(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

ok jus sen t all stuff to sterilise. nite ladies

jane: Orh.. no wonder.. Hope your leg isnt hurt badly.. just bruise right.. no cuts hor??

sporty: Am watching this new taiwan show.. Nxt Stop Happiness(Xia Yi Zhan Xing Fu).. Quite nice.. den also watching the Cruel Temptation but today just passed it to MIL.. let her watch 1st.. now seldom watch HK drama le.. like dun have nice ones anymore..

taurus: Is the thrush very bad ma? Hope your baby will recover soon~ so PD gave medicine for it?? or let it heal by itself?
wah! tonight forum very active.. hehe.. i just finish feeding baby her last feed.. now trying to burp her!

sporty & shirlin
our next pump time similar.. hehe..
sporty: shld i get another pump when i'm gg back to wk?? was thinking of getting the FS.. cuz its lighter for me to bring to wk everyday.. wads ur opinion??
saintbaby..haha.. den we 3 shld chat on forum to keep each other awake... Lol..

sporty: forget to add.. If i getting the FS.. will be getting 2nd hand de.. used for 1 mth.. selling at 380.. How?
the cruel temptation like very nice to watch.. now tv showing the exciting part le.. so tempted to go and find it on youtube..
sometimes i also fall asleep while pumping.. there were times that i pump halfway, no milk flowing le. den i stop and lie down and sleep.. for abt 15 mins den wake up and continue to pump.. haha..
Mine too, need to cradle & coax to slp.
Envious of mummies with babies that can slp on his own.
Can try sling fr the advise of some of the mummies here, at least take the weight of u.

Agree, last time "Me" time come so easily and didnt cherish.
My baby drinking similac, and we just stock up 2 tins on sun, supply is ok leh.
Previously when my baby drank the old formula, he gets colicky often.
After we chg to the new advanced formula, No more colic but he gets reflux almost every other feed (but not the serious type, jus cry during feeding and we gotto stop and feed again & again)

Wonder if i shd chg formula totally, any mummies have the same experience with similac?

Hope yr baby gets better soon.

Your day sounds so fun! I also wan the sashimi!
You are always so positive, seeing your msg i got the sudden impulse to bring bb for our lunch nxt week, but reality check, i probably be busy rocking baby up &amp; dwn, left &amp; right like a mad woman to stop him fr crying and leave no chance to talk to u ladies, better not >_<

mine started at 730pm, when he awoke from his nap. coax him to sleep till 1150pm. using ALL methods i n hub cud thk of. for 2 rounds, he nearly successfully with pacifier(can only give when i see him calm down). but he got easily agitated again.

then he pooed after i offer my comfort breast. then need to coax him again..

actually stopped giving him colic drops for a day, but his cranky came back, so give him colic drops again just now.

then he woke up at 1250am for his feed, 4am one, i woke him , cos BM v full liao.

Expressing now...
me back...woke up at 2am to latch n juz finished latching again n now pumping...also shun bian do laundry...lol

taurus, ohh ur boy have oral thrush ah? ur boobs wun feel pain when u latched him..i read tha u will feel pain too...so need to apply this med to ur boobs rite? how heavy is ur boy now? cross 5kg liao?

shirlin, yeah heard abt this next stop happiness show...i got a few jap serials tha my sis lent me...now still untouched in the paperbag! heheh... whether u wanna get another pump depends on how long u wanna bf, if 6 mths i wun advise la cuz by the time u return to work, u juz need to pump 2 mths at work nia so abit bo hua n also ur house quite near to ur work pl rite? so lugging pumps wun be a prob n ameda not tha heavy mah...

saintbaby, think our bbs wake up ard same time so pump time similar...my bb woke up abit later today tho, thas why i am pumping now..

babylele, u can go for ur sashimi over the weekend or if u can ren, u will eat it next thurs! life's short, we juz have to be positive la! no pt lamenting on stuffs, juz move on!
there's always first time bringing bb, its like throwing urself a challenge...if u not comfy, juz go out w/o bb lor, juz tha it as ur relax time!

