(2010/05) May 2010 mtb

Michelle, thanks. Let us noe how is it. I hope I can get a slot in Oct.

Babyqi, So u get a slot?

Lucasmummy, maybe he dun wan to be inside the tub? Put a nonslip mat n let him sit on the floor to shower? Akiden loves sitting on the floor to shower.

Screaming..... Yes Yes yes.... guess tis is the phase. :-(


Hi Morning Mummies!

did you all share food with your little one? Like from same plate/ bowl or feed him/ her with your spoon/ chopstick?

sorry for being a super "kaisi" mother, I don't want my boy to have habit of sharing food with others.

I always see my in laws feed my SIL daughter food with they spoon, I feel....uncomfortable.

My MIL cooks on Sunday,

We will all share 1 big bowl of soup.

If the soup turned cold, my MIL will pour the left over into the soup pot, heat it and serve again for other who's eat later.

um..just feel not right...If MIL or FIL cough, got running nose, they will still share foods....

Sometimes you're sick but the sickness haven't "show" out, but the virus will started to spread liao. I learned this few months ago when sharing food with my hubby. Next day my hubby sick, alth he put on mask whole day at home, 1 day later I'm sick too...

One more thing is good that not sharing foods with your baby. My boy so far, he won't ask for foods when me and hubby are having our meal...

My command just for sharing (^^;)

well... over the weekend... my boi simply refuse to eat the food i prepare for him.. veg stew with rice... he just want to eat what we are eating...and he knows it when i scoop his food to him using my spoon too!!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] How... end up whole day he only drank milk... sad....think he dun like to eat the food i prepare for him now

luckyone... i used to feed from his spoon/utensils only .... but recently he simply refused food.. n will ONLY EAT FROM OUR SPOON/PLATE!!!! So i hv to feed him from my spoon.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

haha your boy very smart hor, knows mami's foods taste better (^^)..Yesterday mmet a friend, she told me her daughter only eat foods from Child Care. Even she tried to cook the way school cooked, she still refuse to eat.

You check with the teachers at IFC, whether can feed 1 more time porridge ard 5pm++? I saw before the teacher feed a child there ard 5pm++ so at least your boy takes 2 solid food per day.

When my boy turned 18 months, I will let him eat the foods from child care. Another 4 months, I don't have to wake up so early liao ya!!


ur baby sounds like mine. can only take porridge. i also cook this heinz pasta for him. it cooks easily and can be soft enough. i cook it with soup and some veg, fish. if u want variety, try looking for this heinz pasta from cold storage or even ntuc.

he also seldom want to eat from our plates. dun even favour bread. duh...

anyone's baby rejecting milk? mine drinks at most 100ml per feed now. so sad...

maggiemee.. maybe feed him some other stuffs for bf/dinner over weekends?

My boy;s schedule:

8 plus: Bf ( bread) abt half slice max

9 plus: 180ml milk

12nn : 2 bowls of porridge on the pigeon feeding bowl

3pm: 180 ml milk

6 pm: same porridge as lunch. (sad hor b my mil cook so i shall not complain :p)

10 Plus: 180 ml milk feed

When it comes to weekends.. schedule a bit chaotic coz i dun cook for him anymore.. bz w my older one and running ard. So its always cereal for lunch + dinner. But i have started to introduce table food/outside food to him. He can share a big bowl of mee hoon kuay/ ban mian with the sis and he love it.. or sometimes i will get kuay tiao soup. As long as u all are comfortable abt exposing him to some salt and seasoning then its ok. I am fine with it coz only 1x a week and it makes my life easier since i have 2 kids. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bx.. k doesnt like pasta..maybe i cook one not nice.. for bread.. u can try to give him red bean bread or bread w jam to entice him to eat first. That day i think i did not bring milk out and was afraid he will be hungy and i boughr red bean bao for him.. he likes it..but i try not to give so much of the sweet stuffings.

i normally give him bread w cheese and sometimes a bit of bread w nutella. G used to hate bread too but after she had bread w a slice of cheese melted over it.. she loves bread now.

ngcywc: I think it's normal phase for most babies... Lucas is also the sameeee.... Worst part is he cries when we scolded him only when we are with the grandparents! Else, he prob would just try his luck and make some fusses and walked away. So angry with him!

SN: Oh.. he finally took his own step into the bath tub today. But you have a good suggestion there. I will see how it goes in the next few days. Thanks!

I think my boy is the easiest when it comes to feeding. Food can calm him down. You can make him do anything with food! He never seemed to feel full. Of course, I did not feed him non stop.

michelle / mrs teo,

Ethan going for Shichida class on sat 8.45 a.m. - so earliiii but no other choices liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


there's some nestle event for toddlers at vivocity this sat - maybe can consider for family day out [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Lucasmummy: I really hope this phase will Pass soon.

U r so lucky. My boy can't sit for long during mealtime. Need to either entertain him or give him things to pay. Hv to keep chging the 'TOY' cus he get bored v fast.

