(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

Jamie > Congratulations to you and your hb! Do rest well and post a pic of the babe!

PY > Hehe...how's your current job? Now that you are working..do you miss the SAHM days or not?

Sorry to interrupt.

Oh, what a noisy zoo tickets.

May I know if any Mummy has 4 tickets on 23 Oct, Sunday, 11am that you are willing to exchange with me? I'll be most grateful for that. Or else I will just have to sell these 4 tickets and my kids won't get to watch the play.

I'm willing to meet you anywhere to do the exchange. THANK YOU!

Please PM me for my hp.
Ding Ding Ding....anybody home?

My boy seem to be squinting or doing >.< several times in a day. Did not notice that when he is watching TV but when he was outside with us at the Mall. Any ideas how to get him to get him not to squint?

Same goes for pushing kids.
he is starting to push kids. Everytime that happens I will tell him don't push. but don't think he knows what it means. Anyone has any ideas to share?

I have plenty of questions. lol. as usual. also hoping to keep the forum alive
so ... ding ding ding... anyone around ?
really.. i hope he is not short sighted. so young. sigh.

If our kids catch bad habits. other than telling them, no you cannot / should not do this e.g. pushing other kids. what are the other ways we can guide them? any suggestions?
Hi all,

Anyone of you have any feedback or heard anything about Catholic Kindergarten at Flower Road?

Altho we r now residing in NZ, are seriously thinking of bringing our gal back to Spore for a few years of education so that she does not lose her Mandarin and Asian culture totally. Our place in Spore is in Serangoon so are looking for a good school.
hi lydia,

my boy is also having same problem! many months back, we noticed that sometimes he will blink his eyes harder like that.. but he stop.. then this week, suddenly he been doing it very often... i also wonder why ...

i dun think is myopia bcos the symptoms dun look alike here.

i am wondering if it's because the eyes too dry? i will monitor a few more days before bringing to pd to check ba.. shld go to pd or eye specialist?

I brought Sam to some eye specialist at Mt E when he was much smaller as PD wanted to rule out some problem. It was a SUPER LONG wait!! waited like 2.5-3 hrs just to see that Dr for 15mins and we paid like $180+!!
so maybe you might want to go PD first or Poly clinic coz private eye drs cost bombs! :S
could be dust or he had earlier looked at some bright lights?
Hoping it's not too late to wish all our Oct 2009 babies a very Happy Birthday.. Happy turning 2 to all our little ones! It's been quite a journey, yes? :D

Here's to many more beautiful, blessed years with our little precious.

Aunty Famela
hi angie : maybe you can check out kiasuparents website
they may have some feedback for the kindy.

ting : thanks for the link. hmm he doesn't seem to have those symptoms either.

shugar : wah 180 :S. not sure about dust/bright light. hmm.. i'll keep that in mind and monitor.

think will monitor. checked w the caregiver and she didn't notice him squinting either.

Famela :
thank u
Hi Mummies,

I'm planning to sign my 2 girls up for Julia Gabriel holiday programmes.
There is a 20% group discount if 4 or more children register at the same time. It can be a different programme and venue.

If anyone is interested too, please PM me so that we can all enjoy the group discount.

Information for the holiday programmes. http://www.juliagabriel.com/pdfviewermm1ab.html
hi mummies

gosh i so dislike the phase of terrible 2's.

May I ask, do you have fussy eaters?
My boy recently has been *pui* out his food. This weekend was quite bad. He pretty much spit out most of his food and eat extremely little. I even prepared cereal in case and even cereal he will spit out. *argggh* He is drinking his milk as normal.
Hi Lydia,

I think is the stage where all the kids will go through this is part of the terrible two phase.
Depend on kid, some may take up to weeks to overcome this phases.
For my girls, it took them close to 3 weeks and during that time they drank very little milk and only take water...
Just sharing...
joyce : so its a phase? i was thinking my boy picked up some bad habit or trying his luck (don't know why he would want to do that coz it still means no extra/special food for him i.e. go hungry). He doesn't seem hungry though as he can last till next meal and still don't eat much.

what do you do during the phase?
offer other food? snacks in between? just assume they are full and let them off the seat? distract them?
Hi mommies,

