Happening sia, ever since i got attached to my then-bf-now-husband, i nv go partying liao.
Nv been to St james man, super sua ku [@_@]
Btw my period also came bk last week, it was super heavy even until now which is like 6days le, is it normal? How long did yrs last??
I heard the initial phase for period can be quite cranky for some, but after a few mths, it shd go bk to normal le. I hv frens who are still having cranky period interval even after 6m
Rachelle & Sporty,
WOW! didnt know Oat has such properties.
Rachelle> thats why I wan to slim dwn asap, dun wan to look like wang lian po too. Must upkeep to be a pretty mama.
Thats funny!! Lets upkeep and be a pretty mummy together!
As for the slimming part, i guess mayb age also a factor cos metabolism drop.
Have a colleague when she had her #1 , she was the skinny type but after 5-7yrs later when she is having #2 now, she put on a lot of weight.
hahahah, yr hubby so funny.
My hubby ystday joke to me if i am testing his love for me (for being so bulky), then i rebuke back and say (it came bcos) i am proving my love for u, he laff very hard.
If not for him, i wouldn't wan to have a baby nw lor.
Mine on FM, not sticky leh.
Oh btw ladies, i jus read an article abt this lady b/f onboard and fall aslp, end up the baby got suffocated and died. Such a sad story.