(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

EmQ : Thanks for sharing your tips! My gal has been doing very well for her spelling during her pre-school days... but she seems to get worse recently... & i m not sure if this has got anything to do with her phonics training... she can spell "hospital" as "hospitle", "nutritious" as "nutricious"... & i rem she told me your gal's name is "Vanisher"... i m always wondering what's the problem?

Does Ben has problems with her Maths? I see that my gal is always making careless mistakes... but i m oso wondering is there a problem besides carelessness? She can even tell me the teacher say "copy oso cannot copy properly"... that serious lor... do u hv any tactics ot solutions to these 'problems'? =P

junemum, if u gg for a trim, not a problem at snip ave. But if u wan to change ur hairstyle I think its better to go to the better hair saloon.
morning mums,
looks like we are on the topic on older children. make me so stress now. really pity our kids' generation.

btw I want to complain. my fren just given birth and she so smugly announced that she can fit into her old jeans! damn!! =( I still have a big slob of fat around my waist area lor. everytime I go and try clothes, it looks like a tub there. the thing is, I used to be quite slim, maybe even slimmer than my fren.. sian lor!
hi everyone...

anyone's baby has gone off cereals? we've been cooking porridge for so long, that yesterday JH refused to take cereal... puked out a bit of milk from previous feed too!
kamy : no need to stress, juz enjoy their babyhood & toddlerhood 1st. =)

dazed : Caden is still on cereal, whenever we dun hv time to cook porridge... is he tired of the same cereal? i try to give variety for both porridge & cereals nowadays... for porridge, i interchange btw brown rice, millet & quinoa... for cereals, i add some purees for flavours... so far caden likes them all... hehe..
kamy: dont worry...u are not alone..i have spare tyre too...
wanna wear loose clothes also cannot...ppl tot i am pregnant, wear more fitting clothes also cannot, sit down got layers...

dazed: no leh..kyler still take his cereals, but i try to alternate la, sometimes i prepare pasta, semolina, conscous, oats etc.
gelato, i gave him those bottled pasta from heinz, he also spit out.. then plain cereal also spit out... then puked... in the end, i gave up and substitute with milk only, cos we going out mah... then later gave hime bread lor...

i think he pretty cheena... dunno how to eat pasta...
Hi mummies, I was also looking for baby haircut place. I called Vivo Junior League, they are so rude to me ! I ask them what's their opening hours cos can't find the info on internet, then guess what she say and I quote 'we everyday open one, no need to call, thank you' and then she put down the phone... Wah Piangz, I dunno want to laugh or get angry..
dazed, leon is still reluctantly taking his cereals, i think the Oats and Prunes from Nestle Gold is very nice - maybe you can try...
Ann, not only vivo jl has bad customer service... the one at united square as well... last week we were there and it was very crowded becos of the cny coming... then when it was our turn for the haircut... i actually requested the guy to play a vcd for my son to watch so that it will be easier for the hairstylist to cut but then he has his own customer whose kids (about 9yrs old) love barney and he told me... No, we play only for majority... ^*&)%&%

My husband was not happy with them also becos the one who cut for my son.... despite that he kept struggling... she still pushed and 'forced' to cut his hair...

Then next to us... there was another couple arguing with the other hairstylist... saying that how can she anyhow cut and not professional at all... instead of telling the couple nicely and explain to them... the hairstylist told them that you asked me to cut like this... i cut... you asked me to cut like that... i cut... what else you want?

Haiz.... That will be the once and last time i will visit them... i rather spend more at hair salon...
mercs: yah, same here. I ever wore a loose dress and pple give up the seat to me. so I don want to wear that again. wear tight fitting one I become very conscious of the bulge. sigh. 1 year already still so fat...

dazed: my boy also doesn't like cereals now that he's on porridge. I will usually cook porridge once I woke up bcos that one need to stew and for lunch and dinner. so even going out I will bring along. if you really no time to cook, u can try cooking mee sua. very fast only 5 mins. my boy loves it.
talking about haircut... I bought a mini-shaver and my dad has been using that to trim for my boy. so far so good. I think it's cheaper than going to salon for long term. can try if any mummies only want to do trimming...
gelato: really la..then got ppl want to give up seat to me too..twice somemore..
aiya..should pretend and sit ma...then i can zzz in the train hor...

kamy: same same lor..the tummy quite hard to get rid of leh..
tough rite, wear tight cannot, wear loose also cannot..

miyuki: next time u can try those neighbourhood shops, some quite patient and also cheap. they also know how to control the kid.
miyuki: wah this kind of service, think they will go bust very soon...

