(2010/06) June 2010 MTB

tywong, hopecg, why do you need to get the ice cube tray hor? what is the purpose? sorry for asking such question as i'm real clueless abt it. ;p


i also not too sure abt how to introduce the first food to bb and what food leh. but i understand can introduce porridge before hits 1st year birthday leh.

i better go find out what is puree. still dont quite get it. oops

Xiao xiin,

1 yr old still cant eat chap chai pen lah.. at least must 18 mths bah then they can really chew better, slowly introduce.. cause by 1 yr old all their teeth might not be out yet. My ger took porridge only from 8 mths onwards ( heard not very gd to start so early, they will grow fat and not gd for their digestive system too)

I first introduce porridge for lunch and subsequently by the time she reaches 1 yr old she is taking porridge for lunch and dinner and cereal for breakfast. Everytime i go out , will cook porridge in e morning using slow cooker and store in tiger flask and bring out.. can feed her 2 x a day, started with vege/ sweet potato/ carrot porridge and progress to fish and meat porrridge.


purees basically means just mashing up the food, its like those bottled ones you get outside.. normally must steam first then blend.. U can check out.

http://www.wholesomebabyfood.com/ Its a gd website to tell you what purees/food to introduce according to age..

Ice cube trays are to store the puree so you can make 2-3 feeds of supply at one go.. dun need to do everytime. U can even mix the puree .. eg.. carrot plus brocoli cube.. deforze and warm them together and u will have 2 vege puree at one go. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


start off with a tablespoon and increase slowly. yes can mix after trying each food for 4 days.

texture wise u can control by adding different amt of water. then slowly increase the thickness then to soft baby chucks.

my #1 don't eat table food until 18 mths. and only start off with fish soup rice, kway tiao soup. until 2+ then start chicken rice etc.

my #1 don't eat sweet but only chocolate and is a special treat. no ice cream until 18 mths.. i'm very strict with him food intake. HAHA! even cheese i bought the lowest sodium content ones.


good abt bb cubes is that u can just take the bb cube n warm it right away. but if u freeze using ice cube tray u got to pop out and put in a bowl etc to warm it up again.


i haben go out and look at the oats. but will start with organic oat. i think once pack of organic oat don't cost as much as the off shelves cereal.

as long as is call "rolled oat"on the packaging can liao.... if is meant for baby i think is more of a processed oat.

Hopecg, I have PM the tupperware seller, when she confirms i let you know ok.

Dot, how is the condition of the exersaucer rented from mygrowingtoys?

Bliss, I plan to pop out all the cubes when it's frozen into ziplock bags then when my boy wants to eat, i take out 2-3 cubes to feed him, i don't want to give him too much.

Morning mommies,

juz brought my bb for his 2nd pnuemo jab today n he weighs 8.15kg n 67cm at 5mths 4 days old.. grabbed dr Ivan sthethoscope so tightly n dun wanna let go.. Phowaa

btw, dr Ivan is moving to the branch at rivervale plaza wef 1 dec.


ice trays ok also actually dun hv to be baby cubes.


table food can mean homecooked ones but lesser or no addl seasoning - so u dun hv to prepare separate ones for bb when they r older. But fr experience I think it's easier to juz cook separately for bb. Texture can be fr purée type to coarser texture to encourage chewing. if u use U like blende. Juz make sure dun blend too long lor. Also bb can still chew most food like fish n vege wif gums! Quoting pd again, how do teethless ah mah eat leh?

tywong, I'll let you know on Monday. They wanted to deliver today, but I'm working these two days.

Set up high chair for my boy on Sunday. He is so happy to sit there at the table with everyone else. Of course I dun let him sit in it very long. Happy, but a bit sad also.

Thanks dot. I am veryyyyyy tempted though my husband thinks I have nothing better to do :-]

Zoie, I'll let you know abt the ice cube tray when the seller replies me.


U quote wrong person? Hee!

My #1 dun eat Our food until older than 18mths... Before that his food is all specially prepared.. Haha... Dunno if #2 will become very slack or nt...

Xiao xiin,I remember when he is 15 mo I bring him Ro muar for holiday, I lug a small slow cooker to cook porridge there!

Bliss, mine don't have chocolate/ice cream till he is 2+, n he just start to taste sweet about 2-3 month ago when he see doc and given by doc.. Now he love to see doc cuz got sweet!

Today I go shop for cereal/oat for her.. Suddenly feel so excited about start first food for her [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ohh btw at united sq 1st there is this shop on sales, some top/bottom/romper only 3 for $11!! So cheap

Kaoru, ya shd be me. Heehee!

