(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

swanston, i trfed the monies to u liao. txn ref : 2629145624 . thks for always being the "lady boss"

alicia, haven seen u ard
glad u doing ok
bbs start to coo liao, very cute rite? like they kno how to acknowledge wat we say

sporty, yes, yes, i love to see the way they coo, so cute, esp. when they smile until their eyes like "half moon"
how are coping? got any help to take care of your bb or your #1?

i realise my bb BCG bump on buttock had something yellow on the middle, i afraid it is "nong". so called my PD today, the nurse said it is normal, just to share..

Karen, you bring your bb to GP or PD for the 6 in one jab? cos my GP downstair charge $80 per jab. while my PD charge $150 per jab...
My yishi said that is ok to give probiotics after taking chinese medicine as probiotics is a supplement rather than medicine. But i understand that chinese and western medicine needs to be taken 2 hrs apart.

But i dun feel any sharp pain so i should be ok?
tanly, try to be more postive k
think of those couple who wanted a child so badly, had tried almost all the methods but still unsuccessfully, to have a bb of our own is a blessing

when they cry, be happy that they can communicate to you though crying, i know that it is very tiring as we could not sleep/sleep well for a few nights, but this time will pass, regardless good time/bad times, they will pass and we can never had this time again ( i assume lao tian yeh only give us one child)

When you feel v stress, cry it out or talk to your hubby k,dont worry so much, everything will be fine
Alicia and all mummies, thanks for the encouragement. I will treasure my time with my girl. Bcos she will go to my bb sitter house fr Feb onwards.
alicia, i bring my bb to PD cause the GP that i use to visit don't have 6 in 1, the 6 in 1 is SGD145. The PD I went is Kidslink, downstairs only. I guess you guys can pay by Baby bonus cause i saw the "Baby Bonus approved" sticker at the door of the PD. We are not Singaporean so we got to pay cash

I didn't give my gal "Jing Fong San", just try to carry till she sleep and put her down. My mum always says after 3 months will be easier to take care so I looking forward the day.
Actually now with the rocker, my bb really can sleep better.
tanly, you putting your bb overnight at bb sitter place?

I will be sending my gal to bb sitter for day care in 1 week+ time. Will be starting by spending few hours at bb sitter house. Anyone have any advise what to look out for while monitor the bb sitter?
Alicia & Tanly,
Can try sling, Just got my sling fr MIM and tried out today to coax baby. IT works!! Baby fall aslp shortly after he is half placed in the sling and the other half on my arm.
Even if baby dun fall aslp instantly, it still takes the bulk of the weight off, what a saver to my breaking back!
bb now aslepp, he also easily awaken all day..
my patient hub coax him from 1pm.
sometimes, if bb awake once put into cot, n we really try our best, i let him cry...let him fa xie lorhhhh

though i heartache, but i thk, need him to settle himself sometimes...
esp today after the jab...

else if i also tired, later even harder to go thru the nite.

all mummies,

jia you!
when u turn on the pump, the suction initially is very fast.. den abt after 2 mins there will be a change in suction‭ to the “letdown“ effect.. if anytime you experience letdown, you can press the button so that the suction will change..

i normally dun experience let down during pumping, cos i pump after latching.

i just leave the pump to run on its own...
sometimes, i press the button to ensure I still got supply n tot it can "unclog" the ducts?
juz booked tickets for movie tom, bringing my #1 for alvin & chipmunks before he starts skool next week

alicia, me coping ok, taking care of #1 and #2 myself...my hb's on leave/work from home sometimes to help out... my gal's butt also got the yellow thingy on the bcg bump like what u said... good to kno tha u very positive

taurus, yeah...u shd be ok if there's no pain la...juz feed ur boy the med given by doc...

tanly, great
when u returning to work?

kimifin, u haven deposit $$ into cda isit? thas why cant use cda yet? i already used the cda to pay for my #1's childcare fees...lol :p
the 1st phrase is the stimulation process den 2nd phrase is the letdown.. i'm not sure can it unclog the ducts. cos normally i will massage and pump at the same time..
but i realise that during the 2nd phrase my milk flow will be better even if i don't feel any letdown..

aiyah, I din know the 1st 3 digits shd be the branch code, so not able to transfer funds from other bank.
stupid lah...

luckily now find out, if not, cord bank not $ to deduct.
hi gals,

Sigh, i made the decision to let baby be bottled fed instead of latching him on. My milk supply too low and he always cries and we have to supp with fmilk. So, i decided to pump out as much as i can and bott feed him. if not enough ebm, will feed him fmilk. I'm very upset cos I really treasure the time he latches on me. got that special bonding. but i guess to avoid him from always screaming for more milk, i'll pump out and feed him. at least i know he has enough.

