(2010/01) January 2010 mtb


these are my details for now:

Nick: Princess sue

Baby no. 1

EDD - Not known yet ( based on rough estimate should be end Jan)

Gynae - TBA

Hospital - TBA

Address Zone - TBA


those who has MSN - this is my msn email addy - [email protected]


prayinghard> i only see a very tiny sac but its far too tiny to determine haha.. but based on my LMD which is on the 23 April.. its abt 4 weeks & 5 days., too kaisu..


something blinking?? is that supposed to be the heartbeat?? is that what yr doctor said that is?? i thought something blinking is usually the heartbeat or?? pai seh, am a bit mountain turtle with all these!

:-/ ...3 weeks? wow, that sure is a wait! am going back to my gynae in 6days time & am already buay tahan liao! ;-D As for the doctor saying u are in week 5 instead of the 7W you thought u are in...it could becoz u O late ba...


4W5D is still quite early, so dont worry...i also saw only my sac at ab 7mm during my 5W2D ... no, i dont think is kaisu lah...i considered that as anxious...am like u, very anxious too ;o) ...Is this yr bb no. 1?? It's my 1st & i pray everything goes well!!!

morning mummies! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

stoopid hubby left his alarm clock on and woke up the whole family so early...he must hav tot today monday???

anyone went to the expo motherhood fair? i went yesterday...wanted to look for a booster seat for my son but couldn't find a suitable one. very limited choices. ended up buying some training pants for him, a maternity capris and a tub of moisturiser for myself.

hi elynn

welcome! as long as the GP knows u r preggie it's ok. cos there are some medication that not supposed to take. think u try to take more vitamin C too so to build up ur immunity system, then u wun fall sick so often again. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


me too leh, i will wake up at night and be awake. but i knock out quite early...at abt 9 or 10plus my eyes seem to be auto closing liao. then in the middle of the night (i dunno wat time, i didn't check), i will wake up quite a few times. quite sad leh...cos i am a very deep and sound sleeper and usually will sleep all the way.


it's ok to do ur hair as long as u dun touch the scalp. but even then, if hav to, try not to keep the chemical on the scalp for too long. i jus colour retouched my hair actually...i got no choice, got LOADS of white hair as a result of my 1st pregnancy...so hav to go back once in 2 mths to colour black.

sue>mentioned before. I am seeing Dr Benjamin Tham at KK. He told me cannot dye or perm my hair but facials ok as long as I avoid some essential oils and retinols. Not sure about hair treatments.

prayinghard>we were told its heartbeat and bb. ya, Dr Tham said maybe my ovulation was late but he said still early, can wait till see him again then confirm EDD. I find 3 weeks ok bah. at least should see a bit more changes. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] But for your peace of mind, maybe good to see your gynae earlier to check the status of the bb.

dumbger>the fair worth it? A bit lazy to go although its close to me.

hi dg, is it worth it to go to the fair? today is the last day huh... wonder if i should go down later.

dg/ lsn, ah.... cannot perm ah... omg. i was still thinking of doing a reperm or rebond as my hair has natural curl and its messy if i dun do either one. sigh....


hmm...depends on wat u wan to get ba...like avent, medela they had good deals (i wasn't at their booth, but judging from how packed their booth was i'm sure it was quite good). huggies and nepia also had good discounts, i wanted to buy the nepia pullups cos 1 pack only $14! but i'm trying to toilet train my boy so a bit defeat purpose like that hehe. maternity wears and children clothes were also going cheap. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

prayinghard> ya, its my first baby [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Its a long long wait to the 15 June till i get to see the next scan..

Today just feel so emotional. Stupid hubby dun know angry over what, went out for breakfast also dun wanna hold me and its drizzling somemore.. feel damn sad.. and tears just rolled down when I was having my wanton mee. Tot i should be more moody than him and there i am controlling and he throwing his anger.. damn sad

Hi Joy,

I am not sure why he said that. I think he said that without thinking. In fact after he said that my husb got worried cos i have been eating spicy food (that is the only food that i can eat or shld i say bb likes eating)

Then he started mumbling tom yam is ok.. etc.. He keeps telling me everything can eat, never tell me what cannot eat. I have to read online.

