(2010/05) May 2010 mtb

help!!! anyone got recommendation for aircon service? my stupid aircon start dripping water yesterday nite!!! and my usual aircon man is not answering phone call!!! i don want to spend another nite w/o aircon!!!


Hi mummies,

I agree with BBF that the success of motherhood is not determined by just BF, there are so many other factors in this complicated formulae, just try your best and do whats best for your baby, when baby is happy, mummy is happy and daddy will be happy too :")


Wow, you sure have alot of milk, the max I can yield is 280ml. I also prefer to pump so that I know how much baby is drinking. After a good EBM feed, baby is satisfied and sleeps for 3-4hrs, I can get some rest, do some housework, go onto internet or watch tv, happy happy...

Re Water Retention:

My massage lady says if BF, cannot drink too much water. Must let the body get accustomed to producing milk first using whatever water the body has. If we keep drinking, our body will just rely on outside source to deliver the fluid for BF and the water that remains in our body will become water retention which will ultimately adds on to our weight. Overtime this water rentention will not be easy to shed off thus, drink water moderately. I personally tested out this theory, I cut down on water intake for a couple of days, surprisingly my milk supply is still good, feel thirsty all the time but weight is dropping each day. :")

Re Yao Lan/Sarong:

Just to share, my elder girl slept in the sarong after her full month. I only allowed her to sleep in the sarong during the day, come night, I will pat her to sleep and then place her in her baby cot. This way, during the day, she sleeps better and her caretaker can have a better life hee. With the sleeping in baby cot at night, when we brought her along to travel around the world, she has no problem sleeping on beds or planes.

wow... 330mL or 280ml is alot leh... hope that i can produce as much when my bb get older. is there any technic to pump more effectively and less sore?

honeyb, mayb we have the same massage lady coz i was too told by her that we should not increase our water intake while breastfeeding if not it will be hard to loss weight.

morning mummies... finally able to log in again... been super busy as #1 had not been feeling so well... so he's again super sticky to me... cry at the littlest things... making us super busy...


me also can oni make it weekday coz weekends need to accompany #1... heehee...

July Weekday Lunch/Tea

Venue : Tampines

1. Luckyone

2. nanabear

3. JSP




re: pacifier

i tried to give to my ger some time back also... budden she dun like... keep using her tongue to push it out... so i stop giving... might as well lor coz now having a hard time trying to wean my #1 off it...


i guess all new mummies have lots of worries so u r not alone lor... i also like the bonding during latching but it too tiring for me at times so i just do wat i can...


hahaha... if u got a ger ur pocket siong leh... i saw the sale when i pass by the kkh outlet last week but resisted the temptation to step in... hahaha...

bb bao

jia you... i agree with the rest of the mummies... dun stress... do wat u can...

i realise that my bb fusses alot during direct feed if its the first direct feed of the day... so i try to direct feed once at hm b4 gg out so tt the subsequent feed will be a breeze...


i think u can relactate if u really desire to bf again... its not easy thou... n if all else fails then try contacting a lactation consultant...


bbf is rite leh... water retention is caused by not drinking enuff water so ur body helps u to retain water...


i also thinking of taking fenugreek leh... coz ss was super low at 80ml every 4hrs... budden this week ss increase to 160ml every 4 hrly... so dunno if wanna take anot leh... u let me knw if it helps ya... coz wanna increase ss so that can pump n store... heehee...

n ss actually increase coz i've been latching my ger more often recently... coz when we head out, i'll bf her directly... so mummies, to increase ss latch on as much as u can...


so long as the chilled ebm is not over 48 hrs, i'll transfer to freezer to store as extra... usually do tat at the end of the day for any extra milk pumped out...


OMG... 300ml??? ur ss is fantastic!!!!

hello good morning!

280ml to 330ml! a lot, alot! Can safe a lot of money on milk hor.

Can't really join the toppic cause me milk supply is getting very very low these days.

My boy drink 1 can of 900g FM only 6 to 7 days.

1 can 41.95 so about 160++ to 200++ a month.

Anyone planning to have 2nd baby? Me want a "dragon" baby badly cause "tiger" and "dragon" mah haha..

finally 30 days over, confinement lady will leave this thursady monring.

My husband quite angry with the Cl, said she watch too much TV and don wan to let my baby sleep babycot.

Last few days she even let my baby sleep with her on the floor with very thin mattress.

