(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

did you try burping her? rub oil on her tummy? for my elder gal.. last time i had to carry her and sleep together.. it's sitting upright and sleep..

Heee....I managed to bring my bb out in the sling! It's so much easier now, cos I dun have to worry about dropping him
I can sling him and finally eat with 2 hands!

now at the country club sipping tea n reading papers while bb is in a sling
enjoying it!!!!
good morning ladies,

need advise.

1) How to warm up milk went going out? do u bring along a big cup and dip the milk bottle in the the cup filled with hot water?
hi ladies!

I gave birth to a baby boy on 19 nov. It's not easy being a mummy!

I happen to read that some of you have blocked milk ducts before. I need some advices. I had blocked milk ducts too. i got a lactation consultant to help me clear and after a week of torture, my blocked ducts cleared a lot. however, I'm having a prob now. my milk supply went low/ half of what I used to get. I used to pump out 120ml. now only 60ml. baby not feeding enough and I have to supplement with `60ml of f-milk.

Just want to ask. how to increase milk supply now? I;m really desperate. it has been four days since my ducts are mostly clear but then my supply not coming back. Been taking fenugreek and pumping after every feed also no effect. I'm going crazy cos i dun wish my baby to supplement with f-milk. I hope to do a full latch. Anyone has experience on this?
hi ladies

Been awhile since I last MIA-ed...hee hee...been busy juggling baby, housework, lite cooking & keeping myself very sane!

ask u gals...can I jog? This coming weds, bb will be 7 weeks liao ...i read somewhere it's ok to exercise aft 6 weeks. will jogging decrease milk ss?
Hi mummies,

how have u all been?

I was so busy preparing and tidying the house for my baby shower last few weeks. Finally its over yesterday now can relax liao. So tired to hold parties n function at home hate it so much esp. after everyone left still need to clean up the mess.

This week gonna bring bb for the 6 in 1 jab. Hope she wont get fever after injection. Cross my finger*

Haha I think me n hb too busy recently until we haven go register birth for bb. Think i better do it soon if not kena fine by govt liao.

Shirlin, hope the gift u received is useful n thks for e little token ya!
rachelle, if you want to do a full latch, then you need to start latching. latching is the best way to up your ss... really compared to pumping lah.... cos bb is the best pump and can "withdraw" more milk than a physical pump can. it takes a while for ss to catch up. how often are you pumping now? dont' stress cos stress will also affect ss....
saintbaby, ya...since u can tahan 40 days...60 days is nothing la
jia you

kimifin, sometimes bb might not sleep between feeds so its possible tha they are awake and dun sleep

magical, like tha ah...i cant "remind" u liao since we going for diff jabs...maybe saintbaby can remind u cuz her gal also took 5 in 1...

momoko, nvm la...maybe ur gal cannot tahan le...so poo-ed on u and herself :p hope its not diff to wash away the stains :p heheh

jeelomeelo, am sure u can cope with all the hands on solo after 1 week

superwalker, wahh...sipping tea and reading papers in countryclub sounds good

jazz, usually i will get a cup of hot water from the restuarant or fast food restuarant to heat up the ebm...u can bring a big thermo cup if u want but its quite ley chey...

rachelle, try papaya fish soup or drinking more fluids? also can latch bb to increase ss

devlina, i read somewhere tha we can start exercising after 8 weeks...but i read before(dunno how true) tha after exercise the ebm pumped out will be sourish?! i dunno how true la...read before...hehe

lovie, so fast u bringing bb for 6 in 1 jab? thot 6 in 1 is when bb's 8 weeks?!
I already latch him on for every feed, then supp with f-milk after that, then do pumping. Actually my boy quite good liao. cos every time i pump after every feed, not much milk out. so he must have suck out most of the milk. I really hope ss will come back soon. I'm getting a little depress already.

Devlina, I heard that we cannot start vigorous exercise so soon. At least 2 mths for body to fully recover. But i think simple exercise can.
Hi, ladies! Hope everyone's doing well.

Sporty> Sigh...ya lor...slowly lor. Today he cried for attn, I tried ur cold turkey treatment. After about 15 mins of yelling, he stopped & lied in his bed soothing himself. However, when he cried for milk again, I tried to feed EBM. He rather sleep & later on cry, instead of taking the bottle! Muz really get my hubby to force feed bottle liao! But 2mrw I'll b gg to Malacca, bo pian...dun want him to 'over-cry' lor...

Saintbaby> How's ur gal? Seen PD le ma?
Sporty, oh izzit 8wks? hmm like this i better call up e clinic to check 1st before i go down.

