My ML is Mona, she is really good. :")
I also thought need to drink alot of water to produce that much milk. During my first week, I drank so much water but the body is forever thirsty. After hearing what my ML said, I cut down on fluid but my milk supply maintain, probably also cos the body is programmed already. I guess it also depends on individual body, I make sure I eat well and have plenty of good fish for every meal. I even skip the midnight pump so that I can catch more sleep at night.
Re 6th week checkup, I was told to go back on the 6th week too, Dr. Ng said its for Pap smear test. I also kenna piles this time round, thought it had healed already then yesterday felt some pain again...sigh
Me too, first baby not much milk, second one don't know why got alot of milk, maybe the body is making up for the loss haa. Me also stopping at 2, don't think I have the energy to go thru another pregnancy.
Don't feel bad, its ok to keep experimenting until you find a comfortable solution for your baby. For me my mum was taking care of my elder girl and she requested for the sarong, I was quite against it initially but my sister and I were brought up in sarong too so I've not much to say against my case. Also, my girl could not sleep well in the cot, every 5 mins she would start to wail and wanted to be carried all the time, too tiring for me, with the sarong, I discovered she could really sleep thru every 3 hrs undisturbed, its amazing, I craved in eventually cos that 3 hrs of peace meant so much to me. :")