soya sauce okie, that's very impt, and avoid scratching to have scars in future. must tahan now, cannot carry bb now yeah.

Bliss: so you planning for a holiday soon with 2 Es?

Mummies, I'm so vexed. Bad things keep happening to me since beginning of oct. Dr ivan says need to monitor the spots for another two weeks bcos they dun look like the normal typical chicken pox spots. N now, my avent electronic pump head is spoilt! Brought it to philips hospital, they zee tao tell me cost of repair is more than buying a new set bcos mine is bot from the states by my bro. N issue me a letter which entitles me to 20% discount. After the discount, a new single pump still cost $270+. Sim tia leh. So I told my hubby I dun wanna buy. I just use the manual function since I have the manual parts. Sian lar!

Bliss, is it ok if I switch to pumping before bedtime instead of pumping in the morning? My morning tends to be very rush. Nightime is more relax as bb wld have gone to bed. I can pump manually while catching the 9pm show.


See whether you want to consider unimom Allegro pump from kiddy palace. It is a korean brand. is a single electric pump, but can convert to dual pump by buying extra accessories.

This pump cost around 160++ after discount if you are kiddy palace member. After buying the extra accessories should be around 200.


hw to find back? if the finder gt the heart to return my phone wun even be off when my husband call to it.

Demand frm hubby, not possible. next mth i still need to get Iphone4 for his xmas pressie.


So exp? hurhur. shld have taken a look at at bb fair. hahahaa..

I think just to be safe, I better not go to the Xmas party bcos dr Ivan said symptoms may take as long as 3 weeks to appear.

Rabbit, very sorry. Pls remove my name from the list. Gam sia.

Can another mummy help to bring a bumpermat in my place?

Limbox, thanks for recommending. But I want to buy stroller leh. I dun wanna buy so many medium ticket items in a month. Also i just bot two watches, u like blender n bumpermat. Will pok gai if I keep on buying. I will try manual pump first since I only need to pump once a day.


hope your lil one will recover soon...

sorry me down with flu so never read your post

since you cant make it ot xmas party let me know when you want the shampoo we can meet up.. also I saw the avent pump at the fair is 235 I think with other stuff worth to get it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] take care..oh I use manual pump daily and now really hate it... the pump is sooooo goood. lazy me


xiao xiin u gt e philip rewards points to claim? will it be cheaper then?

thinking of getting a new stroller.. any recommendations? nd a lightweight, stable and easy to open/close


sean lau is at the bb fair? maybe i'll go sign up then.

Xiaoxin: pat pat, take care. better monitor him closely then. hopefully he shall be all right soon. is the spots reddish in colour or? sad that you couldn't go to the xmas party.

Sheryl: these selfish pple are like that. last time my hubby (very long time ago) lost a laptop at school. he just left it on the table and forgot to take home, and intially thought that kind pple would report back to the school and give it back to him. i think they deliberate keep quiet and sold off the laptop. bad bad people!


Am planning a short trip during CNY. Still can decide a place. And by then E will be on porridge and is very troublesome to travel then. Maybe just another trip to msia to relax..

Xiao xin,

Can pump at night. But it takes awhile for ur body to adjust.

I pump at night too.. Morning is mad rush cuz I need to prepare #1 for sch..

No need to get another pump. Manual is fine. Eventually I still end up with manual since pumping once a day only.

How's ur bb now? Okay?

Elise, yup red colour. Can only continue to monitor. Bcos I'm kiasee n kiasu, so I rather forgo the party since dr Ivan said 3 weeks.

Jus'us, thanks! I bot the pump at expo. Comes with some freebies which I think most of them I've no use of.

Zinc, I order combi urban walker at expo also. Pocket big hole now. Silly me lor, go n mis-handle the diaphragm n cause the pumphead slot there to loosen.

bliss, then if got low-grade fever, after taking med it subsides then next few days never come back again.. means its ok rite?

xiao xiin, ur pump nt under warranty? hw come buy from states? there cheaper ar? im using the manual pump when at hm.. tink its good enuff.. if u're ok with using manual, i tink just stick with it, dun need buy new one.. how u mishandle the diaphragm? got tear u mean?

zinc, ya got sean lau booth at bb fair.. the lady say if we try to do bulk sign-up ourselves, need at least 30 pax to get that fair promo price.. and bulk sign-up additional pax $25 instead of usual $35. but fair promo is 2 pax free (coz dad and mum can join in without paying extra).. so it seems like its better than what we can try to nego for with bulk sign-up.. then i also scared if i keep dragging my feet will end up nt bringing bb for photoshoot, next time regret.. so decided to place deposit.. they say bring bb for photoshoot ard 7-8mths old that time..


