qqq - you are at idaho cos your hubby is from the SAF?
Missbluey - I am also attending a friend's wedding next mth. It is a church wedding and so I will prob be wearing a sun dress if my current clothes are not able to accommodate the tummy,
Bibibaba - I thought it shd be alright to carry the sch bag since it is only abt 4kg. Told her that next year, she has to carry her school bag herself..cos I will be carrying another 5kg in my body.
Hair dye - I tend to avoid all chemical hair treatment during pregnancy - but my stylists said it is still okay to highlight.. Anyway, I have stopped dyeing my hair for many many months..(save $ and time)..so I think I will continue let my hair stay natural
Genice - I am SAHM, but work on freelance basis. For my previous pregnancies, I was a FTWM...and frankly speaking I did not enjoy pregnancy as much as I do now. I found it pressurising to announce my pregnancies to my bosses and co-workers. My workplace then was not very pro-family/ Some would show me faces that said "Not again!!!". At that time. After delivery, I dared not extend my maternity leave...quickly headed back to work. While at work, I was worried that if I had spent too much pumping milk, scared that pple would say I skived at work. Very stressful..
Now I am SAHM, I can sleep whenever I want..snack whenever I want. I have agreed to take on an assignment (before I knew abt my pregnancy) next week...prob I will still continue the assignment and complete it by Dec. One of my clients asked me if I can work perm part time for them in 2010...now I doubt I can proceed with the plan.
In my previous birth plans, my gynae said he would advise to administer epidural only when necessary. I asked when was the time to consider "necessary" - he replied I would know when the time comes.
The midwives said that my pain tolerence was very high...I did not know that I was having contractions until she told me. Thought it was one of those braxton kicks. For my first delivery, I was admitted as my water bag broke while for 2nd delivery, I was having blood discharge. The first one was 10 days overdue..and the 2nd one was 2 weeks earlier.
Maybe I was one of those lucky mummies...as my labour were very short (4-7 hours). I dilated too fast for the nurses to admit epidural.
The first delivery, the contraction and labour pain was very intense. Maybe I was induced. The midwives said that my water bag had leaked but my cervix was not dilated. Being first delivery, I dared not do anything but just lay on the bed and moaned the pain away. I was given the laughing gas - it was not working as apparently my hubby said I refused to let anyone touch me or offer me anything. For second delivery, I told the midwives I did not want to stay in the bed, with those belts and monitor machine around me. I walked around the labour ward, squated on the floor...and finally went back to bed to find a comforting position at the crowning stage. The labor came so fast, as if the baby just literally slipped off the from my body herself. My hubby said the gynae was just in time to grab hold of the baby.
I wish this 3rd delivery can be like the 2nd one..I remember I walked alot during my 2nd pregnancy even though I was experiencing pelvis pain at my 3rd trimester. And for this 3rd delivery, I hope my hubby gets to cut the umbilical cord this time..for the last 2 occassions he was too "kalang kabut" to do so.
Ph test strip
I doubt it really works cos our PH level are very much affected by our diet, isn't it?
After having 2 gals, I also hope we can have a boy this time. But since this is unplanned..we are really anxious to know the gender. Few years back, while we are still TTC, many have advised us to eat this and that, do this and that to get a boy. It was so hard to for me to ovulate and let alone get pregnant. And now, without much trying, we got it eventually. I told hubby I was afraid that I might sound greedy to ask for a boy. He said all fated one...cannot seek.
I am trying to look for symptoms that are different from my previous pregnancies..but hor both my previous pregnancies were also very much different from each other. Hard to tell.