(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

ddnikz: its not tea... It's a drink my cl cooks to replace the red date drink. Cos I'm quite sick of it... Apparently black bean helps in increasing milk supply. It can be cooked as soup (with pig tail bone) or with red date as drinks

Same here, for me, I hv to pump 4-5 times a day. The longest I didnt pump would be from 12 midnight to 8am (didnt latch also because so tired, I slept through), then my breasts will be so engorged in the morning that they leak. So painful ... as if the breasts hv suddenly turned into 2 big rocks!! :p

PY >> Your CL very smart lah, quickly pass the baby to you so that she can go to bed.

JRRT >> You're right, for both my elder kids, we also hv a tougher time to make them sleep as they grow but they can sleep through once they hit 2+ mths. So I'm actually hoping this baby will be like the 2 elder siblings.

Are you coping well with 2 kids alone? I dread the day when I hv to handle 3 alone!!! *shudder*
Bluesea: I cannot dun wake up to pump.. V painful at least gotta wake up once in the night haha..

She was trying to put her to sleep for almost 30 mins then I wake up by her cry lo. So I jus get up to pump lo.
Congrate to all October mums!

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bluesea/aria/other mom:wat the name of the cream?its for bb acne or?those there r 2 types,one isbb acne which dun spread, anotherf was rold its due to milk stain n tt will spread even fr face to body
ddinkz: The massage lady i use is Aunty Yati. Her number is 97803442. As she does not take prior reservations, you might be able to get an appointment with her if you call. Each session is abt $60 depending which area you stay.

I wouldn't say her massage is fanstastic, but i like her wrap (though the jamu wrap a bit smelly) and i slimmed down a fair bit. If you are desperate for a massage lady, maybe you can give her a try.

It's been one month, baby put on 1 kg plus. Yay! PD gave me the go ahead to let baby sleep as long as he likes in the night but i need to ensure at least 6 feeds during a 24 hour period. Hope this will not disrupt my milk supply.

sigh, my left nipple is injured again by my Baracuda son. Need to go liao shang. For mummies with injured nipples, i find PureLan 100 by Medala quite effective. This is Lanolin cream by the way.
I have taken almost everything that can help to increase milk ss. However it just stuck there loh. My average record is still around 310 ml per day. sigh sigh...

Now I am stuck leh. The massage lady told me to wait for her...She is quite good loh, as in her skills. I going to wait for her one more week else will opt for refund and start sourcing for another one. The thing is, i just afraid that I gave birth near 1 month liao. Wonder if it will still be effective leh.
good afternoon mummies!
My CL going back this thursday...... countdown to screamy baby plus a naughty jie jie at home hahaa.
oops.. and countdown to less pumping and that means less supply. sniff sniff.

annette and Bluesea,
so our babies choke and poo and fart many times haha.

I have same situation as you... sometimes flow is very good, but I just can't pin point what led to it. (sigh).
Annette>> the cream I bought from PD was "Fucicort".

PY>> I also wish to wake up once to pump, but really too tired liao. When baby cried at 4am, I tried to wake up and hubby said he would do the feeding, asked me to go back to sleep. Immediately, I plonked back onto the bed and was "dead" to the world. Hahaha ... think I must try to wake up once, otherwise, I must get used to waking up with 2 big rocks! :p

Ewe>> haha ... yalor... told hubby our son is a farting king!!
Re : Vaccination/Immunisation at Polyclinic
Think I must hv seen the price wrongly last sat. I read in another forum that 5-in-1 jabs at polyclinic cost around $290 or so.
as long as ur ss matches baby's intake, its fine.
i was expressing to relieve engorgement only last wk and now my body gets the signal tt it doesnt need to produce so much milk so i'm only expressing twice a day - in the morning ard 6+am and ard 7+pm. 12 hr interval. might as well to keep up wif the ss since i need to build up soon.

no such luck 4 me hor. my son din sleep thru the night till he was 2.5 yrs old. by then i got pregnant and thus din get to zzz thru the nite as well. and now #2 is here, sigh... my sleepless nights nvr breaks their cycle at all.

