1xMummyJesline (valkyriegal): Last week was already lesson 6 for the current term so I signed for 6 more and then 8 lessons for the next term (until end November). Per term is 12 lessons.
Weekdays $620, weekends (I forgot liao. Sorry!)
There were 4 kids including my DD. The class limit is 6 kids i think.
1 hour 10 minutes will be the programme.
The lesson was rather intense, with flash cards (which totally left me
because the teacher was speaking so quickly and sometimes inconsistently and I rather they leave that out to be honest), activities, songs etc.
The environment within the centre is quite ok. DD seems comfortable.
To be very honest, I placed my daughter there because I want her to get used to having lessons with other children so she will not freak out in January. The teacher we had was really sweet and nice so I try not to think too much of her mispronouncing some words. Have to set priorities, ...to let my DD interact with kids and not really trying to make a genius out of her.