(2010/05) May 2010 mtb

Hi mummies & daddies!

I know the gender of my bb! Is a GIRL!!!!!

bbf, pls update my details:-

Gyne: Dr Choo Wan Ling

Gender: Girl

Hosp: Mt A

Thanks alot!


Anyone mummies experience pain when u switch sleeping position?

I tend to feel bit of pain when i turn to sleep on my left side, as well as when i sit up and get off bed.. =(

hi ladies...

this thread gettg real hot..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

btw, did u ladies apply tonic oil for stretchmarks?im currently using clarins tonic oil..heard its good...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

anyone here started buyg ur bb stuffs?

im such a lazy mum...haven start shopping for bb stuffs...:p


I had quite a sharp pain on my right abdomen this morning.. on and off till now. Cant stand up for too long, so I had to sit or lie down.. I guess it's the uterus expanding, thus the growing weight is pulling the ligament and muscles.. should be fine. Just no sudden movement please.. when u wanna get off the bed, roll to one side slowly and use ur arms to push yourself up.. dont use your ab muscles anymore.

Mrs Lee,

I just finished my first bottle of Clarins tonic oil today! Yup so far my expanding belly hasnt give me any stretch marks yet (fingers-crossed!) But somehow I think I missed out the butt area.. i can see streaks forming like that.

=( I think tmr i will go get the tonic oil plus the stretch mark cream from Clarins, should use both!!

I went to the Gimmill sale yesterday, bought some rompers at 3 for $10! Super happy!! They are so cute and tiny.. =D

Havent start shopping for other stuff yet thou, seems like too early to buy a cot or stroller, no place to put now.

Chloie, congrats!! I wish I can confirm mine soon... such a long waiting game..


I'm experiencing the same too ... I also experiencing it when I'm in the toilet [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] the pain seem to be on and off and at times I just can't sleep due to the pain cause I will tend to keep switching sides just because of the pain

Good morning mummies!!

Wow, seems like the list is getting longer and longer..

bbf, thank you so much for painstakingly updating every other day! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/wink.gif]

Hi bbf, plse help me update

Gyne: Dr AL Lim

Gender: Boy

BB No: 2

Hosp: TMC

EDD: 03 May 10

Hope to join u mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

How was everyone's weekend? I had a relak one, and tried doing exercises in the swimming pool in my maternity swimwear for the 1st time. Haha...not bad, definitely feels nicer than exercising outside water cos it'll be sweatier and stuff :p

I went for my 20th week detailed scan last week. Baby girl was sleeping...haha so it took quite a while ;p But happy to know all is good! Her measurements put her between medium and large tho ;p but no surprise since both hubby and I are the tall and big boned type ;p

Gynae said to watch my weight again...sighs...discouraging [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] but then yah lah, shall watch it lor since already gained 6.5kg for the past 20 weeks... :p

Chloie, thats great news...congrats...u must over the moon...

tinospora, thats great that the little one is doing good.congrats...

Im still waiting to know the gender, hopefully tomorrow, we would know the good news...heheheh!!! and my next detailed scan is on 09/01...wat a wait...

Actually I'm not happy!!!!!!!!!!

I initially wanted a girl badly then everyone kept telling me that confirm is a boy, blah blah blah..... And I have always wanted to have an elder brother since young. So since I cant have one, I tot I can give my future girl an elder brother to take care of her.

But my jollybean turn out to be a girl! My hb is over the moon lor. You all should see his face when he saw his girl open her legs so big for him to see.

Then my sils n mil n bil n that irritating china woman came to my place ytd. My sils have to ask me TWICE or more to double confirm that mine is girl. Why must they be like that! One of my sil still say to me that I never go guan yi temple to change flower. I did not so what! Even if I really went to change flower, and bb is still girl, they will have more things to say liao right! They sure say I did the wrong thing otherwise say I change the wrong flower. They are very predictable.