#2 is v unpredictable still. i dread nights! she either has marathon latchings or she stays awake! i am v worried how i'll handle these when CL leaves! Will DIE!!!

i'm using the cream oso but no signs tt its healing... its been more than a wk and i really wished tt my nipples can heal so at least latchings r not nightmares to me!
By the way mummies, anyone ordered full mth cakes from Sweetest Moments? Feedback appreciated.

By the way, need to buy cake vouchers for muslim friends since Sweetest Moments is not halal. Anyone know which halal cake shop has vouchers?


i think my bb gt a fright last night by hubby place dog barking and till nw, have onli slept few hrs though he is yawning...

what i can do?
Hello people! Read some posts about stomach making gurgling noises after drinking milk. This is perfectly normal. My PD at the end of 1st week check up said so. It's a reflex after drinking milk. And immediately after that, poo poo.

I find that for my bb, the older she is, the longer she takes to poo poo after drinking. Also becos I've since introduced FM.

I'm very sad, despite taking high dosage of fenugreek (6 pills a day!), and doing what the lactation consultants tell me, my supply seems to be stuck at 1 oz per side every 3 hours. I'm in my 6th week already. Perhaps I shld just stop this bfg biz. End up she drinks more bottles, which are not fed by me. So much for bonding. Besides, I find that my energy level is so low I can't take care of her other needs like play time and cuddling.
jRRT, did you try using the BM to heal nipples? I find that it's much better than using creams. Also, I used breast shell to protect and it eased the pain. Also managed to collect some milk in the breast shell, ha ha!

Oh well, those were the days I had some supply. Sigh.
wanted to check if any mummies here considering circumcision for their baby boys? any surgeons to recommend? and any advice on whether to do it when so young? or wait later? i have called one specialist refered by my PD - and he quoted $1100?? and suggested doing it early before baby is 3 months old so that boy does not have to go thru GA. any advice??
I got a question to ask. My baby has slight colic. I have been giving her gripe water which seems to improve the situation. Someone told me before that gripe water is safe for everyday consumption. Is that true? Or should I stop giving her that after a while?

haha, so far the only diff in food that I intake everyday is tibits leh. Donno why, during preg, I have absolutely no craving for anything. but after birth, I seem to crave for tibits every day leh. Like that donno how to lose weight. Sigh... but back to the topic, some tibits like the fish cracker, take liao seems to increase my milk ss leh. Not sure how true. Have stopped taking it for 2 days and the milk ss like decrease abit.

Try to get a beansprout pillow and put it over his tummy. Should minimise the impact. My gal slept on like nothing happen when my dog barks.. can try that.

Re: fenugreek
Where can I buy it ah?

I ask Sweetest Moments liao. They can specially make it halal. Got a malay colleague so need it halal also. I chose sweetest moments over Le Precious coz of the issue of halal cakes.

Not enough lah. BB's intake of milk is average 9 times per day and my supply is only 3 bottles. Not even 50% leh... need to express more... >.<
wah, so quiet, all the mummies busy pumping and feeding? ;)

Is it after 28 days i can bathe freely in water? Today is the 28th day for me and i can't wait to jump into the shower. (so far the herbs bath don't leave me feeling very clean, and i always end up sweating even more after the hot bath)
Funzee: I got the dilemma as u. My ss hasn't been regular. Sometimes gd flow but sometimes so tough to get bm flowing... N my breasts r always leaking. I don't like the 3 hr pumping routine at all... can't keep up and can never wake up in middle of nite. Worst, nw getting so stressed up and not enough rest... Got panda eyes and no energy to play wif bb. When CL leaves I b all alone to take care of bb. MIL will only come to help for a few days in a week. I was asking myself... Wher got so much time to bath, pump, feed, play, coax bb to zz, and pump and pump again? Btw, latching is also another stress... Can't latch well, get so frustrated and becomes a struggle. Like u, i feel that my energy level is going down by the day n can't do much with bb..