When I have severe morning sickness and lost 1kg in less than 10 days, he just said admit to get drip which I find a bit drama cos i thot it is normal. I felt he should be concerned abt my well being cos i was feeling v down then and my husb try to tell him that i am depressed but he just brushed aside saying everyone has it. "Only time can heal" No medicine can heal and he give me 2 days mc to settle the matter. I wasnt pleased with him. That was the second visit and I decided that was it.

He managed to detect my bb's heartbeat but he still want me to go back in 2 weeks time (I thot 1 month once after detect heartbeat). Anyway i felt so upset and exhausted, now reading up and asking around for another gynae

Below is my details, do update when you are free

Nick: Apple Lee

Baby No : 1

EDD: 19th Jan 2010

Gynae: T C Chang (TBC)

Hospital : TMC

Address Zone: Sengkang

Thanks again for your help

sue, will be back in Jul for 2 weeks to run some errands, then probably end Nov/early Dec to wait for delivery. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] fortunately we still have our own place. That's one headache down. But got to look for a kindy for my boy as he turns 5 next year.

re : sleep

i wake up a few times at night as well. And normally can't fall back to sleep. By the time I do, it's almost time to wake up. So very tired in the mornings. My cleaner says I look very 'qiao cui' now.

re : facial

i just went for one last tues. quite shiok. I did tell them I'm pregnant and they only used natural products on me. So quite pleased. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

can't wait for Jul to come...I need a haircut badly. So does my boy. :p

wait between scans

had my first scan 2 weeks ago... my next scheduled appt is in 3 weeks time. Quite a long wait as well... maybe cos it's 2nd child, not as kancheong. terrible, terrible... :p

dg, i just back from the motherhood fair, i only bgt nestle cereals for my son, himalayas was having $1 deal on their nappy rash cream for 1st 100 tubes, grab 2 tubes cos the sale staff say can get 2 tubes since i have 2 person (me and hb), each person get to buy 1 tube. Din manage to go over medela's booth and check out cos my son is cranky. Avent deals is nt bad. went john little expo sale, grab some angel baby wipes and quite a bit of snacks, keke! i was so happy to find angel baby wipes back again!

apple, will update the table, [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]. maybe ur gynae mind was flying somewhere else. My 1st preg i ate a lot of spicy stuff and it must be as spicy as possible, me and my son ok leh.

The drip thingy is a bit drama la, i lost 2-3 kg during my #1's 1st trim due to mei wei kou and lost 1kg for this preg due to severe morning sickness, my gynae also nvr ask me to go for drip as long i take my multi vits, drink more water and smaller meals.

Don't worry, apple, there is a lot of good gynaes around, or if u looking for one in TMC, shldnt be a prob. Most impt is you are comfortable with the new gynae.

Sherry, pat pat! did u ask him wat wrong?

Hey Apple.. same sentiments about him.. I find him to be unconcerned about the mother's health...

I was suffering from tremendous discomfort after taking his Duphaston.. so i told him about my condition, but he just brushed aside and said that there is no magic cure and everyone goes through it.. he felt that I should take the medication still, despite all the bad symptons I have..

We checked on the 6th week and baby's heartbeat was seen, but i find his ultrasound scan not detailed enough lei.. there was no further explanation on the heartbeat rate etc.. everything was chop chop..

now am with Vincent Lee @ Bishan clinic.. he delivers at TMC and Mt A.. he is much better... for the first time, i was told my baby's heartbeat rate and even get to hear it.. he seems more concerned and prescribed some Vit B6, hoping that it helps in my MS...

mrsfit, he really... my gynae was relucant to give me duphaston as it will trigger my ms even more worse as my ms is really very bad. She told me if the ms is very bad, do not take duphaston unless it is necessary.


wah, really envy u, at 5W already can see heartbeat ...when i went at 5W2D, can only see the sac! I guess everybody's different or?? haizz...now i really wish next Fri would come soon...I can only be "fang xi" when i see the bb's heartbeat ...needs lotsa prayers! *pray pray pray*


