Wow! A lot of discussions going on.
I just came back from steamboat dinner at Tan Quee Lan and a 45min walk at Esplanade. Cos I have a fear about this pregnancy. My last pregnancy I had GD. But this time round, I think I may have pre-eclamsia / eclamsia.
My last 2 visits to the gynae did not only show that I gained a lot of weight, but my blood pressure also reached new heights. Added to that, I have been having migraines on and off. Recently, I will also experience giddiness when walking after meals or just resting in bed.
Re: confinement
I remember my CL only allowed me to bath in the 2nd week with the herbal water and bath was only allowed for every alternate days or once every 3 days.
No water except for the period where I was running a fever cos too heaty and during that period, I had barley water instead of red date tea, much to the displeasure of the CL. Only could consume Milo and red date tea. I enjoy my red date tea and Milo a lot cos they reminded me of my late grandma. She would make Milo and red date tea for the young ones when we were visiting her.
According to my CL, Ginger is added to confinement diet, but for TBF mummies, she does not add a lot cos it will not help the newborn if he/she is having jaundice. In fact, too much ginger will make jaundice worse.
Use of water is also prohibited. Only warm boiled water is allowed.
I was just having a debate with my mum, who will be helping me with confinement this time. I tried to convince her that afterall we would have spent 3 days 2 nights in the hospital with aircon, used tap water to wash up and even drank cooled boiled water. Then what's the use of reverting back to the strict confinement ritual??? Apparently, she tried to pull the same trick with my late grandma, but she failed at convincing my grandma. I also failed lar!!! So yes, while my mum will try to close one eye about certain things like bathing more often with herbs, she is still most adamant about the no tap / cooled boiled water issue.