mil always say no sweet one lah. sometimes i secretly throw some sweets away & she thought my maid eaten them. =p
hais, i think my son is like your friend kids. >.< sometimes he can eat his meal & sweet @ the same time, that means he finish his sweet then eat rice. mil still give him sweets lor!! i tell #1 you cannot eat sweets when you having rice!
mil always tell #1 eat one only ah, but still take some more sweets when #1 drag her to the fridge. i think she got this thinking that if dun give him, later he cry until he has it.
& when #1 drinks water @ home, it has to be ribena. i always dilute his ribena with lots of water. but when mil make, it so bloody sweet! mil see me dilute his ribena, say later not nice. i told her he no need to drink so sweet one. i cant remember who started this ribena thingy, either hubby or mil! cuz hubby has this habit of drinking ribena @ home, rarely touches plain water. but when we go out, #1 is fine with plain water.
oh ya xiao xiin, my #1 knows i take spicy tidbits. #1 don't dare to eat spicy food/tidbits.