(2010/05) May 2010 mtb

Hi Mummies: im still on the waiting list...no progress with the cramps. took leave for the last two days. tonight meeting gyne, hope to get some good news today.im so bored. wandering what i shall do today, thinking of going Orchard but looking at the weather no mood...


Y...bb wil confuse btw nipple n bottle feed? I always thought tat as long there is milk for them to drink they will just take it leh.

Talk abt mother's day hw to celebrate while we are doin confinement think our bb is the best gift for this special occasion to our mother n in law. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi everyone, I am looking forward to my next phase too (bfing)! I will be checking in on Sunday night to Mt Alvernia. Trying for natural birth!! Delivering on monday will coincidentally be my hubby's birthday. His wish finally came true after talking to baby over and again that he would love to see her on his birthday!! Haha!! She will be a daddy's gal alright!

Will update my birth story when I have the chance to!! Woo hoo!!!


*pat pat* Yeah, understand your feelings, we have been through that also. But it was the right thing to do, so that bb will get well soon. Today already down to 11, tomorrow will be even lower. So, don't worry, for sure she will be able to celebrate mother's day with you.

Today brought bb back to the PD's clinic for check up, luckily don't have to do blood test. Doc is satisfied with bb's feeding: 100ml every 3hrs. Doc say although still have some jaundice, with 2 more days of sun bathing shd goes off by itself.

When my bb is discharged, the nurse there advise me to feed some water to bb with jaundice in order to help bring down the jaundice even faster, about 3 times a day and 10-20 ml each time.

Today also follow the advise of my CL and ML to buy Guniness Stout to bath bb, will see whether it helps or not.

By the way, the green grapes method didn't work for me, as bb refuse to swallow the juice, he spit it out.

Also, jaundice bb will be sleepy and thus feed less. Must try to wake bb up every 3hrs and feed on time. Feeding is very important to cure jaundice.

Thanks so much RantingBB for your advice. I am going to give birth this sunday and will start bf after that. (hopefully)** [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Just to understand better, if i get bb to latch on to 15-20mins per breast, how do i know if he has enough?

The next 15 of pumping is just a gauge right? Ultimately i may not have enough milk to pump out as well.

I really hope i can do it. Didnt attend any prenatal classes so now very kan cheong already.

*cross my fingers** [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Congats Mrs Teo! And all the best to mummies on waiting list.

Hubby: he never said thank u but for my first few stress few days at home, he kept saying sorry to have me go tru these. Mainly our parents issue, my wound, n bb. He totally understand it guess it's bcos of our communication b4 birth. But I told him there's nothing to feel sorry about and I requested for a bouquet of carnation on mothers day.

Just last night, after reading about bb confusion from our wise mummies in the forum, I asked him to attempt bottlefeed. He seemed excited yet uncertain. He also has no confident in carrying the bb, whenever i see how careful he is I burst out laughing. Cos CL still recovering, he warmed ebm on his own and fed bb while CL and I was sleeping... Nice gesture I tot. Like a big child.

Baby's appetite:

Lucas appetite has increased. 75ml no longer last him for 3hrs. Need to increase to 95ml now...


he gained almost 380gm since discharged. Jaundice level is low. Just need to sunbath him for another week at home.

I have the urge of showering from the tap. Even with the herbal I was told to tahan longer...

I smell like sour milk.

Loh: would u provide the address at amk and tpy for the cheaper mamypoko n pampers please? Thanks.


Thanks for asking. Finally my pain down there is getting better. After discharged, I actually tear the wound again this time round and can see blood coming out from the sticthing area when i clean that area. I also can feel the pain get even worst than during the 3 days of hospital stay. Then it was confirmed by my gynae on Monday check up. He asked me: you walk too mush is it? Try to walk less and rest more.

From the way he talked I think this time the tear is even worst than the 1st time, but he assured me that no re-stitching is required and 99% that it will heal by itself.

So from monday onwards, i actually kiap my legs together when I walk. Ask for assistance when I am trying to get up from the bed or sofa. And it really help [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

About Bf:

I think I have a totally different problem than all of you here. As I have a 22mths old milk Baby. She is so happy that I have milk supply again and she goes like "yum yum" and "Mmmmmm...." and "Good" when she is latching on. She is emptying my breast now and also make my sore nipple worst. (she did not give me time to rest, each time she sees me lying down on the bed or sitting on the sofa she will come asking for nen nen).