After my husband found out he veru pissed off.

haiz...really scared of confinement period. Was the most scary thing during the whole pregancy I think.

I MISSED MY ICE LATTE! Anyone started drink ice drink?

I will bring my boy for hair cut this sat, will "fly" to starbucks for ice latte hehe..

JSP! long time no see.

My boy also keep using his tongue to push pacifier out. But that the only way to make him stop crying leh (If not hungry or diaper wet, etc).Slowly try a few more times he then accept it.

HoneyB/ mush- can i ask, how did ur massage lady get this theory of lesser water? Bec from the many articles i read in my research by mecial professionals and even HPB- Breastfeeding moms are actually suppose to increase their water intake-

this is the extract from HPB-

Drink enough water

By weight, 88% of breast milk is water. Breast milk volume increases from as little as 50 ml on the first day, to as much as 750 ml a day, when breastfeeding is well established. So, the most critical nutrient needed for the production of ample breastmilk to meet a suckling baby’s demand, is water.

Aim to drink at least 1.5-2 litres of water each day. Some mothers may need to drink more water each day when breastfeeding is well established. Thirst is a good indicator of your fluid needs. If you are worried that you may overlook it, pour out water in a jug and try to drink it all up by the end of the day. Your water needs can be also be met by including a variety of nutritious fluids such as milk, juice and soup.


It might be a co incidence that ur lower water intake increased ur BM. but i think its bec of ur pre natal care or heredity that u have good milk supply... (which i really wish i have too... me average 100 ml only.. ) Anyway just my input to ur ML's theory..


thanks mummies for ur remedies.. will try the salt water first then will get hb to buy dettol and try that later..

6 week check up-

Who has gone for ur 6th wk gynae check up? What will they do?

Anyone start to bring baby out after turned 1 month old?

I need to go shopping for some stuff leh.

Thou of tis sat after my boy hair cut, go vivo to shop shop for a while.

AR, the 6 weeks check up for baby or mother?

My baby 2nd appointment is 2 months old later.

Only heard the appointment is for jab only.

AR, I drink more than 2L water per day still lower supply.

Also about 100ml per day no matter I pump 3 or 4 times still about the same.

So I give up only pump twice per day.

No point wasting time on wash the pump and pump milk.


*wave wave & hugz*

heehee... long time no see indeed... my confinement was over since 16 May so had been drinking cold drinks since then... hahaha... how to not drink cold drinks when the weather is so hot...

n congrats on ending confinement... i agree tt the confinement is the scariest part of the whole pregnancy...

me stopping at 2... so factory closed liao... hahaha...


me had gone for my 5 week gynae check up.. nothing much... just pap smear test done only...

JSP, me also will close factory after 2nd baby.

No matter no.2 is boy or girl hehe

Pap Smear Test, why my gynae never said me to go back to do the test?

Is it bcause I'm c-sec?

Hi Mummies, I'm from the Feb 2010 mtb thread. I had overstocked on Drypers Size S and now it's too small for my gal. I am selling 1x64 pcs & 1x32 pcs at total of $19.00, self collection at my place at Bedok Reservoir Road, PM me know if interested. Thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

luckyone,u so cute leh,wan tiger n dragon.Me last time actually plan to have rat or ox de,but try n try dun have,end up pop 1 tiger to eat us all up,cos me,hubby n my #1 are all rooster...lol...

6week check up is juz an assessment for bb,to see whether bb can lift the head,can follow the sound n light,height n weight,those normal assessment.I bring my bb for the hep B dose 2 then do the assessment together.

hey gals, i can pump up to 125 ml at each pump.the supply has increased since week 1. but my baby takes 70ml in the day n at least 100+ml at night. is it normal. he has day n night confusion till now n wakws ard 11+ at night n sleeps 2 to 3 am. he is 3 weeks now. is ts normal.

i cant wait for my confinement to end next tues, so sian to stay at home n looking at mum....

I am also shocked by the amount of bm I can yield. For my first baby there is not enough bm for him but dun know how come for no. 2 , I am like a moo moo cow.

No more baby for me factory closed. 2 boys enough to kill both my husband and myself.

Hi Mummies,

I am from the June thread, will like to find out which massage lady that you have used is good. Please kindly recommend. Thanks.

chen shuyan, haha you baby born at what time?

Mine at night so very naughty.

