(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

Blessedcyn, yup! All induced but natural delivery, 1st one with hapidural n without for e reminding 2 deliveries.


yeh yeh, i agree with you cos they should think of the poor mom doing confinement as well. I have a neighbour who came alone to visit me when at hospital and at home. Although alone, but she talk so loudly, that i feel that she is disturbing the whole world lo. Rather she no come, sound bad, rigt?

I am also very jealous when ppl request to carry bb, cos bb always dont sleep when i carry him, i so stress that i cry before too
end up now i bcome so selfish, telling my family n hubby that i dont like ppl to carry bb, unless i let them carry myself.

my mom is always sugguesting FM cos she say more full lo, they dun understand benefit of BF, old ppl....Also, why u not always carrying BB? Bb is urs ma, dont give them face la
your MIL is also funny to make that comment in front of your family, seem a bit rude, but tell ur mom dont take it to heart hor.

DONT feed ur bb with plain water lei, heard that its a NO NO, cos the water cant go down their throat or whatever. heard that its DANGEROUS.

btw, y your MIL and maid so KPO?
I hate ppl to c me doing BF although all gers, i feel its privacy, especially if they comment on this n that,seem like your maid has cross the line lei... Why not lock the door lei? should respect your privacy ma..

i have not come across ILs telling bb abt my bad things. but, u dont take it to heart la, ILs are like that de, even if no say to bb, will say between themseleves..
hihi annette

ya, the pump is a gift.. i oso dun wish to spend few hundreds on pump lei, so xxx...

btw, u say u ops at 7 am? guess im reali 1 of those waiting to go in when u r push out ..

u stay in how many bedded?
Hi Joyce & boi
thks 4 the reply... wah read newspaper? heee... tts new to me! Might try it!

i am v concerned abt the confusion of day & night coz she needs to knw eventually tt this is how the world goes, so I wan her to tune back fast. else i'll go crazy 1st when CL leaves!

hey u r not alone as in u dun like ppl to carry baby. i was like tt wif #1! When ppl carry him w/o me volunteering, i get upset and go back to my rm to cry. later i realised tt its all hormonal imbalance and i was ok a wk later. so wat u experienced now might b temporal. relax ok?

i dun empty aft each latch coz i got over supply (pls dun bash me!). right now i pump twice a day to relieve my engorgement. but for those whom r building ss, yes, emptyg boobs aft each feed is a gd way to build up. there is no easy way to build up a gd ss. either ur baby is a marathon latcher (like mine!) whom will easily increase ur ss within a few days till u reach the stage of engorgement or u gotta build up the slow, hard way.
carrying baby>>
hahhaa.. wah. i love to let people carry my baby leh.. then i can sit and relax.. i dun like them to pass baby around only. haha.. anyway, my friends dun dare to carry babies. only my family members dare to carry baby. so let them carry lor. my hb is the one who doesnt like people to carry his baby.. haha.. i try not to carry her too much lah. just leave her alone if she's not making noise.


heard tt its normal for 1st time moms to behave in the way, not allowing ppl to carrying theirs bb..

bt some dun mind as they feel its gd to let bb get xposed ard, so they can be stronger, something like that...

yaya, this few nites i went crazy too, cos bb slps in morng n noon, den night wake me up many time. my day start at ard 6am lo
ytd night also wake me up at least 4 or 5 times...

mb u can get ur hubby to play w him during morng n noon, so nite he ll be tired n everything ll be turn back ba. tt wat my hubby do, but i dont allow him cause feel bad for waking bb up when hes tired
ewe : ask ur hb to go buy e milk tea :p

ting : ya.. i oso encounter e list u gave abv. take it easy.

sunnyling: could be due to 3 - 3.5 wk growth spurt?
today i felt my milk really dwindled down a lot, that even the normal lunch time feed i cannot satisfy my baby's hunger (which was nvr a problem). When he latch i don't feel the let-down and boob feel empty. but like what joyce said. positive thinking is v important, sleep/rest and liquid. LC suggested for the growth spurt to feed, pump out and later feed and supplement w the ebm if bb still hungry. the supply will increase as times go by.

sunnyling: u mention super soft hankie to clean bb tongue. r u referring to gerber wash cloth?

haii..just pumped. sad amt. 20ml for both. *take deep breath* gambate myself!