My bb looks abit yellow leh dunno izzit got mild jaundice. Until now she dont look fair at all she looks red n abit yellow izzit normal?
sian leh..... i place order for FS with spree and now the organizer is going to close spree and do full refund.... i waited for almost 1 month liao lor and my order is arriving soon these few days.... arrgghhh..... now i either have to place order again with another spreeist or get from local.... sigh!!!!!! why!!!!! arrgghh...
Hi ladies,
how are all of you? I've been MIA for quite some time, shag, then every morning try to "bu hui" last night lost sleep.

does fenugreek cause colic in baby? I've been taking fenugreek all along, & baby has been cranky since last wk, but dun think it's colic cos she like that for WHOLE DAY! Driving me crazy, cause i forced her to latch on exclusively thou my ss is still insuff for her. finally give in, cos can't stand the nonsense anymore. Today, she finally sleep in peace. Phew! Will keep status quo, latch, fm, then pump 5-10mins to simulate breast.
saintbaby, okie, will try the pacifier method.. it's amazing how babies can drink milk when asleep.. heh..

babylele, yah, sounds like mine too.. so it's reflux..i was also worried if baby is not responding well to the FM i'm using.. allergy or something...

ariesgal, he refuses to be burped too..i would force him upright on my shoulder to burp and he would cry the house down... but i do realize sometimes he would calm down after burping...

lovie april.. my bb also still has mild jaundice.. but PD says it's ok..not need to suntan also... as long as the eye white not very yellow still, it's ok if the skin still has a tinge of yellow...
chriszinc, ya i think so lor cos she recently kenna complained... but i think it's both party at fault leh..... one at fault for not checking on the spot and the other probably at fault for not trying hard enough to get some replacement or come to some agreement....
so you will order from spree again? I think i'll prob go to paragon and buy liao cos i don't think i wanna wait for another 1 month.... current pump like about to die soon... and too bulky to bring out also....
jeelomeelo, you can go on solo, really salute you.

My mum go back Msia today. Feeling sad missing her. After 2 weeks, i will be on solo for 2 weeks as my hb going back to work.

When my mum is around, she will carry my gal to sleep today only left me and my hb, we tried to let her sleep on her own on bouncer by rocking her on bouncer and she just refuse to sleep. And she have lots of reflux today even though we have burp her for few times after feed as she keep struggling while she is awake.

Dunno is missing my mum + the tiredness + the impatience , feel very stress and just cry out. Sigh... taking care of bb is so much stressful than working especially dunno what they want and feel heartpain when can't do anything to help.

Anyway, tommorrow will bring my gal to see PD , the nurse mention, 6 weeks to 2 months time, she can take the 3rd jab (1st 2 took during hospital stay).
Karen, I share the same sentiment as you. I am also very stressful in caring for my gal. Infact I've cried several times. But I feel better after a good cry. I agree with u, taking care of bb is very stressful. Infact, I really freak out now. Atleast your hb is with u. I am currently staying at my mum's pl even after confinement and hb is workaholic, only came over to my mum's place for the weekend. Hmm... At times I miss my hb and my bed.

I guess we got to be patient and ren. My mum says that our bb will be easier to takecare.

Karen, let's jia you together, ok?
karen & tanly,

Agree that looking after baby is very tiring and stressful, even for a easy baby, the punctual 3hrly feeding is already a killer esp during the night, let alone a cranky baby, by the time u soothe him and he finally fall aslp, its next feeding time and the whole process repeat again.

One time me & my mum had some issues and she walk out on me, and baby was super cranky that day fr 2pm - 12midnight, he cries non-stop, refused to slp and hubby wasn't ard in between and even when he is ard, he is not mch help as he doesnt know what to do, so i would still be the one carrying and feeding baby.

Was totally exhausted, i was super duper stressed out esp if baby is suffering fr colic or reflux and their loud inconsolable cries are sooooo disheartening and we are sooooo helpless, not to mention if you are breastfeeding at the same time, gotto pump and wash and sterilise the funnels and baby milk bottle after every feeding.

Some even hv engorgement pain, infection, fever & also the pregnancy weight gain.
Can understd instantly why we, new mummies are so prone to post natal blues.

Now me & mum's issues are resolved (thank god) and i finally appreciate her help cos i realise its impossible to look after a less than easy baby alone.

Jia you kk? There are still many mummies here who make it to b/f and look after baby alone, furthermore baby is slowly closing in to their 2nd mth, very fast will be 3rd mth and by then baby shd be easier to take care, can slp tru longer and colic gone.
Babylele, really pei fu those mum can handle bb themselves and those mum who handle a toddler and a bb. Really salute to them.
hi mommies!
havent login for a while as my mom stopped her help due to some reasons and im left to care for my 2 yr old and bb all my myself! been extremely busy and tired for the last week...

sporty, can check with you something..you mentioned freshly expressed ebm can be left at room temp for up to 4hrs..do we need to heat up when bb want to drink? now i just leave on table and give her when she ready to drink..by then definitely not warm at all..is this ok?? thanks in advance! =) can pm me? may not have time to trace the threads liao =p
your bb also took the 2nd dones hep b that's why gotta take 5 in 1 is it? ok ok.. then can u remind me when the vaccination is up? i super blur n confused loh.. thanks a lot!! =D

so many types of vaccinations and all taken at different times.. i'm so confused!

karen and tanly,
brace on! its really difficult handling bb all on your own.. but it can be done.. in fact, its the best time to bond with bb.. and it'll be one of the things that you can be proud of! i would say the time i spent with my elder one alone for that year is one of the most meaningful and memorable.. you get to witness every new thing he does, and you'll know how to best carry him, how to calm him down.. and how to have your meals and naps while carrying him in one arm.. =D
my gal not really the "teh" type, but dunno whether she is colic or got reflux problem, when she sleeps she can be shaken up by soft sound or just cry out for no reason, then she need to be carry. It really very tiring.

