*pat pat* Yeah, understand your feelings, we have been through that also. But it was the right thing to do, so that bb will get well soon. Today already down to 11, tomorrow will be even lower. So, don't worry, for sure she will be able to celebrate mother's day with you.
Today brought bb back to the PD's clinic for check up, luckily don't have to do blood test. Doc is satisfied with bb's feeding: 100ml every 3hrs. Doc say although still have some jaundice, with 2 more days of sun bathing shd goes off by itself.
When my bb is discharged, the nurse there advise me to feed some water to bb with jaundice in order to help bring down the jaundice even faster, about 3 times a day and 10-20 ml each time.
Today also follow the advise of my CL and ML to buy Guniness Stout to bath bb, will see whether it helps or not.
By the way, the green grapes method didn't work for me, as bb refuse to swallow the juice, he spit it out.
Also, jaundice bb will be sleepy and thus feed less. Must try to wake bb up every 3hrs and feed on time. Feeding is very important to cure jaundice.