Would like to ask your opinion. Any mommies send thier children to Childcare Centre? I send my son to CC since 18mths and now CC have concert dance and sing. If you is me, were you allow your children take part? For my thinking he still young and will still have many chance join when N1,N2 &amp; K1 but now my hubby wanted to let my son try. Actually I already submit the form that no join but this morning teacher told me that my son cry and wan dance when see them practise.
hey Lydia,

think all kids are different. For my case is quite the opp. He's hungry most of the time (except for days when he did not nap enough and vy grumpy and won't want to eat) and will finish all his food. some days i feed him eariler coz he's hungry and later when we eat our dinner he will want to eat again! 0_0
this is a strange phase lah... terrible 2s. hahah, as long as he dun seem hungry and looks contented ok. no point forcing and have him spit it all out also. frustrations for both of you. When he is hungry I'm sure he will ask for milk or food.
What do u usually offer him for meals?
maybe try offering a variety of food? make it more interesting. Diff textures and tastes?


maybe if he really seems keen then let him join in? sometimes they see all their classmates taking part in something and also want to be a part of it or they feel left out. Ask the CC teacher to see if he is enjoying the practices?
shugar :
hmm going to try more recipes.

he ate better this week. possibly because of the 'sticker' reward. :p

Maybe Samuel is adventurous and wants to try different food
fellow mummies.

expo have fair this weekend
Event type: Consumer, Family

Parenthood Fair
Admission: Public - Free Admission
Venue: Hall 5B

Date: 11 Nov 2011 - 13 Nov 2011
Time: 11am to 9pm

Organiser: Motherhood Pte Ltd

Contact Details:
Telephone: +65 6379 2888
Fax: +65 6379 2806
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.motherhood.com.sg

This One’s for the Parents! Gear up for the parenting extravaganza of the year!
*rings forumbell* anybody home? :p

Anyone can share your experience / thoughts / suggestions on :

- stopping thumb sucking. (plaster not working)
- transitioning milk feed to cup.
i tried pouring his milk into a cup but one sip and he doesn't want. tried putting a straw into his cup but he didn't want either. any suggestions?

am getting concern coz we are noticing his lower jaw seems a bit lopsided at times.

appreciate all your help/advice/sharing.
gal: does he suck his thumb at all times? so far my son only sucks his fingers before sleeping.
Well, based on my personal experience and my brother's, we only outgrew it when we were 4 or 5. Just make fun of him that it is ugly.

Does he drink water from a cup?
Glass : he sucks his thumb even when he is not going to sleep, unless i plaster it. When he really wants his thumb he either sucks on the plaster or make the plaster wet and slid it off his thumb.

water, yes. he drinks from anywhere. bowl, cup, tumbler, sippy cup, straw cup. only milk.
Gal: if you have nimble fingers, try putting elastic band on those finger puppets and slip it over his thumb. Tell him he cannot bite the animals.

Or if you are desparate enough, put chili or some taste that he detests on his finger. Maybe something super sour or super bitter.
glass : i'm trying vanilla essence now. but problem is i wash his hands often and forget to reapply.
will try make some finger puppets. educational and ..interesting

there is another school of thoughts about stopping thumb sucking.

where coz thumb sucking is a source of comfort. when angry, when sad, when don't know what to do. if it stops immediately, how can we channel the 'comfort' he needs? i been googling. can't find how to 'transfer' the source of comfort. school starting next month. getting worried.
gal: tried a beanie pillow or a stuffed pal for him? We had a hard time too when we got rid of samuel's pacifier. He had the cold turkey method and took some time getting used to it... he found solace in the corner of his beanie's pillow case.
thinking back i feel a little sorry for him having to go cold turkey overnight.
hi, i am also a oct 2009 mummy. my son has been poo poo in the toilet bowl, but may i know how to teach him to hold the pee or tell me when he needs to pee?

he still needs pacifier when he sleeps. how to stop him from sucking? i take it off his mouth or pretend that it is lost but he cried non stop whole nite n cannot sleep. now whenver its time to sleep, he will ask him for pacifier.
try cutting the pacifier teat into half..then showed him and tell him it is spoilt. If he still insist, let him suck the 'spoilt' pacifier.

I did that to my son and immediately he returned the spoilt pacifier back to me. He cried for his pacifer for new days nia then thats it!! I always showed him the spoilt pacifier each time he asked for it.

3 days later, he never ask for it anymore.

Try it!!!
thx shugar.

jan jan : a friend told me her story on stopping pacifier.

mum - you are a now big boy, don't need pacifier. we throw the pacifier away okay?

kid - *pondered* okay.

mum - come. put the pacifier into this ziplock bag. now we zip it up. go throw the bag into the rubbish bin.

kid - *threw the bag into the bin*

night time, when the kiddo wanted to sleep, he asked for his paci.

mum - you remember? you threw away the paci into the bin earlier, coz you are a big boy now and no need paci.

kiddo - nodded.

during the few days he still ask for it and the mum reminded him that he threw away the paci. of coz she need to cuddle him and give him milk initially for hte sucking motion.

but the kiddo stopped taking on paci since then.