I saw supercuts have a kids corner too... wonder if they are good...
Mercsboy, i tried some of the barber shop and they keep telling me to shave his head...which i dun wan...

ann, there is a shop at SK Compasspoint but i dunno is it supercut... they have a car seat for bb to sit there for a haircut. I went there once to try and my son quite like it and this lady is trained to cut bb hair...
I dunno the one at Tiong Bahru but the one in SK Compasspoint is good and i quite like her service... mainly because she is patience and professsional to handle kids (or maybe he was the only cutting hair, no Q)...

As compared to JL in terms of service and the style of hair cutting... Supercut is alot more better and worth spending on it... The haircut or rather their style in JL is square top for all boys... and the haircut/hairstyle for my son got a loophole... my mum spotted it and told me... so sad...
miyuki: no no...not barber...barber sure ask u to shave...its those salon. most salon stylist know how to cut bb's hair.
mercsboy : ya lor, pretend pretend, take the seat.. if u tell the other party u r not pregnant then i think both of u will be paisay... come to think of it, when we were preggie, we always hope pple will give up seats to us, but many a times pple just ignore us... how ironical.. =P

ladies : i only send caden to downstairs neigbourhood salon to let the uncle cut... hehe... i think the uncle is very experienced one.. i think if the kid doesn't resist cutting hair, go anywhere oso ok... if the kid resist, go anywhere oso problem... haha... last time, my older boy really cry & cry like pple torture him... we tried bringing him to expensive place oso no use... now that he's okie liao, everywhere oso can, as long as we reward him with a lollipop after the cut. =D

BTW, nowadays i go harbourfront very often, saw hwa xia got haircutting service... in case you all are interested... =)
gelato: ya lor..when we are really pregnant nobody give up seat..when not pregnant then ppl give up seat..haiz..
she never paisay la..cos after i reject her seat, she went back to sleep..LOL
mercs: aiyo I also encounter a few times lor...wa piang...so sad leh...that's why I never wear those baby doll dresses also.
mercs: now i still look preg loh.
dunno why getting even fatter. breastfeeding times, still much thinner den now.. :<
mgteo: ironical hor..when pregnant nobody give up seat..now got ppl give up seat..haiz...
but u dont look fat la..u one pretty mummy..

ni: u where got look fat? i find u still very stylish leh..ppl wont think u are a mother of one. maybe u go clubbing still got ppl want to get to know u ah...
seriously after breastfeeding, i eat lesser..and boobs shrink also...but i cant tahan wired bras leh...like become so uncomfortable..
mummies, if you interested in watching the disney on ice, we got corporate discount of 15%.

Singapore Indoor Stadium,
18-21 March 2010
Tickets are priced at
$15.50 / $30.50 / $40.50 / $55.50
(excluding SISTIC booking fee)(before discount)

PM me if you interested ya.
mercs: haiz...my mum and Claira always say I look like I have another baby inside....so depressing right...I might go for the Vaser Lipo. :p

Ya now that I only pump once a day with only like 180ml, I eat lesser too. Hope eating less can help to reduce the tummy size.
mgteo: tummy very hard to reduce leh..sianz..
i already stop pumping le...finally i can sleep till 9am on weekends..lolz.
mgteo: you still can manage 180ml a day with 1 pump? mine reduced to 100ml with 1 pump. the drop is very drastic everytime I reduced a pump.