Yes. If give medicine nv subside then need to see a doc.

For fever I'll normally give parmacetmol for 2 days. If fever don't come down I'll bring to the doc.

Like 38deg and below no need to bring to the doc so quickly.

Even if is 38.5 also no need to rush to a&e in the middle of the night.

Of course when child is vomiting non stop or something serious then go to the doc asap.

For running nose and cough I'll also self medicate for 2-3 days before going to the doc.

I only self medicate after my son turn 2 yrs old. Cuz below 2 not alot of medicine can be taken except for those pd prescribe before but I don't advise that.

After 2 much easier cuz their medicine is also that few... Like actifed which is very often use. Phelgm can give a orange powder mix with water to cleAr phlegm etc..

xiaoxinn i nv try combi before.. just went to mothercare to try capella cony.. they having 15% off for amex members.. so $339.. is it a gd deal?

jojo, they rec to take photo at 7/8 mths ah.. ok.. will try to go down tmr to sign up.. thanks for e info [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

oh.. haha i've been panicking once bb R's temp more than 37.4deg.. so far onli once he hit 38.. other times 37.5-37.9 i panick and call pd already.. 1st time mummy, super kiasi! haha.. after hearing fr u im abit more relieved le.. coz R's fever is 37+ deg and normally onli 1 day, next day ok le.. i was just wondering y always will have such fever episodes on and off..

bliss and xiao xiin, u all latch fully and pump once a day ya? how much do u get from that 1 pump? then when bb start solid, also continue pump once a day?

zinc, welcome.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

xiao_xiin, hope ur lil one will be alright.

Bliss, i also planning to go m'sia during cny. now hving problem booking hotels loh. seem like most hotels are fully booked. sigh..

X-mas Party

Sorry for the delay folks, here is the final decision:

Please pay $16 per family.

Please transfer the $16 to:

OCBC 508-822012-001

The first three numbers (508) is the branch number(fyi).

The reason why per family instead of per head is because of the catering - the caterer has a minimum order of 50 pax + delivery charge and that is a fixed cost (if all of us only come with our babies only, we still have to pay that amount).

To be completely transparent, the costs so far:

Catering - $293 ($5.50*50+$18)

Biscuits for our babies - $5.32 ($5.60-5%) each

Based on our 33 families at the moment, this works out to be $14.20 per family. So why $16? To have a little extra to buy chocolate/sweets for the toddlers that are coming, and to partially cover the cost of the delicious apple strudels that you will enjoy (cost = $80.50)

I understand that the main purpose is to enjoy our babies and each others' company, but I'm sure you'll agree that both will be more enjoyable with some food and if the toddlers that will be there are happy.

We thank you for your kind understanding.

Please drop a note here when you've made the transfer and let me know if it is an interbank transfer so I know to wait for 3 working days.

We have 2 more slots, so if you know anyone who is interested, pls let them know.

genice: chicken pox! oh no! I had mine a few yrs ago, no joke. Felt very tired and weak. Take care hor.

Xiaoxinn: Poor baby. Is he very uncomfortable? Take care. Sad that you won't be joining us. Was looking forward to meeting you in person.

Jojo, the US pump is only abt S$150, compared to local retail price of S$339, it's more than half price. actually the box wrote international warranty, but it's ordered from amazon, n I have no receipt. Dun wish to bother my brother so suan le lor. The fair price is quite a good deal, $235 only, n I get 2 liquid talc, rewashable breastpads, breast shields, nipple cream n nipple shield, n erm a baby journal. last 4 items I dun really need them. Probably will need if bb bite me with his teeth in the future?

Psss... I have an evil thot. Can I use this expo fair receipt to repair my US pumphead?

My pumping yield is stabilized at abt 180ml. I just freeze this much a day. Ya hor, bb's bm for solids how ar?