I have been on a struggle... to continue expressing or go full formula.. Straighten my thots.. since 70% she's already on formula then might as well.. so I free up the time to do other things for her.. These 2 days, I have not been expressing regularly... only 3 times a day. N i was able to feed her, watch her, talk to her, sing to her, play with her and coax her to sleep. I was happier! So is baby! She smiles more even in her sleep. I seldom see that on those days when I was so obsessed with pumping and pumping!

I really don't want to miss a single thing in her growing years. I want to watch how she blooms!

Since physically and mentally I can't take the stress, I do what I can and be a happy mum. If mummy happy, baby will feel it and will be happy too. Anyway, nowadays formula also quite gd although can never beat bm.. But well, both mummy and daddy grew up on formula too!

So mommies, do what u can, don't be too hard on yourself. BF isn't everything but just a part of baby's development. There's no right or wrong. Just do your best! Be Happy and enjoy your baby!
annette: I took my post-natal massage sessions with Mdm sadiah. She is quite good . For c-sec, she starts massage only after 3 weeks.

Ddnikz: I too started giving gripe water to my girl since yesterday. PD said can give it once or twice everyday. He asked us to mix it with water and give though the instructions on gripe water don't say so...

My girl got slight fever after 2nd dose of hepatitis b vaccination...she's so cranky and uncomfortable since yesterday... Feel sad seeing her like this :-(
Gripe water is not suitable for infant less than one mth leh.. After one mth then can take.. Meanwhile can buy ridwind or others med for colic .. Can get frm pharmacy.
Tien, thanks. Will make the call tomorrow.

Funzee, are you drinking enough fluid? I'm drinking at least 2L of longan water every day. In the beginning almost 3L. Drink until so scared!
Hi everyone, i've survived yesterday.

Some problem here and there, like having to clear dog's poo poo while the baby is screaming. Lele not coorperating and don't want to sleep. But overall, quite good. Still manageable.

At least still managed to bathe and settle Glynnis and myself. Managed to pump as well.

Today i will be bringing both kids back to my mum's place alone. Haa... Hopefully the journey will be smooth and enjoyable for all the 3 of us.
Vin and PY,
I gave the grip water together with 10ml of water each time. Gave 2.5ml at first, then increase to 5ml when I realised she is still struggling with the colic. PY, you are right to say give only after 1 month. My bb is 3 weeks. Approx there. See her struggling in pain, cant just ignore and follow the instructions leh... However, I am not sure if it is safe to give everyday. Vin, your PD got mention can give everyday?
dreamygal :
that's great. er..how u managed? hahaha.. i can't imagine having to take care of baby, glynnis and doggie. baby oledi i pretty overwhelmed. somemore you can PUMP!
ddnikz>> Thanks for info! I will check with Sweetest Moments.

JRRT>> Each child is different, maybe your #2 will start to sleep through soon? I give my boy 3 mths, hope he can do it like his sisters.

PY>> I did it last night, woke up at 5am to express! Actually wanted to latch but bb didnt wake up, so I leave him be, just went on to express. Who knows, after expressing, he woke up liao. Haiz...

Dreamygal>> Great job, you did it!
Did abit of research on fenugreek, apologies... Made a mistake. Fenugreek will not cause diabetes, but is not suitable for people with diabetes cos it lowers blood sugar level.

Anyway, if have the time, do read the fenugreeks side effects that I have posted here.

<font color="blue">One of the most common side effects of fenugreek usage is a very benign side effect. People who use fenugreek produce sweat and urine that has a maple or curry smell. This is caused by a potent aroma compound called sotolone. While this is not a harmful side effect, it can be an embarrassing side effect. It is also possible that your urine may change color as a result of using elevated amounts of fenugreek. This is also not harmful.

In addition, some people are allergic to fenugreek. Symptoms of an allergic reaction can include difficulty in breathing, hives, closing of the throat, and swelling of the tongue, face, or lips. If you suspect that you are having an allergic reaction to fenugreek, call your doctor immediately. Depending on the severity of your reaction, your doctor may send you to the emergency room.

People who take certain medications should only take fenugreek under the direct care of their doctor. If you are taking medications for the treatment of diabetes, do not take fenugreek unless your doctor agrees to this treatment. When taken with these medications, blood sugar levels can drop too low, putting you in medical danger.