I'M SO NOT HAPPY CAN! And I have to force myself to smile somemore. I decided that I should siam them for the time being till I get over it.

morning mtbs... slpy coz nvr had a gd slp the last 2 nites coz my 2 darlings r sick... my HB down wif a sprained back so i need to take care of my sick baby myself... n he's having a fever n so very clingy to me... abit oni cannot... so i can barely open my eyes today... *yawns*


nvr tried swimming b4 during preggy leh... coz find myself too fat to wear swimming costume... hahaha... actually its an excuse not to move my big fat bum...


wanted to congrats u budden saw tt u not happy so i take back... heehee... dun bother abt wat others say lor... wat matters is u n ur HB happy can liao... n the most impt thing now is bb would be healthy rite?? cheer up ger!!!


aiyo... forgetful me forgot to ask u how's ur ankle liao?? dun walk too muchie ya... take care hor....

JSP: actually i dunno how to swim one. i'm just doing exercises in water cos i HATE exercising but my gynae says i need to do so in order to keep my weight gain in check...so yeah lor... :p helps that hubby bought a nice maternity swimsuit as motivation lor :p :p try it, dun have to swim ard, just move ard in the water. it's the best time to be in a swimming costume cos we are preggy and not fat :p

Btw ladies who going for detailed scan, dun eat too full for lunch if ur scan is right after that, cos the sonographer sometimes has to press qt hard on ur tummy to get the specific position/measurement he needs so can be qt uncomfy ;p

Hi everyone here, good morning.

Anyone suffer from stomach cramps? My stomach start cramps last night and this morning getting more seroius till now. I have called KK hotline the nurse said it normal.

morning mummies..

I will be heading back to sin tonight ( midnight flight) .. keke .. reaching sin tomorrow .. and straight to Detail scan ..

Chloe ,

Please be happy ... A princess ... I will be over the moon.. I have brothers at home and my mum didnt give me another sister to play with so hmm .. I wanna a gal right from the first preg .. keke .. with two nuaghty sons at home nw .. i think a gal will be super luxury ..

will most likely update the gender after my scan tomorrow [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jsp> It's ok! I felt better after venting out here. I'm actually looking forward to buy some clothes for my girl [as promised to buy her something once she show me her gender]. Will start to look for hand me down clothes from my cousins as theirs are girls too. Time really pass too fast! The year is ending aldy!

Hi tinospora, I also join the Aqual Fitness at KK. Start 09 Jan.

Hi chloie, ah yeah don't card about what others said. I know a lot of people is like that. They're not the one to give birth man! Girls also very sweet loh. Actually as long the baby is healthy (^^)

hi luckyone, pls share the exercises learnt from ur Aqua Fitness class next time [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so cheapo me can learn and try to do at swimming pools too ;p thanks in advance!

Hi orange, congra! so happy for you (^^)

Hi bb-bao, me too abdomen cramp. I think mine worse than you beacuse it started since last night and mine is the whole stomach. Yeap it on and off. The nurse from KK said if you can't stand the pain hor, can take panado. But I will try to bear with it.

tinospora, Sure, no prom.

This Sunday I'm going Pan Pac for our 3rd years Ann. Can go there for swimming hehe. Actually I missed swimming, really hard to find a place for pregnant lady to swim hor.

Cant believe we are halfway there already.. hehe. I'm so excited!!

I must agree that I totally hate it when others give negative or unconstructive comments.. it's like none of their business!

For example, I have in mind what name to give my baby if it's a boy. My hubby told me that his colleague didn't like the name.. back in my mind I was like WHAT THE EFF!? The baby is not her child or grandchild, what's her problem? It's my baby I can give whatever name I like!

So angry that day.. URGH!


Yeah lor, so difficult to swim in the public pool.. especially now school holidays.. ALL the kids will be there. You wanna swim the length, they will cut you by swimming the breadth.. then gotta stop and let them pass.. haha..

