Hi Peachy,
yea, i think it's best to see my gynae next Fri too...i hope to be more reassured by then! really praying hard!! another 6 more days to go!! argghhhh!
which part of down under are u at? I have this friend who used to live in Aussie for quite a couple of years...I think she even has her kids there though am not sure...hence if u guys are at the same area, maybe i can ask her if she knows of any nice/good gynae there? Would u like that?? Just like me know yea =) & boy, the scan sure is expensive...u guys didnt manage to hv insurance for there? :-/
Hi Sue,
yeap, am here alone lor ...i mean, other than my hubby, none of my family nor friends are here :-/
I dont work here, my German's not up to scratch! Can only swear v well only ..LOL ...yea, v likely i would be giving birth here ba but for the time being i dun dare to think too far..for now, i only hope & pray that i would get to see the bb's heartbeat in 6 days time!!! *pray pray pray*
& u shouldnt worry ab eating too much lah..juz eat what u like lor...i heard that once u breast feed, the weight would be shed off easily de ;o)
Yeo Couple,
ooooh is really sweet what u juz said! The feeling must be amazing!! Now i cant wait to see my bb's heartbeat next week...i hope everything's alright!!!
Hi Sherry,
am juz curious, if u have done yr 1st scan liao? if so, which week were u in for yr 1st scan? Yr next scan is when u are at 8W? Wow, u sure can tahan the wait leh! Could u share with me what u see at yr 1st scan & which week were u then? I scan last week at 5W2D & can only see sac ...that's why cant help but a bit worried lor! :-/ ...I know, i really ought to relax & dun think too much ...but easier said than done! ;-D
i hv to wake up in the middle of the night to pee & after that i usually cant get to sleep too...was thinking that the mind is quite active as well...& oh btw, do u ladies ever since preggie kinda have weird dreams?? i kinda do!?!