though confinement mth got conflict with my mom. 2nd mth..scary. i wonder if i can cope with addtl : boiling soup/drink, washing, bathing, feeding, etc. i initially tot of catering food but I still need to boil soup/drink for myself. so hmm..worth to cater food? any tots? suggestions?
Usually I only talk or play with him a while and let him alone at his bed play himself until he make noise and cry out real loud then will carry him
gal: Lunch sometimes I'll try to cook if I can. I'm ordering tingkat catering for our dinners now. Really more convenient this way.
Find that my supply drop since I moved back to our own home. Maybe its due to the less time to rest bah. :S
hi mummies,
Had a major headache the whole day cos took care of bb during the nite for the first time. she only woke up 2 times and I tired like nobody's business.. So cannot imagine mummies who are taking care of bb or the time when my CL goes bk... Fortunately bb did not kick a fuss during the pd visit as well as my gynae visit..completely knocked put Haha.. Was so scared that I had to nurse in public... She only got cranky when we reached home Phew... My cL is really my hero today.. Carried her for 3 hrs... but at hm she was so hungry n I was so sick that I had to spoonfeed her ebm.

Anyway just to share what my pd advise abt bf (she is darn pro bf)
1. Best time to express is morning Becos after a gd nite's rest your breasts will be full (but then again that is if you help looking after the bb at nite). if you are worried abt ss, pump one side and leave the other side for bb to suckle.

2. ideally, according to the pd, bottles shld be intro at wk 4. But in my case, since I hv intro bottles cos I want CL to take care of bb at nite, Shld try not to give more than 1-2 bottles a day...

3. For supply to come in, rest and hydration are very important! When bb sleeps mummy also sleeps!

4. No one knows best but bb abt milk supply. So, dun panic if you feel that your breasts are soft during a suckle and quickly change breast my pd says bb has a way to draw out the supply... So, mummies nv doubt u hv no supply

5. Abt ebm, my pd simply suggested - always be 1 cup ahead... No need to pump so much... Hmmm in my head I was thinking 1 cup a lot lor..Haha

re: play with bb
Think many mummies hv no idea how to play with babies..i tried something new with bb just now... I put bb on my bed and got my hubby to read story to her after her feed.. She was sooooooo entertained. Then, she got hungry and went on to feed her for half an hour and now she is sleeping on my bed soundly with my tv playing loudly Haha... So, if u run out of things to say, get a story book and just put her on rocker or bed to read to her. According to my CL, babies love lying on mummy's bed and I must say its quite true so far...

Also try not to carry babies if their cries are still Ok.. What my CL teaches me is, let her cry a while first... Sometimes those softer cries are to try to get attention.. Once you fall into it, it will be a habit...

As for visitors, not sure if its going to work.. I'm going to put the bb travel cot in the living room.. So,ing once I put bb there, it could reduce possibility of bb wanting to carry esp if the bb is sleeping Haha... My hubby like not happy cos he thought it was to prevent my mil to carry but real intention is I know many people will come this weekend and I do not want them to reinforce the habit of carrying. Whether it works or not, I let you all know Haha..
oh I forgot to add... we must try to drink at least 3 litres if fluids. May not be red date drink.. cos if u add longans it can be too heaty.. So, my cl cooks soups and store in thermo flask and I drink those as drinks.. Another alternative is black bean with red dates... If u r sick of red dates drink...

For my lunch, although I'm super sick of it already, its always bee hoon soup or vermicelli soup cook in rice wine and ginger.. After taking that, its like finishing sauna...
re: mums and MIL
Sigh just now called my mil to help me sew some cloth bag. She knew we brought bb out to see pd, first thing ask is how's bb? So different from pregnancy time...always asked 'how r U?' now it's ' how's bb?' then again, asked 'bb got drink milk or not' and ' got milk supply or not' (think she realised wrong question to ask) but I just proudly declare, 'HAVE' and bb has gained back her birth weight plus another 200 grams then she kept quiet... Muahahahah
Shugar : cool. thanks for info on tingkat. i'll go c.

