dg, i just back from the motherhood fair, i only bgt nestle cereals for my son, himalayas was having $1 deal on their nappy rash cream for 1st 100 tubes, grab 2 tubes cos the sale staff say can get 2 tubes since i have 2 person (me and hb), each person get to buy 1 tube. Din manage to go over medela's booth and check out cos my son is cranky. Avent deals is nt bad. went john little expo sale, grab some angel baby wipes and quite a bit of snacks, keke! i was so happy to find angel baby wipes back again!
apple, will update the table, [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]. maybe ur gynae mind was flying somewhere else. My 1st preg i ate a lot of spicy stuff and it must be as spicy as possible, me and my son ok leh.
The drip thingy is a bit drama la, i lost 2-3 kg during my #1's 1st trim due to mei wei kou and lost 1kg for this preg due to severe morning sickness, my gynae also nvr ask me to go for drip as long i take my multi vits, drink more water and smaller meals.
Don't worry, apple, there is a lot of good gynaes around, or if u looking for one in TMC, shldnt be a prob. Most impt is you are comfortable with the new gynae.
Sherry, pat pat! did u ask him wat wrong?