arisz, wat is the weight of your baby now? I think my bb's weight also gaining quite slow complared to the rest leh.. All ah, like reach 3kg ard 36 weeks. mine only 2.6kg at 36weeks +..
einnoc, then drink more water... actually iron pills is very heaty. that time when i'm down wi sore throat and cough, doc ask me to stop taking iron pills
einnoc- cough or sore throat still the same.. still sick.. shd tell Dr Chang... r u visiting him again? or onli on fri liao??wc-setat time is ur c-sect??
ainsly, dun worry cos i was like @ 37wks bb is 2.7kg. den every wk gain bout 200g. now 39wks bb is 3.1kg liao. wait too big hard to push ma. if u really wan to increase can eat durain n drink more milk.
I m bored at home too! I miss working coz time pass faster...nth much to do at home, clothes all washed, dun wana watch too much tv. lucky this wk short wk, faster friday...hee. waiting patiently for bb's arrival....hope i dun have to induce...but chances quite high i tink.
i think if by this week havent deliver, i may induce leh.. My #1 having her kindergarten graduation next week. I scare later clash ah, even my hubby cannot go..
hi jo, tats the tip my gf gave me oso. she say take the chix essence w pao sheng wan better, cos we nid the energy. can drink in the car on the way to hospital cos some nurses dun let u drink she say
jeanie, if baby is due liao n still dun wan come out, doc will induce incase bb poo poo in the waterbag n will cause infection. n some bb will stop growing in the womb, so have to induce .
My reason is coz My bb is big! Head oso big lah. Now 3.2kg at wk this sat checkup, I think bb will reach 3.5kg big how to push? scared may end up c-sect this wk gynae say will decide after the VE check 1st...*crossing my fingers*
miumiu: I cant walk arnd much coz it makes my V area very's head is pressing down there...and this wk my gynae go holiday, not arnd...she say if i walk too much muz trigger birth this wk so ask me not to walk too much oso...I muz tahan till fri when she's back...
alicia, my gynae also say my bb is big but he nv say whats the head circumference!! im abit worried too.. i scare emergency csect.. but he did VE and say ok. haiz.. im confuse as well..
hi miumiu, thanks! i also packed my bag already but left disposable panties, dried shampoo havent buy... all those little tings.. my husband thot i going for a holiday cos my bag is very big!