My house got no table food, only coffeshop food. Haha! So oats is just eaten as first foods, ultimately we still wan them to eat porridge n then rice. Right? But brown rice porridge is better than white rice porridge hor.

Hopecg n bliss, after feeding my dog raw diet for one week plus, I see improvement leh. No smelly poop, no stinky breath, hair become glossier n best is no more tear stains. My mil even said she become fat fat. I think I overfed her, she always give me the pathetic hungry look leh. i skip her glucosamine supplements n I still dun see her limping yet. Which is great!

Chrerish, think mash potatoes when u think purée. So apple purée is just mashed apple n carrot purée is just mashed carrot. N like wad bliss mentioned, can add water to make it more watery. If I'm not wrong, we shd use the water from the steamed food which contains the nutrients.

Forgot to thanks all experienced mummies for sharing!!

I've so many things to buy, ikea high chair, blender, baby cubes. Need to buy splash mat? Anything else huh?

My boy is such a restless sleeper these days. Even in the day in yaolan. Every less than 15 mins will ngek n toss. My morning ebm is still in the fridge, pump not washed, milk not freezed. Only manage to shower n had my lunch n feed my dog. I give up liao. I shall nap beside his yaolan for today's afternoon.

Infantino sale

Just went there n spent $50. can say good buy.. Munchkin straw cup at $3 only... Stock up alot of my boys.. Toys at $1-$2. and the munchkin car screen at $5

got evenflo exersaucer at $100-$120 display set but I saw 2 in packaging ones... Walker and playpen

Since I cab there so i just buy... Spolit packaging stuff all at $1-$2. BN stuff at abt 20-30% discount..

Now bringing #2 to PD cuz of running nose...

thx mummies for puree explanation. muack muack!!

can i also check with u all if it's alright to let bb to sit on sofa (with supervision) or my lap most of the time now? i dont know if bb can sit for long or still needs to let him lie down and then play with him??

Xiao Xiin

Tell your hubby to be socially responsible hor. Drink no drive, drive no drink pls!!!

11p curfew? Seriously??? Wah, my hubby's "curfew" is 3am (and that's when he needs to tell me he is coming home after 3am, before 3am no need to tell me). I think I am very good hor?!?!

X'mas party

Managed to book the Function Room for 11 Dec, Sat, from 11a to 4pm! Mark your calendar!!! And there is some committee right??? Start your planning!


Sorry couldn't meet you just now. Was out with some mommies from school. All of us dropped kids off then had breakfast!!!


Where is this sale???

Bliss, thanks

Jenn, u click e above link the address is there, hey is ok la.. Hb meet Client there I lobang and go there walk walk, last

min thing la

X'mas Party

Venue is at my place's Function Room! Newton area.


My function room can only book 1 month in adv. Since we wanted to have it on 11 Dec, can only book from this morning ;)

ohh... lucky that week i dun have my p-time job.. if have i die die also will go to the party also since the office at goldhill centre. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yaozi, i add 3 teaspoons of the organix cereal in her milk. but when i first bought it, i just mixed according to the instructions, tink it was 2 spoons cereal: 6 spoons milk.. she also like it but when feeding very messy. yup, bought at vitakids coz i always pop by united square on alternate weeks.

Rabbit, i bought fm Vitakids. i know mumnkids do sell it and cheaper by $0.80.. but troublesome coz got postage, etc. Vitakids is more convenient for me, even if i dun go there, my sis office just opp united square so she will buy it back.

yaozi and rabbit, u can buy organix cereal from vitakids at paragon.

Re: U-like blender,

i just bought it over the weekend at Tangs. Isetan is also selling it. Same price - $69.90. The free gift now is a fruit juice extractor which we can use to make soya bean milk too.


Just wanna vent a little here... my work has always required long hours and since i started work recently, I've been trying very hard to get off ard 8pm+ and will take cab home. But last nite, hubby got very fed up and sms me saying that he cannot take it anymore and that he wants me to quit my job. not that i have so much passion for my job, but i like my colleagues and the pay is pretty good. Sianzzz... anyway, bb went for her third vaccination today and i took child care leave. can just imagine my work stacking up now...


oic. thanks. so u bottle feed her instead cos easier. tot it's not advisable to feed cereal in bottle?? @~@


thanks. i went vitakids paragon before. realised they've a sister company in marina sq. am checking with them if they've organix cos nearer to my off. lazy to purposely go to paragon or united sq 2 buy a small bottle of cereal. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Rabbit, yup.. i started fm the taster pack before i bought the individual flavours. but taster pack dun have apple flavour one and i tink not worth coz its 3 small packets for 3 flavour but same price as the individual flavour.

yaozi, add to milk n bottle feed easier. juz need to change the teat to those for thicker liquids. i do heard it's not advisable to bottle feed.. but tis practice is very long liao.. shd be ok.. nw when i feed her, she is almost in a sitting position, instead of like last time cradle hold her to feed. but nw she seems to prefer half lying position to drink leh, otherwise halfway thru she starts playing with the teat as if it is her pacifier!! and it oni happens when i feed her, if it's my mum or sis feed, she guai guai finish.


oic. thanks. u make me feel sooooo much better. tot i was given the death sentence earlier. I'll just have to be extra careful when feeding, rite? wahaha!!