Sigh... i only hope when my ss goes up, he can still relatch.
Karen, yes I'll be leaving my gal with my bb sitter aka sis-in-law over night fr Sunday night till Thursday nite and bring home on Friday.

Babylele, I also borrowed the mim sling fr a fren. But don't know how to use it. My fren lost the cd so I learn fr the net but still diff to master it.
shirlin, yeah ss stable at 120ml i not so hardworking la i only pump like 4-5hrly. maybe also b'cos i take in less water ba so supply nv increase.

So sad today i took bus go out then bus was fully crowded. I was surprised when a lady gave up e priority seat to me. so paisei i dun dare to reject in e end i jus sit as though i was pregnant. So embarassing lor!

I tink my tummy still quite big leh haven subside. Hush hush so sad.
hi girls...

pumping now... fs is really quite good -

shirlin - wow how do you get so much??? 250ml?? Tell me the secret!! =p I think max max I can get only about 150ml! And after the baby has latched prob only about 50!! -p

BB just had her 6-1 and rotavirus and pnumococcal shots today..porr little thing - she was quite good though didn't cry that much and then fell asleep again quite fast...

kimifin - Oh and my CDA card didn't work! Thought that I had the pin wrong but actually got only $50 inside! I did the transfer and the account number and branch number was wrong!!So I had to redo the transfer again... the nurse at NUH was so nice - allowed me to pay $1 today and sort it out to pay by CDA the next visit... so nice.

I would love to join you guys next week if i can... how will you guys get there usually? Cab/MRT/drive? 'm a bit scard to drive - and in suntec somemore - parking + ERP!! lol

Also I have not dared to bring bb out with just sling only without stroller by myself .... what if i get tired or backache? - what do you gals do?? Jane/sporty???

dont know where is the list already...ahh got it..so many people!!!

Date: 7 Jan 2010 (Thurs)
Venue: Kuishinbo @ Suntec
Time : 12pm

1. Superwalker
2, Jane
3. Sporty
4. momo mummy
5. BabyLele (KIV)
6. dingdong
7. ariesgal (KIV)
8. jeelomeelo (KIV)
9. shirlin
10. swanston
11. momoko
12. Kimifin
13. Zentan
14. chriszinc (KIV)
15. sponge
16. ayukie (KIV)
yoo hooo...any of my "talk cock" kakis ard?! whhaahaha

kimifin, haha...nvm la...at least the monies shd reach there before the cord blood bank deducts...hehhe

rachelle, u can still latch ur boy when he's "less hungry" so tha at least he still will rem how to latch...

lala, u changed nick ah?! haha... aiyo, i can imagine how embarassing isit tha when the lady gave up the seat for u...'

1st time mummy, normally i will take mrt out to meet u gals, thas why i dun bring stroller...sling or carrier... if not u see who's staying near u and can share a cab!
1st time mummy, where are u staying? maybe can see who stays near u and go tog...

jane, hahha...ya lor...must "chit chat" abit before i do my last pump and zzzzzz
sporty, no la nv change my nick i jus try to add on my 2nd nick instead haha. yeah really super embarass so many pple in e bus sure look at me if i dun take e seat.

Now i m determine n motivated to slim down must lose my tummy. grh....
lala, ya la...sometimes its not the weight...its the inches we have to lose!!

dingdong, so early pumping liao...i trying to dong till 1115pm then start...i juz finished my yogurt...
jeelomeelo, lala is previously lovie...the one hor, didnt give birth in hospital one lor :p LOL :p

dingdong, u practising every 3 hrly pump? after 12am+ pump, next pump is what time?
I also dunno how to use, jus anyhow put lower half of baby into the sling while my left arm is carrying him on his neck so i only need to support his neck while his weight is supported by the sling while swaying & rocking him.
sporty, i tried to stick to a 3 hrly schedule but most of the time was disrupted by my gal. i fail to keep to the night schedule as i usually slept through the alarm

hope that i'll be able to wake up at 4am to pump.
That time i went shopping, this sales assistant also assume i am pregnant but i told her i am not, both our face turn green (-_-!!)
It was so awkward both for her and me, hahaha.
I also wan to lose weight!