kimifin, think most of us slinging bb next week esp those going via bus/mrt...
morning ladies!

shirlin and sporty> yah, next stop happiness is showing on cable. i keep seeing the commercial!

shirlin> i think hor got al ot of nice hkg serials i wanna watch lei. and yes, join our fs gang. lol. sporty *winks*

i shld also be slinging bb next week unless hb can fetch. hehehe.
just brought my bb for his 6 in 1 jab yesterday.. he been having fever since yesterday...

plus the phuemococal.. he will be having jabs every mth.. if every time he fever... i will be very sad..

quite worried.. cos can see he is very tired.. and dun feel very well..

last night he only woke up once for a feed..
hopefully he get well soon..
Morning all! Aiyoh, last evening my bb cried very loudly after his feed. Cried till his voice cracked...now he has a very hoarse voice....when he cries now, the voice is so hoarse that I sim tia!!!!!
Hi mums,
I'm from the sept 09 thread.
I won 2 sweetest moments vouchers for baby full month packages. Have no use for them now cos my baby's already 3 months old. Each voucher is $50. Will let go at $40 each. PM me if interested.
morning! pumping now.. yday my girl timing all cock up sia.. =\ woke up twice in the night instead of the usual once..

sporty: I intend to bf as long as I can lorz.. benefit bb ma.. =) Ameda is not really tt heavy la but dunno if a 2nd pump will be more fang bian.. And i super long nv watch jap shows liaoz.. last time super crazy over them de.. lol!

jane: you think i shld get the FS as my 2nd pump ah?? And cable got show nxt stop happiness mehz? how come i nv see the commercials??

lovie: yup..thk cuz recently i guai guai keep pumping den ss like increasing.. your ss also stable liao right...
superwalker> y u din give him ur knuckle?? poor thing tim and u. *hugz

shirlin> haha, actually in this thread hor, i all along support fs and sporty was with me. then more from this thread went to get :p. so of cos i support u lah, yah got. think showing on 55 right?? or maybe it's 'xing fu de jue zhe'. u pump for 15 mins - 250ml ? very good. be guai.
i skipped my morning pumping and jus latched bb. woke up super full. super lazy man, need to break this habit.
Taurus mine also same prob! He got alot of phlegm and he can't latch properly... Then I brought him to the Chinese sin seh just now but I forgot tell her my bb got phlegm only told her colicky and cannot calm down... Shit!... Then now got another problem the sinseh gave medicine but I dono cAn mix with the colic drop or not...

Then did the pd give medication?
Not sure have my postnatal blues getting worst? Now I can cry when my bb cry and I can also cry for nothing when I see bb. How? Any suggestion on what to do? Should I see a doctor?
Would love to have some 'ME' time but tentatively there is no one looking after bb. My mum just went for an op so can't look after my girl for the time being. Considering sending my gal to bb sitter there but worried she too cranky and bb sitter will refuse to look after her.

Really admire the rest of you can handle bb so well and stress free.
Hi all,

I have one brand new play gym to let go... cuz my friend bought this for my boy this Xmas &amp; I already have one exactly the same. going at $38(including postage) Email me at [email protected]


Also letting go my Capella Stroller cuz I have another extra stroller. Bought for 3mths. Lightly used only. 3 reclining positions. Full Canopy. One hand fold. 7kg. Can push both directions, front or facing baby. Letting go at $250. Collection at Bt Batok or delivery anywhere in the West. Email me at [email protected]

hellooo all...back from lunch!

jane, how are u going to suntec next week?

catechins, u shd feed bb with one dose of panadol after the jab to prevent the fever...bbs will feel more sleepy after the jab...

superwalker, u di siao ur boy again isit, thas why he angry n cried so loud!

shirlin, if u wanna bf for long time then can get the FS la, treat it as an investment lor...

tanly, i think u really very tired n stressed...yes, u shd consider to send ur gal to bb sitter earlier...

