(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

magical, ohhh 70% started liao ah...okok must find time to go this weekend...dunno whether next week still have or not... i went to marina sq outlet tha day, lotsa stuffs but i no time to try as i was slinging bb, so juz grab my size and go! then few days back went to the outlet at isetan scotts also grabbed one top and go... i dunno when isit ending leh... btw, join us for lunch next thurs leh...i wanna see u! hahah... huh? ur period came back again? i think after birth, the period becomes quite haywire one...

chriszinc, lemme kno if the bodysuit is good after u try

Sporty, ya..I panicked many times when I woke up w/o the bb beside me too! Lol! Forgot tat I put bb back in the cot too!

Chriszinc, I m wearing a triump body suit too. It helps!
Gd morning, today is last day of 2009. Gdbye 2009 here comes 2010. Hehe i wanna go watch fireworks tonight sure super crowded.

Wow i realised most r mummies bf at night no wonder this thread forum operates 24hrs haha!
tanly> yup, he slept till 11 actually he stirred ard 9+ cos usu he's up by then but i told him to go bk to zz cos i was very zz and he gladly obliged. ahah

superwalker> wah. shiok!

sporty> enjoy ur movie today

raerae> yah, hahahah, used to it liaos. gg bk to work on the 8th.. how haf u been?

chrisinc> oic..

re: party> dh and i met through partying.. we still reminiscise abt those days. when we stopped goin,t hat club closed down too. lol... but i rather relax with a cup of bubbly (champagne) at home nowadays (if ic an drink tht is.. ) lol
erm chriszinc regarding ur ""glad" to hear that most mummies still no time to pretty pretty..hee..otherwise i'll look like shit next to you gals on Thu... Hubby wants to buy some triumph bodysuit to help me bind and slim down.. coz he buay tahan the fats...haha
can't wait to start playing my volleyball.. "

i look VERY PRETTY hor. no one believes i haf a kid or even think i am married. lol. so u BETTER NOT sit beside me ont hurs day. LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL
anyone knows whether is it normal for babies to pass out sticky poop? I fed her 80 ml of FM at around 2am last night and this morning i notice that her poop is very sticky. is it due to the FM?
sporty> u got peed on. yest, i got 'shat' on and my husb somemore told me to wait then change his diaperrs in case he wanna poo somemore. *faints. u know me best, i still cant wake up at nite to pump. shucks,
juz finished my daily dose of yogurt...now thinking of what to eat for lunch!!

superwalker, ya la...cuz sometimes after we fed them...not only they drowsy, we drowsy also!! hahah...sometimes i thot she rolled off my bed lor!! the bodysuit is good ah...anything to slim down the tummy?

lala, wah...u so happening, still wanna watch fireworks...go marina sq area lor... come join us to talk cock at nite :p

jane, yes will enjoy my movie!!
yes la, ur beauty sleep more impt so u rather DUN PUMP!
jane,sporty, i was also tinking marina area. u all meeting up at nite more happening than me loh. i must check wif hb see later program for e day haha cos he planning somewhere to go.
Happening sia, ever since i got attached to my then-bf-now-husband, i nv go partying liao.
Nv been to St james man, super sua ku [@_@]
Btw my period also came bk last week, it was super heavy even until now which is like 6days le, is it normal? How long did yrs last??
I heard the initial phase for period can be quite cranky for some, but after a few mths, it shd go bk to normal le. I hv frens who are still having cranky period interval even after 6m

Rachelle & Sporty,
WOW! didnt know Oat has such properties.
Rachelle> thats why I wan to slim dwn asap, dun wan to look like wang lian po too. Must upkeep to be a pretty mama.

Thats funny!! Lets upkeep and be a pretty mummy together!
As for the slimming part, i guess mayb age also a factor cos metabolism drop.
Have a colleague when she had her #1 , she was the skinny type but after 5-7yrs later when she is having #2 now, she put on a lot of weight.

hahahah, yr hubby so funny.
My hubby ystday joke to me if i am testing his love for me (for being so bulky), then i rebuke back and say (it came bcos) i am proving my love for u, he laff very hard.
If not for him, i wouldn't wan to have a baby nw lor.

Mine on FM, not sticky leh.

Oh btw ladies, i jus read an article abt this lady b/f onboard and fall aslp, end up the baby got suffocated and died. Such a sad story.
babylele, hahha...u are not alone...i also never been to st james before, when they juz opened, i was expecting #1, so all of my frens were there to party after i had dinner with them at vivo and i went home...sad rite?! hahha .... oats is very healthy food actually
u shd try
good reply to ur hb abt proving ur love for him...whahhah :p
hmmm.. if got interest can organi‭se a clubbing night next time.. lolx.. we order soft drinks only.. where's ayukie! she also go st james one!
sporty, haha i really thought u r meeting up outside man. i m so blur. Dun wan meet u liao i wanna go out see see look look join e crowd count down haha. Last day of 2009 leh dun wanna waste it.

u all so guai guai stay at hm? all committed to pumpin huh
saintbaby, haha i wouldnt mind a clubbing session haha long time nv club liao wor i must return back to hot figure then can party. St james is near my place anytime for me heehee*

sporty, long time nv club huh ok set shall organise one soon haha. let u retrieve back ur old days memories LOL
btw, have all of u got ur 1st menses after birth? mine still haven come leh normal? or wont come anymore haha like this can save alot on pads haha
Jane, yes i heard..u the choi-est! I WILL avoid you like the plague! haha..

that day i saw Shirlin, she also look very good le.. cannot see she just gave birth also.. so jialat le lor.. I will have to sit alone.. boohoo..

saintbaby, it's abt $70+ i think.. can confirm wif superwalker since she is wearing..

babylele, nice one there! ya, after all that we have gone thru for their seeds.. they better treasure us fat or thin, lean or flabby...