Bliss, my hubby advise me to buy the electronic one bcos I always complain to him handache when I need to manual pump outside. I thot I wanna bf for another yr at least so just grab the expo deal now loh, i dun wanna regret in the future. Actually hand expressing is quite fun too. I can hand express more than 120ml in 15mins now. Hearing the si-si-si sound is just too shiok!

Zinc, combi stroller also got 15% off? I think capella cony is good. Bliss has it right? My fren's one yr old son is still using his cony now. The new combi urban walker is quite chio.


Capelle cony 09 and 10 model is the same but design different.

If u are buying for brilliant u can email them and ask for a BP price [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I don't pump unless I need to rotate freezer stash.

Once in awhile will give a bottle. Give solid only one tablespoon amt. Bb not very keen also. I hand express directly into the bowl. Haha!

If I give bottle I stop at 200ml from 1 or 2 side. Cause I want to freeze 200ml.

What thermometer are you using?

If ear thermometer u can plus 0.5 deg. Meaning u take temp 38 deg is actually 37-37.5 deg. Armpit is the most accurate.

For those temp not really fever so no need to worry so much.

Sometime body temp does go up when bb is teething.

If u realise temp going up every hr means really fever. I'll give medicine in that case.

My #1 fever can hit 40.9 deg! That's the highest! I didn't bring him to kkh too. I still use traditional method and it does ring down temp very fast.

Children get fever very often. After a few times of high fever u will get used to it already...


I couldn't decide where to go cuz the air tix ispretty ex. Got ticket no hotel.

Got hotel ticket super ex. Even to BBK!!

U mean msia hotel all book? Msia can be really fun too!

Night time can go their pasar malam and eat luk lu


Why will be very tired? I only have to pump 5-10 mins to get 200ml.

Using manual is the easiest and fastest way to get let down. If u are tbf pumping will not be that difficult.

But then u still can use or #2 which is also a good investment.

For me I survive on manual for #1 and #2 since 3 mths old..

Capella cony

Is a very good stroller except lousy shopping basket.

I just love 4 wheels stroller and is so easy to push ard even my #1 sit in it!!

Hi mummies, do u have any recommendation for baby organic rice cereal? N where can I buy it at? Can't seems to find any from cold storage and ntuc.. Thks..

Xiaoxiin, mothercare having 15% OFF all regular price items and 10% off all sales items using amex for this festive season. But I didnt see any Combi strollers at the Paragon outlet.. The discount using Amex is better than the membership discount [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks Bliss for the info.. I'll email them.. I got my boy to try on the stroller just now.. it looks so much sturdier and comfy than the one that I am using now.. we tried on Harmony also.. 100$ cheaper but e keeping part is troublesome.. Still thinking if we shld invest 300++ on a stroller..


I feel cony is quite a good investment. Although it weighs 6.9kg but it doesn't feelheavy to be handle.

I don't like the wobbly handle cuz of reverse function though.

But is really easyto use. Full canopy, easy to close, nt light weight, good to push.

Cuz of the 4 wheels, pushing become very easy even bb is heavy. If is light weight stroller it will be difficult

Seriously I like it more than my peg perego. Only if the seat can be longer and wider I'll give it 8/1 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Bliss, i'm intending to go malacca and shortlisted some hotels. they are fully booked. dont intend to stay near mahkota area as traffic can be very jam.

u,re real experienced in strollers leh!! ;)

haha thanks bliss for the detailed review on cony.. e sale person told me if using reverse function more difficult to push cos e front wheels nt 360 degrees or something like that.. but it looks v comfy for my boy.. i like e cushioning a lot and e one-hand system.. my hubby dont like e handle.. cos got some sort cushioning that seems to get dirty easily..

if i've e time i'll go down to expo to try out others.. peg perego is out of my budget haha..

Hello mummy! Sorry for not updating the Sean Lau photograghy bulk sign up. I emailed to them to check on the additional print cost and they did not answer me, so drag till now.

I was at the fair on Fri and their deal are better than the bulk sign up as mentioned by Jojo, so I end up signing up the package there. They have another package, known as StudioPlay, for 15 months babies onwards are also value for $. For $128, we get 1) 1 hr of photography session, 2) 4 pictures on 5" x 7" 3) 1 reprint on 8"x12" and 3) A1 poster print for the images you select. Additional pax $15/pax. To purchase the softcopies of all the images is only $125! And if purchase the softcopies, we can have a lot of the picture printed on the A1 poster, very nice. So end up I ended up 2 packages, 1 for the baby and 1 studioplay for all my kids.