There are several other medications that can cause a negative reaction when taken in combination with fenugreek. For this reason, you should make an appointment to discuss taking this supplement with your doctor before you begin using this supplement. This will allow you to make an informed decision.</font>
hi jrrt

ya, my boi is being unswaddle when he makes those actions...my mom also says bb grows up fast when they stretch
ddnikz: yes, PD mentioned that can give gripe water everyday...so started her on gripe water since last 2 days.

reg fenugreek: In India, fenugreek seeds are used widely in cooking specially for new mums - to increase the milk supply. rather than taking fenugreek tablets, you can take fenugreek seeds directly. Quite cheap and need to take only 1 tsp. just gulp it down with water.
its true that it lowers blood sugar level and is used to bring down sugar level for diabetic patients.
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I am really getting very down.

Audrey was admitted to hospital two days ago. It started on Sun evening very suddenly when I found blood in her stools while changing her diaper. She was still funny and lively as usual so it was a real shock.

After a call to her birth PD, was told that Mt A had no beds at all..hospital's full so I was advised to bring her to KKH A&amp;E immediately.

No fever, no crying..nothing. Just her usual self and a bloody stool. Reached KKH and it was like the entire market was there. Anyway, KKH was such an utter waste of my time. From 10pm of her admission till 10am the next day - all they did was "monitor"; stool sample collected but not processed! Worst, I came back from the milk room after freezing my EBM since she didn't finish her feed, to find a nurse trying to give her medication...puzzled I asked what med is that..

Nurse: Fever medication
Me: But she has no fever
Nurse: This one (produces another syringe), for phlegm
Me: But she has no phlegm.

I glanced at the sheet of paper the nurse (who was not even wearing a name tag) had, and the prescription wasn't even for Audrey!

Very appalling - end up, I just couldn't rest easy with Audrey in such care so I had her discharged and finally got her back at Mt A.

Absolutely heartbreaking to have her on drip and all that now. Doc is still clueless how she got this infection esp since she was on direct latch all the way.
Bluesea: I also woke up at 5am to pump. My boobs were leaking!!! Like two rocks man. So painful lol end up I have 120ml for each side lol break record Liao hahaha ...
PY >> emailed KKH for feedback. they say take two weeks' to give me a proper explanation. it is really "efficient".

audrey's still in mt A. started on drip yesterday. oral antibiotics changed to iv one cos her vomitting is bad and poo still has blood.
sorry to hear tt abt audrey!
Mt A still cant conclude wat is wrong with her? Hope they find sthg conclusive soon. Meanwhile stay strong.
OMG! KKH made such a mistake?! Thankfully u found out! Its really appalling!

I am not in the best of moods either... still trying to figure out my girl's night schedule. driving me to madness soon.
Hi xoxolight,
sorry to intrude, well could it be your diet is sensitive or allegy for ur newborn?

Cos one of the mummy in March thread, she ate cheese n milkbase products, her baby is on TBM, found blood in stools as well. So went for sample and concluded that her baby is allegy to cow's milk, her baby was around 3 or 4 months old after confinement. U still doing confinement right? Perhaps reflect of what is ur recent diet that cause ur baby stools gt blood, hope my sharing helps
So do be careful that whatever u eating will affect ur BM
mangogal >> that's something the doc has ruled out. cos i have not taken any milk or dairy since delivery (i am myself lactose-intolerant). as for shellfish - nil, nuts - nil and preliminary cultures are showing it's a bacteria that's causing this. exactly what, how she got it etc..we are still clueless..thanks for yr tip though.
SOBBBBBBBBB im gog mad.yest upstair neighbour drilled n knocked n scared my bb till he cant zz n keep wanting me to carry even at nite n trembled even when i breastfeed him
HOW TO BE A SAHM!!!!i cnat even stand 1 day.
JAundice worsen at 288 din hit 300 just dun allow us go hospital for phototherapy yet suntan for a wk also nvr go down

Bluesea:Thx thx. brought bb to kidlink this morning, dr heng dun wan the cream coz he said though can see effect faster but might have side effect so he only gave me a better bb moisturer which he claimed n ask me to clean him more regularly.