The story so sad.. but onboard wat? a bus?
saintbb> sure anot? u org then u better turn up hor!

chriszinc> very good. lol. avoid sporty also hor. she second chioest. or maybe more chio than me. lol........
saintbaby, soft drinks only??!! no kick la...LOL

lala, we meet online la...not outside...tonite i shd be staying home after dinner outside...me old liao not like u can go happening! i haven got my menses back and dun want it to be back so soon...for my #1, my menses came back after i stopped bfing...i hope this time will be the same

chriszinc, yes...i agree with u shirlin looked good...she's young and pretty and mummy le...dun worry la, u dun have to sit alone! so many of us there

jane, faints...i not 2nd chio la...old aunty liao...not like u all so young n pretty
saintbb> like tht ah. ok if u org, i will go and meet u

sporty> ok, hello old aunty. kekekek lol. but maybe i also old aunty. i gg out for dinner with my family then coming home also. lol.

tmrw my turn to go pak tor with hubby. last weekend we went shopping tmrw movie and popcorn time! kekeke
sporty> tonite, we pump and countdown together. HOW MEMORABLE. like tht u will remember me for LIFE. lollllll anyone else wanna join our 'party'? lol
on yea?

re: couple time
yesterday we brought my son out.. had a bit of couple time.. i guess It's like that when u have 3 kids! lolx.. cannot all dump to my mum.. haha..
saintbaby, ya la...and hor now bfing go clubbing no fun...imagine half way having fun engorged le...so turn off leh! hehhe... ur mum is good...can take care of 3 kids for u... any helpers to help her ?

jane, ohhh ur turn to pak tor tom...enjoy wor
ur "countdown" party suggestion tonite is great leh! lets meet here at 11pm!! LOL :p yes yes, anyone else wanna join??!! hahha
true lor.. hehe.. can't be bringing breastpump there ma.. imagine wad a sight it will be.. lolx.. i'm putting my 2nd one in cc.. at night, we take care of #2 and #3..
saintbaby, i went metro expo sale last week on xmas day...bought crocs for my kids (even my #2 as the mary janes design is only for 10 bucks!), bought bedsheets, pillows, etc... also bought dresses for my #2, one dress only $6.90!! hahah... bring pump to club?! i dun dare to imagine... so u registered ur #2 for CC liao? ur #2 born in 2007 rite? which mth??
chriszinc, ur hb so cham...have to work on NY's eve...nvm we can count down together! LOL

saintbaby, yeah...the dresses very cheap...think can wear when bb can walk ba...i bought all small sizes tho... my #1 is may 07
chriszinc> okok, we'll "see" u tonight

saintbb> enjoy ur shopping! u power lah 3 kids! gg for #4? :p

ariesgal> i wanna watch the "morgans" show but timing not right. maybe go for avatar..
Wa u all so happening like always gg out... I dono y Im so tired everyday don't feel like gg out... Even if go pat tor with hb also can't go in peace cos will worry abt bb whther mil can handle or not.. I always feel guilty when I leave bb with mil shit man... I wann go mango sale too!!! Grrrr.... U all got maid? I wish I have maid so can help out together with mil... Haiz... Hmmmm wanna ask u girls u all got buy nursing tops or not? Or buy normal tops to bf outside?
our kids age pretty close.. hehe..
but my #2 very naughty now.. middle child symdrom.. hopes that he can mix around more cos now when he goes to church.. he's very sticky to my hubby.. don't interact with other children.. that's why decided to put him in cc.. u like that say abt e dresses makes me lagi wanna go tml.. hehe.. actually that day on xmas day my hubby went inside.. den he saw a romper but we were in a rush, i was waiting outside with my mum and my 3 kids.. so ended up didn't buy.. think it was $5.90..

no #4 le la! cannot.. 3 just nice the number..
carinez, u shd go out for a breather lor...if ur mil's gonna be the main caregiver for ur bb, u shd trust her and dun feel gulity abt it! i dun have maid as i'm the ah sum at home...haha... i didnt buy any nursing tops, juz wore my normal tops with nursing bras and juz cover up with a shawl, thas how i normally nurse outside!

saintbaby, my #1 was naughtier when bb juz came home...now he's ok, i juz mentioned to my hb, think been a week or two since we last took out the cane to "scare" him...i guessed he already accepted the fact tha meimei is here to stay
yah, going cc is a good place for them to interact! the dresses no brand one hor but looks nice la but dnno whether still have stocks or not la...oh yes, i rem u told me on FB u went on xmas day!! hehe

ok gals, me going out soon...talk to u all again tonite...enjoy ur last day of 2009
Saintbaby, ya....think my bodysuit was around $70 bah... Bot it 2 years ago...so dun really remember. I wear it 24 hours a day...

Sporty, I m using the palmers stretch mark cream to prevent stretchmarks as the tummy is shrinking. Also apply a burning gel (from my beauty salon) on certain days.
saintbaby - waaa one day we shd go st james together must utilize member lol think zouk mambo ladies no free cause last time ages ago it isnt i think lol

saintbaby - remembers sia lol i can still remember preggy big tummy go st james renew membersip alot of queer looks at me sia bleahz ..