I rather give chocolate then sweet.. Until now he hardly take sweets...


Good to hear that! My old dog poo got blood... Super worried n bringing her to the vet..

U can give ur bb oat porridge too! No need to be rice or brown rice... Can eat different thing everyday,..

Just brought my bb to PD cuz of running nose..

PD say he can start solid after his cold recover which is abt 1+ week... Feeling so excited abt it!!


Cereal in bottle cause choking...

And cereal is mean to be feed by spoon that's why PD advised to give solid only when bb can sit up..


think the u blender promo is perpetual... I also hv the so called free soya bean maker n that was more than 2 yrs back.

Yr hubby complaining u work too long Hours hence he has to tc bb by himself or??

Bliss, Xiao Xiin,

blur me!!

yaozi, no need to give urself death sentence.. am sure there are many mummies out there doing the same. just dun put too much cereal into the milk. mine normally 4 scoops of FM into 120ml water + 3 teaspoon cereal. aft all tis the milk bcoms 150ml liao. not sure how much ur boy drinking nw but 150ml can last ard 5hrs for my gal.

bliss, i dun put into alot of cereal into the milk wor.. shd be ok ba.. i oni spoon feed those bottled pureed fruits and vege.

sweets / chocolates:

hais, sad to say my #1 LOVES sweets! thanks to my mil. she knows i dislike #1 eat sweets but yet she gives him eat like nobody biz! one day can eat up to 9 sweets lor! hate it. told hubby to tell her not to give him so many sweets per day, sometimes she listens but then back to square one again.

how ah???

my mummy said old ppl loves to use sweets to buy kids over. -.-""" my resort: i throw away his sweets into the chute every now & then.

luckily my parents are not these type of ppl.

as for chocos, he dun really eat. he prefers sweets.


yup he started very early. cuz mil said he must learn how to eat.

as for #2, he eaten few spoonful of porridge then mil said give him eat those brown rice cereal. till now, he still hasn't really get to eat the brown rice as i tell maid dun give. hope to drag until 6mths.

oh mummies, how do you all prepare your older kids' fm? my mil said 6oz of water, 4 scoop (the scoop is bigger compared to bb one so i count it as 2 scoops per time) of fm. my usual method is 6oz water, 3 scoops of fm. she said 4 scoops will make #1 milk sweeter. -.-"""

won't that be over heaty for #1???

why must she have to make everything sweet??!

Is xmas party supposed to be potluck? Every mother bring different flavour of puree..LOL...avocado, banana, peach, apple, pear, mango, durian!!!


Cannot make the milk too thick then baby might constipate!

Also, my dentist told me choc are better than sweets. And if give sweets, those gummy bear types are the best. Of cos, the very best is not to give at all. Cos if they have not ride before, they will not miss it.


that's what i thought so. fm already heaty liao lor. mil hor, really __________ (fill in the blank). argh.

i told maid dun follow mil's method.

i prefer my kids not to touch sweets AT all. i myself is not a sweet person, neither do hubby. dun understand why mil always offers sweets/cheapskate vitamins to #1.

missbluey, maybe you can train yr kid to reply MIL "Mama says I cannot eat sweets!" or just make sure he brushes his teeth after every meal - kids with no sweets makes a miserable one, don't you think?

Chocolates - I read somewhere that choc is an agent for hyperactiveness. True? Like BF mums should not take too much choc because the "ingredient" will pass into the milk, thus making the baby hysterical.



haha its miserable for the kids but i dun have to worry about their teeth. 1-2 sweets in a blue blue moon is fine but everyday leh.

my #1 do brush teeth BUT must see his mood. -.-"""

sometimes i pull #1 face to look @ me & i asked him why you must eat sweets? can don't eat sweets??? his response - a blur look or better still, ignore me.

my mil still can tell #1 you look @ mummy, but @ the same time, taking the sweet to him. zzzzzzzzz!!!

somemore kids are so smart now. #1 know who to find when he wants to eat sweets. he knows i dun give sweets everytime.


um i dunno whether its sweet, never taste before. i dun like the smell.