Because of the sore nipple, I already stop #2 from latching on, giving him ebm. But I had a problem to stop #1. So yesterday, I can't bear the pain anymore (I had to bite my teeth to endure the pain each time she is on my breast), then I apply some ru yi oil on the breast and told her that mummy's nen nen pain pain so turn out smelly already (chou chou). After 2 tries, the whole day she did not come to me for nen nen anymore, just wanted me to cuddle and hug and kiss her. But when it is her sleeping time at night, she ask for it again, and I pity her and give in to her.

Anyway, the whole day rest already give me sufficient time to dry some part of the wound and it is less painful now.

Just now while typing this, #2 woke up from his nap and I offer him my breast. To my surprise he can latch on again although he is on total ebm for 10 days already. He is back into his lala land now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

About confinement,

I already bath and wash my hair with herbal on the 6th day and 11th day, really cannot tahan. And I used tap water to wash hand and face. At night before sleep, I used warm water from the tap and add in white rice vinegar (suppose to be white rice wine right? but my hubby bought wrongly and I also used it happily without noticing until yesterday, haiz...) to wipe my body and neck to get rid of the sweat and smell.

Luckily this morning my Massage lady say there is no wind in my body and my skin complexion looks better and my thigh and hip shrink significantly within these 3 days. She said maybe the vinegar did help so there is no need for me to stop using it.

To those who haven't pop and do not like to follow confinement rules. Make sure you wear socks from the 1st night after your delivery in the hospital. I did that and continue to wear 24 hrs at home. Only took out when I need to wipe and bath. Maybe that is why I didn't catch any wind even though I was on short sleeve and blowing on the fan directly and touching tap water.

I drown myself in plain water too. Even with red dates tea, I had to dilute it with water. My CL commented that I am the only mummy that drink the least red dates tea in her service. And she only had to cook once in a day for me (sometimes 2days only once and qty is only 2L each time).

hello!! m back... awake since mng... haiz.. bb has been feeding every 2 hrs since 5am.. then MIL bath n put him to slp at abt 11am.. i decided to catch up with my tv recordings until nez feed...

rantingbb.. I dun pump after 2 hr feeds.. i only pump when i offer him EBM.. 2 hrs is normal apparently.. the LC at parkway east who attended to me warned me not be surprised if he asked for 2 hrs..

m very tired.... but much much better than 1st week.. thankfully i hv a great support family. my hb will tc when he comes bk from work n my MIL comes over every mng to help...

As for the fenugreek.. i dun hv any problems with the highlighted matters.. i guess its bec my body recognizes it. we use it in our cooking to great extent n its a great form of painkiller for normal menstrual cramps ... but ya, those nvr taken it b4 better intro it to body gradually..

anyway rcvd sms from anlin!..she popped!

DOB: 6 may 2010

normal w/ epidural


preg piggy - *hug* i know how u feel... i cried so badly when my bb had to be admitted.. but u must force urself to cheer up if not it will affect ur milk supply n u will get headache also.. so tc..

preg piggy,dun wprry,ur bb ll sure be able to discharge tmr,I'm "guo lai ren" too.After 2days of phototherapy the jaundice ll sure go down to normal level de.

Wow,ur bb all got big appetite leh,my bb now only drinks the most 60ml every 2.5hr,dunno is it due to his very small size so his intake in quite little.

hi mummies, finally its friday!!! so many of u are already on ML but im still slogging away at work... so sian to see myself at the bottom of the table... by the time some of u finish ur confinement, i have only just started my!!! sob sob...

by the way for mummies who had bought your freestyle from US, we dont need a power transformer to charge the batt rite?

Congrats to mummies who have popped since I last logged in and tinospora happy 1 mth to your baby. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hurray it's Friday and one more day before I get reinforcements. These last few weeks have been such a struggle. Ha! Ha! Not sure how I'm going to cope with a toddler and a baby next time when I'm on my own! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I'll be 38 weeks this sunday and I still haven't packed my hospital bag yet. So much for being organised and the baby isn't here yet!

Bottlefeeding: Just thought I share a tip which my GP's wife (also a GP herself) gave me in the first few weeks when #1 wasn't latching. It's more for mummies who have difficulty latching and doing mixed feeding. She said that when you feed your baby hold him to your breast and have as much skin to skin contact with your baby 'cos the closeness of having your baby to your breast will also stimulate the production of milk even though your baby is not suckling but drinking from a bottle. Feeding this way will also help to keep your supply up if you're not latching. If daddy is doing the feeding tell him to do skin to skin as well. Of course daddy won't have any milk production but the closeness helps the baby feel secure and also promotes bonding. It does help. Hubby and I both practiced this initially but b'cos my hubby used to feed him more than I did in the early days our 21 mth old is very attached to him even to this day. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I forgot about rice wine totally!