Anyway, maybe today my mum go back Msia, feel the less help so just feel down lor or maybe before that the way for me to destress is to have more "Me" time but not don't have and the stress just build up :p .Anyway, cry liao feel better. My hb at least supportive as he carry my gal most of the time.

tanly, i also worry when my hb go back to work in 2 weeks time. I gonna take care my gal alone for another 2 weeks before i go back to work. At least you still can stay at your mum place , how i wish my mum can stay with me :D sometimes you just need someone to talk.
Dunno what issues u had w yr mum.
That time me and mum had a big fight and i told her i can take care myself so it was pretty serious.
But after a day alone, i really cannot handle.
Lack of slp is the killer.
So in the end, i bury my pride and speak to her to continue take care for me.

Lucky its resolve, even thou if it means swallowing my pride at least i get some help and most impt, quality sleep.
Hiakz ... my girl has been diagnosed with reflux on top of colic. *Faint*

N pd say bb can afford to put on more weight, ask me to feed more. But my ss is too low to feed more. Feel so demoralized =(
morn ladies...
decided not to jog yday ...coz I had a terrible tummyache. Went to GP...food poisoning. Brought bb to PD as well coz he was having mild coughs. He's 5.5kg liao ...so I'm hoping if it's true that those babies who have eached 5kg will sleep longer...hee hee...
hi, everyone! hope everyone is doing well!

may i chk if ur internal wound heal alrd? i went for my chk up yesterday and gynae said my internal wound not heal yet! it has been 6 wks after i gave birth liao..
funne, yours is c-section? if so, then internal wound won't heal so fast. usually a few months so those who have c-section cannot do vigorous exercise for at least 6 months.
if natural vaginal birth, then would have heal by 2 months.... i went for my pap smear just recently and it's almost 2 months and even so, i still got some staining after the pap smear...
your internal wound havent heal yet? i'm going to my gynae next week. Will update u ya...

fwah...enjoy ur hi tea ah ..
Chriszinc, haha my mum still go put her under the sun near window every morning. I was worried like this tann will turn dark dark then not pretty liao.
Help needed. Does any of your bb need to be cuddle n carry to sleep, then when u put her down on the cot she would cry and ask to be cuddle again? My girl has been behaving like that for 2 days and night. I think my girl is sleep deprive too but she just can't sleep. Does anyone know why is it like that?
hello all...seems like some of us are half way thru ml liao...when u all going back to work?

esther/ashley, how are u gals? haven seen u ard...

cheryl, going malacca for hols eh? have fun
nvm slowly train ur son...

lovie, yeah its 8 weeks, u better check with ur pd...

ariesgal, i think my fren also affected by the FS saga...think in the end, she went to order from TLL...

karen,so fast u going back to work liao? when exactly?

stacey, i will heat up for awhile before i feed bb the ebm lor...cuz cold liao...if freshly pumped, i will feed direct...

magical, dun be confused with the jabs! heheh... btw u taking any npl or going back to work after ur ml ends?

momoko, aiyo...hope ur gal's ok...dun be stressed abt ss...the more stressed u are, it will affect ur output too...

funne, i dunno if my internal wound healed, we tried to xxx n it was pretty painful n dry as i'm bfing...haha...
I believe is because ur girl is used to being carried and unable to sleep on her own. Actually babies have difficulty falling asleep on their own and needs to be trained. Some babies will cry for a while before they can sleep. When my son is not very tired, he will cry for 10 mins or so before falling asleep on his own but at times he will need some help from us. Just make sure is not a habit to rock them to sleep, if not they will depend on it. Cause i have learn from my mistake when taking care of my #1.

My boy also feeding at 2 hrs and yesterday night it was 3 hrs. But my boy haven't reach 5kg so hope his interval will lengthen once he reach that weight.

wow u tried xxx liao. For me no mood for it cause too tired.
ariesgal, mine is natural with epi. did pap smear also, tt's why gynae saw my wound not heal yet..

devlina, yes, pls update me!

sporty, my gynae said no sex until internal wound is heal wor.. p
funne, hahha...ya hor, maybe my wound not healed yet as i got quite a big tear...opps :p

taurus, yes...tried after bb turns 6 weeks but not comfy la cuz its damn dry...sianz...heheh :p
but when u get excited, will ur breasts leak milk? I have this problem last time thats why delayed xxx for a long time.

taurus, hahhaha...sorry, burst out laughing while reading ur post... no leh cuz my boobs seldom leak one unless i super engorged...