I would probably go to the nearby condo and swim there.. tell the security guard I am 'visiting'. hehe...


heehee... thks for the motivation... but climbing 3 flights of stairs everyday is quite an exercise for me liao... think i'll bring my boy for a swim if i manage to get a swimsuit...


hahaha... i just knew u were 1 happy ger... if i were u i would be over the moon lor... had been hoping for a gal since #1's time liao... hopefully wed detailed scan would shed some light into the gender... i'm so into shopping lor...

chewy ring

u have a safe flight back... remember to post updates on your detailed scan as well... take care!!!


where is ur working plc?? maybe we can arrange for some CNY lunch in Feb?? coz would be on leave the whole week... n i would love to meet up with u ladies after chatting online with u all all these while...

Hi bbp, Alsky & luckyone

Thanks. Next next apt will be on next tues. I'm so anxious to know the bb gender [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi bbf

Can u help me to update [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] thanks

Gynae: Prof Biswas

BB No. 2

Hospital: NUH

EDD: 31.05.2010

when is the detailed 5 mth scan done? mine's scheduled on wk20day6, almost 21 wks already.. is it very late? duno if i wana bring forward by 1 wk...

Hi jojo, mine is on the 20th week day 6 as well. The appt is given by the person who did the oscar scan earlier as well, so i think shld be fine. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi mummies, have 2 extra bottles each of neuroGain PB fishoil( Apr 2012) @ $28 and obimin (Apr 2011) $6 to let go. PM me if keen. All new and unopened. Bought from hospital and hubby also buy hence extra.

hihis mtbs

mmm i was having so much trouble loggin in this afternoon...


it's oki la...i understand that it's quite annoying to switch expectations lor...i was also quite sure mine was a girl (based on ttc and timing) and was happy with that.

Then my sinseh told me it was a boy at 9 weeks but need to confirm after 12 weeks..

then after 14th week, my gynae cconfirmed it's a gal and i was quite blur...

cos of the expectation lor...

now i am very happy to announce to everyone that i'm having a girl girl... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

btw, is anyone into hypnobirthing?they advocate delivery via natural means and without drugs plus getting urself into a hypnotic yet awake state to stay calm during labour pain to the point that the birthing process can be painfree...


i'm not sure which to go for



2) 4trimesters


I'm all psyched up to have a 2nd boy, then my gynae and she said it was 70% boy during the last scan.

That simple statement and 30% probability overturned all our expectations and sent us in a swirling confusion.

Anyhow I will be finally confirming the gender in my detailed scan this wed.

Buay tahan already!!!...I want to confirm it quickly so that I can do some serious shopping!

I'd like to suggest a meet up for dinner/lunch/buffet/steamboat after this crazy festive season, say 2nd week of January.

For those of you who are interested or would like to suggest a venue.

Please show me some indication of interest and say AYE! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I'll try to help whip something up.

hi Ladies good morning

hearing all the news about the gender of ur bbs i can't wait for my detailed scanned

its in Jan. 2 more weeks!!!

By the way any ladies here still have MS ?

i'm having alot of salivation and heartburn

hope it subsides.

if anyone here shares similar symptoms care to share ur remedies?

i'm afraid to take extra over the counter meds

rather get from my gynae

Hi Sue I have a few friends who went through the hypnobirthing course with 4trimesters and had a very good birth experience. It is priccey but worth the money. They all had very good things to say about Ginny. She is also able to help if you have trouble breastfeeding after birth.

I have no experience of hynobirthing myself but I had a natural drug free birth for my first child just using a birth ball. The main thing was to prepare your body for labour through regular exercise and don't panic during labour. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Just wondering does anyone know which stores stocks a good range of maternity trousers? Or which shopping mall has a good range of maternity shops?

