(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

ginger> hahaha mine hor... scan tis angle EDD 4th Jan... scan another angle EDD 8th Jan... so Gynae tell me date yet to confirm... say next round see will be more confirm anot lor~ bb naughty! so tats why so many different measurement~


yah lor, so expensive, i nearly died when i saw the bill. for my first baby, only paid abt $220, dunno why this round become $280. I complain to the nurse lor... wah piang! If yrs only $85, then ok lor... can afford to pay for that reassurance. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

looks like my gynae charges very low...maybe it's bcoz my consultation always very chop chop...i always haf a feeling tat my gynae is chasing me out...he expects me to read up myself rather than explain to me...

ginger, kyxy,

actually yr EDD will keep changing on the scan as its tied to the development of yr bb... so i think u can use the first scan date as an estimate lor. for my #1, they estimated near to xmas day but i end up giving birth one week before.


sushi can but no raw fish. but just note that sometimes the sushi makers also handle raw food when making the non raw fish sushi so be careful lor... better to go for hot cooked food instead.


yah, maybe. my gynea's nurse commented that the price was high because consultation was long as well plus there was some complication on my end. haiz. Anyway, if you pay $85 to see yr gynea, just ask all the questions u want cos he is obligated to listen and advise u... heheh he can't really chase u out.

kyxy - think u going to have a really active one [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

melody - though my gynae advise is ok to sashimi, but i am not taking any...


i tink i was is my wk6.5..i also suspect that my first gynae's machine is not soo good, so cannot detect heartbeat, so i change gynae and can detect...u can try Dr paul tseng at TMC...call them now and try again later in the afternoon...if u r lucky that someone cancel appt, should be able to get slot this afternoon. if not, should be able to get by this week. his appts normally not so tight

gisele> hmmm okie... i was actually hoping for a Dec baby~ Dec so holiday mood~~~~

melody> erm sushi ok but not those raw one bah~

ginger> hahahaha~ if is realli a boy, cfm take after my hubby!

actually, I want bb to come out on 1 Jan if possible wor. But donno if possible or not. :p

sherry>you still get some other minor symptoms rite? for me, i'm hungry all the time nowadays, am v bloaty and get tired v early at nite. My friends and hubby say as long as still got these symptoms plus no spotting means bb should be ok. so we must try not to scare ourselves. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yeocouple n sherry>have a safe trip. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i wan jan baby too! better for the child in terms of education....

my EDD also keep changing according to the ultrasound...when i asked my gynae why like that, he say if he just move the cursor by a little, then EDD will change, so dun base on ultrasound edd. u should based on the EDD calculated from the day1 of your last menses....dun be too bothered by the ultrasound edd.

thanks girls for ur advice..

think i not joining them le.. i'll be like watching them eat..


actually if u are available on weekdays, u can just walk-in any gynae for 2nd opinion. Its less crowded, thou u have to wait.. but its worth the wait for that reassurance.

my fav...jap food...told my frens i can only go and eat after my 1st tri...hoping tat my appetite will be back by then...yummy yummy jap food!!

gisele> hahaha~ never mind lah... as long as is own bb~ so wat's his reason for wanting a dec bb?

joanne> jap food... *drool*


take everything in moderation...tat's my gynae's advice...muz spoil yourself once in a while :)


my gynae like abit impatient lor...so make me dun feel like asking questions...

acually i tot of switching to dr joy wong but her appt is very difficult to get..her next available appt is in early july!! cant believe it..

actually i ate like 2 pcs of sashimi last wk...felt so guilty...but seriously...jus eat your cravings...else your bb will drool...

yunz> u wanna try my gyane? she's a very patient lady~ and hor the appt time quite accurate... not like some tell u appt time 1.30pm, end up wait till 3.30pm still not ur turn yet... btw, my gynae at TMC. Dr. Adelina Wong.

Melody> Think in moderate is fine..but if can tahan, then dun eat. Cause its rare and u dun know how the kitchen staff handled the food...I am a ham lover, now i also more kaisi, i toast it at 150degree before eating wahahaha...cos fresh deli cuts are deemed to be unsafe [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

LSnTYL: Eh, slight symptoms ah.. ya, only swollen breast. Eat still normal and some minor cramps at times only.

aiya.. initially was thinking of a 1st Jan baby cos my dad is born on 1st Jan, tot it will be cool if my BB share the same BD as my daddy hahaha

sherry - ohhhhh god...now even ham also not safe..shucks..i ate a lot of ham and cheese one [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

sue> i love aji teh too!!!!!!!! long time no eat le~~~ shall we meet up and eat there one day~~~~ i love their ice cream...

ginger> ah ham not safe? i juz ate this morning~

Sue: another one for u..