How to lose the inches?? that means must target exercising is it? C-sec cannot exercise so soon rite?
babylele, high five we can form a team for slimming ahaha

sporty, saw ur preggie pics wow u consider shed quite fast. envy..... yup i tink i m e most drama of the yr cant imagine if #3 where will i give birth at. LOL

jeelomeelo, my nick is lovie_april now i jus add in lala mok la
Any mummies can help n share how to tighten or lose the extra inches around my waist? Anybody excercise or do sit-up to tighten up?

I must target to get back to shape n be a HOT MAMA before CNY hahaa
ok...i juz started moooo...

dingdong, u can wake up when ur gal wake up for her feed to pump, normally thas how i wake up...i dun think i can wake up with alarm clock now

baby lele, i was diligently using binder with abs cream during confinement, lost like 12.5 inches...but now i heck liao, i still have 1 and 1/2 inches more to go... c sec dun think can exercise so soon...3 mths ba?

lala, i didnt put on much weight so shed all before bb's one mth old... yes, ur birth story is damn drama!! LOL... yes am sure u can become hot mama!!! u so young somemore!!
Hello! I'm here sporty!pumping with my avent manual now.. bobian cuz have to clear my blocked ducts..half an hour liao n i'm still pumping..must be the sashimi.. Lol! Anw, thk i'll get the FS lorz.. if not go out really troublesome..at least FS lighter den my ameda.. Oh ya.. i had bb tea again today and i had the KOI one.. my fav!!

jane: thk i'll be the nxt FS supporter liaoz.. hehe.. and ya..channel 55 is xing fu de jue zhe.. not the 1 tt i'm watching.. =)

chris: Ameda is not bad.. i'm using tt too.. like wad sporty said.. pump more to increase ss lorz..

1sttimemummy: no special methods la.. i just guai guai pump on schedule lorz..my 250ml is not the record here.. jane once pumped much more den me.. forget its 300 or 400.. =P
shirlin, i also pumping away now...lol... yes sashimi increases ss! thas why yesterday i had a hard time clearing my boobs... i also had my dose of bubble tea this afternoon, dun dare to take it at nite liao...wait sleepless again!!
^5 I also wan to lose b4 cny and b4 going bk to work leh, but i got 10kg to go b4 pre-preg weight, faints.
So have to resort to unorthodox & extreme measures like skipping dinner.
My frd also skip dinner for abt 2w - 1m and lose all the preg weight, my sis did the same and lose quite substantially too (abt 10kg over a few mths cos she was overweight to begin with).

I also order the Lipo contour which is sup to get u into shape by jus wearing it, comes w the micro massaging properties designed by a top plastic surgeon, clinically proven:


Dunno how true, haven wear it cos was having menses, hmmmmmmm

Read fr the forum abt this "phyto fibre" all natural detox drink that a few mummies swears by it too, can see fr the bulk purchase thread.
sporty: ya lorz..my boobs now like still not empty.. hand tired liao.. ss really increase sia.. but damn shiok to see my milk flowing out.. haha.. i now everyday like MUST drink my bb tea sia.. die liaoz.. haha
babylele, if u bfing, better dun go on diet first...maybe juz take in less carbo lor...

shirlin, yes bubble tea habit must stop after i stopped bfing, if not sure put on weight very fast one n will become like a bubble!!

dingdong, u damn lucky...ur mummy do night shift for u
sporty: hahahaha.. i must also stop once I stop bfing lor.. real addictive lehz.. I was once addicted den managed to stop cuz my branch got no bb tea nearby.. now not wking like more diff to stop... Where's Jane??
shirlin, ya la...cuz last time long ago...my branch buddy was hooked on bubble tea, he had it after lunch everyday and he became to look like a "bubble"...hahhaha...cuz the bubbles in the tea damn potent...fat fat :p

jane, u gonna sleep liao ah? i juz finished pumping...hehe