Tien : wah..v good info.

omg..just found out my bb drink > 100 ml per feed. he 3 weeks old. think around 110-120ml. <<stress>>
Tien, if i latch i will take your PD word for it.
But does that mean i can't pump &amp; feed then :S
Gal: of course can pump n feed. But try the method of pumping one side n latch the other in the morning. As for rest of the day, I try to pump only after bb latches. Read somewhere that usually bb will empty 2/3 of breasts. Also if u latch both sides, they won't be able to empty both.
Hi blessedcyn,
For my tummy binder I m still using it as was advise by my therapist during my postnatal sessions to continue tying atleast 2-3mth. I find that the binder is very comfortable and you could purchase frm them. Visit their website jamumassage.com
Annette>> Hey, I'm also like you. My right breast gives double the milk of what my left breast produces. Usually, right breast can pump out 80-100ml, then left breast only 40-50ml. Wonder why??
Just sneaked in to say Hello and good morning...
Just finished a feed. Hubby went airport to pick PIL. They are from China and will be here tostay a month. I never really lived with them before but now i need to face them 24 hours a day. Wish me well!

Anenette: My breasts also have imbalance supply. Right B gives much more than left B.

Entertainment: Hehe, sometimes i also dunno how to entertain my boy. And BF can be such a long and boring process (not complaining though cos i enjoy looking at him when he suckle). There's just so much nursery rhymes that i can sing and recite. Nowadays i just watch TV.
Tien, thanks for sharing what your PD taught u!
For me, my girl will not drink from both breasts. cos she's sound asleep by the time she even empties 1! haha..

i have imbalanced supply as well. but for me, its left more than the right!

i'm thinking its time to re-learn all the nursery rhymes again. so that can sing to them to entertain them. maybe get CD or books on it...
blessedcyn : I have the tummy binder to let go cheaply. used only 2 times (coz din complete my post natal massage due to some reason.

Let me know if u r interested. :)

imbalanced supply: Wah.. me too. haha..
Thanks Ong and JRRT

I do believe that I have more than enough supply to meet my baby's demand right now. However am worried that down the road the supply will be "stagnant" if we do not stimulate and pass signal that we want more.

Somemore baby only suckle from one breast during each feed. So right now whenever baby needs feeding, I will offer her the "harder breast" to prevent engorgement

Reason for not expressing is bcos, I tried expressing after each feed and end up having to throw away those EBM, bcos baby refuse bottle feeding from me. Meaning she will only accept a 3rd party to offer her bottle, when she is near me, she started licking on my clothes
ting> dun be upset. i havin same problems with my mum and MIL too. difference is that Mum is still stayin with me. MIL says the same things whenever she visits.

tien>> thks for sharing with us what your PD said. and i tend to agree that morning milk supply is the highest (even tho' may not have rested much in the night) so i will try to pump one side of the breast in the morning and leave the other side for baby to suckle when he wakes up.
Tien/Vodkarib : hmm.. any idea what is the range in time in the morning when its the highest?

Ewe : hmm.against fenugreek? but even hospitals LC recommend it to increase supply.
was trying to feed bb EBM during the 8/9pm feed. EBM dated 17oct 2:30pm. he drank a bit and then later start kicking then use hand to push away then started crying. Initially we tot the milk too cold/too hot. But seems like this is what happened : taste taste..euww..taste fishy...euww..stop feeding me...eww...*cry*.

i duno to laugh coz' v funny to c him taste and show a 'yucks' face.
i duno to b happy i got a kid with tastebuds and v smart.
or be sad that 60ml worth of EBM gotta say bye bye.
:p haiiii....
gal^ i think it depends on individual? cos i will wake up to feed baby in the night around 3am then 7plus am once..then i will go back to bed and rest a while and wake up at around 9am to pump.. that is usually the highest when i pump. then when baby wakes around 10plus, my breast will have re-supply? (or at least thats what i like to think)..timing differs slightly everyday..but as long as you wake up and feel refreshed to start the day - then breastmilk supply will prob be highest?

i am afraid that supply will drop without pumping also. but am simply too tired in the day to do any pumping (not to mention the sterilisation), so i only do this in the morning once. keeping my fingers crossed that supply doesn't drop.
Just to share about imbalance supply. I just continued to pump diligently on the less productive breast and let bb latch on it at times. It seems to work... today my left breast suddenly very 争气, matched my right breast supply. Hope this continues...

blessedcyn>> For fruits, I also took papaya.
Tien &amp; shugar: my gal belong to bigger size when she wash born, 3.4kg at 38 weeks, nw even more chubby, already 5kg liao....she drink 150ml of FM every 3 hrs....so very siong on FM...
Hubby doesn't want me to be stressed about bfg. At the same time he is quite kiasu... afraid that supplements (e.g. fenugreek, milk tea, etc) will have side effects on baby which no one has discovered... LOLL... just like BPA issue.

hi mummies,
I have question:
a) I fed my baby EBM at 7plus last night. As he drank, I heard his stomache growled a couple of times.
b) after I burped him and put him in cot, his stomache growled again a few times.
c) then shortly, he pooed. It was as if he was passing motion and farting at the same time.