Anne Raj, let's work hard for dargon baby haha..

Day & Night, I remove my room curtain and off the room light at night so my boy will know day and night so far he can sleep around 10++pm but will still wake up 2, 2 half hour for milk.

Hi mummies:

thank you for all input on water retention. I always thought it's caused by too much water cos I always used to bottle down a few liters a day and few bloated.

Maybe like u all have mentioned, everything in moderate.

Honeyb: my mil also asking me to let bb sleep in sarong. But I said see how. Now we put him in glider in the day, sometimes he refused. I wonder if I am too stubborn and rude to always reject elderly suggestion.

Mummies who r doing exclusive pumping,

do u latch ur babies when u go out or u bring ebm out?

I am contemplating to switch to total pumping but want the convenience of latching when out shopping but scared bb reject my breast. Anyone has advice?

Bx: I brought ebm out in an insulator bag. In the nursing room there's hot water but not sure they have it in all shopping mall nursing room. They provide mug too. I warm the bottle of milk in the mug of hot water and rinse it thereafter. Pretty easy for me so far. I got a avent insulator bag as gift. Can keep milk warm or cold up to 4 hours it says. I was out for about 6 hours that time. The milk is still chilled after that.

luckyone,my bb born at 5pm.How abt urs?When gynae told me I ll give birth at ard 8 to 9pm,then my whole family is like wow,sure very "xiong" liao,lol...

bx: I thought of the same too. And I came up with a few alternatives.

1) Bring hot water in water flask.

2) Remove from insulator bag before feed and place it in other bag compartment. let it turn into room temperature then feed bb room temperature ebm. That is if u do not mind.

3) Worse come to worse, ask hot water from restaurants, cafe, drink store... haaaaa.......

Mummies, I think I am falling sick... Having slight fever now. Gg to pop panadols n rest for awhile. It's still ok for me to express milk for bb consumption right?


Don't worry bb will be fine. If it's really bad, you can always opt to wear a mask.

When I BF my #1 never caught anything while I fell sick. My GP who is bf friendly encouraged me to keep feeding and bb one will get the antibodies which is being built up to combat the sickness.

In fact, during my #2 birth, my hb and I were still coughing in the delivery suite and my bb still doing well. BM is really that good.

oh I forgot to add. BM is good but must still remember to practice good hygiene. All the precautionary measures still has to be taken like washing hands when handling ebm and bb, not sneezing/ coughing directly at bb. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


My ML is Mona, she is really good. :")


I also thought need to drink alot of water to produce that much milk. During my first week, I drank so much water but the body is forever thirsty. After hearing what my ML said, I cut down on fluid but my milk supply maintain, probably also cos the body is programmed already. I guess it also depends on individual body, I make sure I eat well and have plenty of good fish for every meal. I even skip the midnight pump so that I can catch more sleep at night.

Re 6th week checkup, I was told to go back on the 6th week too, Dr. Ng said its for Pap smear test. I also kenna piles this time round, thought it had healed already then yesterday felt some pain again...sigh


Me too, first baby not much milk, second one don't know why got alot of milk, maybe the body is making up for the loss haa. Me also stopping at 2, don't think I have the energy to go thru another pregnancy.


Don't feel bad, its ok to keep experimenting until you find a comfortable solution for your baby. For me my mum was taking care of my elder girl and she requested for the sarong, I was quite against it initially but my sister and I were brought up in sarong too so I've not much to say against my case. Also, my girl could not sleep well in the cot, every 5 mins she would start to wail and wanted to be carried all the time, too tiring for me, with the sarong, I discovered she could really sleep thru every 3 hrs undisturbed, its amazing, I craved in eventually cos that 3 hrs of peace meant so much to me. :")

Hi Mummies,

Do you wake your baby up at a certain time.. not so much for milk but for activities like bath time, play time? Or you just let the baby decide?

I'm thinking of setting up a routine (I'm prob dreaming.. haha).. but a gf of mine said to let the baby sleep as much as she wants at this stage (my baby is 5 weeks old).. the routine can come later..

What do you ladies (or the 2 active daddies) think?


Please take care and rest well.. going to be hard on you to be alone with baby.

I am also having fever now.. and my breasts are super engorged. Lie here pain, lie there also pain. No appetite to eat, wanna pump also no strength [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Then mom keep insisting I shouldnt feed baby my EBM.. aiyo! Every doctor said it's okay to feed, only my mum is against it. I will still feed.. bb can get my antibodies~!

