Funzee: I got the dilemma as u. My ss hasn't been regular. Sometimes gd flow but sometimes so tough to get bm flowing... N my breasts r always leaking. I don't like the 3 hr pumping routine at all... can't keep up and can never wake up in middle of nite. Worst, nw getting so stressed up and not enough rest... Got panda eyes and no energy to play wif bb. When CL leaves I b all alone to take care of bb. MIL will only come to help for a few days in a week. I was asking myself... Wher got so much time to bath, pump, feed, play, coax bb to zz, and pump and pump again? Btw, latching is also another stress... Can't latch well, get so frustrated and becomes a struggle. Like u, i feel that my energy level is going down by the day n can't do much with bb..
I have been on a struggle... to continue expressing or go full formula.. Straighten my thots.. since 70% she's already on formula then might as well.. so I free up the time to do other things for her.. These 2 days, I have not been expressing regularly... only 3 times a day. N i was able to feed her, watch her, talk to her, sing to her, play with her and coax her to sleep. I was happier! So is baby! She smiles more even in her sleep. I seldom see that on those days when I was so obsessed with pumping and pumping!
I really don't want to miss a single thing in her growing years. I want to watch how she blooms!
Since physically and mentally I can't take the stress, I do what I can and be a happy mum. If mummy happy, baby will feel it and will be happy too. Anyway, nowadays formula also quite gd although can never beat bm.. But well, both mummy and daddy grew up on formula too!
So mommies, do what u can, don't be too hard on yourself. BF isn't everything but just a part of baby's development. There's no right or wrong. Just do your best! Be Happy and enjoy your baby!