I poured non rinse baby soap loh.. But the milk smell is still there. Everytime after wiping I started sweating while changing...

My fingers and feet are still bloated and fingers already, wonder is it wind or from pre pregnancy...


A good massage will make the bloated fingers and feet go away. Do you want to try my massage lady. She is good. $50 for 2hrs.

Grats mummies who popped!!! ^^

so many posts to catch up..Went for my weekly gynae appt today. Bb 2.94kgs @ 38weeks. I left with 11days...hopefully bb can pop b4 my EDD coz afraid of induction =(

Mummies who popped at TMC recently. Do we get free parking?


wow, so many mummies popping by this weekend...

good luck!!!!

i'm into day5 of my maternity leave and loving every min of it...

managed to run so many errands, fulfil my food cravings, catch up on reading about birthing, do birthing visualisation, learn about bf from the mummies here [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif], and not to mention those naps to make up for all those awful nites (pelvic pain, hip pain, neck ache etc etc)

can't imagine if i had to be in office when i can't get thru the nite rested... hehe

btw, other than bbf's recom on honeywell air purifier,

do other mummies, mtbs have any advice on air purifiers? those that will zap away viruses

btw, pls remind me, how come we need rice wine to wipe our down there? i.e disinfectant?

my friend told me she used salt water which helped in her stitch healing...


I have also heard from my massage lady to wash our down there with salt water, she says it will heal the stitches faster. But its very painful for awhile then after that it wont be so painful. She said her daughter did that and the stitches healed pretty fast. I dare not do that for fear of the pain but then after going through the birth process and yet i'm scared of such pain hahhaa so ironic!

Sue,I oso use salt water,but not to clean the stitches,becos I got piles,then gynae ask me to use salt water to soak,then as I soak,my below oso soak,but not painful lor,my piles are even more pain than the stitches.


The White Rice Wine is to wipe the body not the bottom lah!

Mrs Heng,

TMC no free parking but has 2pcs of $2 per entry coupon. Still need to pay the $2 ourself.

Salt water:

Sounds painful!!!

TMC will give 1 bottle of procanol spirit to disinfect the wound. It is already in the package so no extra charges. When I was discharged, I asked for 1 more bottle, the nurse just gave me without extra charges too. And it is very useful to me as I finish the 1st bottle in less than a week and now already using 2nd bottle.

I got bottom spray from my gynae for my #1 delivery. Very good but forgot the brand... cos my wound is raw and I can feel the pain from standing up or sitting down... Not sure will salt water help.. hmmm...

Hello Mummies,

Congrate to those who have given birth and can officially celebrate Mother's Day this weekend !!

I'm currently in my 38th weeks now! Just waiting for the time to PoP! Mixed feeling here. Happy + Worried + Scared + Curious since it's my first baby! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi..wld like to check those who gave birth in TMC n stayed in singel bedded n csect may i know how much cash u top up beside paying the room deposit? I was quite curious til todate y am i paying so much for my esp my doc fees. I total paid 5.3k cash. very heart pain. Mine doc fees stated 4.6k n medisave only deduct $1225.

Mrs Heng:

Yup... sorry didnt state properly.


Do you mean 5.3k is your docs consultation and package fees during your pregnancy?

I paid $2.8k but my case include induction -> emer c-sect.

My gf who csect a month before me paid additional $500++ to secure a single bed ward on an auspicious date, their total hospital bill (mum n baby) after medisave is also around $2.8k

Huggy> ur ML very cheap hor can intro me?

Shuyan> I also hv pile during this pregancy, really use salt water can heal? Cos nv hv it b4 birth duno wat to do now...

TMC Parking - I only received 2 pcs $3/entry ticket...


My bb will unlatch by himself when he is full then I will burp him before offering the other breast, and if he is really full he will reject it.

If he stops drinking effectively (ie. suckles at the breast), sometimes it is because milk flow has slowed down and breast is empty.

I will burp him and then offer the other fuller breast.

Again if they are full, they should reject it.

But sometimes they take the breast and suckle, instead of latching effectively,

then they are just doing it for comfort, and I will unlatch them to avoid being a human pacifier.