Did u find out later what happened to yr hubby?? Why was he upset & this mean?!! I hope he has a VERY GOOD reason!! even still, there's still no way to treat u like that when it's both of your first!! Or is it his temper rather short type??! haizzz, no matter what it is, u should maybe talk to him that u need all the support u can get during this time & being the dad, he really ought to be there for you!!! If my ah lau treats me like that...he's bound to get it & in double dosage too!! Did he say sorry to u after that??! whenever i think it's my ah lau's fault, I will tell him "you better say SORRY now!!" Sherry, u dont let him get to you yea...even cried while eating!! *sayang sayang* next time i see yr hubby, i box him for u!! I hope by now, his PMS is over liao!! arghhhh!

sherry>hope u r feeling better now. maybe your hubby worried about something so bad mood?

sue>my gynae advised no chemical treatments for hair. But maybe you want to double-confirm with yours when we have chosen one? But think best to avoid if possible.

dumbger>thanks. Too lazy to go out today. Maybe next fair. Also a bit pangtang to buy stuff for bb so early. :p

Apple>wah, your ex-gynae doesn't sound v nice. maybe better to change earlier.

My bb is first but I ok with the wait between scans leh. wonder if i should b more kancheong...

prayinghard>maybe my bb is actually older than 5 weeks but smaller? I really donno. :p only know the gynae point to a small dot and say that is the bb and got heartbeat. Hubby and I only went so small? :p also cannot see clearly on the ultrasound scan they gave me. just a white blob in a black sac.

Hi Sue,

I'm seeing Dr Paul Tseng at TMC, so not exactly in the neighbourhood. If you want convenience and do not want to travel too far, then a clinic in the neighbourhood will be ideal. For me, to TMC is ok since I'm working at Serangoon which is not too far to TMC. However, I dun go for check up every mth. I go every 2 mths, only when it comes to detailed scan, then no choice, got to go even if it's not 2 mths yet.

hey sherry,

wat hpn? why do you feel sad? did you talk to your hubby about it? maybe talking about it will help?

hi lsn, ya sure i will try ti remember ti ask my gynae when i have chosen one [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] otherwise dunno wat to do with my hair argh...


I saw one which is at bedok.. so i was thinking maybe i should go there and the dr is linked to TMC. but i am not sure about deliverying at tmc as it has nv come to me that it will be there.. all along i was thinking along the line of KKH, Mt A or maybe east shore... so well... i am still thinkiing hard.


at least got heartbeat, could afford to be more relaxed ...unlike me...another 5 more days to go! :-/ *pray pray pray*

& nope, u dont hv to be more kancheong lah...i think it's juz me...due to my history, i guess

:-/ ...u should juz enjoy yr pregnancy as it is yea ..hope i havent affect yr mood or make u more kancheong ...sorry ah, if i did! :-/

hey dearies,

Thanks, i am ok liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

But still a little angry.com hahaha

NOt gonna be bothered abt it.. i am looking forward to my gynae visit on the 15th.. keke..

morning mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

joy - thanks for updating...just went for my gynae check up over the weekend. EDD has changed to 3 Jan....able to change for me please [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] thanks thanks!

yeocouple - ehhh...now we are both on the same date [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]kekekekekee and yes..i did manage to see BB's hands and legs move too on Sat's visit..I was veri moved...a single tear managed to escape from me..hehehehe

bb#2 - i think we are talking abt bb's scan last week how to preserve in the best condition?? I talked to the photo shop, best its to laminate it as the film may get discoloured after a while

ladies, went to Tangs last weekend and i think they sell alot of flats that are suitable for us...and many of them are cheap and think better designs than crocs [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i bought 2 pairs at $20 each...and they are easy to match with our working cloths [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wong - kekeke Dr took me off Duphaston liao!! I am so glad...i think that gave my mouth a chalky taste...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

is that the reason why our mouth taste so horrible?..me going to see gynae tml..shd b in my week 10...lucky fo rme,no vomitting...jus having bad gastric..

bride_09 - not sure wat other pills Dr prescribe to u....cos for me, i know its the Duphoston, for Vit B and folic ever took before i was pregnant and did not have that bad taste....so i know that was the culprit..

hey lovely mummies to be,

Have a lovely week! Today doesnt seems to be in a Monday blue mood haha

joy> Thanks for updating the list. I am residing in Serangoon North ;)

sherry - i dread coming to work everyday.....everyday i feel like sleeping at home :p ZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzz...

