mmm am back again after several days...
feeding baby:
at week3.5, i'm still experimenting wif optimum proportion of latch on and EBM... seems like latch on is really xiong...
today, i was on the bed every 1hr just to latch on for 10min - 1hr..
last midnite, latch on from 3am-4+am, then proceeded to pump and only finished at 5+am...
yest, i tried to purely pump and have nanny bottle feed bb and it seems like i have more time to nap and eat and relax...
however i miss out on the bonding and worry that bb may not recognise my nipple anymore.. very boh liao worry rite...
also i wonder when my baby will stop fussing.. always eh eh eh in her sleep, and does that sucking action which makes nanny think she's still hungry after a latch on...
sighs.. how come my baby is never full from latch on lei?
we never get this prob if we shove her wif EMB.. hehe
in desperation, my bb gal will bite her mittens in a fury, is that a sign that she's hungry?
so tiring... just the act of feeding the babe...
oh ya, thinking about bonding wif the baby...
my massage lady was telling me about her working overseas and not going home for >3 yrs and her mum was really upset...
when i think of my gal doing it to me next time, i felt a heartache...
i think motherhood has made me paranoid, worrysome and emotional.. :/
anyone feeling the same?
well done mummy! 3 hrs of pushing! same same here.. really tiring hor...