For the X'mas party, I'm 18 on the list. I will be bringing my baby and my 3 other kids, 10, 8, and 2 years old. I don't mind paying more as there are 5 of us, please let me know. For toys, I'll try to bring a few pieces. I don't have any bumpermat.

Spring maternity promo for Quizzy Buzz at Motherhood Fair at $899 today, quite tempted to buy. Any comments on this stroller?


Anything fun at malacca? I intend to stay at JB only.. Travelling will be easier too. Went there last mth and I even brought my FP rocker and bb lullaby lamb! Haha! Nt forgetting 2 stroller! :p

I love to find out abt stroller so abit experience lar..


Actually a good stroller shouldn't have reserve handle cause it makes the handling abit difficult like pulling the stroller up the kerb etc. But then our bb is coming 6 mths so no need reverse handle already. Is not very difficult to push reverse too. Just need to get used to it.

Ya the handle can get dirty easily but I think not a big problem? Cause can buy those baby harness cushion n put over it so can wash easily? I saw ppl making their own cloth to cover those handle with cushion.


Quinny buzz if u are driving. Is 12kg! I love to have one but I can't handle it alone. Heard is very sturdy and good..

Short Trip

Desaru and Malaccs are good choice.

For kids, Desaru have lots of educational places like Fruit Fram, Corcodile Farm and Orshich Farm. Furthermore, it's only about 2 hours drive from Singapore, much nearer than KL!

Malacca can go for their nice Nyonya food and night market on weekend! The trishaw ride there also quite fun for kids.

When I go short trips, usually I'll bring along a small slow cooker to prepare porridge for the kids. I normally bring some carrot, broccoli and eggs. The night before I sleep, I'll prepare and it will be ready the next morning. Then I'll put the porridge into themo flask and bring it out of the hotel so that it will stay warm till it's time for the kids to eat.


The weight it's my main concern throught I drive. cos my hb always complain abt the weight of my peg, that's why for I dare not buy. but I like the design very much...

bliss, malacca is more of historical place.. gd food though at jonker street.. can stay at equitorial hotel.. for kids i dont think anything much.. as for desaru.. i nv go before.. but my parents and siblings also say nothing v much.. cos it's quite commercialise.. and they told me e ostrich farm v smelly! maybe can go cruise? got things for kids to play.. anyway if u dont mind e cost, club med is actually v kids friendly! can go to e Bintan one.. or e one at Cherating Beach in M'sia

e handle i think can put those strap cover/cushion ba.. then can wash.. is e mothercare deal a gd one? $339.. i look at the brilliant stuff web and it's $399 w $40 ntuc voucher..

e quinny is steady on escalators? sometimes e elevators are so crowded.. nd to push e stroller up e escalator.. it's v cool! but heavy..

I just bought peg perego SI 2010. I find it bumpy leh, maybe cos I don't like 4 wheels type. Heavy too. Still prefer my ex-combi. But wheel Peg perego to shopping centre like very chio leh... Machiam baby sitting in BMW...Ha! Ha!

Take care Genice, xiao xiin and jojo.. Just read about u guys and babies falling sick...

bliss, i got latching qns. i usually latch my ger on weekend. latching no problem but within one min she will push me away with her mouth still on my nip but its at the edge already. sometimes she push so hard until her mouth came off then she auto find her latch again. at letdown, she will sometimes choke. but latch for so many months liao dunno why she not used to the flow yet?

my initial target is to bf for 6 months. now it seems i am doing well, i wanna extend my target for another 3 months. jia you to myself!


If u tends to go sale places I think buzz not very ideal.

Cuz it can't go thru narrow walk way.

For 899 u can get bugaboo bee [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Cost is a problem too cause don't intend to spend so much on a holiday.. Ya bringing slow cooker etc.. If I go msia then I dun have to bring so many things over to cook.


I feel SI also got a problem. But I have no problem when bugaboo n capella cony on 4 wheels.

But SI nt bumpy cuz got very good suspension. But I still feel bugaboo bee is the best.