Vin: thxthx so scare shes not experienced for cs case coz my frds who recommended her all natural, so much assured now
moreover her price consider low n she asked me the timing i wan,giving me 2nd thought if shes really gd hehe

PY/ddnikz/vin: how u confirm tt bb has colic?i read up on it, it mentioned abt the evening to nite cries which matches my bb,any other symptom? so clumsy of me, see pd n yet forget to ask abt it

xoxo: oh my god fortunately u r back w audrey in time. how is her now? still have bloody stool?
jRRt >> mt A's handling is heaven, kkh is hell. that's how i would put it. doc is taking a pretty good approach in my eyes in terms of managing her - better than the "monitoring" bit from KKH. regardless, the more i mull over how things went at KKH, couldn't take it..didn't want to kick up a fuss but suppose it's impt to make sure that the staff who committed such a lapse won't repeat her mistake. it's not good. so went to give them feedback. then they give me the "2 weeks to reply"..xoxo hits the ceiling. what's with yr gal's night schedule that's vexing you? i have gone w/o sleep for 2 days. now not sure whether night or not in my head and cfm this is another factor in making me feel low, to compound matters, my stress level and her not latching on now because of the drip is making my ss plummet.
kkh sucks leh... that's terrible. you should take down the name of the nurse. No badge, ask for her name. I remember that day I went to KKH emergency also, told them that my bb has rashes so bad that her eyes went puffy and all the nurse wrote down for the doc is that the bb has not enough oxygen.

Heard somewhere that bb's poop has blood is cos mum ate too much durians during preg time. Not sure how true is this. You got take durian???
xoxolight, I see...I hope the doc will find out the cause of infection of the stool soon. Meanwhile, u try to have a healthy and non heaty diet since u still doing total latch

Sorry to hear the bad experince at KKH, Mt A A &amp; E are more efficient.

PY, did u buy the teflon oil frm Mdm Rokiah?
Or did u apply ru yi oil on ur gal's tummy?
I read this article which provides the symptoms below then I think my bb has colic. Her behaviour matches a few of the below and her norm self is not like that. Anyway, the symptoms vanish slowly after I gave her the gripe water. that means I am quite right.

- cries vigorously for long periods, despite efforts to console

- symptoms occur around the same time each day or night, often after meal times, and usually ending as abruptly as they began

- shows signs of gas discomfort and abdominal bloating
has a hard, distended stomach, with knees pulled to the chest, clenched fists, flailing arms and legs, and an arched back

- experiences frequent sleeplessness, irritability and fussiness
Any mummies have an extra brand new bottle of Little Dreamers Warming Shampoo to let go?

Can only pick up @ Sembawang (preferably), Admiralty, Woodlands or Yishun mrt stn during the day as going to pop soon. Pls PM me if u have the above for sale

Xoxo: so sorry this has happened.. Is Audrey much better now?

KKH is quite kok up sometimes. When i checked in for delivery, the nurse barely glanced my file before ordering me to go to a room to insert a pill to soften my cervix. I thought it was strange cos the day before Dr already said my cervix has soften, and she would burst my waterbag upon check in. When i clarified my curiosity, then she read my case again and said "oops, oh ya, you can go in delivery suite now". Imagine, if i didn't ask, i'll be sitting in a room 2 hours waiting for nothing.

2nd kok up was after i delivered, and the nurses sent painkillers to my ward. The Cukoo Dr actually prescribed me a painkiller of the same class of a drug i'm allergic to! And i'm wearing this red wrist band that screams "DRUG ALLERGY". Same notice was placed above my bed.In-house doctor came in for the 1st time and did not admit mistake. Came and ask sheepishly what reaction i have if i take the medicine i'm allergic to. Then i think he boh bian, 2nd time, he came in, then sheepishly admit i was given wrong medicine and they will monitor me closely.. KAOZ. Luckily, nothing happened to me.. so hubby and i did not pursue further. But we did feedback to my gynae and the director of nursing who dropped by

so morale of the story is, we cannot completely trust these healthcare practitioners. Whatever they do, need to stay alert, more so for KKH