swanston, ok thks...will check my mail...
tanly, hmm..dun think the worst yet.. maybe just bluey coz u have not adapted to the nature of being a mom or yr baby special ways..as u can see, not all of us stress free.. mostly also similar problems and concerns... so hang in there and relax esp when babies cry..it's their way of communication.. go for the gatherings and let our forum experts help soothe yr baby..hee.. *sabo*

jiayou k..
sporty, do u think my poor milk supply could be due to bad pump too? me using ameda lactaline.. the FS very tempting but for me, like not worth it to get if i have only 100ml a day for my bb.. sigh.. like someone else here, i get jealous of FM too.. haha..
me bb on similac too but i dun think it's what causing the reflux (not in my case at least).. i dutifully carry him upright for at least 20 mins before putting him down and sometimes even up to an hr (coz i fell asleep myself..hehe) and he can burp a few more times... if he was down flat, he'll prob puke milk too..
chriszinc, ameda is not a bad pump lor...i used tha to bf my #1 for 1 yr...think u juz have to pump more frequently to generate ss lor...
tanly, my bb also need to be cradled and carried to sleep. We tried let her sleep on tummy day time, this method works but provided she wants, if not she will keep struggling. My bb at night will be more cranky, not sure is colic or reflux, she can just close eye and cry during feeding then need to be carried till she sleep. For last feed, we feed FM, after that feed we burp till she fall asleep then put her on cot, at least at night she can sleep and wake up once or twice depending what time is the last feed. But i think at night maybe room is quiet and cosy gua.

Yesterday we bought a fisher price rocker that can vibrate and rock. When she is on it, she can sleep on her on today during day time (we have a net bouncer but doesn't work eventhough we rock). I think the vibration calm her down. Tanly, you might want to try it. We bought from kiddy palace and is having promo, 109.90 i think, blue color one.

I will be setting my bb to bb sitter in another week +, hopes she will be guai guai , if not i also scare the bb sitter don't want to take care.

btw, wanted to ask, is your bb play with the tongue ah? my bb been playing tongue by sticking it out. Also she always suck on her hand, handkerchief or anything (even our arm when we carry her). What does it means ah? Teething? So early meh? she only 7 weeks+.
sporty, reg. my vege diet.. it's both religious but more so personal convictions bah... that animals are our friends, have feelings too, will feel pain and i believe in karma too etc etc.. of coz better health is a great "by-product" and motivator.. Better not go in depth .. not nice to air such views here.. but we can always chat in person when we finally get to meet up if u want..
Not really that bad, baby still drinks just that he kept sucking with a lot of noise and take in a lot of air. So i have to unlatch and burp after 1-2 letdowns. PD gave a gel to put on his tongue and probiotics. But the gel said there's possibility of stomache and diarrhea if over consume so may not want to use it.

No leh my boobs dun feel sore or pain when latching him. And the pd also didn't mention that i need to put medicine on my teats just told me to take probiotics. My boy is 5.09kg, weighed yesterday.

I also bought my boy to see my yishi today. She said my boy is heaty which i also suspected. So she gave medicine to relieve the heat inside his body which will eventually help his thrush and other problems. PD gave probiotics and gel for the thrush.
my bb has been fighting to sleep since he was awoke at 10am..

he jus went for his 1st 6 in 1 jab..

wonder if more crankiness is the side effect?

gave him BM, but he vomit a whole lot out...
me finished my chores and made chicken soup and steamed fish today.

i decided to bring my boy out shopping in the sling alone. jus back. very happy that it was successful!. although my left hand aches a bit cos i kept supporting the base of the sling and making sure no one dares to bump into us. bought 2 pairs of shoes and got $20 voucher to buy more shoes. thinkin of buying another pair but controlled myself. heheh

also bought some more bling bling to diy personalise my stuff and a penguin cushion for my lil boy. so happy.

on a side note, all the people i met today at the mall were very nice and pple gave me 'way' at the escalators. only there were some idiots who insisted on squeezing on squeezing into the lift when got no space and i am slinging my bb lo. i TSK very loudly and got out of the lift. IRRITATING IDIOTS.

sporty> i hope to bring stroller so i can ma mum the food (my boy is 6+kg mus pity my shoulders and back, lol) so hoping my husband can pick me since near his office.

if not, i may take cab (sling) depending on bb's mood then or i shall be brave and take public transport (mrt). u wanna meet me? heheh *hugz
Hiakz, my girl kena ear infection, the discharge so stinko ... n she hates it when I put the ear drops ... duh ... y she problem many many de, so tiring lor.
Karen, I have that rocker too. She can only be there for half an hour then she will cry to be carried.

