(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

dingdong, then i contact u again next week if u wan to cab. duno can put in 2 strollers?


oic, cos bb nvr sleep this much after his colicky pattern start. he seems so drowsy, he's been a week on colic drops.
yup, w "s", :p

nvm ugly colour, most impt is get tt free n baby will be safe

avatar is nice, but 3d spec uncomfortable make me giddy..
go to find friends, type in nov mtb 09, click on groups on left hand side

Babymuffin, I had that problem some time back, works fine after I change the teat, think the one hole teat flow too slow so my girl sucked till pek chek.
sob... i can't join for the kuishinbo.....
my #1 starting in his new sch next wk... and he will be on halfday for orientation.... i will be stuck with 2 kids in the afternoon...
kimifin, i emailed you my contact number le. I think cab can accomodate 2 strollers bah. but how to carry baby on one hand and open stroller using the other hand? i'm trying to master using the sling but till now not successful.

has anyone drove with baby alone before. wanna check if you are driving alone and bb cries along the way how to handle?
1st time mummy, yup today lunch session was nice i will definitely bring along my baby on the next outing hehe can start match make session haha!

Sorry i cant join in the lunch session at kushin-bo next wk leh.
dingdong, i once drove my bb alone in e car. When bb cry i panick n drove v.v.v fast home. Now i try not to drive alone with bb cos i scare later i kan cheong accident.
babylele, got ur PM...will sms u back my number

blessedcyn/babylele, identify urself at the wall on the FB group k?

kimifin, ur bb sleep much not good meh? means u can rest leh :p the nearest nursing room to kushibo is quite near as kushinbo is near the toysrus...

rue, really ah...i cant wait to watch 3d, never watched before leh...btw u can tahan ah...w/o pumping :p

shihui, nvm...join next gathering...we are "supposed" to have lunch every week mah until everyone goes back to work...whahhahhahha :p

dingdong, swanston always drive with bb alone, maybe shd ask her to share some tips...

lovie, nice meeting u juz now
hope to see ur bb next time
hi all, nice to meet up with you ladies. Would love to join in again next outing.. speaking of sushi...

Date: 7 Jan 2010 (Thurs)
Venue: Kuishinbo @ Suntec
Time : 12pm
Reservation: Jane Ong

1. Superwalker
2, Jane
3. Sporty
4. momo mummy
5. BabyLele (KIV)
6. dingdong
7. ariesgal
8. jeelomeelo (KIV)
Hello again. Saw that you are discussing about breastfeeding. I'm also trying to bf my boy. Used to be able to tbf cos supply was very good but cos of blocked ducts, supply went half and now I have to supp with fmilk cos not enough for him. I will let him latch on then if he's still hungry, will give him 60ml of fmilk.

Before i had blocked ducts, sometimes i gave him 120ml of ebm every 3 hourly when hubby or in-laws help to feed. so i think upon seeing most mummies here also around the same amt, i feel quite safe. My lactation consultant actually said is to much for a 6 week old but then pd said as long as baby is growing well, no issue.

Been trying to increase back my ss but still in vain. i tried pumping to empty breast after every feed to stimulate "baby" not having enough and telling body to produce more. Also tried fenugreek but doesn';t seem to help this time (it helped when i first established ss during the first week tho) Sigh.... sometimes, really desperate cos with my current ss, baby can tahan only for about 1 and half to 2 hour, then want the fmilk. Sometimes i feel useless not being able to provide the basic need for the baby and i'm beginning to feel jealous of the fmilk. everytime he's being fed with fmilk, i will be extremely grouchy. haha. but i guess as long as baby;s healthy, shd be ok la
Hello!! enjoyed the lunch jus nw.. paisei left early cuz dun feel nice letting my hb sit there n wait la..hehe.. Anw, count me in for nxt tues lunch..unless sth crops up last min den i cant go lorz.. Will be bringing my bb along.. =)

Date: 7 Jan 2010 (Thurs)
Venue: Kuishinbo @ Suntec
Time : 12pm
Reservation: Jane Ong

1. Superwalker
2, Jane
3. Sporty
4. momo mummy
5. BabyLele (KIV)
6. dingdong
7. ariesgal
8. jeelomeelo (KIV)
9. shirlin
Sorry unable to join u gals next week as need to bring girl to and back from school and no helper. Actually i'm not able to join most of gatherings as is on weekdays.

My boy dunno why now have problem with his sucking. He now suckle with a squeaking sound and he seems to swallow a lot of gas this way. Because after he finished, i will propped him up in a sitting position to burp him. When i do that he seems to be choked and then he will spit out milk. When i see him like this, i'm really scared. I tried unlatching and re-latching back but he always suckle with the sound, really dunno what to do. Thinking to get a lactation consultant to verify the problem. Now a bit scare to feed him. And it seems to happen mostly at the right breast feed. Had no problem previously until now.
sporty! SOS!
i got my FS liao but one big big question. how come the suction is so super soft? practically i feel nothing lor..... cannot get my milk out leh.... i set to max liao also like that. wonder if the funnel is too small for me? cos i only see the tip of my nipple like kenna pulled niah leh..... how how how?
jane, solved it liao... thanks for your tips.... yeah, it was wrongly assemble on one side.... now working fine.... i pump using ameda first to relieve the engorgement cos just now i cannot wait... and now i using FS to clear out the remaining and wah.... a big difference in terms of the hands free..... so shiok! can type with 2 hands while pumping... hee...
Taurus> my boy also produces the squeaking sound when feeding since 2 wks ago.. It means he is taking in air.. I tried changing the position of my breasts and it works at times.. But I noticed it's cos nowadays bb lazy to open mouth big big to suckle which caused the problem.. I can't solve it as bb has already developed the bad habit...