Also at the end of the feed and burp, he won't fuss and look quite content.

like this,


lucasmummy & pregpiggy - oh..so is either 2 or 3 bucks...ok not so bad. The counter staff will auto give during admission?

bbf - ur bb really look soooooooo contented!!! so cuteeee

Hey Mummies,

I've given birth to a healthy bb boy weighing 3.46kg / 49cm on 5th May.Natural w/o epi.


Kindly update for me. Tks!

hihis [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


oic! good thing i checked, else will be doing wrong thing liao.. so huh, what does rice wine do for the body? ie. during wipe?

salt water for perineum healing:

ya lor, sounds painful huh, dunno whether i'll be brave enuf to try.. :p


hehe.. another look of bliss from ur boy.. ahaha.. really lovable!


long time never see ur post.. congrats!!! can share wif us ur birth story?

chubby tiger:

i think hor, different gynae haf different delivery charges.. from what i know, my current gynae charges $350 for delivery, while my ex gynae charges >$1k for delivery

mulishette, jennifer

same same la.. i'm also waiting for my gal to pop.. everytime i get a tummy ache or back ache, i wonder if that's labour pain, but it subsides after a fart (cos whatever i just ate is too gassy) sounds silly right.. how can tummy ache compare to labour pain..


Nothing wrong with complaining.. yeah i am sure some mummies have it harder.... but then.... we are experiencing our own problems and its OUR PROBLEM thats why its so hard!! yeah just me whining away.... too tired liao.....

I was telling my hubby i also wanted him to replicate the breastfeeding experience... he could hold the baby for at least an hour and attach clothes pegs to his boobies and clip and unclip every 10-15 mins since baby falls asleep so often...needless to say he declined... :p

Anyway waiting to feed baby at 11pm.... she has a tendency to wayang at night and takes me about 1.5 hours to feed her at night for some strange reason... think she fall asleep unlatch and 10 mins later she is fussing again... sigh... seriously...1.5 hours when u are doggone tired is sooo frustrating....

Really praying very hard can keep to the TBM experience but seriously considering getting a can of FM standby the next time i see PD in 2 weeks.... too stressed liao.....

Haha your boy sooo cute.... got the satiated and damn satisfied look!! If my baby unlatch by herself means i got to sit down 2 hours liao!! Come to the point i honestly cannot tell is it my BM not enough or she is suckling for comfort or she is just a damn slow eater..... suck suck.... pause for eternity... suck suck.... pause again.... sigh.....

Hi Jennifer, i'm going to deliver at KKH.

Mummies, it seems like breastfeeding needs alot of determination. It's not as easy as what we've read on books etc. I hope i am able to breastfeed baby later...

Hi mummies,

I am a March mummy....I have a brand new car seat. suitable for infant to 1 yr old. got as gift but i have one already hence selling. It's good to get a infant car seat first then buy one suitable for older kids later. Infant car seat is more recline as babies can't really sit up as yet. It comes with handle and can be carried like a basket...

retailing abt $90. will let off cheaply at $45. if keen pm me.

Just managed to come in.

Having a major headache cos #1 refused to sleep and it was time for #2's feed. In the end, #1 got a stroke of the cane and finally went to sleep. #2 got 40mls of EBM after an hour's latch.

Halfway through this post, #2 started crying and I just settled her with pacifier. Hope she can train herself to settle down and sleep now.

Hubby will be away for a week so it's do or die time.

Anyway, Mrs Goh, I think bbf's answer to orangey has more or less answered your first question about how to know if bb has drank enough during latch on - contented and settled without much fuss is the answer.

The amount of time to pump is up to you, so long it's not beyond 20mins and you are sure that you have emptied both breasts.

AR, hmm, I am a little confused by your post. Do you mean you are latching on once every 2 hours or latching on for 2 hours straight? The two are very different leh.

Me going to sleep now. Need to tackle nightfeeds alone for a week... Need all the energy I can get from beauty sleep.

LucasMummy, [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/your_image.gif], [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/your_image.gif]

LucasMummy, [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/your_image.gif], [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/your_image.gif]

the star on the map shows roughly the stall that sells the diapers. hope it helps.



AMK stall is at Blk705


TPY stall is at BLK183.


It wud be my last night wif my no1. Be delivering tmr at tmc already and just caught a flick wif Hubby for the last time before we both get busier.

Cheers for mummieswho gave popped lately~!