mercs: yup now I can leisurely eat breakfast at home and don have to rush like crazy. tummy very hard to reduce cos we sit for long hours. do you think those beauty salons work?
kamy: last time i went for meso-therapy (is it called that) before, really tones up my tummy.
but think tis one now banned in sg..lolz
mercs: aiyo, i think i cant even go into the clubs now. tio banned! hahaha. the bouncers will say, no entry for aunties, ask me to go community clubs instead.. LOL
aiyo.. u all got chance to bring kiddo go haircut. me no chance yet. shyan has so little hair...! any tips to help her plant more hair?
Janjan I brought my son for a haircut today and the hairstylist who shaved meimei 6 mths ago said her hair growth was v slow. She recommends that I shaved her one more time. Prob do that aft cny
cherryale: i heart pain to shave shyan now leh.. she's coming to 13 months old, then make her botak... er... i can't bring myself to do it :D so i'm gonna let it be.

i think my house genes is like that. both my nieces also botak like shyan. now u look at them both.. hair so thick and black.
gelato...how do u handle quinoa, mix wif white rice for porridge? been wanting to try Z on it for quite a while. is it easily digested and how is C taking it?
jan: don't worry, J also same, not much hair, and very fine. I just bring to trim and look neater thats all. otherwise loOked very messy.
as said, everything slow. haha.. no teeth, no hair, no walk yet.. no call mama/papa, everything no.. AHH YESsss he only know how to shake his head "NONONONO..."
piyobaby : I juz started quinoa recently, according to my MIL, C poos the whole thing out... as in, can see whole-red-tiny seeds in his poo... =P

The shop assistant told me i can (1) grind the quinoa &amp; use it as a cereal. or (2) cook it with rice (for porridge). He told me i can cook juz quinoa by itself, no need to add rice, but usually asians dun do that, only ang mor does..

I use mthd 2, but i mix with brown rice. I find mthd (1) too troublesome, so i bought the ready made quinoa cereal for caden too. =D
junemom : Caden is not much faster... he has very lil hair &amp; 2 teeth only... haha... but the 2nd pair is sprouting liao... &amp; his 1st wrds are "打打”, not baba or mama... =P
jan: I've finally decided that I'm going to shave LeAnn's head after cny. Her hair is growing but still very slowly. But i find it a bit thin. So i'm going to shave it. It will be coarser i hope.

LeAnn doesn't even call us. She's very slow in speech. She will just "eh" us. terrible! Ah Lian. No manners. So nowadays, i will ask her to hughug. So if a person just came to our house, I will ask her to hughug.. or th person is leaving.
ni: Me too! My relatives have been asking if the second one is on my way when i'm having menses or it's just over. I am dreading cny vistations. Die! More will ask.

Miyuki: That's compasspoint super cuts. What's that lady's name? Is it expensive? Thinking of bringing LeAnn there.
june/kelly / sperzz: give and take i suppose. shyan until now still dowan to walk, but she will call,
papapapapa, mamamamama, nai-nai, help, and DUCK-duck, mum-mum-mum and jie-jie.. must be influenced by my nieces. they called my mum nai-nai, so she also folllow and call nai-nai, and refuse to say po-po

i say she will be very talkative in future. if i send her to kelly school, i dowan kelly to call me and tell my my dotty very talkative ah... haha

leann not ah lian lah.. she is fast in walking, so maybe take some time to talk ba.
Kelly, sperzz, Ashley also doesn't call mummy or mama. She has been calling papa and yeye for quite some time already. Other words that she consistently used are ball, star, bye. Maybe she will be like her bro who only started talking fairly late. But I dun mind cos it's pretty noisy now when the two are together I can't imagine how it will be when she starts to talk, maybe I will have to wear ear plugs at home

Zonghan been calling mummy and papa and his most popular phase is mum-mum - whenever he see food.i started teaching him oh-oh weeks back..and now whenever he drops things on the floor or he see something not right.. he will go OH-OH..so funny.

mummies, can i check how many times u feed baby milk now? i am using enfa 3 and the suggested servings is only 2 times a day.. a bit little right?
