Kaoru, ya shd be me. Heehee!
My house got no table food, only coffeshop food. Haha! So oats is just eaten as first foods, ultimately we still wan them to eat porridge n then rice. Right? But brown rice porridge is better than white rice porridge hor.
Hopecg n bliss, after feeding my dog raw diet for one week plus, I see improvement leh. No smelly poop, no stinky breath, hair become glossier n best is no more tear stains. My mil even said she become fat fat. I think I overfed her, she always give me the pathetic hungry look leh. i skip her glucosamine supplements n I still dun see her limping yet. Which is great!
Chrerish, think mash potatoes when u think purée. So apple purée is just mashed apple n carrot purée is just mashed carrot. N like wad bliss mentioned, can add water to make it more watery. If I'm not wrong, we shd use the water from the steamed food which contains the nutrients.