i can't throw away my boy's thumb so......... beanie it shall be.
i have not toilet train my son yet. i guess he is still not ready for that now.. i rather take it easy.

i tried once or twice a month ago and i realised he cannot dare not pee without his diaper.

but occasionally if i am the one who bathe him, i will ask him to try to "stand up peeing" during bathtime.. NOT SUCCESSFUL YET THOUGH...
my boy not successful yet either. he is "pee" trained when we are outside in the mall. very excited to go to public toilet but not so at home. still have accident at home.
i call him my public toilet detecting machine. :p

janjan : go library borrow a book on going to the toilet. my boy liked the "On My Potty" book.
Haven't been posing since my 4th boy arriving in 30th aug 2011:)
Trusting all mummies are well taken care of:)
My 3rd boy Naven was born on 10 oct 2009 was admitted hospital this afternoon for lymph node infection, has to b treated with antibiotic infusion n kept monitor by his pd... I believe he will b healed n discharged Toml:)
Gal > How has the potty thingy coming along? Actually this potty thing makes things tougher! I find myself making dashes..the worst is when there is a Q or when it's all purely adults-sized toilets and we always risk a spill or her faliing through! On this note, think boys have it easier.. :p
hi mummies, i'm also a oct09 mummy. my gal till now, is not able to differentiate colours. shld i be concerned. are other oct09 babies able to?

if i ask her wat colour is this, she will just make a guess.

but she is very good in speech. talks sentences and can even attempt to tell story from the picture story books.
xoxo : maybe can consider getting portable potty seat? there are some foldable and can fit in bag.
then no risk of falling through.

E's still not 100%. lesser accidents. We went diaperless most of the time, except during class/school and naps/night. Still monitoring for signs that he can go diaperless during naps. any tips?

lilcactus : can't help u there. :p everything is purple for my boy now.
Hi mummies, Anybody knows of any good holiday enrichment classes in June 12. Currently im sending my boy to a kindergarden. And the entire June is freee.
Dear mommies, its been a very long time. How have you been? Shortly our little ones will be turning into 3. What a journey huh! I have a number of first time mommy friends who are struggling now with their newborns, and it really brings me back the memories. Pumping, nursing, eating, pumping, nursing.... hahaha.

Ok - so what's happening to my little boy of a man. Well, he is just being himeslf. Let me see - he have tantrums, meltdowns at the weirdest thing. I have grown a hide equivalent to a rhino at public places. He once screamed his little monkey head off on a bus, and I calmly (so very unlike me) tried to distract him.

He has grown to have a good vocabulary, but alas, no mandarin. He says those mandarin words like a gweilo will say. I decided no can do, must return to his roots, and send him to a mandarin bootcamp. Was he happy? nah. I reckon what can he do? run away from home?

He's catching virus like a worthy germ magnet can be. The person ended up with all the hard work is mommy. and the helper. During this, his appetite gets thrown out the door, we have to stand by toys and staged a play just to get him to take his medication. I have developed think on your feet instints. All thanks to my little man.

I must thank Mr. Steve Jobs. Without his invention, I don't know how to deal with him at times. He loves his ipad. Nicknamed his ipad my friend. Am I worried? Of course I do. But when the going gets tough, ipad shall save the day. Works for me. I even bring him to the Apple store for him to play at their ipad counters. He's a regular there. I call it our weekend corner. He will even ask me to go. Oh how I love to, honey. Plonk you there, and go shopping.

He's pretty adept at soccer now. Listens to the coach's instructions. But maybe the coach booming voice tells him who is boss.

I put him on a school bus to go for his pre nursery. Totally enjoys the moment I send him off on the school bus, and do my Queen's wave. Ta ta see you later! But sometimes, I wonder if they grow up too fast.

I schedule his life so that he gets different environments. But sometimes, I wonder if I'm overdoing it.

Who says motherhood is easy huh! We have conflicts on every little decision we made for the little ones. Should i do this? Will he likes it? Is he enjoying himself? Is he ok alone in school, on bus, etc? Does he has friends? Does his teachers like him?

My challenge now? Helper rivalry. Mommy against helper. Bless her. She loves my little one, and is so very patient with him. But mommy does not like it that he runs to her the first minute of trouble. Is there a solution? Probably. mommy can stay home, work less, get paid less....don't know the answer.

Anyway. How are you ladies? What's keeping you busy these days?
Hi mummies,

Sorry for interruption.

Any kids going to Sunflower childcare? I have 2 sets of uniform and 2 sets of PE attire for sale. All BRAND NEW. Size is M. Letting go at reasonable price.
My child is not attending the childcare but I have bought it during the trial period.

PLS PM if Keen! Thank you!