I'm down in Sg at the moment. Not sure if I can find something here which I can wear during the winter in UK but no harm looking around! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/biggrin.gif]

good mornings mtbs [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mrs n:

i seee thanks!... other mtbs, pls pls let me konw if you have any experiences with the hypnobirthing courses offered by parentlink or 4 trimesters(ginny)

btw, my mum was at og orchard last week and saw that Thyme maternity (L3-i think, beside the lifts) still had a reasonable selection of small sized bottoms.. u might wanna check that out..

everything is going at a "closing down clearance" of 19,29,39 bucks.. reallllly good deal...


thanks for jioing, but i can only make the get-together if it's on weekday nites..also i'm going on a vacation mid jan (14-18)

so so, pls go ahead a fix a date with the other mtbs, and if i can make it, i'll let ya know


i didn't really have much MS, but still have an aversion to certain smells...i.e stir fried vegetables, dun like prawns anymore etc

btws, i started having leg cramps liao..woke up last thurs wif a cramp in my right calf and since i didn't know how to deal with it until it was too late (hubby came to rescue), the muscle pull took the weeekend to go away, and i was limping around everywhere...


hi bbf, i am interested to join for the meetup if I can make it. Let me know when and where. Thanks for taking the initiative to organise! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi sumathi, I am still having MS as well esp at nite. What I did was to drink more warm water during day but less at nite. And eat more fruits and dry stuffs e.g. biscuits, bread and white rice. Its slowly getting more bearable.

Sue> I have "see open" aldy so no worries. I even went window shopping online for her clothes aldy.

bbf> Im in for it! AYE! But I wont be available on 9 Jan. Going for a weekend trip with hb n some relatives. Other than that, I'm ok.

Oh ya, a few days ago, I saw someone posting that why should we cut down on cold drinks. Too busy that day to reply why.


I was told to cut down to my intake on cold drinks but just could not do so. This morning I had my first leg cramp. OMG! It hurts so much till it is slightly sore now. Lucky I was already half awake otherwise I think I will jump up from my sleep. So please, cut down on your intake on cold drinks! *chloie has learnt her lesson*

I dont think it's the cold drinks leh, it's not like the cramp happens immediately after having the cold drink??? Somemore when your cold drink lands in your tummy, it will turn body temperature after a while mah... no meh??

I thought logically speaking, leg cramps are due to insufficient blood circulation to the legs. And also pressure from the growing baby may press on the nerves and blood vessels that go to your legs.. I only get cramps when I sit (and cross my legs) for too long.

But oh well, better to believe the old wives' tales sometimes too!


I'm in for a meetup too. it will be fun to hv a big group of preggies gathering.

Oh yes BBF, did u go for ur triple test with Dr Heng? I went for mine 2 wks ago but hv not heard anything regarding results. I know that the nurses will not call if the results are okay but do u know how long it takes the results to be be out?

Leg Cramps - I used to experience it very often with my #1. so far for this one I am still safe but I'm keeping my fingers crossed and I know we still hv a long way to go....

Sumathi - poor u, still suffering from MS now... maybe u can try taking small frequent meals. if u think u hv a lot of gas in ur stomach, can try boiling some ginger with dried longan to drink.

Hi MTBs.... me too experience my 1st leg cramp at calf area... in middle of nite... juz jump out of bed n get HB to massage.. still suffering after few days!! So hv been doing some leg exercise n lifting my legs up whenever i can n during sleep...

JSP... yea went for detailed scan yterday... everything is normal n bb is 50 - 60 percentile so shd be ok bah... anyway when sonographer asked me wana koe gender.. i say no need! hehe... so after whole scan she asked me again to confirm i really dun wat to koe? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Hi I experience cramp not on leg but stomach yesterday, WHOLE DAY! the pain was almost killing me! Luckly, this morning when I wake up, the pain was gone. I found out from a book, normally 18 to 22 weeks will feel cramp on stomach. So it better to avoid cold drink temp.

And better stand by some Paracetamol with you in case you really can't stand the pain.

