back from my date with hb!
went to eat buffet n watch avatar with my hb...almost died of engorgement, now still latching after pumping!
rachelle, dun feel jealous when feeding fm to bb, most of us grew up drinking fm its ok to supplement, juz try to build up ur ss in the meantime...
shirlin, next week's lunch is thurs not tues leh... dun forget hor
blessedcyn, most of us used slings n carrier yesterday...think very diff to bring stroller unless u take cab or drive...
taurus, no prob...maybe next time we can have gatherings on weekends or public hols at someone's house so even hbs can join...
ariesgal, paiseh...didnt respond to ur sos...but prob solved liao rite with help of jane?
carinez, my bb smiles sometimes when i play with her but not everytime... come join us next week, treat it as ur "me" time...
starrz, if u stop bfing, the leak might take sometime to go away...unless u take med to stop...
mitsy, come join us for lunch next week...come alone if u no confidence to bring bb...u need a breather from bb too
tanly, i try not to cuddle my bb to sleep...i will leave her in the cot...let her make some noise n she will koon... try to bring bb out la, or ask ur mum n the maid to jaga for tha few hrs next week?
fieda, kushibo got lots of sashimi n seafood...come w/o bb if u not comfy to bring bb...
jeelomeelo, u dun look like 1st time nursing in public yesterday, quite nicely done leh...dun have jitters la, juz have to be careful n action fast fast!
shirlin, good tha u more comfy to bring bb out liao after yesterday,..there's always the first time mah