Sighz, I also have a hard time feeding Chloe. She simply clamps her mouth shut. She prefers to feed herself. Unless the food is extremely tasty aka outside food. Yawnz.

Chloe is still very much stuck to her 2 bottom teeth. Hahaha... The top ones are coming out, can see a little bit. But still useless at this point in time. But still, it's amazing how she managed to eat a big chunk of guava by herself with her 2 bottom teeth.

Milk is the most calming for my ger. Show her the milk and she will immediately lie down still and wait.

She crawled to the toilet and attempted to pull the bath tub down today, when she saw my mother take her towel from the balcony! haha... So cute lar...

I think they are picking things up real fast now. must really watch what we do.

Latest cute/not so cute thing she learnt... .... ... Dig her nose... *faintz*

Hi bx,

My baby is also a small milk drinker, 90 to 120ml per feed, 3 feed a day. I already more or less giving up hoping that he will drink more. If he's willing to drink I give more, if not I let him eat other stuffs. He is taking solid quite well.

I also give him karihome goat milk sweet, that one he doesn't mind.

re: milk intake,

ethan is also drinking much less nowadays - <120 ml about 4 times a day

he loves bread so normally we get the gardenia butter buns when we are out - quite plain and he can chomp on it on his own

Hi Mummies,

It is very cooling now.. how i wish i m in bed...not coming to office.

My bb, maple know how to walk without support. She has 2 bottom teeth, can see one of the top is coming out (white). I can feel that maple rest of top teeth is coming out. She is cranky too, and always put things to her mouth.

Maple keep walking around the hse and even to my balcony to take the hanger, she will take out my things from my bag. Need to educate her. She understand simple questions like come over for milk, give mummy tu tu...so cute.

Anyone feeding enfagrow? I'm still giving my gal enfapro cos heard enfagrow quite Heaty. Some one pls help me? I heard enfagrow one scoop =40ml? Isit true?

Hi mummies,

Lucas is eating and drinking quite a bit.. and not that he is very huge in size either... so i think so long they eat and drink at constant amt and rate should be fine ya..

Mrs Lee, I have been giving Lucas enfagrow since he turns 1. A little constipation in the beginning maybe due to the switch. We gave him fruits and water to drink. He's ok with it now. Poo everyday, sometimes twice.

I am using the 1.8kg tin, comes with a bigger scoop than the enfapro 900g. for 240ml, i used 4 scoops. ;)

I also giving Chloe Enfagrow, change from NAN HA. Constipation quite bad. Need to top up with a lot of water and fruits. Still monitoring the situation. If still bad, might change back to NAN HA.

Quite hard to monitor cos in between the switch, she started teething, so the bowel motion is quite unstable, sometimes good, sometimes bad. No idea what is causing what now.

I am also using 1 scoop 60ml. Instructions say 225ml for 4 scoops. Very hard to measure. So just do the usual 4 scoops 240ml. Anyway, since she is constipated with the milk, more water is ok.

impulse and babygi,

but he was drinking 210ml few weeks back. so now that it dropped so drastically make me worried. plus his weight dropped so pd say muz monitor. i am even told to add milk into porridge. eeks.

hi BX

huh? My PD never ask me to add milk in the porridge. do u think it's a good idea?

i didn't dare, scared my boy rejected porridge, then chiam.

Mrs Lee,

He's drinking enfagrow now. 60ml one scoop, it's bigger than the enfapro one. i think instruction is 225ml 4 scoop. i find it's difficult to divide so just 60ml per scoop. easier.

Hi mummies,

How's everyone doing .... I am back to work today after being a SAHM for 13 months !

Nat has started 1/2 day playgroup on Monday and so far so good, only cry for a short while when we drop him off and the teacher said that he is fitting well into the rountine. And actually I think they learn more at school than staying at home .

On milk intake, Nat drinks about 150ml 3x in the day and another 240ml at the midnight night feed and I am still bfing twice a day.

Nat is also on Enfagrow and so far so good.

Hi mummies,

Michelle, who helps you out on 2nd half of the day?

At some point, I am getting a little frustrated with my job. I am not sure though if it's the job or the working hour. Feel like switching but am also not sure if switching to desk bound job would help, or is it just me.

Lucasmummy, it's not u nor it's the job. It's work! I get very frustrated with my work so Often that I some times feel like quitting. But facing the prospect of a sahm scare me as well.

LucasMummy, my mum picks him up at 12+ and he has a 2 hr nap in the afternoon, so still manageable and I can get home ard 6 plus

Babygi he is at Pat's Baby Haven at Halifax Rd. First day at work not too bad cos I am back at my old company ... are you working or still SAHM ?

Weekend's here. Finally take some time out and paint my nails, now waiting for them to dry. Muahahah.