Is this normal? or my EBM really got problem and not suited for my boy?
I felt so confused, I didn't express deligently last night. expressed at 2am (since 8pm), and I slept and slept until this morning.

If I can't answer myself on this symptom (i.e. whether it is normal or not), then I dont' know what to do or say when MIL and FIL (after CL goes home) says baby not reacting well to my EBM....
Tien:my cl n hubby keep givinf me red date drink n milk n soup every meal.always get so bloated
but milk still soso quantity.

Bluesea: haha my L breast still not as zheng qi haha, lose to R breast.

Joanne: ur bb how big liao?5kg?!!!!! mine wt 3.3kg when bored,discharge 3kg now only3.5kg

Ewe: think ur bb like mine drink fast,does he? mine coz he aldy drink very fast,afterwhich stomack growls or even get choke.so now after abt 15min on breast,i will sit him up n burp him once then drink again,when on EBM, after abt every 30-40ml eat him up burp n feed again,tts wat my cl taught me.my bb now drink abt 110-120ml jialat im not generating enough, now trying to pump hrly to stimulate n see if breast can generate more milk.my cl said with EBM,bb best poo twice minimal a day,n now bb poopoo shd be yellow in colour liao by late 1st wk.n usually once poo he tends to get hungry again
ewe>> my boy farts and growl even when i breastfeed him (not to mention EBM). he shits like within half an hour after feed. so i suppose it's normal? to me.. i always think it's good to poo.
that's my opinion. but experienced mummies may be better to advise.

hm.. if my mum or MIL hears all the growling, they will attribute it to "wind" and will say my EBM is windy cos am windy myself. they have said that before
eh for those didnt express 3-4 hours interval.. you all wont feel that the boobs are so painful and heavy ah?? i think the most i can tahan is not expressing for 5 hours.. if not i think will end up engorge =.=
yeah, my boy drinks quite fast. after 60ml have to burp him. yeah.. he sometimes drinks so fast he chokes - (bottle feed)

thanks, I guess growling is normal. :-|

can i ask y do bb make some sounds like snoring and etc when sleeping? is it fine?

any1 bb gt abit of breathing problem? as in the way that grasping for air etc?
py: i got no milk at all manz. i dun express one whole day also no problem. now i wish i got engorged boobs. hahha.. give me some of ur milk ducts. they seem to be highly productive. hahha....
Hi mummies!!
Super happy! Despite giving my girl two bottle feeds last nite the time she took to rem to suckle is shorter today! She must be super hungry.

Also learn something new. It's really better to wait for my bb to get really hungry before latching her on. She only suckle 15 mins per side and fell asleep soundly. Think I got so panicked hearing her cry a little that I always overfeed her. She has been puking milk out. Think it's better to let her suckle to stimulate milk supply. Yesterday I kept letting her suckle n managed a 110 ml ebm from a 15 min pump at 3am.

Re: best time to pump
personally I hv learnt my lesson. If I pumped before my girl suckle, she's going to hv tough time sucking. So, now I only pump in the middle of nite and one side in the morning. So far haven't feel engorgement so I better dun pump in the day.

Re: soup
I really think fish bone soup is good despite its horrible taste. My CL uses this fish with red skin. Think it's red snapper. In hokkien they call it 'ngor her'

u cant b the one 2 intro bottle feedg coz bb will def reject. get ur CL or hb to intro to baby 1st. 4 me, i intro btl feeding coz i wan hb to bond wif bb. u can only btl feed ur baby AFTER he has gotten used to it, else it will nvr work. if got fresh milk available, bb sure prefer fr the source rather than fr btl. they r clever!

i rem 5am shld b peak of ss.