If my girl willing to sleep at night atleast I won't be so tired. She simply refuse to sleep even if I coax her into deep sleep and put her on the cot she will wake up in half an hour.

My girl is also an alarm clock. She will wake every 3hrs for milk. So if feed and coax her to sleep take 1.5 hour or more then I will have hardly no sleep as it is near her next feeding time liao. So tired.
juz finished brewing soup and mopping! hehe

karen, i agree tha the fisher price rocker is good...sometimes my gal is cranky, the vibration mode will calm her down...sometimes she nap there in the day also...

chriszinc, icic...i get what u mean
sure...we can discuss when we meet

taurus, i read before thrush will cause u to have sharp pain when u latch...thas why i always suspected i have thrush whenever i latched #1 last time...hehhe... great tha ur boy crossed over 5kg le

kimifin, wah...so fast went for 6 in 1 jab? geez...i haven bring my gal for jab yet...yes, crankiness is side effect of jabs...

jane, great job tha u bring ur boy out for shopping alone!
if u take mrt, i can meet u halfway at bishan...then we can stroll over to suntec tog with our slings :p
Taurus> so r u gg to mix the Chinese med with pd med? I dono can give colic drop together with Chinese med or not... Shit forgot to ask..

Kimifin> ur bb how many wks old? So fast bring to 6 in 1?..
carinez1, I have bought my gal to 6 in 1 jab too @6wks + , according to the PD, can do it after 6 weeks. She has the 6 in 1 jab, Rotavirus and the Pneumococcal jab together.
tanly, you tried to let your gal sleep on tummy already?

My gal is bottle feed and don't know is the feeding position or my gal just lazy, she normally sleep towards the end of the feeding . Also while burping she also will doze off. However the burping is like 20 to 30 mins type cause she tends to have reflux.

sporty, is it ok to let bb sleep on that rocker ah? Today my gal sleep since morning till afternoon and only out from the rocker for feeding or want to be carried a bit. Don't know the posture ok or not.
Karen, I dare not let my girl sleep on tummy. Scare will suffocate her

Does any of your bb startle in their sleep? Is it let her sleep on tummy can over come this? Realise that my gal always woke up fr startle or stretching herself.
karen, i let my gal sleep on rocker since week 4/5...but mine shd be diff model from urs...mine's like 45 degrees inclined one and its padded...

jane, ok sure

tanly, mine startle in her sleep and stretches herself also...but i usually use a bean pillow on her...
tanly, my gal startle and strech herself , she still does, sleep on tummy can solve the startle. May be you try to let her sleep on tummy during day time and u jaga her by the side at least you can rest from carrying her. I also have the bean pillow but doesn't work for my gal, she startle till the pillow can flip over
just an update on my bb (had been so busy since my CL leave..)

My bb like to stretch herself at night during her sleep, sometimes she stretch so hard that her face turn red, i almost did not sleep, i will always check on her when she made no at night, so afraid that she will choke herself from the last feed milk (even after burpping)...her feeding time at night is normally 12am or 1am, 3pm n 6am or 7am. although 3 hr interval but i do not dare to sleep as she will sometimes cough or choke becos of the last feed milk..

Day time, she sleep in bouncer, loved to be carries til sleep but when put her down, she will wake up around 30 min time, hai, not sure is it becos living rm too bright or noisy...

She is 6wk, 5kg, getting more chubby
learning to talk by making ahh...yaa..sound...now i have difficulties carrying her as my upper back will feel very tired and aching...lao liao...

Karen, my bb also startle til bean pillow drop, wonder if jin fong san help..did any mummies feed your bb with "jin fong san"?