My bb got this neonatal acne on his cheeks, like small pimples. The mum again, kept insisting his body got 'poison'. Asked me bath him in Guiness Stout or some herbs. What kind of logic is this!?

Isn't all these rashes and pimples part of their growing stages??

Honeyb- M freaked out by the pap smear test.. i was taken by shock when she put her hand in me to break the water bag.. now this...

My piles- got one stubborn that causes alot of pain when i poop.. its like needle poking me.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Abt dragon baby- I really am against a dragon baby bec when it comes to school admission, its going to be a nightmare!- Their will also be a boom in the dragon cohort for pre school, primary 1, sec 1, poly/JC, n Uni admission. its really crazy. Kids with tops marks also hard to get place. Thats why I wanted tiger baby badly.. smallest cohort.. heheh.. i will wait till after dragon.. wat's after dragon?

BB-Bao- im expereincing the same tg with my mum too. Im so mad!!! I was havg fever and engorged breast yesday and managed to express out the milk and fed it to baby. Both breast produced 120ml, is ts too little? Im havg dry cough too, had the cold shivers last night so told panadol that was prescribed during my pregancy so guess it shd be ok right?

My baby also have rashed and two pimple like spots near his eyes. I tried using BM and applied it on his face but it is not clearing.

Any other suggestions?

Thank u for all mummies concern. My fever has subsided but here comes mr bad throat. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

bb-bao: is ur fever due to engorgement? Do take care ya. My CL also mentioned to me they let baby bath guiness stout in their home town. Of cos it's a no no for our case and it's definitely a tradition that I can never accept.

HoneyB: my mum always ask me to relax and try to accept some traditions. Well, we will observe a little longer.

Hi Annie,

My 4 weeks boy also had rash on his face and redness near the side of his eyes.

I have been using hazeline cream to apply on his cheek. Started applying yesterday, so I could not see the result yet.

So heart pain to see his skin like that. He is also suffering from chapped skin on all his folds areas, especially the neck area.

Anyone has other remedies?

November: oh dear,poor little one. my heart breaks too when i his face like tt.My boy is 3 weeks old. Another q: how much does your boy drink at 4 weeks?

Hi May mummies,

believe every moms are busying with your babies! Remember to rest whenever there is a chance to rest!

By the way, I would like to recommend you to wear micro-massage undergarment / Pant after your pregnancy to trim and firm your Tummy, Hip and Thigh!

You can find out more from www.itsi.com.sg

Take Care! Cheers!

so sad... nanny is gone. Today is nanny's last day and my baby refused to take afternoon naps, I think she knows it's nanny's last day and wanted her to cuddle her. Nanny cuddled her the whole afternoon, just fell asleep and nanny went off already...

Edie, u must sleep now that your baby is sleeping. My nanny left last Friday... By sat night, bb and me gave up. Pass baby to Mil. Then following day bring to my mum's.

Decided to let the older ladies take care and close almost both eyes. No see = no angry with their methods. Life is easier for me like that.

Mil likes to bring bb downstairs, let her sleep in playpen no open window, no on fan... Baby got heat rash and red patches,.. Very ugly. I see also heart pain... Now I dun care, no point trying to put my bb in zircon room whole day. I told hb I give up.

I just went for a spin this late morning... Feels good until I darted leaking.

Edie, u must sleep now that your baby is sleeping. My nanny left last Friday... By sat night, bb and me gave up. Pass baby to Mil. Then following day bring to my mum's.

Decided to let the older ladies take care and close almost both eyes. No see = no angry with their methods. Life is easier for me like that.

Mil likes to bring bb downstairs, let her sleep in playpen no open window, no on fan... Baby got heat rash and red patches,.. Very ugly. I see also heart pain... Now I dun care, no point trying to put my bb in zircon room whole day. I told hb I give up.

I just went for a spin this late morning... Feels good until I darted leaking.


Mrs teo, I tried taking a nap but can't sleep, missing my cl already. Cos whenever baby cry until I don't know why I'll throw her to nanny, now that she's not around and if hubby not around I might go crazy.

At least u got mil and mother to look after, my place only got a maid and I can't communicate with her, don't dare to ask her help me.

Sigh... One step at a time. Better try to nap now.