Anyway, bb was super super cranky yesterday.. He cried so much and screamed like he was in fits and scared the hell out of us..no matter how me and hb carried him he din want to go to slp.. I kept letting him latch cos I tot he was hungry... Ended up gave him fm and he could still finish 120 ml AFTER latching... Then realised he dono how to know when to stop when he is full.. Still cried despite giving him fm... He just wanted my breast as pacifier and din wan the pacifier... He very 'GAO zeh' think he just wanted a certain kind of position to be carried to slp which me and hb still haven mastered... haiz... Such a difficult bb...

Want to ask any of ur bbs can smile when entertained already? As in not smile when tickled or smile in his slp kind... Those social smile... My bb like dono how to smile only know how to cry...
carinez, i think only when bb about 4 or maybe 5 months old than can smile when entertained lor.... i think now they only smile in their sleep or sometimes just smile for nothing... hee.... i always try to capture those smiles when i see them....
rachelle, actually if you latch and can last your bb around 2 hrs, i think that's ok. cos when i latch, it can only last my bb 1 hr or 2hrs max too cos she is lazy at times and will break her feed. i tried to pump one and i know that the amt i produce is slightly more than her intake so when she wanna latch again after 1 hr or so, it's not cos i don't have enough but rather cos she bad habit. i don't have this problem when i give her ebm. but if you continue to latch and don't top up with fm, your ss will increase cos frequent latching will tell your body / brain that you need more milk. it's very troublesome lah but after a few days, ss should go up lor... but if frequent latching due to bad habit then need to find alternative....
Hi taurus: when he unlatches, are your both breaststill drpping? Is they are, then it might be due to fast let down. I had the same prob. Bb will choke and cry and seem to be swallowing a lot of wind. But better verify with a lactation consultant
Hi taurus: when he unlatches, are your both breaststill drpping? Is they are, then it might be due to fast let down. I had the same prob. Bb will choke and cry and seem to be swallowing a lot of wind. But better verify with a lactation consultant
ask u all ah, i had stopped bf.. and had stopped pumping for abt 4-5 days... but the problem is i am still leaking milk. Still got to put on breast pads.. when would it completely stop and no leakage ah? pls advise.. thanks..
Date: 7 Jan 2010 (Thurs)
Venue: Kuishinbo @ Suntec
Time : 12pm
Reservation: Jane Ong

1. Superwalker
2, Jane
3. Sporty
4. momo mummy
5. BabyLele (KIV)
6. dingdong
7. ariesgal (KIV)
8. jeelomeelo (KIV)
9. shirlin
10. swanston

so nice to see that u gals are meeting up regularly. I wish i can join but then I have no confidence to bring baby out alone. He is quite grouchy and I do not know how to use the sling.
Date: 7 Jan 2010 (Thurs)
Venue: Kuishinbo @ Suntec
Time : 12pm
Reservation: Jane Ong

1. Superwalker
2, Jane
3. Sporty
4. momo mummy
5. BabyLele (KIV)
6. dingdong
7. ariesgal (KIV)
8. jeelomeelo (KIV)
9. shirlin
10. swanston
11. momoko
Does any of your bb like mine? Always want to craddle to sleep? If yes, this trend will last until how long? will it get better in the 3rd month?

My gal day and night wanted to be craddle to sleep. Then when she is asleep, i put her down on cot but half an hour she will wake up again and need to craddle again. Is this a norm to most mummy? Or your bb can fall asleep on their own?

I have a medela freestyle pump for sale. Bought in nov 09. (US set without warrently).Use only for one mth. Selling at $400. Freeies: Avent breast pump conversation kit for medela freestyle. Please email me if interested.
blessedcyn, don't this will last how long hor? Very tiring everyday not enough sleep and no 'me' time. Just cuddle day and night until shoulder also ache.

Infact day time I'm still ok. Just get upset and frustrated at nite.
my boy also want to be cuddle so I usually cradle him for a while then while still carrying him, slowly move towards the bed and lie down with him while still cuddling him. When he falls asleep, i will remove my arm. if he starts crying again, i will slot my arm under his neck and start patting him to trick him into believing that i am still cradling him.

so far have been working for a few days, hope it will continue to work. the downside is that he no longer wants to sleep in his cot.
Kimifin wants to join us too, she wont be bring her baby...

Date: 7 Jan 2010 (Thurs)
Venue: Kuishinbo @ Suntec
Time : 12pm
Reservation: Jane Ong

1. Superwalker
2, Jane
3. Sporty
4. momo mummy
5. BabyLele (KIV)
6. dingdong
7. ariesgal (KIV)
8. jeelomeelo (KIV)
9. shirlin
10. swanston
11. momoko
12. Kimifin
Jane, oops heehee paisei got the wrong nick.

tanly, u can try tummy down makes baby feel gd n comfy my bb gal also likes to be craddle to slp but now i try to minimise if not later go back work also like this jialat.
Would like to join the gathering but super scare to bring bb out. She get cranky when she want to sleep and drink. Furthermore no one looking after my gal for me at the moment.
mitsy, i did that too once in a while. Worried that it will become a habit and my bb sitter will hv a tough time.

Lovie, i dare not try tummy down. Worried later she will suffocate.
Wah, i went ION last week... use their nursing room... super nice ley.... Is super private dun hv to share with anyone and has everything u need there....

I thk my boy was "underfed"...he drks 1 breast most of the time, n hungry 1-2 hrs later.

tiring trying to latch, only give EBM once per nite (30ml) after BF...thk need to increase that.
