Dear mommies, its been a very long time. How have you been? Shortly our little ones will be turning into 3. What a journey huh! I have a number of first time mommy friends who are struggling now with their newborns, and it really brings me back the memories. Pumping, nursing, eating, pumping, nursing.... hahaha.
Ok - so what's happening to my little boy of a man. Well, he is just being himeslf. Let me see - he have tantrums, meltdowns at the weirdest thing. I have grown a hide equivalent to a rhino at public places. He once screamed his little monkey head off on a bus, and I calmly (so very unlike me) tried to distract him.
He has grown to have a good vocabulary, but alas, no mandarin. He says those mandarin words like a gweilo will say. I decided no can do, must return to his roots, and send him to a mandarin bootcamp. Was he happy? nah. I reckon what can he do? run away from home?
He's catching virus like a worthy germ magnet can be. The person ended up with all the hard work is mommy. and the helper. During this, his appetite gets thrown out the door, we have to stand by toys and staged a play just to get him to take his medication. I have developed think on your feet instints. All thanks to my little man.
I must thank Mr. Steve Jobs. Without his invention, I don't know how to deal with him at times. He loves his ipad. Nicknamed his ipad my friend. Am I worried? Of course I do. But when the going gets tough, ipad shall save the day. Works for me. I even bring him to the Apple store for him to play at their ipad counters. He's a regular there. I call it our weekend corner. He will even ask me to go. Oh how I love to, honey. Plonk you there, and go shopping.
He's pretty adept at soccer now. Listens to the coach's instructions. But maybe the coach booming voice tells him who is boss.
I put him on a school bus to go for his pre nursery. Totally enjoys the moment I send him off on the school bus, and do my Queen's wave. Ta ta see you later! But sometimes, I wonder if they grow up too fast.
I schedule his life so that he gets different environments. But sometimes, I wonder if I'm overdoing it.
Who says motherhood is easy huh! We have conflicts on every little decision we made for the little ones. Should i do this? Will he likes it? Is he enjoying himself? Is he ok alone in school, on bus, etc? Does he has friends? Does his teachers like him?
My challenge now? Helper rivalry. Mommy against helper. Bless her. She loves my little one, and is so very patient with him. But mommy does not like it that he runs to her the first minute of trouble. Is there a solution? Probably. mommy can stay home, work less, get paid less....don't know the answer.
Anyway. How are you ladies? What's keeping you busy these days?