Bx, i bought heinz pasta stars. Tried soup, veg, fish, chicken, tomato sauce, cream sauce etc. Rejected. Seem to have gotten a rice bin. Lemme try again this weekend. Forgot to buy udon, my haidresser feeds her son udon and he loves it.

Hmmm i think i am quite strict mum (aka anal) so we don't offer food and baby doesn't ask yet. This week we were having salad and i offered him tomato, he ate a bit. Should be ok right?

Work -> Same same. Ummm not very motivated. No promotion in sight. Increment prob low single digit. Got new boss. Damn ngeow. Whole day complain to me he is tired, very stresed, alot of politics. WTH... he boss or i boss?? But if change job then gotta work long hours too at new place. UGH.

oh, anyone walking yet? where to buy shoes?

anyone biting utensils? i got some tommy tippee soft tip spoons -- all riddled with teeth marks now. alternatives?

OMG I am going to be due soon! Week 35 already!

I have not even prepare anything, nothing. =_=" No NB diapers, havent wash the baby clothes, havent pack hospital bag.

Just thinking about the confinement already headache... I think I have to go through it alone now. Anyone engaged a day confinement lady before? I dont need her to stay overnight, I just need help in the day.

My FIL says he will cook for me, but I cant expect him to come home every noon time to cook mah.. Haiz, my family stays at the other end of the island, I feel so lonely suddenly.

ngcywc, my son was botak for a long, long time after we shaved him at 1st month. When his hair finally grew a bit longer (but still very fine), we decided to trim every 2-3 months, now getting thicker already. *YAY*

Whoa I feed my son rice, french fries and nonsense food already... he never really liked porridge or cereal, especially mushy food.

WanderLeibe: my bb kw how to walk le.. how about urs?

bb-bao: wow.. that fast, but take care of two would be a headache soon.

any mummies expected another one?

Thank cass, lucasmummy and Chloemum. Started her on Enfagrow yesterday. Hope she's ok w it, shall monitor.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bb-bao: I am very excited for you! I had a day care nanny after my birth. It was okay la, but they don't come cheap as they are mostly Singaporean. The price for one day-care is the same as Overnight confinement lady.

WanderLeibe, I bought my boy shoes at "fox" during the sales. A bit exp but super soft material. As for the spoon, I started metal spoon for me boy liao.

Work> recently our company changed management...My reporting line also changed...Now report to local boss...Thought It's better to work in non-local company but endup...once report to local boss..haiz...really feel like changing my job but have to settle my new house next year 1st...HDB really%#&@&# take so long to buil house...If continue to stay with my in law, our relationship will get worse...Now my and in law totally no conversation. I don't even bother to call them when I see them...haiz...

Luckyone: I considered working part time too. But, I realised that it's not easy to be working part time. Cos will be drawing part time pay, and getting full time work. Not very worth it. Would be better if can get a job that allows for some working from home.

I spoke to my bosses regarding that before, and they seem to be quite ok with that. But I haven't tried it so far lar.

bb-bao, Adelene: All the best for your 2nd bb! So exciting isn't it.

I am so missing wearing my "I am not fat. Just pregnant t-shirt". hahaha.... No idea when the day will come when i can wear that again.

Any mummies giving a go at #2/3?

ChloeMum, you bosses so nice (^^)...I can't work at home because dont think I can bring all documents and files back, very heavy loh...

Um...see how next year...

Don't think I will quit my job and be SAHM, If I'm getting "pay" from hubby, my in laws will look me more "down"...

I will always remember what my MIL said, married women should do all the house work, taking care of child, don't stress your husband or try not to ask for husband's help even I'm working. If I feel tired, QUIT the job and stay at home loh!

I wonder did she tell her "rice" daughter (who bought branded bags and give her a lot of money) this?

CholeMum, your boss so nice..

Work-> our company changed mgmt too, now i hv a local boss and a function boss to report. But both bosses are not in talking term, very difficult to work like this. At times, i oso think of quit, but still hv to endure.

I just found out i m pregnant.. still early stage.

Hi mummies..so long never login..hope everyone is doing great!

Congrats bb-bao & Adelene, wish u hv a smooth delivery..jiayou!

Maplemummy..wow..congrats to u too! So ur will be dragon bb lo..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

after reading ur post, I also thinking whether should i talk to my boss to let me work part time..my job is quite free n flexi so kinda "bu se de" to give up tis job but my boy goin to childcare in dec n i m headache how to pick him up after work n no time for me to prepare dinner..aihh

wanderleibe, i get the shoes from OG, little blue lamb..the shoe is made from pig skin so is soft n comfortable..now got 15% discount, so price is okay..abt $30..cheaper than pediped and see kai run..

happymum, you can prepare the vegetables, dish (chopped, cut) in the morning? Can cut down you preparation time for cooking dinner.


luckyone, i m thinking this way too but then by time i pick up my boy n reach home should be around 7.30pm n then his last meal is abt 3-4pm..i guess he will be very hungry by time i finished cooking..I dun wan to let him eat outside food everyday also..