Morning ladies...

ginger> congrtaz man! u get to see the bb hands and legs moving~~~ so wat's ur ah lao reaction? or u too excited till forgot to see wat's his reaction?

i shall wait for my gyane appt this week... will update u all if i can also see the bb hands n legs...

oh btw, i went AMK hub last sat also manage to get some flat working shoe! cheap cheap @ $19 only... so those staying north can consider going there...

i hate coming to work every morning. stand all the way in train and wait for coy bus till i nearly fainted this morning... haiz... anyone also like this???

waahhaha.. aiya, work got $$ mah. Ok la, maybe my boss n colleagues very cosy and nice ba.. so not so sian for me..

kyxy> hmm am still ok for me, cos i am still feeling quite myself in my 6W5days.no MS, tiredness etc... U may wanna eat something light before gg to work? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yeah, i got all my flats from AMK hub... but gotta be careful, some are quite slippery yeah

morning mummies,

felt lousy over the weekend...having flu and cough...and my poor DS LS whole day till have fever...feeling so tired...am praying for good health for everyone at home...

Mrsfit, so far my experience wt AL Lim is ok, when i told him i dun want to take Duphaston, due to bad MS, he says ok to me, he was vy concern over my health too...whether I eat well or not...

Sherry> ya i did munch something before going to work but it doesn't help. lately my MS is 'coming back' juz trying to psycho myself not to merlion... dunno can tahan how long...

oops i forgot to see if it's slippery...

joy> eh... i tink the shop name is code red... quite near ah mei... :D can take a look there... all shoes 20% off...

piangz, my office let go of more people. so sad for them. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

btw...joy...u bought your shoes?? i wanted to go over the weekend but ended slpin on sat and sun...wahhaha...

do update my gynae to Dr Woo Bit Hua...thanks...finally decided on him...

Morning all MTBs, I am sooooo sleepy this morning and no mood to work. When hubby drove me this morning, we were joking abt how all the passer-bys look so gloomy. Seems like nobody has mood to work on a Monday. Haha!

Lsntyl, hope u are not too upset by the layoff. My co. oso did one recently. I know how it feels to see empty seats besides u suddenly. Hope u cheer up soon!

Kyxy, I oso bought flats from Charles & Keith sale but then reverted to my low heels cos' reallie not used to flats. Hubby always scold me for dat. Opps!

kyxy - *muacks* yes of cos i did not forget to see ah lao's reaction, he was also veri excited...he draw so near to the screen till the gynae said - daddy not so near hor...i will make the picture bigger for u...hahahaha..but it's really moving to see ur kid for the first time...now bloody scared [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] cos waiting for KK to call me on date for draw blood test :s:s

errrr.... Kyxy ...ah lao will fetch me to work :p

Sherry - the flats i got from tangs quite good...its nonslip.

mummyjloh - talking abt buying shoes for preggie ladies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

joanne> dun sian lah... as long as currently got shoe to wear can liao :D cheer up~

Lsntyl> *patpat*

yeocouple> hahaha initially i still wear my heels but becos of spotting plus i walk alot, then i finally willing to give up my heels but go for low wedges... but then lei becos i'm the type will die w/o heels de, so office already got ppl speculating that i'm preggy. cant stand these damn kaypo ppl!!!

errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ladies bloody scared now :s:s my next appt is next tuesday :s goodness.....i scared.....blood test :s:s


ginger> hahaha daddy too excited...

wow like tat mean blood test for me soon too! dun worry... it's awhile onli... (psst how much will they draw ah?)

so good, my ah lao used to fetch me to work too but becos of his biz trip... i got to come to work myself... i still tinking if i shld just tell him i dun feel well in the morning and tink of alternative way to come to work...