One day, Mee kia borrowed $ from Char Siew Bao and Char Siew Bao wanted Mee Kia to return the money in 2 weeks time. After 2 weeks, Mee Kia still haven return the $ and char siew bao went on a hunt for Mee kia. Turning around the corner, char siew bao saw maggi mee. He cornered maggi mee and beat him up. Guess why

Char Siew B: "Dont think u perm your hair i cannot recognise you ah!"

yah, i wasn't sure how food was handled at jap restaurants thus i stopped going to jap rest already.. but jap food is one of my fav, kind amissed it sometimes, esp salmon sashimi.. =(

thx kyxy!

is she patient and gentle? how r the nurses?

does she explain to you the tests that you have to take and changes that you will go through?

sorry for my many questions, as my hubby and i are quite particular..and we are the kan cheong type..wana know everythin!

hahahaha sherry... that is a good one... hahahahaha..

ky you also like the food there ah.. cool man. we can go there and eat together. hehehe.. i love their curry grilled rice, and spicy deep fried cuttle fish as well as their vege with egg ommeelette on top.. and their chicken with cheese.. wah ... best...now i am salivating liao..

deli cut mar....unless u got warm up lar..cos i just eat like this :s...i somemore went buffet to eat ham and honey melon sticks.. :p oh dear...

yunzz> patient and gentle confirm guarantee and chop! the nurses there quite funny and friendly ppl... the nurses and Dr. Wong all will explain the things u ask them de.

ok she no tell me wat are the tests yet but if u were to ask, i believe she will explain everything to u. Changes that i will go through, she did explain to me. Dr. Wong always ask me if i have more things to ask her, but i always mind blank de... :D if u interested i can give u her number and u try to see if u can get a slot. ;)

Sue> yeah yeah~~~ HUNGRY HUNGRY~~~~

ginger> no worry lah...

actually, a friend ate salmon sashimi all the way through her pregnancy and her bb is fine. But she made sure the salmon sashimi is fresh and from the better jap restaurants. For me, I'm trying to avoid sashimi. But hubby say can eat a bit in moderation so I took a slice of his salmon sashimi last Sat. :p

Don't know what's wrong with me. Keep feeling hungry. Had ham n cheese sandwich, a glass of milo and a man jian kueh for breakfast. Never eat so much for breakfast usually...

yunzz>actually I got an appt with Dr Joyce Wong for next Wed pm. But I intend to cancel it as I'm decided to stick to Dr Ben Tham at KK. Is it possible to transfer the booking? If you want it, that is. Maybe I can call to cancel, then u quickly call to book my free slot?

Sherry>fresh deli cuts are unsafe? I've been eating ham + cheese sandwich for breakfast for past few days. I like it leh. Don't want to change. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] My mom was born on 1 Jan so i thot would be nice to share birthday with her too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Plus can go to school with 09 babies. Save 1 year. :p

ginger> ya i love ham and cheese too! so now got to be more hardworking loh, wake up earlier to toast the bread with ham.. at least the heat will kill the germs if any?

oh bottled mayo/salad cream is safe but those serve in cafes.. u may have to check with them,, some uses raw egg in their mayo/salad cream

i really hate the duphaston giving me the MS, luckily only took x1 in the nite now... but i hate the bloatedness and get hungry very easily but can't eat alot..sianz..

only eat plain crackers for breakfast, and my rasberry+strawberry tea.

my gynae oso not bad...he has 2 clinics...1 at tiong bahru...another at punggol..if you wan can try oso...nice and fatherly guy...

Lsntyl - ya yar.stick with Dr Tham.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] he is a nice doctor [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sherry - i also like ham and cheese....veri nice!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


is that your 1st appt for Dr Joy wong?

i understand that the 1st appt is longer, so the timeslot is different(gota wait longer)..if yours is also first appt, then i can quickly call after u cancel! :-D


i'm thinking: omg! it's already 10:50am and lunch time is coming soon and i still haven't decided what to eat! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

ham and cheese is nice if it is toasted hehe... then the cheese wil melt . that is yummy. Normnally i eat with multigrain bread.. but have been eating somuch before that i am kinda scared of it already.

I bought mee siam in the morning for my lunch later.. coz no idea wat to eat... feel like eating long john, but here dun have..

jo, tapao for me leh ... hahahahaha

Joanne, your gynae is what name? I still gynae shopping.. Though i book an appointment with Dr Fong Yang at Tiong Bahru, how is he ah? Any reviews? But i think i can confirm i will want give birth in Mt A, both me and hubby like the environment there..

Joy> Terrible morning sickness doesn't mean is girl leh, my ex-colleague had very terrible MS and everything very different from what she experience for the first bb, end up she got 2nd boy instead..



I never know the EDD will changed leh, for my #1 the edd on the scan never change.

I want to ask, 1st trim is 12wks or 14wks as I think i saw in motherhood mag mentioned it is 14wks.