But I love the SI seat!!


U only latch on weekends?

Bliss, u sold your bugaboo bee rite? Regret?

Just tried to feed my baby EYS Si Shen brown creal, he luv it! Opened the mouth big big when he saw the spoon coming... but kind of messy lah.. whole face all kenan the cereal...


Come to xmas party lah. If your hubby cannot make it, come with baby. There are lots of people who can help you look after de.


Jia you together. I also intend to bf 9 months cos #1 I bf 9 months so wanna be fair! Sometimes damn sian with the pumping but have to remind myself to press on!

Jenn, thks for your kind invitation... Ha! Ha! Cath also offered to take care baby for me when she learnt that I'm not confident to bring baby out alone. My heart is with u guys and wld very much want to go but in order to 'live happily ever after' with my hubby, I think I still need to take the cue from him...Kekeke....

jenn, ya loh, really sianz to face the pump all the time. for me, weekdays can only pump and need to fit around my work schedule. sometimes really had the easy way out idea flash across my mind which is to give fm.

happy thing for me is at least weekend can latch and enjoy some 'intimate' time with her which nobody else at home can offer that. hee. i am so selfish.

so yes! lets press on together towards the 9 months!

Bliss, just like what zinc and Bizzymum mentioned, malacca is more for nonya food and their historical place. i hv relatives staying there so intend to go there for cny but plan to stay in hotel. havent visited them for >5yrs!!

always find weekend passes sooo fast.. tmr is Monday again. sianz leh.


Yea I sold my bee. Cause I prefer 2010 model which seat is bigger but buying something over 1000 is way out of my budget. If only there is a second hand in good condition on sale I'll consider again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

You don't dare to go out with bb alone? If so u can just use a carrier instead of stroller. Easier to manage.


Ur bb is tugging ur nn. Maybe she wants the letdown to come fast.

If u are bottle feeding during weekdays bb might not be used to ur flow. When letdown comes she choke cause she can't cope with the fast flow.

Bottle flow is standard but for bfing is slow to fast to slow. In the beginning is slow so she will tug, when letdown comes is too fast.

But then tugging also can means her gums is itchy.

There is alot of issue and cause bb is getting active they won't drink like a newborn anymore. They tends to pull, tug and play with nn.

As long as ur bb still ok with latching then not to worry.

There is alot of different phrase u will meet during bfing journey.

U can latch during weekdays after u knock off too. So ur bb will still "remember" ur nn...

I just gave my boy some avocado. He seemed very curious about the whole process, but did not love or hate it. Although I mixed abt a tablespoonful of avocado and breast milk, I did not give him all of it. When he was no longer interested in eating it, I stopped. Is that how I should do it?

I also want to ask about giving water. Previously, he'd been on tbf, so no need to give water. Now that I'm starting him on solids, do I need to give him water to drink?

X'mas Party

BTW, since the goodie bag committee are going shopping on the 6th, pls transfer the money before then so they know how many to buy for. Remember, if it is interbank transfer, it will take 3 working days to clear, so to bear that in mind as well.



bliss, i need to pump 600ml every wkend, from sat 3pm onwards till monday morning before i go to work, need to get 600ml for bb's feed while im work on moday.. so my daily yield with full latch cannt drop below 300ml lei.. when bb start solids, probably can tweak abit coz milk intake will drop with 1 lunch feed at noon.. now im freezing ard 2litres per wk, with latching when im nt working and fresh ebm when im at work.. tinking of reducing ss abit, esp if bb wun be drinking so much once he start solids.. but duno how much to reduce by.. scared reduce liao suddenly drop too much then not enuff..

im using the braun ear thermometer.. repeated readings always off by 0.2-0.4 degress one, like not very accurate lei, though its the thermometr i see the docs using. then each ear's reading also diff.. so if the ear thermometer reading 37.5-37.9, dun need to be too worried? but still need to give fever med rite? so far ur #1 high fever episodes, u fd out the cause? or just treat it, as long as fever subside then ok le?

xiao xiin, $235 for avent single electric ar?

qqq i bought bellamy's baby rice cereal fr vitakids at united sq..

thanks friends.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cherish, yalo!! wkends always pass so fast!! sian tml mon again.. next wk quite bz at wk.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

